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Executive Living - Sofa

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Jeanius, what is your problem? I have read this thread and you are such a nuisance. Are you an internet Hero? only dare to write behind the screen?


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I have read this thread with great interest as I have just bought 1 sofa set + dining table + 6 dining chair from Executive Living during my visit to the expo today - total damage 6500 SGD.

We love the sofa when we sat on it, the dining table was stylishly made so is the dining chair.

We were served by Patsy and she has been very helpful so is Kelvin.

Lastly I hope our delivery would be a smooth one with the product which we ordered. :)

Hi Kelloggs

Thank you for your support. I am glad to know that you have been served well and your commendations are greatly appreciated.


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Hi Kelloggs

Thank you for your support. I am glad to know that you have been served well and your commendations are greatly appreciated.

Hi EL,

You are welcome, Patsy today called me to follow up on the coffee table as well but I am unsure as my wife mentioned it would looks funny if the coffee and dining table looks the same but different size :)

Still looking for that perfect coffee table and rug.


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Hi Cycleo

I understand your frustration. I hope that you can provide me with your invoice number for one last time so that I can personally follow up on your feedback. As I had mentioned, we never leave our customer in lurch. Delays maybe at times but never in lurch.

20570 what are you do ?


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Hi wobuyao

Everything will turn out well. Thank you for buying from Executive Living.

Dear Mr EL.

You have spoken too soon.

Punctuality wise, the sofa was delivered within the stipulated time.

But your delivery men seems to be in a rush as they rushed thru the dismantling and assembling.

Luckily the protective plastic cover wasn't removed when they moved the sofa in, else my main door would have been scratched.

Sadly I couldn't say the same for my floor. The stainless steel leg managed to leave scratch marks on my tiles and couldn't be removed. The guy even insist its not scratches.

There's still a quite a gap at the joining section of the L and the 2 seater. Its not visible from the front though.




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And though i called up the shop to report this incident, the staff said will investigate and till now there's no follow up...

Dear Mr EL.

You have spoken too soon.

Punctuality wise, the sofa was delivered within the stipulated time.

But your delivery men seems to be in a rush as they rushed thru the dismantling and assembling.

Luckily the protective plastic cover wasn't removed when they moved the sofa in, else my main door would have been scratched.

Sadly I couldn't say the same for my floor. The stainless steel leg managed to leave scratch marks on my tiles and couldn't be removed. The guy even insist its not scratches.

There's still a quite a gap at the joining section of the L and the 2 seater. Its not visible from the front though.




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Dear Mr EL

I've read some good comments on EL and read how you respond to all the challenging ones. Despite the negative comments, I took the chance & ordered a Model 8530 half-leather 3-seater sofa (which I like very much after searching for weeks) + a coffee table from EL on 4 Mar 12. I was served by Alvin personally, who later handed over to Richard. Both were very friendly and professional in explaining the products to, and serving me. My order no. is 10909, delivery end May 12 (TBC). Only 2 days after closing the deal, I received a letter from Richard asking for my mobile no., which I forgot to pen down in the order, so that EL could contact me later on the delivery date. He also took the trouble to look for and recommend a dining table (attaching a brochure) to me after hearing my requirements 2 days ago (although I did not find it suitable still). The lady staff (as Richard was out of the office when I called) who answered my call/took down my contact no. was also very friendly.

But as I read more on this thread, and on other threads on how even the most reputable vendors can c*ck up, I'm getting really worried about my order - whether it will be delivered on time, correct, in good condition, after-sales service, warranty, etc. There're still about 2 months to the completion of my reno & the delivery of the purchased goods. Please do not disappoint me and continue to impress me with the service I received during the the deal. Like what Alvin said to me in person that day: do business must be STEADY; EL wants more and long-term business through good word-of-month from satisfied customers...

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Edited by jus4fun

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The folks from EL just came to check on a defect that i had reported when my sofa was first delivered in january. The defects were found on the center piece of my 3 seater. Kudos to them, they agreed to take it back to replace the leather after they verified that it was a genuine defect. Was told it will be returned before the end of the month as they need to send the piece back to their factory in malaysia. Will update further on their aftersales quality. So far, i have to admit the sofa has been fantastic.

Had wanted to update earlier but it slipped my mind as this thread was quiet for a while..haha. Well, I am happy to report that my sofa was returned to me earlier than promised (almost a week) and there was no sign of further defect. Interestingly, I had called them just to enquire about whether the delivery will be on time and before I know it, I got a call back the following day saying its ready. Not sure if it expedited the delivery but I did mention that I would like to have it returned in time for my house warming as there will be guest who may be potential customers. ;-)

I have been enjoying it for more than a month now and I must say it still feels great. Overall experience is that although you may need to send reminders at times, but most important is that they deliver. I hope this standard continues with their warranty promise although I hope not to have the chance to experience it. lol.


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I went to the showroom on Sunday and boy that was a pretty place :) ... in the end we bought our coffee table.

To date we have bought Sofa + Coffee table + Dining table + Dining Chair

We might be getting wallpaper from EL as well and now waiting for our ID updates.

Searching for the carpet now ...

Maybe once my place is done, could take some photos to show case EL products LOL

Edited by kellogs

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