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Reno day 2 -

not much progress today... went down to see, hacked off the 3 wooden divider, false ceiling recovered to original state, dining area mirrors down and the wooden shelve at dining taken down as well... but with 2 big holes... and the ledge at the bomb shelter is still there...

smsed willie and he said it will be fixed.... dear said that he is getting a little impatient with us, maybe cos we too fan? ops... think we really a bit fan, but cant help it... anxious abt our home....

donno wats gg on tml.. dono wat work will be done tml (if any)

is it normal to not noe what is going on? or sld we noe what is going on everyday???


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Reno day 2 -

not much progress today... went down to see, hacked off the 3 wooden divider, false ceiling recovered to original state, dining area mirrors down and the wooden shelve at dining taken down as well... but with 2 big holes... and the ledge at the bomb shelter is still there...

smsed willie and he said it will be fixed.... dear said that he is getting a little impatient with us, maybe cos we too fan? ops... think we really a bit fan, but cant help it... anxious abt our home....

donno wats gg on tml.. dono wat work will be done tml (if any)

is it normal to not noe what is going on? or sld we noe what is going on everyday???

Think its really hard to tell u what they going to do day by day.. depends on progress and availability of sub-cons your contractor engaged, they may have different things done each day.. but maybe u can try to get a schedule from your contractor so that at least you have a gauge of when "important" events are about to occur like tiling, carpentry and painting etc.. :)

For me i getting a weekly update from my ID so i just visit once or twice a week to make sure things that he say will be done, are done properly.


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Think its really hard to tell u what they going to do day by day.. depends on progress and availability of sub-cons your contractor engaged, they may have different things done each day.. but maybe u can try to get a schedule from your contractor so that at least you have a gauge of when "important" events are about to occur like tiling, carpentry and painting etc.. :)

For me i getting a weekly update from my ID so i just visit once or twice a week to make sure things that he say will be done, are done properly.

hehe, good idea, thanks! i will try to ask my contractor for a weekly update.... i very kiasu, i go down everyday and take pics.. cant wait for reno to end!!!!!


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Reno day 3 -

Din go down today cos no work going on.. tml will be water proofing for the toilet... going down! so excited.. cant wait for the tiles to be up.. but no 3D drawing for the toilet, actually i donno why... i thot will have? maybe becos not enuff time....


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Reno day 3 -

Din go down today cos no work going on.. tml will be water proofing for the toilet... going down! so excited.. cant wait for the tiles to be up.. but no 3D drawing for the toilet, actually i donno why... i thot will have? maybe becos not enuff time....

i think usually no carpentry work in toilet will not have 3d one.. not sure if most id do that la..


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luckily willie has been very patient with us... we keep changing the plans... :P

it's like that - I kept changing our mind/plan also, so much so that our contractor said ni men han di er, mei you ren gan shuo di yi, simply translated means "if you are number two, nobody can say they are number 1" :D Though may be "fan" for yr ID, still need to say, otherwise if the work has already been done, how?

Reno day 2 -

not much progress today... went down to see, hacked off the 3 wooden divider, false ceiling recovered to original state, dining area mirrors down and the wooden shelve at dining taken down as well... but with 2 big holes... and the ledge at the bomb shelter is still there...

smsed willie and he said it will be fixed.... dear said that he is getting a little impatient with us, maybe cos we too fan? ops... think we really a bit fan, but cant help it... anxious abt our home....

donno wats gg on tml.. dono wat work will be done tml (if any)

is it normal to not noe what is going on? or sld we noe what is going on everyday???

aiyoh, how can he say he is getting impatient? Surely he can understand that is normal - being house owners wanting the best!

we also had this dilemma. If you have a work schedule, that's best so at least you can see if he has gone behind time. For us, no schedule. Also don't want to call him everyday to ask, as if we are trying to chase him to complete. Anyway, we had the time to make daily trips, so we can see the progress for ourselves. As long as there is progress, we are ok. For any work done that we do not understand or when we need to discuss some change of plans etc, then we sms him to discuss or meet up if necessary.


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i think usually no carpentry work in toilet will not have 3d one.. not sure if most id do that la..

vanity considered carpentry anot? i got do vanity with suspended storage leh.. cant visualised how the tiles will turn out cos we verbally told him how we want layout of the tiles.... but don really noe whether it will look nice..


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it's like that - I kept changing our mind/plan also, so much so that our contractor said ni men han di er, mei you ren gan shuo di yi, simply translated means "if you are number two, nobody can say they are number 1" :D Though may be "fan" for yr ID, still need to say, otherwise if the work has already been done, how?

aiyoh, how can he say he is getting impatient? Surely he can understand that is normal - being house owners wanting the best!

we also had this dilemma. If you have a work schedule, that's best so at least you can see if he has gone behind time. For us, no schedule. Also don't want to call him everyday to ask, as if we are trying to chase him to complete. Anyway, we had the time to make daily trips, so we can see the progress for ourselves. As long as there is progress, we are ok. For any work done that we do not understand or when we need to discuss some change of plans etc, then we sms him to discuss or meet up if necessary.

no shcedule really hard.. donno the sequence, and we engaging seperate cotnractor for painting and air con, so really need to noe the progress so that we can arrange for the painter and the air con pple to come...

we call him until we abit paiseh already... very thin skin. hahaa...


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reno day 5-

got a sms from willie this morning to inform us that the workers for water proofing are sick and unable to come today. :(

but we still went down to our hse and see see, cos ytd din go.. so today we decided to go.... the big hole still there, not mended, the ledge on top of the bomb shelter is still there....

tiles are here...

the big holes, and the dono wat is it call is still attached to the wall.... (those metal used for holding the mirror)


close up of the hole.. so big, ugly.. i don like. i don like ugly things!!!!


3 wooden pillar divider removed! making space for the shoes cabinet


the tiles!


trying to have a rough idea on what colour we want before our meeting with andrew from xerxes on tuesday


side track a bit, the 12 packets of drinks are gone. we bought it for the workers on day 2... and just 1 day, 12 packets gone. 1 day becos there is no work ytd and today at all. so only day 2 itself. Only 2 workers.... thats quite fast... at this rate, we need to buy more more water.

12 x 20 days = 240 packets!!!! :o

is it normal?????

checked with willie when will the 3d be out, cos we need to see the design before we can decide on the paint colours... need to arrange with xerxes to decide on the colours and the date... date for painting to be fixed on 3rd dec, willie said the date is okay... so we arrange to meet andrew from xerxes on tuesday to choose the paint colours... not sure which series to choose leh...

odourless? easywash? ...

progress seems quite slow.. already 4 days, but only hacking done... (and its incomplete somemore) :unsure:

Edited by Leey0032

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I guess most of the IDs like this, got good attributes that you like but also have bad habits you hate.. guess we just have to give and take lo.. think most important is the end product! ;)

Camping here for your 3D drawings! :lol:

haha, thats true.. so long its not something really bad, i guess just donno give and take and compromise...

still waiting very patuiently for my 3d drawings....


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25th Nov (Day 9)

still tiling, and some electrical work

uncle laying tiles


our tiles soaking in the water


the tiles we selected.. choose the same design for the white one as welll... was worried tat it will turn out too flowerly.. but it turns out really nice... =)



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26th nov (reno day 10)

air con re piping started today.... uncle said tat will need 2 days to complete the work...

tiling for toilet done! looks quite nice except that uneven tiles at the shower screen (just one tile and it spoils the entire look)

the floor tiles... donno why the photo turns out to be so bright.. must be the flash light... its matt finish in real life...




toilet aceesories + toilet bowl supposed to arrive on tuesday....bought from uncle henry... nice uncle....

lights supposed to arrive on tues as well.. hopefully they wun forget us again... else i really gonna get angry...

gg down to our house to see see later....

the floor is really really messy now... the common toilet is super dirty now.. yucks


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3D drawing is here!!! yippe!!

MBR... gonna change the study table to dressing table....


living room...


another view of living room


the conversion of the alter table to a storage + display


for the toilet.. i thot no 3D drawing, but there is... :P

the vanity is at the wrong position.. sld be at the other side



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Nice drawings you have! :)

Just one question, u going to build a full feature wall with tv console in your MBR? will it be very cramped? something u might want to take note is that 3d drawings always appear more spacious than it actually is in real lor.. ;)


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sld have let Willie paint... =( if only we weren't so rash to pay the $1000 at expo... sigh.. but well, at least its only paint.... how can they engage such irresponsible and inexperience workers?

the cracks... how can they nto see this?


look how ugly it is. =(



mess all over the house, no intention to clean up at all! stain our laminate flooring. when i saw the workers, i already told them to do protection of my flooring, cos laminate very hard to clean off stains(acc to Willie).. stain already oso din bother to clean up




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