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Fengshui Books To Recommend

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Maybe bepgof is one level up.

I read already more concussion because after applying, get worse......

Understand the FS principles and "apply" in real life, not keep shifting table & chairs, putting mirror, bagua, hulus, water lah fish lah, reflective film, crystal, what beam here & there, what sharp corners........

"apply" in real life: simply

- cold weather, wear more cloth, keep body warm.

- Make "environmental settings" to your comfort & convenience, but not at expenses of others.

- Identify "obstacles" - solve them.

- Plan ahead, make things happen, not "wait" for thing to happen, don't expect "miracle".

so on so for, understand ? 兵来将挡,水来土掩。Wise to standby "将" and "土" at all times.- fs principle.

From yinyang & wuxing's sheng & ke functions- things on earth are "changing" every moment to reach their "optimum" mixes. This mix will reach with that mix, etc. History repeats itself. 物极必反。Like moon phases from new-waxing-full-waning, etc. These are FS principles!

Edited by bepgof

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Understand the FS principles and "apply" in real life, not keep shifting table & chairs, putting mirror, bagua, hulus, water lah fish lah, reflective film, crystal, what beam here & there, what sharp corners........

"apply" in real life: simply

- cold weather, wear more cloth, keep body warm.

- Make "environmental settings" to your comfort & convenience, but not at expenses of others.

- Identify "obstacles" - solve them.

- Plan ahead, make things happen, not "wait" for thing to happen, don't expect "miracle".

so on so for, understand ? 兵来将挡,水来土掩。Wise to standby "将" and "土" at all times.- fs principle.

From yinyang & wuxing's sheng & ke functions- things on earth are "changing" every moment to reach their "optimum" mixes. This mix will reach with that mix, etc. History repeats itself. 物极必反。Like moon phases from new-waxing-full-waning, etc. These are FS principles!

Well said!


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Plato (428 BC-348 BC) made money by "publishing" book - The Republic?

Sun Wu (孙武)(544 BC - 496 BC) made money by "publishing" The Art of War?

Whether be it philosophy, ideology, theology, biography, facts and etc , all made money.......understand who is behind the scene?..... Author ? Publisher? or an organisation?

Anything can be popularize.....don't you agree? Who knows one of these days a book on the 'rules' or practise of Qin Shi Huang' will be use to match the business ethics



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So many things to "try" meh? What are these things ?

Aiyo, this is with reference to LT recommendations......eg "boost social life with feng shui", to put light in SW. Another is keep mandarin ducks here and there etc. Well you may laugh at it....I'm laughing too but those were the times many years ago.


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Aiyo, this is with reference to LT recommendations......eg "boost social life with feng shui", to put light in SW. Another is keep mandarin ducks here and there etc. Well you may laugh at it....I'm laughing too but those were the times many years ago.

She is already 走火入魔。

Placing items which ones like is ok cos can enlighten ones' mood and mental health so to make positive decisions.

If she asks you to put a patch of "s h i t" which she mentions can bring wealth, would you put? That is the "source" which mislead ppls and "corrupt" the reputation of FS.

Edited by bepgof

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Whether be it philosophy, ideology, theology, biography, facts and etc , all made money.......understand who is behind the scene?..... Author ? Publisher? or an organisation?

Anything can be popularize.....don't you agree? Who knows one of these days a book on the 'rules' or practise of Qin Shi Huang' will be use to match the business ethics

Publishing books is the lousier way to make profit, most cases writers has to top up money to pay publisher, as well as to beg distributors to display the book for sale, worse is the promotion process....to get book sold first, 1st thing is to make sure you are "somebody", follow by promotion.....esp book to carry writer's signature.

Should consult LT & JY for book publishing and selling techniques.

Edited by bepgof

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Understand the FS principles and "apply" in real life, not keep shifting table & chairs, putting mirror, bagua, hulus, water lah fish lah, reflective film, crystal, what beam here & there, what sharp corners........

"apply" in real life: simply

- cold weather, wear more cloth, keep body warm.

- Make "environmental settings" to your comfort & convenience, but not at expenses of others.

- Identify "obstacles" - solve them.

- Plan ahead, make things happen, not "wait" for thing to happen, don't expect "miracle".

so on so for, understand ? 兵来将挡,水来土掩。Wise to standby "将" and "土" at all times.- fs principle.

From yinyang & wuxing's sheng & ke functions- things on earth are "changing" every moment to reach their "optimum" mixes. This mix will reach with that mix, etc. History repeats itself. 物极必反。Like moon phases from new-waxing-full-waning, etc. These are FS principles!

You are partially right but until you prove successful in proving.......sharp corners or shifting of table etc still exist as part of feng shui. There are thousands of fsm talking about sharp corners.....if you want to ignore, either you prove otherwise or this remains debatable.

Your "apply" concept is of course generally practised and accepted. While there are some things which are not possible to be so easily categorise under feng shui

a) "........not at the expense of others". Example: you are the developer of a building 'abc' in the way of 'gateway' or a building defined to have "sha". All fsms recommend you deflect away but around you are other buildings......

b) "........solve them". Eg, Which unsuccessful businessman didn't identify problems and try to solve them? Even the proper authorities and many big corporations are using feng shui to assist or remedy the problems. You think those 'big shots' or appointed high post graduates in authoritative departments don't know how to identify obstacles and 'try' to solve? If they are much successful in life and are using feng shui.....then it may mean Sun Zi method may not work all times and require "out of the box" methods.

c) "Plan ahead.......". Example: You plan to have this job....can sure get it? You plan to have baby this year....can sure get it? You plan to have a peaceful discussion, can your colleagues or wife agree to it? You plan to have you safe trip.....but you still got an accident.....did the other driver agree to your planning on new years day? (don't mind I bring out your unforunate accident)

Everyone can read many books , theories , fs principles and be very knowledgeble. What's the point professing about it when he doesn't know the secrets to it that "WORK"?


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You are partially right but until you prove successful in proving.......sharp corners or shifting of table etc still exist as part of feng shui. There are thousands of fsm talking about sharp corners.....if you want to ignore, either you prove otherwise or this remains debatable.?

It is a fact & common sense that sharp corners everywhere and these pose bodily danger when get in touch with high impact of force, esp toddlers start learning walking tend to knock here & there unintended, so...doesn't mean "round" is good too.

Different ppls having different degree of tolerance( like/dislike are too simple the word to describe),as to shapes of objects. No body likes to live in environment with many sharp corners exposed...some will have 心理压力 on these shapes. Fsms talking about this simply this is "common sense".

Don't go too "extreme". Fsms know how to manipulate 心理压力 good enough, from "nothing", talk till "something" as if real. Watch out for this type of fsm.

Edited by bepgof

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a) "........not at the expense of others". Example: you are the developer of a building 'abc' in the way of 'gateway' or a building defined to have "sha". All fsms recommend you deflect away but around you are other buildings......

Win-win approach.


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b) "........solve them". Eg, Which unsuccessful businessman didn't identify problems and try to solve them? Even the proper authorities and many big corporations are using feng shui to assist or remedy the problems. You think those 'big shots' or appointed high post graduates in authoritative departments don't know how to identify obstacles and 'try' to solve? If they are much successful in life and are using feng shui.....then it may mean Sun Zi method may not work all times and require "out of the box" methods.

key words is "尽人事", not "鬼事"。

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c) "Plan ahead.......". Example: You plan to have this job....can sure get it? You plan to have baby this year....can sure get it? You plan to have a peaceful discussion, can your colleagues or wife agree to it? You plan to have you safe trip.....but you still got an accident.....did the other driver agree to your planning on new years day? (don't mind I bring out your unforunate accident)

Everyone can read many books , theories , fs principles and be very knowledgeble. What's the point professing about it when he doesn't know the secrets to it that "WORK"?

Planning is one thing, actual hapening is another, all of us know. Only God achieve 100% target. Plan is always better than no plan, all of us know. So....

Key phrases are:

"do home work before action"

"plan for the best, prepare for the worst"-anticipation power comes with skill & experience!, 20% vs 80% rule applies.

"make things happened to one's advantages"

Never, even gong gong sit there do nothing or waiting for "others' advises" and wait for "things" to happen. "unwanted things" sure happen, then look for fsms?.

Edited by bepgof

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Planning is one thing, actual hapening is another, all of us know. Only God achieve 100% target. Plan is always better than no plan, all of us know. So....

Key phrases are:

"do home work before action"

"plan for the best, prepare for the worst"-anticipation power comes with skill & experience!, 20% vs 80% rule applies.

"make things happened to one's advantages"

Never, even gong gong sit there do nothing or waiting for "others' advises" and wait for "things" to happen. "unwanted things" sure happen, then look for fsms?.

How to make things happen to one's advantage? I was nice to people, friendly, helpful, respectful, hardworking but politics against me still happened.


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How to make things happen to one's advantage? I was nice to people, friendly, helpful, respectful, hardworking but politics against me still happened.

"...to one's advantage" = "in control" to achieve something one plans for.

Politics = forces(driving vs retrainting) act on "events" to reach one's interest.

You should go and study & understand "Organisational Behaviours" - one of the subject in management study.

One strategy -get a strong backer as supporter, all "xiao ren" & "ghosts" will stay far far away. :D

Remember: no politics no human. Got human got politics. All based on "needs" & interests".

Added: I've studied French and Raven's 5 forms of power in 1991 during the managment studies by SIM. :good:

Web link: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_56.htm

Apply this to your life

- Go through each of the power bases, and write down when and how you've used that source of power in the past.

- Ask yourself if you used the power appropriately, consider the expected and unexpected consequences of it, and decide what you'll do differently next time.

- Think about the people who have power and influence over you. What sources of power do they use? Do they use their power appropriately? Where necessary, develop a strategy to reduce someone else's use of illegitimate power over you.

- When you feel powerless or overly influenced, stop and think about what you can do to regain your own power and control. You're never without power. Make an effort to be more aware of the power you have, and use it to get what you need, confidently and effectively. (copied from web)

Edited by bepgof

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Planning is one thing, actual hapening is another, all of us know. Only God achieve 100% target. Plan is always better than no plan, all of us know. So....

Key phrases are:

"do home work before action"

"plan for the best, prepare for the worst"-anticipation power comes with skill & experience!, 20% vs 80% rule applies.

"make things happened to one's advantages"

Never, even gong gong sit there do nothing or waiting for "others' advises" and wait for "things" to happen. "unwanted things" sure happen, then look for fsms?.

Haha.....you are right "Plan is always better than no plan".

I think you life is much better than mine.......never step on "nailzzz" don't know that kind of "painzzz"


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Haha.....you are right "Plan is always better than no plan".

I think you life is much better than mine.......never step on "nailzzz" don't know that kind of "painzzz"

Always I see u good, u see me good. Everybody is so good, why only I no good?

Just to share some of my life:

- Saw late father passed away in front of me. 1st & 3rd brother almost fight at void deck cos of $ at wake of late father.

- Late mother suddenly passed away in hospital while I was in NS.

- 1st BIL passed away at age of 38 in prison.

- 4th brother kept borrowed $ from ah long. Paint lah, chain lah all kena before. Mid-night 4-eye meeting with ah longs with chopper at side.

- 4th sister almost kena divorced.

- younger SIL divorce-in-progress, lawyer letter flying here & there.

- No chance to go U, cos no $. Too many sibling, parents bo tahan.

- Many relatives called home by the lord, young & old.

- traffic accidents many times liao.

So many more....


- 1st 2nd hand motor-bye at 20yr old, ~1986.

- 1st 2nd hand 1000cc car in 1997, since keep changing cars.

- 1st 5-rm hdb in 1992($124.2K), ROM in 1993, full redemption in 1998.

- Boy joined the world in 1995, girl in 1997.

- Bought a 3-rm condo in 2005, top in 1996, full redemption in 2008.

- Sold 5-rm in 2007.

- Bought resale 5-rm hdb in 2009, till now.

- Bought f/h condo in 2009/july, under construction, top 2014.

today is my 48 yr old birthday. The earth has carried me rotate around the sun 48 times liao.


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