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Renovation Journey @ D’Lotus

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Hi..... my reno journey blog is a little unique - I am happily staying in my new condo since Nov 09, but only starting the blog now - re-living my reno process; instead of the normal reno journey most forummers describe here. Wifey and I decided on a minimalist theme... simple white-grey-blacks.... and maximise storage space! The condo is first hand, but not new.... one of the unsold units put back into the market. Since it came with built-in closet and kitchen cabinet, decided to do minimal reno.

I registered for my RT account early 2009, but somehow, could not get the account validated. Send numerous emails to site admin but nothing came back - still no go. I registered again a few months back and lo and behold, the validation process went through this time. All these while, can only read but could not post - very frustrating - could not ask any queries at all!!

Started condo hunting in Feb 2009 and cutting the long story short (will come back to this episode later) got our unit in D'Lotus end June 2009 (property market was at its lowest then - yipee!!) We were kinda lucky - as our original timeframe to look for our condo was Dec 2009 (property market was at its highest then - phew!!)... ding ding dong dong along the way, reno took about 6 weeks (will come back to the ID selection process later) and we were in 1st November 2009 (Sunday)

Left view from balcony - to the left most is Toa Payoh hub - 'walkable'


Middle view from balcony - that's Curtin University's campus


Right view from balcony - NKF building and behind the mosque is St Michael's bus interchange, very convenient


... last but not least... straight down.... the swimming pool. Top right corner is BBQ pit #2... pit #1 is directly 1 level down.


Condo model @ show unit


Edited by d'lotus

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hehe...welcome to RT then. glad u made it in the end.

would dearly love to c the pics for ur completed place, though saw ur TV feature wall already. :D


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hehe...welcome to RT then. glad u made it in the end.

would dearly love to c the pics for ur completed place, though saw ur TV feature wall already. :D

Danke..... yeah.... I took a pix and posted my TV feature wall somewhere... but I still have pix for before reno, during reno and viola - finito product (the one that you saw)


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The following pix were taken when we took possession of the key

Swith board / patch panel / cum shoe closet

Space for shoe cabinet (definitely NOT enuf) :)________ SCV panel, switchboard, patch panel (data & phone), fibre optic termination box, power point for modem, etc



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Overall view - taken from entrance to kitchen

* only 1 light point - to parallel one downlight at cooking area and another at washing/prep area

* most of the cabinets need extra shelving


Left view - top hung cabinet (w frosted glass doors)with space for fridge + island top cabinet

* to change cabinet to drawers

* notice door to yard and 3rd WC


Front view - cooking area. Top hung cabinets with normal doors

* change top hung cabinet doors to frosted glass doors - to match those above the fridge and for easy cleaning (right above cooking area)

* need more power points


Right view - washing area + granite top (all surfaces)

* no change to space under the sink

* middle cabinet to be modified to accomodate a single dish drawer, balance of space to be converted to drawers (right side and bottom)

* 3 drawers' runner to be changed to Blum's soft closing type. The 3-drawers for the island cabinet to follow the height of these 3

* there's no power point here... aargghhhh.... to have at least 2 on top... and another 1 under the sink


Edited by d'lotus

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Left view - free front loading washer cum dryer (EF WD8010ML) and rubbish chute. Bi-fold door to 3rd WC is on the right side of the pix

* a lot of space on top of the washer - IKEA's Faktum?


Right view - door (to remove?) to drying area... beyond that the 2 compressor2 for the 5 aircons

* what drying system to select? definitely not bamboos

* to tile it with same tiles (to check with management)



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3rd WC - at yard area

* to remove everything inside and convert into storeroom (THERE'S NOWHERE ELSE IN THIS PIGEON HOLE)

* remember this WC and yard... major sore point with ID (will touch on this in later posts)

* a simple round light for this place suffice

Plastic bi-fold door - really hate these doors... when open, the whole graveyard can awake


Left side - basin w soap holder


Middle - Shower set


Right side - WC & toilet paper holder



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Got this cloth tree from iwannagohome! @ Great World City - VERY reasonably priced, functional and sturdy :good: Fits nicely at the 'dead' space in the room


.... and now my MBR bay window can look like this ............ :)



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Wow... must made a fortune then :) which unit?

Hey, what happened to your Reno T-blog @ My Sweet Home Coming Soon! Started and end May 2009.... planning to continue the 'journey'?

mine's a 2br on the 6th floor. sold it with a little profit and bought celestia at joo chiat terrace currently on rent..... yr 3 br looks big and nice. those who bought 2br in 2007 less than 500k u believe?? so i didnt make much lah bought in 2008


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mine's a 2br on the 6th floor. sold it with a little profit and bought celestia at joo chiat terrace currently on rent..... yr 3 br looks big and nice. those who bought 2br in 2007 less than 500k u believe?? so i didnt make much lah bought in 2008

2br... means the 2 units on the right after coming out of the lift. Big? I suppose big or small is relative...

I didn't really follow the price history of this development, irrelevant actually. From iProperty... the 2br 807sqf selling around 830-930k (1,028-1152 psf) while the bigger 3br 2100 sqf is going for a crazy 1.7-1.8mil (819-848 psf). Don't see any 3br on the market for a long time already - just wonder what's my psf now :)


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View of living room from entrance - note entrace to kitchen on the left

* light point at entrace - a small downlight suffice for this small place



* note entrace to room on the left

* sofa to be placed on the left wall... TV console on the right wall (hv to pull a new SCV there)

* can see the long and narrow closet just before the passageway to the rooms - this will be converted as my wardrobe

* the light point at the living area is 2-way (at entrance and wall [where aircon is]) - will use this 2-way for the dining light and use the dining light point for the proposed downlight at dining


* beyond the sliding door is the balcony - need to cover it up - chengal?


Close-up of passageway closet



* behind the full glass facade is the kitchen

* can see the entrance door and the narrow walk-way

* need a double power point on the bottom right of the half-wall - for powering notebooks and steamboats

* need a painting on the left wall - very bare (don't think will install mirror here like what most will do - 'double space / double food = double wealth'


Edited by d'lotus

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