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Very Confusing

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Our 2nd appt was been fixed on next month. But we are not told by HDB or agents sides on when to vacant the house. And where are we staying at before the actual 2nd appt. Let say, if our 2nd appt was fixed on 10Aug, we know that before 10th, we will have to vacant the house & do the inspection to ensure other parties have also vacant their houses. So when will that date (who will fix the date for us?) and where are we staying after vacant the house? Very confusing.


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Our 2nd appt was been fixed on next month. But we are not told by HDB or agents sides on when to vacant the house. And where are we staying at before the actual 2nd appt. Let say, if our 2nd appt was fixed on 10Aug, we know that before 10th, we will have to vacant the house & do the inspection to ensure other parties have also vacant their houses. So when will that date (who will fix the date for us?) and where are we staying after vacant the house? Very confusing.

u can stay at the place up to 9th aug. u will handover the keys on 10th aug at HDB and from then on the house belongs to the buyer.

actually, u can move out on the morning of 10th aug just before the appt.

regarding the inspection, its best to do it the day before the appt, can fix the date thru the agents.


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Our 2nd appt was been fixed on next month. But we are not told by HDB or agents sides on when to vacant the house. And where are we staying at before the actual 2nd appt. Let say, if our 2nd appt was fixed on 10Aug, we know that before 10th, we will have to vacant the house & do the inspection to ensure other parties have also vacant their houses. So when will that date (who will fix the date for us?) and where are we staying after vacant the house? Very confusing.

I also very confusing. :bangwall: You are the seller, right? If yes, by now you should have already have a place to stay, right? i.e: New flat, parents house, rental etc.... The HDB will mail you a letter and inform you the date to vacant, mostly is on the day before 2nd appt.


Edited by davidbslee

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are you doing reno for your new house? if yes, that means you have to finish the reno then you can move in. so if you have no place to stay during this period, you may wish to nego with your buyer to delay handover. but if your buyer don't wish to, you will have to find a temporary lodging already.


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Our 2nd appt was been fixed on next month. But we are not told by HDB or agents sides on when to vacant the house. And where are we staying at before the actual 2nd appt. Let say, if our 2nd appt was fixed on 10Aug, we know that before 10th, we will have to vacant the house & do the inspection to ensure other parties have also vacant their houses. So when will that date (who will fix the date for us?) and where are we staying after vacant the house? Very confusing.

Your paragragh gives me impression that you have "no house" to stay after 2nd appointment date of selling yr house. Cos you siad "to ensure other parties have also vacant their houses..." . Now you know 2nd appointment date for the house you are selling, & yet to know the 2nd appointment date for the house that you are buying. Is this the case?

2nd appointment date is the "cut off" date when the owners of the flat exchanges hand legally.

No inspection is require b4 2nd appointment if agent/buyer/seller never asked before hand. Just make sure the house is "empty" a day before 2nd appt will do.

Edited by bepgof

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I'm doing the contra (3 parties will shift on the same day). But if we move to the new house on the 2nd appt date yet has to vacant my flat before 10th Aug, that's mean, I really have no place to sleep.. Err, I mean, I need to vacant my flat for my buyer to do her inspection (that means, no bed to sleep after that) So, what should be the right procedure?


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I'm doing the contra (3 parties will shift on the same day). But if we move to the new house on the 2nd appt date yet has to vacant my flat before 10th Aug, that's mean, I really have no place to sleep.. Err, I mean, I need to vacant my flat for my buyer to do her inspection (that means, no bed to sleep after that) So, what should be the right procedure?

I also kena 3 parties. I buy, the seller to me buys & contra with the seller. Look like you are in the middle- who sells yet buy & contra with your seller.

1. Don't need inspection lah, unless lot of nice stuff inside & before hand, got list an inventory list or not? If don't, WHAT to inspect?

2. Ask yr agent to help by getting key earlier (b4 2nd appointment) from your seller, so you can shift all yr stuff in first. Hopefully he got place to sleep....not to mention reno.

I got key abt 1.5 months before 2nd appointment for reno, ID still screw up schedule. I missed out my "good day" for moving in, postphoned many events.... finally deducted 2.2k from reno retention sum. Must plan ahead.

Edited by bepgof

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Seems both agents (buy N sell) are not keen in helping us as we have yet to pay them the commission :(

Will get my hubby to sms to the seller side (more impt) to request for 1 or 2 days earlier stay. (need pay rental?)


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Seems both agents (buy N sell) are not keen in helping us as we have yet to pay them the commission :(

Will get my hubby to sms to the seller side (more impt) to request for 1 or 2 days earlier stay. (need pay rental?)

If yr seller demands for rental for this 1 or 2 days earlier stay, ask him to eat s h i t and die.


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If yr seller demands for rental for this 1 or 2 days earlier stay, ask him to eat s h i t and die.



Provided your seller has place to stay and they can move out 1/2 days earlier


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Haha.. bepgof..

therat, they have their own house to stay. Heard from the seller's daughter said.

Then, depend on the seller.

Last time when I sold away my HDB.

The buyer request for early reno (we're not staying there). My husband no issue on this. But I reject.

I don't want to have finger pointing games when S H I T happen.

Further more, that time, I was oversea training. Need to delay the 2nd appointment for another 1-2 wks.


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according to HDB regulation, sale must be completed within 8 weeks from 1st appt... so if we have ask for 2nd appt 8 weeks later from 1st appt then cannot make it on the 2nd appt day what happens?

do you need to give reasons to HDB if you need to postpone 2nd appt?


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according to HDB regulation, sale must be completed within 8 weeks from 1st appt... so if we have ask for 2nd appt 8 weeks later from 1st appt then cannot make it on the 2nd appt day what happens?

do you need to give reasons to HDB if you need to postpone 2nd appt?

HDb reserves right to overrule this clause in OTP. Buyer/sellers are permitted to postphone sales >8wk from 1st appointment, MUST give valid & solid grounds.

Edited by bepgof

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