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Our Humble Loft To Sleep, Eat & Play

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It is time to enjoying the fruits of labour... :sport-smiley-018: :sport-smiley-018: :sport-smiley-018:



Cool...!! don't you wana consider installing curtain on the screen..? then it will slowly roll out when movie started.. haha.. by the way don't see your surrounds.. care to show them?

Edited by jackwolf

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Nice media room! So envious!

Judging from the pics you have posted, your house is at Jurong West right?

I am living quite near to you... maybe next time I'll drop by your house for some free movies! Haha.... *thick skin*


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Sounds like our local cinema :D and then i will build a mini ticket counter with home-made popcorn (LOL).

They are hidden at the 2 side wall. Will post up pics for that later.

wow.....my dream room....pls post more pics. Ur house really nice...


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Thanks :D Have not sit in to enjoy an entire film yet.

Look forward to the real pics of your home (with the nice 3D photos)

It should be super shiok ba! haha

ahhh yeah, we are also looking forward to it. The reno is in progress and so far everything is fine.


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Hi,nice reno u've there! I like ur Media centre, looks great! My friend was just sharing abt his Audioengine2 speakers w me, & your white ones look really neat!!

What grass is that? :) I also have some grass-alike on my kitchen ledge,haha!

Ur dressing room looks nice, am trying to come up with a nice practical layout/design for a dressing room in the middle of my long bedroom, & still undecided on design for my bed..*Headache* will be looking out for ur updates :)


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These are the speakers for our living hall. We requested our contractor to do a facelift to it, it's perfect cause now it matches my dining table & bench which will arrive this weekend.


The royal grass were laid onto the balcony as well..


Nice grass. :thumbs up:

Where did you get it from? How much it cost?


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98% completion of media room (we can start enjoying movies at home). The 1% is pending for curtain, another 1% is the door (talking about that made us boiled). The joker painted the laminated door!!! We requested a change as it is not thoroughly wiped off.


Awesome!! Media Room!

I am a couch potato.

I can really just lay on the comfy couch and snuggle in this aircon room to watch all my fav movies.

This one excellent choice.

Me Likey~~ :dribble:


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