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Aiyo, don't act like ancient ppls' "欲弹琵琶半遮面". Open discussion need not to be shined le. Open book mah, don't half open half close - keep ppls scratching head and catch no ball.

治人事天莫若啬....... - This is 老子's 道德经 chapter 59 deals with "道", anything to do with "Qi"?

在人为气化,在地为化机.... This is in fact so called "天,地,人,合一" - come from "黄帝内经" 气化理论. This is tcm's "qi" leh, don't tell me fs "copies" tcm???

不知来路,焉知入路. Common sense isn't it?. Don't know WHAT it is, how to explain/fix it? Teochew saying: blind chick catches a warm and "laugh" till he he he he....The bible says: the blind leads the blind all fall into "drain". Anything to do with Qi?

Don't make me 生气 leh.


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Aiyo, don't act like ancient ppls' "欲弹琵琶半遮面". Open discussion need not to be shined le. Open book mah, don't half open half close - keep ppls scratching head and catch no ball.

治人事天莫若啬....... - This is 老子's 道德经 chapter 59 deals with "道", anything to do with "Qi"?

在人为气化,在地为化机.... This is in fact so called "天,地,人,合一" - come from "黄帝内经" 气化理论. This is tcm's "qi" leh, don't tell me fs "copies" tcm???

不知来路,焉知入路. Common sense isn't it?. Don't know WHAT it is, how to explain/fix it? Teochew saying: blind chick catches a warm and "laugh" till he he he he....The bible says: the blind leads the blind all fall into "drain". Anything to do with Qi?

Don't make me 生气 leh.

Aiyah, remember Steven Covey's woh.

Anyway, open book discussion for today's self study. There is indeed the Earth Qi that travels along the geography's so-called Dragon Veins. Nothing top secret or proprietary, one could google for "Singapore Dragon Veins" to see where they are claimed to be.

The Earth Qi (Ti Qi) is one of the two FS Qi. The other is called Heaven Qi, literally Tien Qi but the way I understood, not 100% referring to a weather. This Heaven Qi carries the time dimension referred to in XKFX. This Qi has been described as like a "beam" of Qi, referred as the central qrid of XKFX, which should be located at the Ming Tang of the house (as I suspected earlier that the grids have a relationship with the ancient Chinese architecture).

The Earth Qi "moves" clockwise upwards, whereas the Heaven Qi "moves" counter-clockwise downwards from the star constellation.

These Qi then interacts with the Qi of the house occupants to form the trinity of Tien Ti Ren.

OK, let discuss.



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Aiyah, remember Steven Covey's woh.

Anyway, open book discussion for today's self study. There is indeed the Earth Qi that travels along the geography's so-called Dragon Veins. Nothing top secret or proprietary, one could google for "Singapore Dragon Veins" to see where they are claimed to be.

The Earth Qi (Ti Qi) is one of the two FS Qi. The other is called Heaven Qi, literally Tien Qi but the way I understood, not 100% referring to a weather. This Heaven Qi carries the time dimension referred to in XKFX. This Qi has been described as like a "beam" of Qi, referred as the central qrid of XKFX, which should be located at the Ming Tang of the house (as I suspected earlier that the grids have a relationship with the ancient Chinese architecture).

The Earth Qi "moves" clockwise upwards, whereas the Heaven Qi "moves" counter-clockwise downwards from the star constellation.

These Qi then interacts with the Qi of the house occupants to form the trinity of Tien Ti Ren.

OK, let discuss.


When Steven Covey reads above, he would say: oops, these are EFFECTIVE hurricans leh, start on ground ones are called di dragon, those form on top of sea/huge surface of water called tian dragon.

When these dragons interact with houses, you know, all houses uprooted laio and everything become flat flat liao.

When did Hurrican becomes fs's qi?

Edited by bepgof

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When Steven Covey reads above, he would say: oops, these are EFFECTIVE hurricans leh, start on ground ones are called di dragon, those form on top of sea/huge surface of water called tian dragon.

When these dragons interact with houses, you know, all houses uprooted laio and everything become flat flat liao.

When did Hurrican becomes fs's qi?

Not hurricane la, which is an air occurrence. Before Han Dynasty, the ancient scholars related Qi to wind, air, breath etc. After, Qi was referring to the so-called life force.

FS was first about, well, the feng shui of a burial ground. The Book of Burial described the Earth Qi mah.

From Bagua, Loushu etc, some other scholars developed the Time-Space dimension of FS, tio bo? Probably the application had more to do with the countless military battles fought then than for household FS.

Open discussion mah.



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Aiyo, don't act like ancient ppls' "欲弹琵琶半遮面". Open discussion need not to be shined le. Open book mah, don't half open half close - keep ppls scratching head and catch no ball.

治人事天莫若啬....... - This is 老子's 道德经 chapter 59 deals with "道", anything to do with "Qi"?

在人为气化,在地为化机.... This is in fact so called "天,地,人,合一" - come from "黄帝内经" 气化理论. This is tcm's "qi" leh, don't tell me fs "copies" tcm???

To tidakbolek, yalah don't sing song leh....u want to appear chim must also give hint mah

To bepgof, people trying to tell, u still frog in a well la....haha, i oso don't noe wat he talking but u definitely one duck and one chicken with him.

不知来路,焉知入路. Common sense isn't it?. Don't know WHAT it is, how to explain/fix it? Teochew saying: blind chick catches a warm and "laugh" till he he he he....The bible says: the blind leads the blind all fall into "drain". Anything to do with Qi?

Ah Chek, at least this one i know....this one from XKFX classics....tats y i said u mountain tortoise, pai seh

Don't make me 生气 leh.

Remember your proactive, reactive blahblah....want to eat back?


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Anyway, open book discussion for today's self study. There is indeed the Earth Qi that travels along the geography's so-called Dragon Veins. Nothing top secret or proprietary, one could google for "Singapore Dragon Veins" to see where they are claimed to be.

whoa...like tat oso can....must be vein within vein leh

The Earth Qi (Ti Qi) is one of the two FS Qi. The other is called Heaven Qi, literally Tien Qi but the way I understood, not 100% referring to a weather. This Heaven Qi carries the time dimension referred to in XKFX. This Qi has been described as like a "beam" of Qi, referred as the central qrid of XKFX, which should be located at the Ming Tang of the house (as I suspected earlier that the grids have a relationship with the ancient Chinese architecture).

tats y i said, u must be not only tiger but wolf in sheep skin oso liao....tis wan u talking about horh is 天心正运


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Hi, my knowledge also limited :)

Fs Qi and tcm on Qi is just about the same. All the person want is to have beneficial Qi in the house.

It looks like also following the Wuxing principle. For example, 1 represents Water, referring to kidney, bladder etc of human body.

And (really) pushing this ahead, it also looks like the Luo Shu grids could also accomplish what the Gan Zhi method in Bazi in deciphering a person attributes, including mapping out his luck cycles.

Anyone please affirm? Or I talk rubbish?



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To tidakbolek, yalah don't sing song leh....u want to appear chim must also give hint mah

To bepgof, people trying to tell, u still frog in a well la....haha, i oso don't noe wat he talking but u definitely one duck and one chicken with him.

Ah Chek, at least this one i know....this one from XKFX classics....tats y i said u mountain tortoise, pai seh

Remember your proactive, reactive blahblah....want to eat back?

1. I do not mind to be named a frog, whether within a well or in open field or on top of a hot pan. Simply I know I am who I am. Caught the ball?

This is exactly the same as "classic" angmoh saying: "He who knows nothing, doubts noththing". Who "copies" whose? Or great men "think" alike?

Practising only mah, yet to reach "black belt" stage. Advisable to practise yr little flying sword at home till perfect first, if not,....sure get hurt yourself b4 hurting others. Don't any how let it flies.

Edited by bepgof

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It looks like also following the Wuxing principle. For example, 1 represents Water, referring to kidney, bladder etc of human body.

And (really) pushing this ahead, it also looks like the Luo Shu grids could also accomplish what the Gan Zhi method in Bazi in deciphering a person attributes, including mapping out his luck cycles.

Anyone please affirm? Or I talk rubbish?


The Gan philosophy is acceptable, but the Zhit Luo Shu expanations( or observations???), terrible ,quite rubbish and have caused "misfortune" to millions of millions since thousand years ago.

Talk abt Luo Shu and He Tu, please, just pictures with mathermatical symbols. The "founder" of these 2 pictures still a legend.


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The Gan philosophy is acceptable, but the Zhit Luo Shu expanations( or observations???), terrible ,quite rubbish and have caused "misfortune" to millions of millions since thousand years ago.

Talk abt Luo Shu and He Tu, please, just pictures with mathermatical symbols. The "founder" of these 2 pictures still a legend.




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1. I do not mind to be named a frog, whether within a well or in open field or on top of a hot pan. Simply I know I am who I am. Caught the ball?

This is exactly the same as "classic" angmoh saying: "He who knows nothing, doubts noththing". Who "copies" whose? Or great men "think" alike?

Practising only mah, yet to reach "black belt" stage. Advisable to practise yr little flying sword at home till perfect first, if not,....sure get hurt yourself b4 hurting others. Don't any how let it flies.

Tired liao....u win la ...ho boh


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Aiyo, don't act like ancient ppls' "欲弹琵琶半遮面". Open discussion need not to be shined le. Open book mah, don't half open half close - keep ppls scratching head and catch no ball.

You are well read person, so to phrase this way is looking up on you, isn't it?

治人事天莫若啬....... - This is 老子's 道德经 chapter 59 deals with "道", anything to do with "Qi"?

道 and 气 are closely bonded :)

在人为气化,在地为化机.... This is in fact so called "天,地,人,合一" - come from "黄帝内经" 气化理论. This is tcm's "qi" leh, don't tell me fs "copies" tcm???

The first part is base on tcm theory. The latter is base on FS theory. Both happen to coincide :)

不知来路,焉知入路. Common sense isn't it?. Don't know WHAT it is, how to explain/fix it? Teochew saying: blind chick catches a warm and "laugh" till he he he he....The bible says: the blind leads the blind all fall into "drain". Anything to do with Qi?

There is a double meaning in this phrase. First one you are correct. However, I'm basing on the second one which is a phrase from a FS classic

来路, 理气之根


Don't make me 生气 leh.


I'm sure you understand , don't you? Don't misinterpret again :)


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You are well read person, so to phrase this way is looking up on you, isn't it?

道 and 气 are closely bonded :)

The first part is base on tcm theory. The latter is base on FS theory. Both happen to coincide :)

There is a double meaning in this phrase. First one you are correct. However, I'm basing on the second one which is a phrase from a FS classic

来路, 理气之根



I'm sure you understand , don't you? Don't misinterpret again :)

Don't like that lah, all work and no play make jack a dull boy. Just intended to make this forum more lively, not intended to "shoot" ppls here and there. Sorry huh!


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Tired liao....u win la ...ho boh

Don't like that le, today is thankgiving day, tmr is black friday. Shopping mood is on the air at every corner.....


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