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Recommendation Of Fsm

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hihi can pm me the contact pls. Many thanks.

hi everyone,

I would like to share my experience in looking for the "best" fsm.

I am also like you guys started reading, asking around for recommendation from friends, internet etc.

there are so many so called good one being recommended. and I call them, visited them asked them how can they help me in my house.

previously I was staying in a 4 room hdb, I then seek help from a highly recommended fsm from this forum. he came over, asked me to shift this shift that, then place a water feature at a cai wei. and as the area could not be able to put water feature, I asked him if it can be placed slightly on the left instead of the exact place as I have a bulky massage chair at the same place. he replied me that it cannot be help as it have to be there. ok so I shifted my massage chair to my room and place the water feature at the exact location. as everyone know, whoever ask fsm for advice, majority of the concern is for health and wealth. I followed most of his instruction and hope for the best. during the period, before I asked for his advice, I did not have much issue and I have already brought a private and intending to shift over once the tenancy ended. just wish to have improving luck for my work. after sometime, things do not seem to improve. I mean nothing good and nothing bad happen. I guess it should be good news right? haha so I just remain status quo. then one day, I met up with a business associate who told me his friend is studying fm since we are on the topic of home renovation as I am just asking around for idea for my penthouse renovation and may seek another fsm for help. I told him about my experience and he mention that he know of a newbie fsm whom have just started learning fm base on interest. then he mention that this fsm did give him some advice on his dong gong date and since I may need some help on this, I asked more about this fsm. fyi, I am one who is open to the idea of giving newbie a chance as I think every grand master started out from new. and my friend say I no need to give any money la just a ang pao will do as the fsm have not turn pro yet, so I guess why not? haha. then I made an appointment with the fsm on the week after my overseas trip.

anyway, my overseas trip was cancelled as the supposingly contract signing trip did not go thru as there are some hipcup as other party changed management and need to re negotiate the terms again. then my tenant for my unit suddenly wanna cancel the lease as he was being retrenched. one of my employee got pregnant and I was like suddenly having so much things to follow up.

the above happen like so fast and within 3 days I am fed with so much to settle.

anyway, I met up with the newbie fsm for kopi under my block and told her my initial experience with the initial fsm and the current predicament. one thing I like about this fsm is that she does not say anything bad about other fsm. the first one, he keep telling me other fsm advices not good la. not professional la. etc etc. this fsm just nod her head when I told her the last fsm tell me to do this to do that. maybe she is new la. but I like her attitude. her attitude win me over. cos she's humble and do not show air unlike the intial fsm whom whenever I ask any questions, be it stupid question or what cos I am genuinely keen to know, would just roll his eyes or give me the look. not that I am saying he is not good la cos he find my questions stupid or what haha. just that I would prefer someone more humble. more willing to listen instead of giving me the just follow la look. anyway, after finishing our kopi, she went up to my unit and advice some changes to be made. she does not give me a must follow kind of instruction and I feel good talking to her after the session.

I did some of the changes she advice and again, hope for the best.

dunno is her advice brought me changes or the timing la, I receive a phone call from my overseas business deal that their management have agreed to follow the initial agreement and proceed with the contract signing the next week.

wah got so fast or not the result? haha I just keep my fingers crossed.

next, the tenant whom suppose to break the lease one, email me saying that their company manage to find someone to take over the contract till the lease expires.

really dunno is my luck or the fsm advice? I chose to believe it is my luck as I am usually quite lucky. haha.

anyway, after a month, I meet up with her and pass her a ang pao to show my appreciation.

then sometime pass, my unit lease gonna expire soon and I started looking for renovation contact, and I told myself I will look for her again.

my requirement is very simple, everyone in the house healthy and happy. when this 2 meet, the rest will follow.

she came to the unit and advice me to place certain items accordingly since I am able to do it cos I am doing a full renovation. nothing major needed to be done as the house fs is already pretty good according to her.

to cut the story short, renovation completed and I am already staying happily with my family, everyone healthy as well. guess this are the most important thing everyone can wish for.

one last thing, my hdb was rented out at the first viewing at my asking price.

she didn't give me a price when I asked her for my penthouse reno advice, but I gave her a bigger ang pao.

from my experience, I guess meeting a fsm really depend on chemistry. one may be **** good. but if you all cant communicate well enough, the feeling is different liao. we will try to follow most instruction but if some cannot be followed, you will wondered if these are the ones causing the whole thing not to work. whereas for this fsm, whenever things cannot be followed 100%, she will give suggestion on how to improvise it. it just makes you feel better after seeing/talking to her if you know what I mean. maybe my communication break down with the initial fsm or I cannot stand his know all teach you must follow kind attitude.

anyway the above happen about 3 over years ago. and I guess I owe this fsm a shout to whomever need a second opinion.

anyone keen to consult her can email me at:

bennyowyong at yahoo dot com

btw the above are base on my own personal experience and I do not gain anything from sharing.

hope I can do something for her to return her for her help along my search for the perfect fsm journey.


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This thread creates me sentiment of "“We kill all the caterpillars, then complain there are no butterflies.”


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Hi Ivy,

I would really appreciate if you could pm me the list of fsm,

Thank you so much

The list shows only 'caterpillars', after reading it, you'll ask yourself 'what happen to the butterflies'.


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Wah lau.....Ivy, I think you kenna suan le.......got ppl say you got caterpillars but no butterflies........ so where are the butterflies le?

My house oso got see caterpillars on plants sometimes le......but never see they turn into butterflies. Ppl expect you to even show them the butterflies le.....siao liao tio bo.....like that you must everyday jaga for these ppl liao......


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Wah lau.....Ivy, I think you kenna suan le.......got ppl say you got caterpillars but no butterflies........ so where are the butterflies le?

My house oso got see caterpillars on plants sometimes le......but never see they turn into butterflies. Ppl expect you to even show them the butterflies le.....siao liao tio bo.....like that you must everyday jaga for these ppl liao......

What caterpillars and butterflies? Don't really understand......if its talking about good fsms, then find themselves lor.....already explained so many times, why the commentor so "wood"? The internet or shops got so many both old, young, experienced, handsome and ugly.......just take a walk lor and choosezzz. My lists is a collection of many forummers over the years who shared their bad experience. Each Fsm under the list has "backed" up incidences. Forummers can choose to try if they don't believe.......

Those that are not in the list .......don't know good or bad because no feedback or very little.......easily amount to dozens.........I don't even have forummers buy me a coffee to date, still want me to do more workzzzz?


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Human nature loves 'butterflies' - swee swee.

High post high pay yet shake leg.

Medicure pedicure hairdo shopping drink copi KLKK need not work

Big house big car big pocket + big mouth very shiok

'No problem', 'no worry', 'smooth smooth', 'want what get what' = butterflies

'Caterpillars' so eyesore, often 'cut into way of life' - so must kill! kill! kill!

Stuck here stuck there everything not smooth

Work hard no promotion shao ren stabs

Lose job business fail lose hair heart attack one by one

Bao chun tio pian + tio mao

In front dark dark see no way

No caterpillars see no butterflies.

Be caterpillar then so butterflies.

One by one, no one can skip this 'law of nature'.

"We kill all the caterpillars, then complain there are no butterflies' - John Marsden

* Most likely some v. clip would be posted after this liao, by someone.

Edited by bepgof

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Human nature loves 'butterflies' - swee swee.

High post high pay yet shake leg.

Medicure pedicure hairdo shopping drink copi KLKK need not work

Big house big car big pocket + big mouth very shiok

'No problem', 'no worry', 'smooth smooth', 'want what get what' = butterflies

'Caterpillars' so eyesore, often 'cut into way of life' - so must kill! kill! kill!

Stuck here stuck there everything not smooth

Work hard no promotion shao ren stabs

Lose job business fail lose hair heart attack one by one

Bao chun tio pian + tio mao

In front dark dark see no way

No caterpillars see no butterflies.

Be caterpillar then so butterflies.

One by one, no one can skip this 'law of nature'.

"We kill all the caterpillars, then complain there are no butterflies' - John Marsden

* Most likely some v. clip would be posted after this liao, by someone.

A video clip is non-intrusive. You have to click it in order to watch the content.

No one forced you to watch a clip mah...?

As John Marsden wrote, "we killed all the caterpillars, and then complained that there are no butterflies."

Of course he was talking about 因果, not how you put it...killing the uglies etc etc.


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What caterpillars and butterflies? Don't really understand......if its talking about good fsms, then find themselves lor.....already explained so many times, why the commentor so "wood"? The internet or shops got so many both old, young, experienced, handsome and ugly.......just take a walk lor and choosezzz. My lists is a collection of many forummers over the years who shared their bad experience. Each Fsm under the list has "backed" up incidences. Forummers can choose to try if they don't believe.......

Those that are not in the list .......don't know good or bad because no feedback or very little.......easily amount to dozens.........I don't even have forummers buy me a coffee to date, still want me to do more workzzzz?

While there is no coffee (yet), there is the video clip for you.



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