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i use Powerpoint, Photoshop or Picasa. Picasa is the easiest but they will crop all the photos to squares ;)

maybe you ask auntie to plant one extra pot just for you... LOL :lol:

Ok... Tonight will try picasa.

No lah, no need 1 pot for me. I can just take few leaves and that would be happy enough.


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Today, I spoke to one of my new neighbour.. an old aunty that lives beside the lift. She have rows and rows of plants along the corridor, just after coming out of lift. And there are 3-4 pots of pandan leaves. Those that have been following my t-blog would know that i wanted to "steal" some pandan leaves that are planted by national park downstairs of my block. But to avoid being caught and be put in jail :P i put a clause to all my friends that want to visit me that they must bring along some pandan leaves.

BUT NOW i have pots of pandan leaves just outside the lift lobby at my level. The aunty says i can take a few if i wanted to. PHEW!!! i guess neither me nor my friends will go into jail anytime soon. hehehee..... :dancingqueen:

On top of pandan leaves, there are also curry leaves..... anyone wants to try my curry?

didn't know pandan and curry leaves can plant in pot? I though curry leaf grows into tree size?

Talking about planting, my daughter got some seeds from her teacher few days ago, so we have just attempted to plant those in a tiny pot. Need advise - we have wet the soil before burying the seeds inside. Do we need to water everyday? How long do we have to wait before germination? Or how do we know if successful or not? Thanks for answering my noob questions!


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curry leaves grow in pots de.

even the stem smells strongly of curry! hee..

water abit when you realize the soil looks dry.

what plant was that?


perhaps you can consider to grow mint.. easy de..

btw, if u use iphone to take photos, can use this app called "photo wall"


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curry leaves grow in pots de.

even the stem smells strongly of curry! hee..

water abit when you realize the soil looks dry.

what plant was that?


perhaps you can consider to grow mint.. easy de..

btw, if u use iphone to take photos, can use this app called "photo wall"

footprint, you sound like someone with green fingers.

how to grow curry leaves? and mint? Actually will be nice if can grow herbs, then just pluck from "garden" when need to cook - guaranteed fresh!

I also dunno what plant is that? some flat looking black seeds. Sorry I know this is not much help, I have the pictures taken but not downloaded. maybe will do so later. The black seeds were inside this brown husky case (prob the "fruit"?) ..


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footprint, you sound like someone with green fingers.

how to grow curry leaves? and mint? Actually will be nice if can grow herbs, then just pluck from "garden" when need to cook - guaranteed fresh!

I also dunno what plant is that? some flat looking black seeds. Sorry I know this is not much help, I have the pictures taken but not downloaded. maybe will do so later. The black seeds were inside this brown husky case (prob the "fruit"?) ..

not really green fingers but herb garden sounds good! :)

wahh.. chim la.. black seeds? :P

then just water abit, as long as top part looks wet...


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May, When I went to Royal Fanco to get my mirror, I saw the cabinets pull out racks that u r looking for. Something like the SC one u posted. And the price is only $150 niah....SS too... U can check it out:)


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didn't know pandan and curry leaves can plant in pot? I though curry leaf grows into tree size?

Talking about planting, my daughter got some seeds from her teacher few days ago, so we have just attempted to plant those in a tiny pot. Need advise - we have wet the soil before burying the seeds inside. Do we need to water everyday? How long do we have to wait before germination? Or how do we know if successful or not? Thanks for answering my noob questions!

no lah, both cannot be planted at the same pots. The aunty have 2 rows of pots which is like maybe 30 pots? hehehehe....

as i know, you bury the seeds first then only wet it. Depending on what seeds, some don't need to water everyday.


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May, When I went to Royal Fanco to get my mirror, I saw the cabinets pull out racks that u r looking for. Something like the SC one u posted. And the price is only $150 niah....SS too... U can check it out:)

oh really??? ok ok... must go check. I think you wrote in your t-blog the address of royal fanco? but do you mind giving me again? :)


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haha so you will be walking thru a garden b4 you reach your house!! cool!! 30 pots!! the aunt really loves gardening!! not many love it, you have to take good care, water, prune, remove the worms etc...yeeee!!


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oh really??? ok ok... must go check. I think you wrote in your t-blog the address of royal fanco? but do you mind giving me again? :)

Sorry for not supporting yr thread lately . Cos really busy .

Royal fanco near yr place . 131 Jalan Besar Singapore 208849

Henry is the boss . But the henry and my contractor henry not the same henry . lol


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footprint, you sound like someone with green fingers.

how to grow curry leaves? and mint? Actually will be nice if can grow herbs, then just pluck from "garden" when need to cook - guaranteed fresh!

I also dunno what plant is that? some flat looking black seeds. Sorry I know this is not much help, I have the pictures taken but not downloaded. maybe will do so later. The black seeds were inside this brown husky case (prob the "fruit"?) ..

not really green fingers but herb garden sounds good! :)

wahh.. chim la.. black seeds? :P

then just water abit, as long as top part looks wet...

i think you need to ask your daughter to check what seed is that leh... need to know the plant to understand the water requirement :)

mint sounds good, easy to plant? yea plucking from own-grown herbs sounds good... machiam like a Jamie Oliver show LOL :lol:

Sorry for not supporting yr thread lately . Cos really busy .

Royal fanco near yr place . 131 Jalan Besar Singapore 208849

Henry is the boss . But the henry and my contractor henry not the same henry . lol

hahahaha yea our contractor is S size Henry, Royal Fanco one is XL size Henry. LOL :lol:


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haha so you will be walking thru a garden b4 you reach your house!! cool!! 30 pots!! the aunt really loves gardening!! not many love it, you have to take good care, water, prune, remove the worms etc...yeeee!!

mint sounds good, easy to plant? yea plucking from own-grown herbs sounds good... machiam like a Jamie Oliver show LOL :lol:

hahahaha yea our contractor is S size Henry, Royal Fanco one is XL size Henry. LOL :lol:

my mum also loves gardening so if my mum come to stay with me, she will not feel so bored lah..... hehehehe... got some aunties around to talk to her.

I think the aunty on my left have mint and also aloe vera.... and i am not sure what else. maybe i should buy chilli plant then ask them to help me take care so whenever i need chilli padi, no need to buy such a big packet from supermarket but can just pluck a few from the pot? sound fantastic!! :)

Sorry for not supporting yr thread lately . Cos really busy .

Royal fanco near yr place . 131 Jalan Besar Singapore 208849

Henry is the boss . But the henry and my contractor henry not the same henry . lol

Ya i know how busy you are recently... been taking lots of gorgeous photos of singapore and "uncle". hahaha....


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my mum also loves gardening so if my mum come to stay with me, she will not feel so bored lah..... hehehehe... got some aunties around to talk to her.

I think the aunty on my left have mint and also aloe vera.... and i am not sure what else. maybe i should buy chilli plant then ask them to help me take care so whenever i need chilli padi, no need to buy such a big packet from supermarket but can just pluck a few from the pot? sound fantastic!! :)

that day my mom was just talking about my place, "your place got such spacious space outside, can do a mini garden, sure very nice...." my hubby immediately gave me that strange, cringed look :bleah: sigh.

but think planting things like mint, aloe vera, chilli padi etc is good... at least they are "functional" hahaha :lol:

chilli padi get from wet market instead. NTUC needs to buy one packet $1.1. Uncle downstairs can sell me $0.3 worth of chilli padi :lol:


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that day my mom was just talking about my place, "your place got such spacious space outside, can do a mini garden, sure very nice...." my hubby immediately gave me that strange, cringed look :bleah: sigh.

but think planting things like mint, aloe vera, chilli padi etc is good... at least they are "functional" hahaha :lol:

chilli padi get from wet market instead. NTUC needs to buy one packet $1.1. Uncle downstairs can sell me $0.3 worth of chilli padi :lol:

ya, its true.... should have some plants at the big area outside your door. provided that your hubby ok with it lah... hehee....

i also want to buy less but then usually no time to go wet market leh.


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