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what a long and tiring day! too tired to update on my reno process now. nonetheless, let the picture express my excitement, happiness and shiokness for all to see! definitely one of the major milestones in my life. :jammin: :jammin:


Edited by snaem85

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hi all. need some help. any checklist or links to share with regards to things to do after getting keys? for example.. changing of address on nric, banks and etc. also, is there any things i need to sign up for? so far only settled the sp services. another headache. :bangwall: :bangwall:

Edited by snaem85

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we went to the house earlier to check the it out and also to took photos of it while still in 'stock' condition. hoping my ID can do some magic to the house. let's wait, let's wait & we shall see. :paint: :paint:

photos of the house in 'stock' condition


welcome to our house!


the foyer

LIVINGROOM1.jpgoverall view of living room

LIVINGROOM2.jpgpart of original living room, soon to be part of the 'expanded' mbr


common room 1, to be demolished and transform into living room

Edited by snaem85

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the common toilet looks so spacious!

and the new MBR gg be shiok coz so big and spacious!

perhaps u can plan to have a partition wall (by doors or something) to hide in between your wardrobe?

so that in the future, u can can partition a room out in case you need it?

coz with jus one room other than MBR, seems too little. haa.. :P


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Your home looks very spacious. Eh... you show the whole world your unit number ah? Don't want to pixelise or blanko it out?

not so spacious compared to those 'lao jiao' place like chai chee. mine is only 112sqm. i ever viewed chai chee 5rms, it was 130++ plus valuation lesser than this house. nonetheless, buy liao so cannot complain! :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004:

anyway, i'm okay about the unit number. i just need to make sure i don't offend any sis/bros here. heheh.


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the common toilet looks so spacious!

and the new MBR gg be shiok coz so big and spacious!

perhaps u can plan to have a partition wall (by doors or something) to hide in between your wardrobe?

so that in the future, u can can partition a room out in case you need it?

coz with jus one room other than MBR, seems too little. haa.. :P

thanks for the tips!

at the initial progress of the planning, we were actually pondering about that too. what if we have 1 girl, 1 boy? confirm need 2 separate rooms. hack or no hack one room? bigger mbr or small mbr?

after much consideration, we are okay with the bigger mbr cos if we god decides to give us a baby.. we can put him/her at the expanded mbr (within watching distance). however if got 1 boy, 1 girl.. and after they grown big enuff, we will split back the expanded mbr into 2 to. with that said, we intend to upgrade in the future if have the money. :good: :good:

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that is the word to describe this post. spent around 7+K on toilet accessories, lightings and wallpaper. truth be told.. tho i actually spend quite sometime researching @ RT for shops that sell items on the lower side, we were rather lazy/unwilling to go recce those shops and compare prices as we weren't incline for the hassle that awaits shall there are defects on the items. also, knowing that our ID will earn some commission from the shops he brought us to, we don't mind spending abit more knowing that if anything goes wrong we can always our ID to settle them for us. :bow: :bow:

toilet accessories

ID brought us to t.a.p.z gallery which was located along balestier road. basically, we got everything that can be replaced in the house from there. stuffs like the sink, wc, tap and etc. we even bought the hood + hod and oven from there. as our mbr toilet will be on the 'dark side', we purchased a black wc and basin.

COMMONTOILETTAP.jpg tap for common toilet

MBRTOILETTAP.jpg tap for mbr

MBRTOILETBASIN.jpg basin for mbr

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choosing the lights was such a headache. guess having too much choices ain't that good. ID brought us to designer lighting which was just beside *** boutique. we only bought 2 hanging lights; 1 for foyer & 1 for living room. decided not to buy too many hanging lights due to 2 reasons; maintenance & $$$. haha. :dancingqueen: :dancingqueen:

LIVINGROOMHANGINGLIGHT.jpg hanging light for living room


two parts of the house will be wallpaper-ed. the foyer which is the entrance to the house and the tv console in the mbr. two different designs for each. the shop ID brought us was beside the 2 shops we went earlier. guess they are under the same boss?


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received the 3D pictures from ID. we were rather happy with it tho some stuffs which was discussed with ID were left out. 1) WIW was not supposed to be 'open concept' as it will be very dusty 2) the kitchen cabinet didn't include the portion for oven 3) few other minor stuffs not worth to be mentioned. we also didn't like the color combination for the kitchen as house concept was supposed to be grey/black/white but kitchen = brown. :dribble: :dribble: also, the 3D didn't include the toilet. i wonder why.

3D pictures


LIVINGROOM-1.jpgliving room

MBR1.jpgoverall view of 'expanded' mbr + study area

MBR2.jpg mbr

WIW.jpg wiw


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Usually drawings are provided for places where there are a lot of carpentry or customized furniture as there is a lot of difference with/without the carpentry. Toilets don't change that much that's what my ID told me. But we bugged him into giving us one as there is a vanity counter....


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