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Sims Drive 5i

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Day 10 - Toilet Tiling work

bathroom floor tiles wip... progress is getting slower... not sure of they can complete the masorny work by the scheduled date of 15-dec-10 before plastering kicks in. fingers cross.


shower area tiles compartment are done. but each tile panel bottom have rough bottom surface. hence, i suggested to the work to put 2 tiles together so that it will be smooth surfaces from top and bottom for each pannel.


this is how each panel looks like after the suggestion. but now another problem... i dun like the joining line in between... argh... asking them to use the plastic corner trim to paste across. will see the outcome tmr. =)

ossify, if u r reading this. please advise how u did for thattrader. i cannot stand the sight of rought tile surface. =p


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Hi! glad to see u are doing well... u sure u still going for CNS? haha....

i think grilles all have a jail like feel.... no choice one... :(

if its me, i would choose the horizontal grilles though...


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Hi! glad to see u are doing well... u sure u still going for CNS? haha....

i think grilles all have a jail like feel.... no choice one... :(

if its me, i would choose the horizontal grilles though...

yea, put deposit with CNS le. wanted the $188 hollow gate. but china salesgirl said no more le. we went for the solid one instead at $250. then top up for brush black colour and the unit display plate for $60. will keep a watchful eye on them during the installation.

yea.. agreed. horizontal grilles look simple and lasting. i no choice but have to put grilles. cause got baby at home. =p


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steelze, have you considered invisible grills?

i read that somewhere... but i think the price a bit out of my budget. keke.. how much is it anyway? my normal window grilles is about $1400 for the whole house. shagged.


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Updated 3D drawings for kitchen, living room and master room

Living room


Still not satifised with the living room tv console and feature wall... time is clocking nearer to carpentry meeting date...

Kitchen (left wall)


Kitchen (right wall)


Masterbed room



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Day 11 and 12 (Tiling and plastering)

Masonry work currently left living room floor tiles. Plastering for whole house ceiling started yesterday. Went down to see the 60% completed work. Gotta say that i very happy to see smooth ceiling on my previous rockstone ceiling. -grin-

I popped a question to my id yesterday. how do your workers answer their nature calls prior the installation of my WC? poo directly into the drainage!? tt's gross. I saw that what they did in Lawry (Weiken) t-blog. :jawdrop:

but my id said they will go public toilet like coffee shops... but my place is relatively remote. nearest coffee shop is 300m away! so, not convincing that they actually walked this far. :unsure: so yesterday night, i tried to sniff hard in both bathrooms to smell any poo remains. glad i didnt smell anything. hahaha. :good:

Edited by steelze

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My second appointment fall on the same day as yours, the 'sweet' 16th Nov. hehe…

I started the major hacking work on 24th November and until now, just tiling of both toilet and kitchen were done. Yours seems progressing well. And your quote is very competitive too… :good:


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hihi yumiko. thanks for dropping by. glad to hear that we have the same 2nd appt date. in fact, mine was dragged super long. i bought this unit in April 2010, still cannot imagine i am still homeless as at this date. reason being it was a contra-transaction. the previous onwer couldn't find a house after selling us.... and it dragggggggg... glad that this long wait for hdb transaction is over!

anyway, i have read ur t-blog too. very nice 3d drawing and layout u have. but didnt catch which contractor /id u r engaging for ur project? pricey? my quote was indeed very competitive. i was about to sign with Vincent (Ideas4Room) before this id from SDS decided to match and even lower it! haha... he was crazy then.

so far, my WIP status more or less same as you. the initial 2 weeks very fast. but this 3rd week, they slowed down a lot. 4 more weeks to handover, but i still see sand and debris everywhere. dunno how they gonna catch up. hope i can just use remote control to fast forward this entire reno period to the hand-over date.

i did a lot of self source for direct contacts such as windows, doors and glass work. how bout you? can share share reference. =)


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hihi yumiko. thanks for dropping by. glad to hear that we have the same 2nd appt date. in fact, mine was dragged super long. i bought this unit in April 2010, still cannot imagine i am still homeless as at this date. reason being it was a contra-transaction. the previous onwer couldn't find a house after selling us.... and it dragggggggg... glad that this long wait for hdb transaction is over!

anyway, i have read ur t-blog too. very nice 3d drawing and layout u have. but didnt catch which contractor /id u r engaging for ur project? pricey? my quote was indeed very competitive. i was about to sign with Vincent (Ideas4Room) before this id from SDS decided to match and even lower it! haha... he was crazy then.

so far, my WIP status more or less same as you. the initial 2 weeks very fast. but this 3rd week, they slowed down a lot. 4 more weeks to handover, but i still see sand and debris everywhere. dunno how they gonna catch up. hope i can just use remote control to fast forward this entire reno period to the hand-over date.

i did a lot of self source for direct contacts such as windows, doors and glass work. how bout you? can share share reference. =)

hi steelze, mine is also contra-transaction. But I am lucky that the buying cum selling process were pretty smooth for our case. We took 6 weeks for completion.

Same as you, I have been sourcing for more than 15 quotations, contractors or ID. At last, we engage Roy Tan from IR Design (he was previously working at Inzen Interior Design). His quote is not the cheapest; and it is not cheap though among those that I got. But I like his design, I saw one of the project he did before I engage him. I trust his sense of creativity so I handle the project to him. I was about to sign with Ideal House. but...sigh...I dare not comment anything at the moment. Of course there are some hiccups and dissatisfaction happened in between, but I am lucky that he is there to rectify the problem. So, still consider ok. Afterall, what I want is the solution, no point to argue but nothing is done, right?

I did lots of self sourcing too. I can get tiler, carpenter, door, window grills, even india granite direct contact too. Their price is cheap, but my hubby and I cannot find time to coordinate the job on own. Hubby is too committed to work, and I am always away from Singapore to work as well. Another reason to engage ID is, both of us are not really into design, we want some professional advice from ID on color matching and space planning. So, we choose Roy, I hope he is not going to bring us disappointment.

Edited by yumiko

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hi steelze, mine is also contra-transaction ...

... we want some professional advice from ID on color matching and space planning. So, we choose Roy, I hope he is not going to bring us disappointment.

yea, most important is that u can trust that id. so between u and ur hubby, i will say that u r more involved with the entire reno? for my case, my wife need to take care of our 1.5month old baby boy, so almost all the decisions are made by me. but of course subject to her final review and appoval. hehe.

glad that ur id has been rectifying problems for u quite promptly. what are some of the hiccups? probably i also wanna use ur experience to check on my work since we are almost on the same schedule.

so far as i inspect on my tiling work, i dunno what to pinpoint. not that my id's workers are good, just that i dunno what is considered well done or badly done. i referred to some referrence from fellow t-bloggers ' experience to ook for cracked tiles, non-matching gout lines in between tiles and etc... didnt see any problem... hehehe.. maybe i too noob.


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wow.. dun scare me... like that i must buy some grout jelly to patch up myself le. ur explanation on the lan network setup was great... i will try my best to disgest your info and perform the testing on that day. anyway, did my electrican missed out any items for the lan network setup? purely stating Data Access Point (cat6) is understanble what the outcome i want from him right?

Edited by steelze

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Day 15

Work completed:

Plastering for whole whole ceiling. Looks good.

Only kitchen pics to share as this is the one and last room surviving with lighting point...






counting... ... x'mas ... ...new year ... ...end of reno! ... ...CNY!

Edited by steelze

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wow.. dun scare me... like that i must buy some grout jelly myself to patch up myself le. ur explanation on the lan network setup was great... i will try my best to disgest your info and perform the testing on that day. anyway, has my electrican missed out any items for the lan network setup? purely stating Data Access Point (cat6) is understanble what the outcome i want from him right?

dun worry, just ask ur tiler give u some grout powder so u can do some touch up urself.... :D

as long as the electrician follow the standard color coding of the LAN cables, it shd be ok one... but take note, there's a difference between using Cat5e patch cable (which is typically used in short lengths of 1~3m) and the normal Cat5e cable.

how to tell? strip off the external sleeve and u should see a metallic foil wrap with drain wire wrapping around the 4 twistedpairs, and/or some strong nylon thread inside. these are the correct cables to be used to run thru the casings and conduits, as this metallic foil/drainwire/nylon thread provides strain-relief to avoid undue tension on the 8 conductors when pulling the cables.... they are more rigid.... make sure the electrician uses this type.

normal patch cables dun have the metallic foil one. so they are more flexible, if used this to pull thru the trunkings, the internal conductors may break due to excessive tensioning when pulling of the cable.

whatever it is, immediately after cat5e cables run, get ur electrician to test out each and every length of cable to make sure all ok before concealing them with false ceiling/cornices, etc., if got problems can still easily replace cables.


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