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I'm always a peaceful man. Not sure if I should put up more 'smilies' everytime to convey that I'm friendly :):):)

Hahaha!!! You are "friendly" & "HORNY"

See What you wrote to one virtue housewife (eden......something) in another topic, and slandering one innocent student

Wisdom comes from maturity, well said

A lady with 'horns' :)


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Forgive my stupidity. Care to enlighten me WHAT your statement stated below refers to?

Common saying: 东西可以乱吃,话不可以乱说。

Words of God:

箴 17:10 一 句 责 备 话 , 深 入 聪 明 人 的 心 , 强 如 责 打 愚 昧 人 一 百 下 。A word of protest goes deeper into one who has sense than a hundred blows into a foolish man.

箴 23:9 你 不 要 说 话 给 愚 昧 人 听 。 因 他 必 藐 视 你 智 慧 的 言 语 。Say nothing in the hearing of a foolish man, for he will put no value on the wisdom of your words.

箴 26:4 不 要 照 愚 昧 人 的 愚 妄 话 回 答 他 , 恐 怕 你 与 他 一 样 。Do not give to the foolish man a foolish answer, or you will be like him.

箴 26:5 要 照 愚 昧 人 的 愚 妄 话 回 答 他 , 免 得 他 自 以 为 有 智 慧 。 Give a foolish man a foolish answer, or he will seem wise to himself.

For your sharings in previous posts, isn't this statement a bit contradictory? :) (I have been tactful in posting but maybe haven't reach your standard)
Edited by bepgof

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Hahaha!!! You are "friendly" & "HORNY"

See What you wrote to one virtue housewife (eden......something) in another topic, and slandering one innocent student

Very funny :) Seems like more and more people misinterpreting my words :)

A person who grows horns or has horns is commonly used in dialect indicating the person is extremely street smart or knowledge from experience or maturity. I hope to maintain some more constructive conversation here rather than having to answer anymore unnecessary over expressive or instigating words :)


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Forgive my stupidity. Care to enlighten me WHAT your statement stated below refers to?

Common saying: 东西可以乱吃,话不可以乱说。

Words of God:

箴 17:10 一 句 责 备 话 , 深 入 聪 明 人 的 心 , 强 如 责 打 愚 昧 人 一 百 下 。A word of protest goes deeper into one who has sense than a hundred blows into a foolish man.

箴 23:9 你 不 要 说 话 给 愚 昧 人 听 。 因 他 必 藐 视 你 智 慧 的 言 语 。Say nothing in the hearing of a foolish man, for he will put no value on the wisdom of your words.

箴 26:4 不 要 照 愚 昧 人 的 愚 妄 话 回 答 他 , 恐 怕 你 与 他 一 样 。Do not give to the foolish man a foolish answer, or you will be like him.

箴 26:5 要 照 愚 昧 人 的 愚 妄 话 回 答 他 , 免 得 他 自 以 为 有 智 慧 。 Give a foolish man a foolish answer, or he will seem wise to himself.

By using the quotes from above clearly shows you're not stupid :)

What I try to mean is that there were many posts contributed by you. Whether be it asked for by forumers or not, you have also given your opinion. This is in conjunction to your advice " if my neighbour didn't ask for opinion, keep your mouth shut". I was just saying that isn't this a bit contradictory. Well, how you want to agree or not over this, I don't think its that important as long as I don't have any intention to insult you :)

I'm not sure what's going on here with some people that become sensitive over my remarks. I think what we can try to understand here is that we can try nicely to ask for an explanation rather than jumping to a wrong conclusion, isn't it :)

Just treat that I'm not eloquent :)

Edited by tidakboleh

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and slandering one innocent student

By the way, it would be appropriate that you can explain yourself this serious accusation.

Kindly show me which sentence otherwise I think it is appropriate for you to withdraw this wrong accusation


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I C. Contradiction in actions/decision makings by one do happen all the time in life. Do realise that the inconsistencies in principles/belief are resulted due to ever changing environmental, situation, ppls, place, timing, etc etc. That is why there is a term called " contingency approach" in management. In short, it is called "it depends"....

Forumers doseek advices/opinions IN THE OPEN.

一 句 話 說 得 合 宜 、 就 如 金 蘋 果 在 銀 網 子 裡 。A word at the right time is like apples of gold in a network of silver.

I don't mind to be insulted, if I deserve it.

By using the quotes from above clearly shows you're not stupid :)

What I try to mean is that there were many posts contributed by you. Whether be it asked for by forumers or not, you have also given your opinion. This is in conjunction to your advice " if my neighbour didn't ask for opinion, keep your mouth shut". I was just saying that isn't this a bit contradictory. Well, how you want to agree or not over this, I don't think its that important as long as I don't have any intention to insult you :)

I'm not sure what's going on here with some people that become sensitive over my remarks. I think what we can try to understand here is that we can try nicely to ask for an explanation rather than jumping to a wrong conclusion, isn't it :)

Just treat that I'm not eloquent :)

Edited by bepgof

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Aiyo, this page is getting quite 空 liaozzzz

LOL... yeah...

空亡宅 is really bad... Just talking abt it also will have "negative" effect...

Edited by csingeu

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By the way, it would be appropriate that you can explain yourself this serious accusation.

Kindly show me which sentence otherwise I think it is appropriate for you to withdraw this wrong accusation

The student tiam tiam don't want to comment, so LET IT BE, Let It Be!!!!


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