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Marshmallow, wah Henry double standard leh... He insisted that I box up my masterbedroom and balcony piping! When I said no cos too $$$, he said not nice.. In the end, we compromised. Box up the master toilet and balcony remains.

friends78, you go tell Henry lah..... see can don't box up now. i also never though of boxing up but my contractor asked me to even though there are only small section of the pipes to be seen at the top for my MBR toilet. He says cos door is clear glass so can see everything!! so better to box up.

another amount to spend on that... :(


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friends78, you go tell Henry lah..... see can don't box up now. i also never though of boxing up but my contractor asked me to even though there are only small section of the pipes to be seen at the top for my MBR toilet. He says cos door is clear glass so can see everything!! so better to box up.

another amount to spend on that... :(

I think our contractors must have treated us as carrots so they kept recommending this & that... Chop us here and there...Beauty comes with price....


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Marshmallow, wah Henry double standard leh... He insisted that I box up my masterbedroom and balcony piping! When I said no cos too $$$, he said not nice.. In the end, we compromised. Box up the master toilet and balcony remains.

no la not double standard... :lol: you should see my pipes to understand~ it's in front of the window, so if want to box up pipe, need to seal half the window~ :help: and after box up, i only have like 40cm for basin, so the hands/arms will hit the box up when washing face at the basin ;)

hahaah.... ya ya... the "please hack along the line" thing we laughed at the other day..... so i went home and saw 1 of the photo i taken can see clearly the line so i wanted to show you. Heheheheehe.... not you didn't even comment on it even though i put your name :(

my seller also have doubled door... one is bi-fold and another is the mirror sliding. too bad i hacked everything... hehehehe....

sorry sorry if i could see i will know~ :(


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finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, it's your turn to experience the long awaited reno journey.. you are like in t-blog here forever! haha.. your -blog page already 16 until we finally see your first pic of reno hacking! haha.. i bet u will hit 30 pages soon!

once again, congrats! keep us updated with your exciting journey!

thanks steelze.... yes, it seem like i am here for ages!!! Maybe because i started my t-blog earlier than anyone else... and being a woman, always very busybody with others' blogs. hehehehehe....


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congrats on your start of your reno!!! may you have a smooth reno journey!!!

oh the common toilet really cannot box up. i personally would not box up the pipes in the toilets. wood cannot tahan water. i dun wan to run the risk of dismantling the box up should anything happen such as leakage! choy! touch wood! hope it would not happen at all. no choice you have to live with it. at least ur MBR toilet dun hv such a problem!!


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congrats on your start of your reno!!! may you have a smooth reno journey!!!

oh the common toilet really cannot box up. i personally would not box up the pipes in the toilets. wood cannot tahan water. i dun wan to run the risk of dismantling the box up should anything happen such as leakage! choy! touch wood! hope it would not happen at all. no choice you have to live with it. at least ur MBR toilet dun hv such a problem!!

No lah, my common toilet will not be boxed up as there are just too many pipes around it. Since i seldom use common toilet, i don't really care that much... :)


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wow mosiacs for pipes? that would be exp! maybe u can just paint it black or something?

anyway congrats on your reno!

our id is very different. recommend ways to help us cut cost instead. FOr eg. we wanted to renovate the whole common toilet and he kept telling us not to bother and that the condition of the toilet isnt that bad. He said that acid wash will get rid of those yellow stains and it will be as good as new once again!


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Ha, Sis May_dream, 1 day never visit your t-blog, so fast started hacking already :o you're moving in lightning speed :) anyway Congrats again on the smooth start of your reno ! keep us updated ok :)


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wow mosiacs for pipes? that would be exp! maybe u can just paint it black or something?

anyway congrats on your reno!

our id is very different. recommend ways to help us cut cost instead. FOr eg. we wanted to renovate the whole common toilet and he kept telling us not to bother and that the condition of the toilet isnt that bad. He said that acid wash will get rid of those yellow stains and it will be as good as new once again!

mosaic for pipes? thats something new ..

look forward to your 3d, may :)


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Ha, Sis May_dream, 1 day never visit your t-blog, so fast started hacking already :o you're moving in lightning speed :) anyway Congrats again on the smooth start of your reno ! keep us updated ok :)

where got fast? i have been waiting for this day for so long... wait till my neck also longer than giraffe. hehehehe.....

if you keep on visiting my blog, then you will be updated loh... :)


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wow mosiacs for pipes? that would be exp! maybe u can just paint it black or something?

anyway congrats on your reno!

our id is very different. recommend ways to help us cut cost instead. FOr eg. we wanted to renovate the whole common toilet and he kept telling us not to bother and that the condition of the toilet isnt that bad. He said that acid wash will get rid of those yellow stains and it will be as good as new once again!

mosaic for pipes? thats something new ..

look forward to your 3d, may :)

Valerie, reglxt, not me that want to do mosiac on the pipes, its kobelala!!! it was a suggestion from him....

There is no 3D cos the 3D is so unprofessional.... i give up on trying to get good 3D. So you will see the final result when everything is done.


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Valerie, reglxt, not me that want to do mosiac on the pipes, its kobelala!!! it was a suggestion from him....

There is no 3D cos the 3D is so unprofessional.... i give up on trying to get good 3D. So you will see the final result when everything is done.

ahh i see.. sorry too many pages .. never read for 1-2 days .. totally cannot catch up (LAO LIAO) :P

ok look forward to your pics :D

Edited by reglxt

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Again, today i went to see how is the progress of the hacking since i went yesterday noon time. After a day, i wonder what had happen to my flat. During lunch, i quickly took mrt to go have a quick view. From my office to my flat, its just 4 mrt stops and total walking time is less than 10 mins from both office to mrt and mrt to new place.

Today, there are only 2 person doing the hacking. I saw marking on the wall to hack my kitchen wall where my island going to be. But alas, the wall is still intact. Haven't start hacking yet. But there are lots of debris in the living room. All from yesterday's hacking.....

Realised putting picture one by one is taking too much space. Tried something new....


anyone have good software to recommend to combine some photos into 1 page?


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Today, I spoke to one of my new neighbour.. an old aunty that lives beside the lift. She have rows and rows of plants along the corridor, just after coming out of lift. And there are 3-4 pots of pandan leaves. Those that have been following my t-blog would know that i wanted to "steal" some pandan leaves that are planted by national park downstairs of my block. But to avoid being caught and be put in jail :P i put a clause to all my friends that want to visit me that they must bring along some pandan leaves.

BUT NOW i have pots of pandan leaves just outside the lift lobby at my level. The aunty says i can take a few if i wanted to. PHEW!!! i guess neither me nor my friends will go into jail anytime soon. hehehee..... :dancingqueen:

On top of pandan leaves, there are also curry leaves..... anyone wants to try my curry?


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anyone have good software to recommend to combine some photos into 1 page?

i use Powerpoint, Photoshop or Picasa. Picasa is the easiest but they will crop all the photos to squares ;)


Today, I spoke to one of my new neighbour.. an old aunty that lives beside the lift. She have rows and rows of plants along the corridor, just after coming out of lift. And there are 3-4 pots of pandan leaves. Those that have been following my t-blog would know that i wanted to "steal" some pandan leaves that are planted by national park downstairs of my block. But to avoid being caught and be put in jail :P i put a clause to all my friends that want to visit me that they must bring along some pandan leaves.

BUT NOW i have pots of pandan leaves just outside the lift lobby at my level. The aunty says i can take a few if i wanted to. PHEW!!! i guess neither me nor my friends will go into jail anytime soon. hehehee..... :dancingqueen:

On top of pandan leaves, there are also curry leaves..... anyone wants to try my curry?

maybe you ask auntie to plant one extra pot just for you... LOL :lol:


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