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Wardrobe Done By Amare La Casa

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No offense but I just wish to clarify the following points raised by you.

"But the funny thing is some people are so hard to pleased as no matter how much times people rectify, they just seems to have problem with it. Dunno is the company 'suay' or wad."

Easy to please or hard to please is subjective. If you bought a NEW wardrobe with so many defects yet the company refused to rectify after collecting your money and throwing you with your defected product, in my view, a super easy customer would just accept it without any complaints. Perhaps your threshold falls under this category.

On that, as a consumer, asserting basic rights on reasonable quality seems to be slated as being difficult. In case what you heard was skewed or partial, throughout, there was only ONE rectification visit during which among the whole list of faults, only two were looked into (and also made worse). Slanted bar was fixed straight but added with scratches. Uneven shelves were cut even shorter. The rest of defects were not looked into. Second visit was arranged but no works were done as they only came to 'look' at the problems. Perhaps, indeed the company was suay and not as lucky to have easy customers and ardent supporter like yourself.

"i also dunno why some people will wanne condemned a company till this extend. Is dreaming of the company will close down or? and the most amazing part is they can assume that we trying to impose as customers.."

This is a reno forum where people share their views, purchases, recommendations, etc. Although some companies do log in themselves to moderate the negative reviews, whether you are a customer or just a posed customer is in fact immaterial as you can share your happy purchase while I share my unpleasant encounter. What was shared was solely the truth and not made up to condemn the company to the extent of closure. No company has 100% satisfied customers due to lapses arising from human errors, technical faults or even customers' unreasonable expectations. What is important is the attitude and lessons that we learn from mistakes/experience.

Hello Rariching.

I totally agree with you. It depends on individuals. It's true that a company must rectify any flaws. But the funny thing is some people are so hard to pleased as no matter how much times people rectify, they just seems to have problem with it. Dunno is the company 'suay' or wad. LOL

i also dunno why some people will wanne condemned a company till this extend. Is dreaming of the company will close down or? and the most amazing part is they can assume that we trying to impose as customers.. HAHA !!

but i'm just wondering, why Amare La Casa did not stand up for themselves? :dunno:


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I fully agree with your view and suggestion.

If you looking out for contractor to do wardrobe for you, ask for a real showhouse.

If possible call all the contractor's customer lists whether they are happy with the contractor works.

Finishing work is very subjective to individual expectation. Do you agree with me?

Hello Rariching.

I totally agree with you. It depends on individuals. It's true that a company must rectify any flaws. But the funny thing is some people are so hard to pleased as no matter how much times people rectify, they just seems to have problem with it. Dunno is the company 'suay' or wad. LOL

i also dunno why some people will wanne condemned a company till this extend. Is dreaming of the company will close down or? and the most amazing part is they can assume that we trying to impose as customers.. HAHA !!

but i'm just wondering, why Amare La Casa did not stand up for themselves? :dunno:


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Do you have any good contractor to recommend? I intend to do a customize wardrobe.

I have been looking at the forum for quite sometime. I shortlist a few but have yet to decide.


Hi, Suzuki448

I've just engaged Amare La Casa to do up the wardrobes for all of my 4 bedrooms.

After looking at the end products in the studio, i can accept the workmanship.

The salesperson yina did emphasize that the depth of the structure is 45mm, whereas the uneven shelves is only for the flexible shelves due to uneven walls. So that we could move it freely without protruding out of the whole structure.

My wife love their system and they had higher percentages of good comment then the bad ones. Therefore, we've decided to give it a try.

I would try to upload the photos I've took in their studio earlier on.


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I fully agree with your view and suggestion.

If you looking out for contractor to do wardrobe for you, ask for a real showhouse.

If possible call all the contractor's customer lists whether they are happy with the contractor works.

Finishing work is very subjective to individual expectation. Do you agree with me?


I agree with you that it is subjective to individual expectation. However, everybody had a minimum expectation. A company cannot hand over a finished job with uneven shelves, chipped edges, un-smooth drawers. To me, this is quite unprofessional for a company to handover such a sluggish job.

For your second point, to call the customer lists seems impossible. The company should protect the customers' privacy rather than to ask the prospect to call the customers.

Personally, I do not go down to any showroom. It is because it looks like an "Advertisement". Everything was good there. From the most complex wardrobe to alluring shoes cabinet, everything you find there are the best quality.

It's like going to the car showroom. Everything was nice and well polished. Even the car agents are well polished with sales talk. All the good mechanism are mentioned but not the bad ones. Look at Toyota, it doesn't need people to sales talk much and people know Toyota is a good brand.

My old house was renovated by an ID. I did not go down to her company's showroom. She was recommended by my friend. My old house was neatly done by her. Additionally, she was responsible when I pointed out some flaws, she quickly rectified it withing the next day. However, I can't find her as she no longer worked in her company.

It's like 一传十,十传百,百传万。 (Sorry poor chinese :P)

It means if a company is really good/bad ... It will spread around quickly like wild fire thru words of mouth.

So my point is, the bad company will ultimately loses all his customers and reputation, whereas, the good company will be gloried without the need of 'advertisement'.


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I fully agree with your view and suggestion.

If you looking out for contractor to do wardrobe for you, ask for a real showhouse.

If possible call all the contractor's customer lists whether they are happy with the contractor works.

Finishing work is very subjective to individual expectation. Do you agree with me?


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Hi all,

Not trying to side anyone here.

It is not uncommon for any staffs/bosses/friends to hide behind a computer from a company to act as a VERY SATISFIED customer to praise/boost/glorified themselves over the net space. This is a very unethical marketing strategy, however.

It is also common to see forum mates opening multiple accounts to attack another forum mate.

It is your call and duty to find out more about the company before making any decision.

Take your time. Find out from other forum mates. If possible, ask them to show you the pictures of poor workmanship/ good workmanship. A picture tells a thousand words. Forum is just a guide to source out the information you want.

My 2 cent worth.


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Hi all,

I am a satisfied customer of Amare La Casa. They are the best company whom I ever enage to renovate our house in Nov 09'.

They are professional enough to advise on the design on the combination of the interior cabinet and the panel of the sliding door.

So far I have no complaint on the 3 sets of wardrobe that they done for me.

I am most willing to recommend their system to my friends and relatives.

As a comsumer sometime is good to seek the professional advise. We only renovate our home about 3 to 4 times max in our life time, how can we compare to the professional whom make a few hundreds or thousand in a yr.



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hi darknight33,i'm happy for you that you had received satisfied product and service from Amare La Casa and did not go through the hassle and frustrations that i had. While you may feel that that 'somebody' who is 'simple' just looking for a little 'problems', touch your heart and ask if you would pay for a NEW wardrobe where shelves are not even, not aligned, not as discussed and also decorated with chips marks, dents, and stains? And yet, yina who came down said the defects are nothing BUT took photos herself, promised to change some parts, yet left it hanging without doing anything. Of course I respect your views, but if you find the verdict unfair, you may be scandalising the court's judgement and our judiciary system. It's understandable if you as a consumer think that no one on earth would customise an 80cm wardrobe. However, coming from the company who offers core customisation services yet only delivers standardised depth of 44.5cm (omitted info) is unacceptable. Customised wardrobe should be done accordingly to fit individual's requirements, as promised. In case you are not aware, off the shelves standard is 60cm. My requested depth is not to find 'problem' but to fit the space in my room and maximise storage space. Karen ridiculed this point in court too, citing customer will not be able to reach for their items with this depth. I felt that while she may find it personally impossible to reach with the length of our hands, it is immaterial. The company should not dictate how a wardrobe should be utilised according to how they instruct customers and only build wardrobes they think is standard. As it's a personalised product that comes with customised services. As mentioned, I believe there are other satisfied independent customers just like yourself. Unfortunely, I fell not by choice into the other group of customers.

Hi all,

erm,, im a satisfied customer from amare la casa. to be honest, they're service n wardrobe are GREAT ! I don find any problems with them and their wardrobe. i recommended this wardrobe to a few of my friends, all seems to have no problem with anything.

i do actually found out the whole incident from karen, n i felt a little unfair for them as 'somebody' are simple looking for a 'little' problemS. like, WHICH CONTRACTOR IN THIS EARTH WILL BUILD A WARDROBE IN 80CM DEPTH? think...

and no offence peeps, 'I have no personal grudges against anyone nor the company in particular. This is my objective review as a consumer' :P


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Do you have any good contractor to recommend? I intend to do a customize wardrobe.

I have been looking at the forum for quite sometime. I shortlist a few but have yet to decide.


Hi all,

erm,, im a satisfied customer from amare la casa. to be honest, they're service n wardrobe are GREAT ! I don find any problems with them and their wardrobe. i recommended this wardrobe to a few of my friends, all seems to have no problem with anything.

i do actually found out the whole incident from karen, n i felt a little unfair for them as 'somebody' are simple looking for a 'little' problemS. like, WHICH CONTRACTOR IN THIS EARTH WILL BUILD A WARDROBE IN 80CM DEPTH? think...

and no offence peeps, 'I have no personal grudges against anyone nor the company in particular. This is my objective review as a consumer' :P


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I felt sorry for you. But which salesperson did you dealt with? The salesperson i spoke to seems to be quite a good lady.


Do you have any good contractor to recommend? I intend to do a customize wardrobe.

I have been looking at the forum for quite sometime. I shortlist a few but have yet to decide.



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hi nickgoh,thanks for ur empathy. Sales pitch was by Yina at the furniture exhibition. Main person in charge is Karen. Those insinuating remarks were from both. Initially (before intallation) they were friendly and cordial. Not anymore after payment was made. First feedback to Karen was still ok. But her partner came and didnt looked into all faults. The chipped and stained drawers were not even replaced and just left. They kept repeating it's their standard and I seemed to have no choice but to accept and I'm glad I didn't after seeking legal advice. After the first rectification which was just a waste of time and coming for thr purpose for persuading to accept their standard and not a rectification trip. I called to feedback again as it was ridiculous that they turn deaf and blind to my calls and emails. Then the seemingly friendly people started their shrewd poppycock.

Just share one of my story about poor after sale service. I bought an insurance from an agent. Initially everything was good. Agent come to my house and send me documents to sign. Even send me birthday card for the 1st year.

Then I intended to cancel my policy becoz I wanna support a good friend by buying from him instead.

When I called the agent and told her I wanna canceled the policy. Many silly questions were asked. Then I called her a few times but she told me either NOT FREE or she didnt pick up. In the end I called her company. Few days later, she asked me to go to her office to cancel the policy! What a vast differences from pre sales and after sales.


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hi nickgoh,thanks for ur empathy. Sales pitch was by Yina at the furniture exhibition. Main person in charge is Karen. Those insinuating remarks were from both. Initially (before intallation) they were friendly and cordial. Not anymore after payment was made. First feedback to Karen was still ok. But her partner came and didnt looked into all faults. The chipped and stained drawers were not even replaced and just left. They kept repeating it's their standard and I seemed to have no choice but to accept and I'm glad I didn't after seeking legal advice. After the first rectification which was just a waste of time and coming for thr purpose for persuading to accept their standard and not a rectification trip. I called to feedback again as it was ridiculous that they turn deaf and blind to my calls and emails. Then the seemingly friendly people started their shrewd poppycock.


I felt sorry for you. But which salesperson did you dealt with? The salesperson i spoke to seems to be quite a good lady.


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I felt sorry for you. But which salesperson did you dealt with? The salesperson i spoke to seems to be quite a good lady.

I guess JKS had fallen for the same trap :P LOL


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Hi nickgoh,

you may wish to refer to earlier threads for my review of their wardrobe. This was one of the worst and most cumbersome purchase I ever had. To such extent where I need to initiate legal action against the company due to the unfair practice, lackadaisical attitude (they simply ignored all the faults, said it was nothing, asked me to live with it, did not follow up, did not apologize, promised to change the drawers and scratched bar yet nothing was done at all, refused to admit fault and denied bad quality despite evidence shown) in order compel their attendance in court to take up their responsibility as a seller as the defects as shown in photos posted remained intact till date.

Above all, it was very exasperating communicating with them. Decent companies with reasonable management or staff would look into feedback and provide service recovery or product rectifications if logical and required. Yet, this special company AMARE LA CASA is off the reverse end. I was shouted at, advised to talk to them nicely since I need them to do the rectifications (full pymt made), person in charge can tell me she was unhappy and ended the conversation, told me I am giving them problems when they came for pdt and service (plus ego) recovery, told me to make sure I can reach the wardrobe if I want to adjust the hanging bar, called me late at night and made me repeat my complaint which was emailed and conveyed verbally but no formal reply given and ended the call saying that it was late and she needed to sleep, said there was no reason for them to come rectify so many times as it was only a 6ft wardrobe, told me I can dont like their wardrobe just like some people like and some people doesnt like LKY. She also said if I want my wardrobe to be straight, I need to tell them "K****, I want my wardrobe to be 100% straight. Decent and reasonable companies will definately follow up on feedback and provide service recovery/product rectification if logical and required. Yet, this special company AMARE LA CASA is off the reverse end. I was shouted at, advised to talk to them nicely since I need them to do the rectifications (full pymt made), person in charge can tell me she was unhappy and ended the conversation, told me I am giving them problems when they came for pdt and service (plus ego) recovery, told me to make sure I can reach the wardrobe if I want to adjust the hanging bar, called me late at night and made me repeat my complaint which was emailed and conveyed verbally but no formal reply given and ended the call saying that it was late and she needed to sleep, said there was no reason for them to come rectify so many times as it was only a 6ft wardrobe, (first visit after installation did not rectify all faults, instead slanted bar when refixed to be straight was added with scratched). Imagine the company can tell me 'I can don't like their wardrobe just like some people like and some people don't like LYK' (Amare La Casa, 2010). If I wanted a straight wardrobe with aligned shelvings, I need to tell them "K****, I want my shelving to be 100% straight", claimed I am fussy whereby I only highlighted the major faults and not even the minor ones initially, also tried to be funny and asked me to teach her how to cut shelves and build wardrobe since I wanted aligned shelvings with consistent dimensions (shortfall is not in terms of 1 or 2 mms but 1 or 2 inches), sales strategy of not indicating their standard resulting in different outcome (measurements and drawing plans not indicated and revealed) and will only rectify the fault if I top up money to redo wardrobe to my requested depth.

I personally and unfortunately, experienced the recalcitrant turned-off attitude, arrogance, unreasonableness and aggressive yet defensive stances. They lack professionalism, willingness, sincerity and capabilities to resolve the matter and clear their own sales/product mistakes. Although an order was given for them to refund and remove the wardrobe within 30 days, I got a feeling that I will need to go through further proceedings in order to enforce the order, in which I will.


I felt sorry for you. But which salesperson did you dealt with? The salesperson i spoke to seems to be quite a good lady.


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Yes. I won the case and have an order against them. But till date, they did not bother to arrange to collect back their wardobe. Neither was any money order received. I would not post such incriminating facts online if it isnot reflective of the truth, otherwise, I may be sued for defamation.Even if quality is not up to standard, ethical business practices and genuine service recovery efforts would have resolved the matter amicably without the hassle to go through judiciary process.


Did you win the case against them??

It's so terrible.


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