CoffeeMan 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2010 (edited) I found this article very interesting and would like to share with all of you Source : Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy, do keep an open mind when reading the article. 人生的意义究竟什么?究竟什么是正确的人生观?是什么决定了你的一生?什么样的人生算作完美的人生?这可能是个千人千解的问题。中国相学有句最著名的话:“一命二运三风水四积德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生。”这句话千百年来被人们深深所尊崇。 所谓的一命二运三风水四积德五读书,就是说人的一生命是第一位的,是天生的,是不可改变的。运就是你的运气,风水就是你所处的环境,积德就是常存善念,多行善事,因而天必佑之。读书说的就是后天的努力。名说的是名字是你的生命代码,很重要,不能乱起。相说的是你的仪表,也就是面相、手相、骨相、身相、动相、声相等等。敬神就是要相信这个宇宙世界还以一群比人类智慧高得多的那么一群生物体,就是神,要敬重他们。交贵人说的就是亲贤才,远小人,用当今的解释就是死也要死在富人堆里。养生就是养生之道。 说心里话,这句话我也认同,我相信养生,合理的膳食习惯的确能使人健康长寿。我也相信近朱者赤近墨者黑,我交友也有自己的选择。神我不知道,天我是很尊敬的。至于相我觉得还是有道理的,作为一个人我始终认为就要走有走相、坐有坐相,举止要优雅,大方得体,虽然我不知道面相手相能影响什么,但我相信一个人要有好品相。至于名字,我不研究,也不相信,家宝未必是宝,小平未必没有大乱子,林彪也不是真彪。这几点对我来说虽然相信,但是占得比重不大,几乎可以忽略不计。而至于一命二运三风水四积德五读书我是深信不疑的。 我相信命,命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求,阎王叫你三更死,绝不留你到五更。我把命更多意义上理解为天赋,就是你得先天基础,这是不可忽视的。有的人后天再怎么努力也对音乐一窍不通,而有的人,比如韩国那个小盲童,天生就会弹钢琴,就对音乐特敏感。爱迪生说,天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水,但那百分之一的灵感是最重要的,甚至比那百分之九十九的汗水还要重要。从这一点来说我相信命。而另一方面,我又不信命,有的人生就一副富贵命,我不相信整天躺在床上,天上就能掉下金元宝,就能掉下林妹妹。就算掉下金元宝也是先把头砸碎了,就算掉下林妹妹,估计也是脸先着地了。 我很少把运理解的那么复杂,我觉得所谓的运气就是你的一生中的偶然的机会成本。人生不如意事常八九,也就是说人的好运气不是很多的,所以人生如果只凭一点运气去完美是不可能,毕竟中500万只有700万分之一的机会。风水是个很邪门的东西,你不能单纯把它理解为迷信。风水这个词目前风行世界,连英语单词也新加了风水这个词条,而它的英文写法就是fengshui,这是因为外国人根本解释不了什么叫风水,但却又很相信它。我不相信阴宅阳宅的地理位置等等,简单的说我注重人文环境而不是自然环境。我对风水的理解很简单,那就是生不逢时抑或生而有时。一个人生而有时,你的能力思维恰恰是当时所需要的,那么你就是风水好,反之生不逢时,不为时代所重,如孔子等,那就是风水不好。关于积德我的理解就是做人堂堂正正,苟且之事切莫为之,不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。正如《易经》云:积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。亦如《太上感应篇》云:祸福无门,惟人自召,善恶之报,如影随形。窃以为心存善念,是为积德。 读书我认为是最重要的,读书不是说读书的量有多少。现代人的阅读量远远超过古人,可是现代人没有几个会读书的,因为读书的目的是为了明事理。现代人读的书越多,越不明白事理,因为他们读书的目的不纯,急功近利,只是拿来主义,从未认真结合自身去思考。所谓万般皆下品,唯有读书高,说的就是人读书能明白更多的事理,而明事理就能影响你的思维,而你的思维能指导你的行动。明事理才能让你有强烈的意志和毅力,凭借自己不懈的努力,可以改变不顺的机运,或者可以开创属于自己的一片天,正所谓精诚所至,金石为开。同时明事理还能让你行得正、坐得端,任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船。这一切都是读书的功劳。 我虽然相信一命二运三风水四积德五读书,但是千百年来这种排序我是绝对不认同的。命运绝不是最主要的,绝对不能起到人生完全的主宰作用。而千百年来被人们一直排在末席的读书,我却认为是最重要的。读书可以提高人的能力,可以使人建立自己正确的人生观。而有了这些我就不信我改变不了命运,改变不了风水。正所谓运可改,命可造,命由己作,福由己求。我信命,但我绝不认命,我无法去延展我生命的长度,但我绝对可以去自由追求生命的深度。从我这些年来走过的路来看,只要你有足够的毅力,命运终究会低头。曾几何时,我不向命运屈服,以命相博,终于换来我今天的自由。我努力读书,明白更多的事理,才使得我处处洁身自好,由此才保证内心的那份纯真与安逸。因而我明了人生意义之所在。 我所理解的真正的人生就是孔子说的那句话:“从吾所好!”去做我自己喜欢做的事情,当然前提是这些事情是正当的。说自己想说的,做自己想做的,坚持自己的做人原则,笑骂由人,我行我素。比如我建立书库,就是因为我喜欢读书,尝到读书的甜头。为此我想让更多的人和我一样收益,从书中明白事理,而后懂得怎样开创自己的人生,让自己活得不那么辛苦。我喜欢换做,所以我不计得失。而名利是我不十分喜欢的事情,所以懒得做。有人说我有条件去这样做,因为我不上班也能生存。其实我不这样想,我现在虽然没看到钱,但你不能说我现在没在赚钱,我读书、明事理、提高自己的能力的本身就是在赚钱,机会是给有准备的人准备的,我相信我比文盲更能抓得住机会,机会一旦来临,赚钱,是问题吗?这个世界上多少人的辛苦不都是因为本末倒置,没有赚钱的能力却偏偏想赚大钱。这个社会的道德不也是为此而沦丧的吗?想赚大钱却没本事,只好不择手段,歪门邪道,其实就算一夜暴富又能如何?咋富不知新受用,咋贫难改旧家风,看看你的周围,一夜暴富的人有几个善始善终?我曾跟很多人说过一句话,财者有灵,有德者据其福,无德者据其祸,故德于财先。而德之何来?读书!所以,你能说命运重要读书不重要?看看多少人整天醉生梦死、无所事事?你今天的生活不如意,就是你十年前无所事事不思进取的结果,而你今天的无所事事,就是你十年后的继续不如意,是命还是人? 人生的精彩是可以博取的,我命由我不由天!亲爱的朋友,你不希望你的人生精彩吗?那就用读书提高你的能力,去战胜命运吧! Edited February 9, 2011 by CoffeeMan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoffeeMan 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2010 Goggle Translation: What the meaning of life? What is the correct outlook on life? What determines your life? What kind of life regarded as a perfect life? This could be a thousand thousand unanswered questions. There is a famous school in China with the words: "One Life 2 Games 3 Feng Shui 4 Jide five studies, six of seven with eight nine worship ten health cross honored person." This sentence for thousands of years was deeply honored by the people. The so-called feng shui a life 2 3 4 Jide shipped five studies, that human life is the first one is born, is immutable. Transportation is your luck, feng shui is your environment, is to always keep the good side, Jide, on charitable deeds, and therefore must woo the day. Reading that is acquired efforts. Name that is the code name is your life, it is important not to collect from. Phase that is your instrument, that is, physiognomy, palmistry, Gu Xiang, physical phase, phase, pan, etc.. Worship is to believe that the universe has a bunch of much higher than that of human intelligence as a group of organisms, that is God, to respect them. Pay honored person that is pro-talented people, well the villain, with the current explanation is that Siyeyaosi in the rich pile. Health is good health. Say the truth, I also agree with this statement, I believe that health, dietary habits do make a reasonable person health and longevity. I also believe that access game, I make friends also have their own choice. God I do not know, days I was very respectable. As for the phase I think it makes sense, as a person I always think there is going to go with, to sit, behave to be elegant, generous, although I do not know what face congratulating each other can influence, but I believe that a person good product phase. As for the name, I do not study, do not believe, Jiabao may not be the treasure, not without great trouble Xiaoping, Lin Biao was not true. Although these points for me to believe, but accounted for a small proportion, almost negligible. As for a life 2 Games 3 Feng Shui 4 Jide five school I believe. I believe that life, life in the end sometimes need to order in no time Mo insist, Yama told you three-shift dead, never leave you to Dawn. I understood the meaning of life more talent that you have a priori basis, it can not be ignored. Some day after tomorrow music know nothing about how hard they try, while others, such as Korea, the little blind children, are born to play the piano, feeling the music Temin. Edison said that genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration, but that one percent inspiration and is the most important, even more than that 99% of sweat would be. In this sense I believe that life. On the other hand, I do not believe life, and some life to a rich life, I do not believe in bed all day, the sky will fall gold ingot, will fall forest sister. Even if the fall is also the first gold ingot head smashing, even if the fall forest sister, is estimated to face first with the earth. I have very little understanding of the operation so complex, I think the so-called luck is your lifetime chance of opportunity cost. Most things in life always 89, meaning that not many people good luck, so if just by a little luck to go in life is not perfect, after all, only a 700 millionth of 5 million opportunities. Feng Shui is a very scary thing, you can not simply understand it as superstition. Feng Shui word currently popular in the world, even the English words have also added a new feng shui of this entry, written in English and it is fengshui, it is because foreigners simply can not explain what is feng shui, but yet believe it. I do not believe Amityville Horror location mansion so simple that I pay attention to human environment instead of the natural environment. My understanding of feng shui is very simple, it is untimely or is born sometimes. A life and sometimes, your ability to Siweiqiaqia was required, then you are good feng shui, whereas untimely, not heavy times, such as Confucius, etc., it is bad feng shui. I understand that on Jide upright life, struggling for things to refrain from doing that hand wants no washing. As the "Book of Changes," saying: charitable homes, there must be Yuqing; product of poor homes, will be more than a calamity. 亦如 "too sensitive article on" Cloud: fortune nowhere, but people from the call, good and evil report, go hand in hand. Burglary that feel good thought is to accumulate virtue. I think reading is the most important, reading is not to say how much the amount of reading. Modern reading is much more than the ancients, but few people today will read, because reading is intended to have good sense. Read more modern books, the less sensible, because the purpose of their study impure, quick success, but ism, never to think seriously light of its own. The so-called All things are beneath contempt, only education, said that people can understand more sensible reading, and good sense can affect your thinking, your thinking can guide your actions. Good sense to let you have a strong will and determination, by virtue of their tireless efforts, the airplane can be changed not ring true, or you can create your own one day, is the so-called good faith actions, and the bronze and stone. At the same time reasonable and sensible and it will give you honest, sitting side, even if the wind and waves, tight in the fishing boat. All this is to study the credit. Although I believe that a life II Feng Shui Wan 3 4 Jide 5 reading, but for thousands of years of this sort I absolutely do not agree. Destiny is not the most important, must not play the dominant role in life completely. Thousands of years people have been ranked in the Moxi was reading, I think it is most important. Reading can improve people's ability, people can create their own philosophy of life. And with these I can not believe I can not change destiny, feng shui can not be changed. Is the so-called transport may change, life can be made to order by a self-made, has been seeking the blessing. I believe in fate, but I do not resign to fate, I can not go to extend the length of my life, but I definitely can go to the free pursuit of life and depth. From the years I walked the streets, as long as you have enough perseverance, destiny would eventually bow. Once upon a time, I do not yield to fate to fortune tellers and Bo, and finally in exchange for my freedom today. I try to read and understand more of the whole matter, that makes me everywhere abstinence, hence the share of pure heart and to ensure comfort. So I understand the meaning of life lies. I understand the real life sentence is the Confucius said: "From Wusuo good!" To do the things I like to do, of course, the premise is that these things are legitimate. Said he would like to say, do what you want, stick to their principles of life, Xiao Ma by the people, its own way. For example, I set up stacks, it is because I like reading, studying sweet taste. To this end I want more people like me, proceeds from the book, common sense, and then know how to start their own life, to live his life is not so hard. I like to change to do, so I do not gain or loss. The fame and fortune is not quite like I do, why bother to do. Some people say I am qualified to do so, because I do not work also survive. In fact, I do not think so, although I did not see the money, but you can not say I'm not making money, I am reading, understanding, enhance their ability itself is making money, the opportunity is for those who are prepared prepared, I believe I can better sense of filial piety than illiterate opportunities, opportunities when they come, make money, is the problem? How many people in this world is not hard because of cart before the horse, not the ability to make money has chosen to make big money. This community is for this purpose and moral decay is not it? Quemo ability to make big money, only unscrupulous, dishonest, in fact, how can even a fortune overnight? I do not know the new is good enough for ye rich, ye poor and hard to change old family tradition, look around you, there are several people who became rich overnight finish the job? I had a lot of people said a word, Finance is a spirit, virtuous person, according to his blessing, without virtue, according to their abuse, so Germany in the fiscal first. The virtue come from? Reading! So you can say that the fate of important reading is not important? To see how many people live in dreams all day doing nothing? You are unhappy with their lives today, is that you have nothing to do ten years ago, the result of inertia, and you have nothing to do today, that is, years later, continue your unhappy, Fate, or people? Wonderful life is to win, and I ordered from the day I was not! Dear friends, you do not want your life wonderful? Then use the reading to improve your ability to overcome fate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muffin 2 Report post Posted September 7, 2010 hi thanks for sharing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leechaorui 2 Report post Posted September 12, 2010 Good article. Thanks for sharing and translating into English. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoffeeMan 0 Report post Posted September 14, 2010 You are most welcome Please note that some meanings are lost and some words made no sense after the translation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mae29 2 Report post Posted February 8, 2011 Hi, CoffeeMan Finally chanced upon this well written, informative topic on FS...excellent! 一命二运三风水四积德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bepgof 20 Report post Posted February 8, 2011 (edited) The english google translation is poor. Read the article carefully again. Esp the last 3 para, author believed only in HIMSELF, though he stressed he believed 命 and not 运 & disagree with the "sequence of arrangement". He believed more in humanity science than natural science..... Hi, CoffeeMan Finally chanced upon this well written, informative topic on FS...excellent! 一命二运三风水四积德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生 Edited February 8, 2011 by bepgof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mae29 2 Report post Posted February 8, 2011 The english google translation is poor. Read the article carefully again. Esp the last 3 para, author believed only in HIMSELF, though he stressed he believed 命 and not 运 & disagree with the "sequence of arrangement". He believed more in humanity science than natural science..... I read the Chinese version as CoffeeMan mentioned the google translation is poor. But it is interesting to know that author focused more on his own belief, not FS or others & that's why I find this is an interesting article to read under this FS / Geomancy section. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bepgof 20 Report post Posted February 8, 2011 (edited) Sure, each has his own core values. Simply put it: Author puts "study" or "gaining knowledge" as first priority and uses it as sword and shield to fight against and change "fate". His logic is "fate" influents "destiny". 运可改,命可造,命由己作,福由己求. He mentions about the "humanity" and "natural" sciences in FS. Second last para is the classical example of cause & effect, it is also fs-related. Topic of the article should be renamed as "读书=万能!" He must have read a lot, thus able to produce such a "good" article. Good reader always produces good writer. What happened to ancient scholars who failed examination? All became "mobile" fortunate tellers, book writers and teachers liao. I read the Chinese version as CoffeeMan mentioned the google translation is poor. But it is interesting to know that author focused more on his own belief, not FS or others & that's why I find this is an interesting article to read under this FS / Geomancy section. Edited February 8, 2011 by bepgof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoffeeMan 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2011 (edited) Hi, CoffeeMan Finally chanced upon this well written, informative topic on FS...excellent! 一命二运三风水四积德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生 You are most welcome, Mae. I'm glad that you enjoy the article Edited February 9, 2011 by CoffeeMan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoffeeMan 0 Report post Posted February 9, 2011 Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy, do keep an open mind when reading the above article. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivy1981 11 Report post Posted February 12, 2011 Topic of the article should be renamed as "读书=万能!" He must have read a lot, thus able to produce such a "good" article. Good reader always produces good writer. What happened to ancient scholars who failed examination? All became "mobile" fortunate tellers, book writers and teachers liao. I came across a few Taxi driver who were University graduates. I heard Ng Teng Foong only finished primary 6? True? anyone can verify? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bepgof 20 Report post Posted February 12, 2011 (edited) I got my taxi driving licence since abt 1997 as "standby", never drive taxi before. Wife pushed me to take. She also "pushed" me to take swimming instructor course as well as class 5. I told her to spare "rice bowl" to others. So I did not take these 2. Got put $1k deposit with ntuc comfort, 1 yr later collected back. About late Ng TF, you are correct, the lucky ex-colleague's father was neighbour, described him as "eat ppl with bone swallowed". DWG's big boss, Dennis Wee, I think Sec 2 only, got awarded(don't know which body) honorary "doctorate" title. Got lawyers become estate agents, got MBA holder selling poh pian also laywer....So don't need to study liao? I came across a few Taxi driver who were University graduates. I heard Ng Teng Foong only finished primary 6? True? anyone can verify? Edited February 12, 2011 by bepgof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivy1981 11 Report post Posted February 12, 2011 I got my taxi driving licence since abt 1997 as "standby", never drive taxi before. Wife pushed me to take. She also "pushed" me to take swimming instructor course as well as class 5. I told her to spare "rice bowl" to others. So I did not take these 2. Got put $1k deposit with ntuc comfort, 1 yr later collected back. About late Ng TF, you are correct, the lucky ex-colleague's father was neighbour, described him as "eat ppl with bone swallowed". DWG's big boss, Dennis Wee, I think Sec 2 only, got awarded(don't know which body) honorary "doctorate" title. Got lawyers become estate agents, got MBA holder selling poh pian also laywer....So don't need to study liao? Can see that your wife a good planner. Lucky you!! Really? Wonder what your ex-colleague's father went through.......but still must give NgTF thumbs up.......can eat until listed in rankings leh..... The previous highlight of the article was sumjmarized that "STUDY = capabilities to avert fate"......I'm just giving some examples of the contrary......sure must study.....for me is leisure hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bepgof 20 Report post Posted February 12, 2011 (edited) Fate is always like that: when one short of certain ability, he will strengthen other abilities just for survival..... No limbs- use mouth to hold painting brush to paint pictures, till swee swee. No paper qualification, chiong pte sectors and become boss on one's own one day! Got paper qualification - mostly get stuck with 9am-5pm work. Entrepreneurship die liao. Can see that your wife a good planner. Lucky you!! Really? Wonder what your ex-colleague's father went through.......but still must give NgTF thumbs up.......can eat until listed in rankings leh..... The previous highlight of the article was sumjmarized that "STUDY = capabilities to avert fate"......I'm just giving some examples of the contrary......sure must study.....for me is leisure hehe Edited February 12, 2011 by bepgof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites