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A House Is Not A Home

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patsy : thats what we thot so too .. but alarmingly , the 'to-do' list seems to be lengthening.. and the same goes for the expenses too :o

but i admit, i felt relieved that its not more than wat it is

footprint: ok, will try again n look for the %7Boption%7D , thks vm !

actually i know what you mean, did 2 reno's on brand new flats in the last 2 years and what was supposed to be "move-in condition" soon became a major reno project! good luck and can't wait to see your reno pics!!


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Hello Qira!

Congrats on the ur new hse :) I assume this is condo right? look big and spacious..

Good luck on the reno progress and update us with more photos :yamseng:


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patsy , 2 reno projects in 2 yrs ? wow .. my last project was 5 yrs ago and now this current reno , alr I am almost fainting frm the 'busy-ness' of this event. I really must be getting old :P

btw, I see that you went to 'arco, jln beser' for your lights .. I went past that same shop when I had to go to lightings.com (think they are neighbours) - they looked 'up-mkt' n i couldn't spy any 'pricetag' hanging around so I didn't dare to go in. Mind if I ask how were their pricing and overall sales experience for u?

Lady R, thks for the welcome! are u a car lover ? Your nick reminds me of 'type R ' :)

yes , its a condo. Now tht I figure out how to load photos, will post more up :) . Btw, your current place in JW? So kong tai fan seller is near by? Did u buy from them?

We were told by someone frm KDK(S) that its much cheaper to get from the 'retailers'. We need at least 4 units KDK so doing my reseach now to knw whr to go.

Edited by qira

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This reno made me realise a few things:

1) what seems like a simple reno - suddenly evolves and grows into a specimen with a 'life' of its own. The items that you 'need' are getting blurred with those that you 'want'. One extra coffee table here, a nice wall clock there, and extra floor lamp that will pull the whole look together , I have to tell myself that moods and fads change - there will alw be opportunities to get the 'add-ons'.

My wardrobe suffers these few months because my credit card usage is swamped with household purchases. Some consolation is that its GSS now, so hopefully there are 'good buys' for furnishings :)


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2) that I would like to share with other reno-consumers like myself wht kind of experience I had with various retailers during the reno journey. So that all of us can make informed choices at some point :)

a) king koil - bot the mattress from robinson. The sales lady told us that anytime before delivery, if the mattress is ever offered at robinson for lower price , we can get a refund of the price difference. Enough said :)

b) courts - we bought the HTL couch from there and other items on 2 seperate ocassions. The sales man was very nice - he told us that he will lump the 2 purchases under same delivery so we only pay one del.

c) Spotlight - we bought blinds and paid for delivery/ installation. Thanks to the nice sales lady , she told us that after delivery , if blinds don't fit , they can refund us (minus the del/installation). Impressed.

d) I wanna go Home- good service by sales lady. I wanted to buy a pic frame and she offered to search for a new pc without prompting and even checked with their tanglin branch. The male staff also kindly helped me to carry my purchases down to the car. My purchase did not even cross the $400 mark.

Lest you think its been all smooth sailing and a bed of roses, read on ..

a) a retailer by the name of Uniqulus had to be 'compelled'(thru the legal channel) to refund us for a furniture set that we bought. I shall save the unplesantries for another day but suffice to say, its like a landmine where furniture buying is concerned. Best to find out some opinions/ experiences of others if possible. JMHO.


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Oops .. forgot one 'kudos' here .

The sales person we encountered at Cap Dist for KDK fans was fantastic. We didn't buying anythg but got a thorough education on fans, the installation and all that jazz. We were told the prices of fans at cap dist and also a 'estimated' price of fans at the retailers. The price diff was up to $100. No pressure, no sale from us, and we took up at least 45 mins of his time. We apologised and thanked the SA at the same time.

Edited by qira

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Lady R, thks for the welcome! are u a car lover ? Your nick reminds me of 'type R ' :)

yes , its a condo. Now tht I figure out how to load photos, will post more up :) . Btw, your current place in JW? So kong tai fan seller is near by? Did u buy from them?

We were told by someone frm KDK(S) that its much cheaper to get from the 'retailers'. We need at least 4 units KDK so doing my reseach now to knw whr to go.

My name begins with letter R... :) Though been staying in the west for the rest of my life, but unfortunately JW is very new to me :) JE is more to my cup of coffee..sorry won't be able to help much on this. Mayb u can try JE too, CJ HAN TRADING & SERVICES, bought my fanco fan from them for $90


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patsy , 2 reno projects in 2 yrs ? wow .. my last project was 5 yrs ago and now this current reno , alr I am almost fainting frm the 'busy-ness' of this event. I really must be getting old :P

btw, I see that you went to 'arco, jln beser' for your lights .. I went past that same shop when I had to go to lightings.com (think they are neighbours) - they looked 'up-mkt' n i couldn't spy any 'pricetag' hanging around so I didn't dare to go in. Mind if I ask how were their pricing and overall sales experience for u?

Hi, don't talk about age, think I'd be one of the oldest on here!

do not go to Arco!!!! Was led there by the ID who did up my last place and they were humongously more expensive than other places!!!


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Totally swamped with all the furnishing shopping and necessary errands :(

Need a good spa retreat to recharge but thats just wishful thinking on my part ... feeling a little broke these days :P

But we are lucky that its GSS - Subsequent to my shopping list above - here's what we have achieved so far

1) 4 units of kdk m11su $167@ and 1 unit r/c wall kdk $128@

2) king size bed frame $297

3) super single 8" spring mattress $127

4) curtains for entire house $2200

5) 3 chandeliers, 3 pendant lights $1500

6) backdoor's gate + yard's window grills $800

What we have yet to buy:

1) TV

2) clothes dryer

3) dining table + chairs

4) maid's bed + mattress


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Oh my gosh, your bathroom in "before" state is already nicer than many bathrooms in their "after" state. Can't wait to see the "after" state now. :sport-smiley-004:

The bathroom in 'before' state



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