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Haus Of Yuene

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Haha! Ya, still packing lor... My house is slowly turning into box-land... easier though now that my tenant has left... got the whole of the other room to stuff things into. Nothing much to update so far, except

Tomorrow going to choose tiles! Headed to Balestier after watching Despicable Me... maybe I should go order my lightings too while I'm there. Pity my friend is away on conference, otherwise I can ask him to join my hb and I for lunch, since it's his stomping ground for 17 years liao...

Welcome back! There was almost a week of silence... lol...

My house is also box-land now. Plus my buyers are coming over for the pre-2nd appt inspection tonight - think they will get a shock. Haha.

It's been an interesting experience, the packing I mean - watching your life disappear into boxes, and deciding what to keep and what to throw. Say, how many Sylvanian families do you have? :)

Have fun choosing tiles and lights! So exciting. Say, I heard Despicable Me is really funny... maybe should try to catch it too.


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Welcome back! There was almost a week of silence... lol...

My house is also box-land now. Plus my buyers are coming over for the pre-2nd appt inspection tonight - think they will get a shock. Haha.

It's been an interesting experience, the packing I mean - watching your life disappear into boxes, and deciding what to keep and what to throw. Say, how many Sylvanian families do you have? :)

Have fun choosing tiles and lights! So exciting. Say, I heard Despicable Me is really funny... maybe should try to catch it too.

Ya, because I also don't know what to say! It's that funny period when nothing reno-wise is actually happening-- can't really buy my furniture, no transformation etc. But OMG I just realised I'm exactly one month to reno start date. Just last year I was complaining that it was such a long way off some more. o_O and yup, it's really strange as things progressively go into various-sized cuboids. Just packing the toys took one weekend--thank god my PILs were here over the weekend to 'gang' some of his gundams and transformers across to their place, BECAUSE THERE'S A WHOLE MOUNTAIN OF THEM, ALL UNDONE, STILL IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!! grarrr

/Hulk SMASH wahahahahaha

11 more days for you! You must be excited! Have you found a mover yet? And ya, I heard too, but change of plans... looks like we're watching tonight instead... Will let you know if it's good!


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But OMG I just realised I'm exactly one month to reno start date. Just last year I was complaining that it was such a long way off some more. o_O and yup, it's really strange as things progressively go into various-sized cuboids.

Woohoo.. one month to go till start of reno. :) Haha.. 'various-sized cuboids'- what will be even more fun is when the things have to come out of the 'various-sized cuboids'.. ugh....

Just packing the toys took one weekend--thank god my PILs were here over the weekend to 'gang' some of his gundams and transformers across to their place, BECAUSE THERE'S A WHOLE MOUNTAIN OF THEM, ALL UNDONE, STILL IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!! grarrr

/Hulk SMASH wahahahahaha

*Imagining an angry green woman smashing up toys....* LOL

11 more days for you! You must be excited! Have you found a mover yet? And ya, I heard too, but change of plans... looks like we're watching tonight instead... Will let you know if it's good!

Yeah, pretty excited! It also feels surreal, like it hasn't really sunken in that we're moving out! Haha. Probably only really sink in after we've vacated the premises. A friend recommended Citimap, 'coz they do both moving and storage. Will see how their service is, heh heh.

Enjoy your movie!


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Ya, because I also don't know what to say! It's that funny period when nothing reno-wise is actually happening-- can't really buy my furniture, no transformation etc. But OMG I just realised I'm exactly one month to reno start date. Just last year I was complaining that it was such a long way off some more. o_O and yup, it's really strange as things progressively go into various-sized cuboids. Just packing the toys took one weekend--thank god my PILs were here over the weekend to 'gang' some of his gundams and transformers across to their place, BECAUSE THERE'S A WHOLE MOUNTAIN OF THEM, ALL UNDONE, STILL IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!! grarrr

/Hulk SMASH wahahahahaha

11 more days for you! You must be excited! Have you found a mover yet? And ya, I heard too, but change of plans... looks like we're watching tonight instead... Will let you know if it's good!

wow another gundam, transformer fantic! ur hubby, pinktini and mine and touch shoulders together wor....all siao abt these toys...

jia you jia you! i look forward to your reno!


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Woohoo.. one month to go till start of reno. :) Haha.. 'various-sized cuboids'- what will be even more fun is when the things have to come out of the 'various-sized cuboids'.. ugh....

I'm trying to avoid thinking about that for now. I don't want to get started on that nightmare known as 'trying to figure out what goes where'. Jia you for the moving!!!

titanax: okay la, I rip clothes off also nobody want to see one lor... besides, muscle-bound women are... hmmm :unsure:

samgalz: Haha! Seems that quite a lot of guys love these things! Who knows, maybe they all post on the same forums. One of my salsa buddies turned out to have been a toy forummer that my hb knew long time ago...


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Yuene goes shopping for tiles:

So anyway, on Saturday, my hb and I went to watch Despicable Me! Quite funny, though the storyline wasn't that fantastic; still, it was very enjoyable! Plus, the minions are hilarious. I shan't spoil the rest for you, but catch it on a weekday, when it's more worth the money.

After that, we went tile shopping, because last week I emailed my contractor asking when he needed me to do the tile selection by, and he replied "latest first week of August... Oh you not kan chiong arh???" Since my hb would be working next Saturday, and the weekend following that would be National Day weekend, we decided to get things done now. So, off to Hafary we went...

Our experience at Hafary:

It seems like everyone doing their renovations was choosing their tiles at Hafary! It may have been 1pm, but the place was filled with people. It took us a while to be served; in fact, we were only served when we wandered upstairs in search of more tiles... but that suited us just fine, as it gave us some time to browse through and pick out the ones that we liked in relative peace. I also had a few ideas as to what I'd wanted, but after checking out the price tags on those tiles, we kind of gave up on those tiles (but we still got samples! just for the fun of it, heh)

Not that there weren't enough pretty ones in the range we wanted... in the end I saw a combi that I knew I was going to fall in love with immediately, and I got samples for those tiles. We were served by Theresa, who seemed friendly enough (though she didn't give me any input, just got the tiles and that was it) After a little more browsing, we hopped over to Hup Kiong.

Hup Kiong...

It was a lot quieter there, us being the only customers besides a family. We were served by an aunty (whose name I can't remember), but the range of tiles was a bit limited compared to Hafary. Still, we did see a couple that we liked, including the mosaics (again, though, they were a bit out of the price range, and I don't want to bust that). The sales aunty offered some advice on the slipperiness of the tiles, which I was quite grateful for, because I do have a phobia of slipping and falling (I have an old back injury), and my tiled areas are all in 'wet' parts of the house.



The top tile is the one that I considered using for my backsplash: since my house is all white, it would make a cute statement--plus, less grout lines! However, I need to see how much the cost is compared to a glass backsplash; if it's too much more expensive, then I'll have to scrap that idea. The bottom tile is my kitchen floor tile. It has a bit of texture, so it won't be slippery when wet. I didn't want to go for a wood-lookalike, as my whole house would already be laminates of a light blond wood shade. Kind of boring, if you ask me.


The one on the left is the floor tile, nice and rough to prevent slips when wet, and the one on the right is my wall tile! It's not too clear, but if you can see it, there's a different coloured stripe on the tile...it's striped that way! I'm going to have it laid such that the stripes are parallel to the ground, to help lengthen the bathroom visually. ^^

And to congratulate ourselves for a job well done, we ate this:



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Yuene goes shopping for tiles:

After that, we went tile shopping, because last week I emailed my contractor asking when he needed me to do the tile selection by, and he replied "latest first week of August... Oh you not kan chiong arh???"

he must be thinking u not kan chiong cos it's a change from kan chiong me!whahaha

I was choosing tiles, again n again way way before reno starts...one month in adv in fact! :P so hor to him u still hv not start choosing is considered buay kan chiong liao...hahahaha...

ur toilet floor tiles was one of my considered tile. but in the end chose another over that cos feel that it's too rough. still hv a rough tile but less rough than urs.

ur tiles are nice.looks like there are many more new tiles ah.....

i believe u went to the balestier branches. the defu main branch of hup kiong has some tiles which balestier dun hv. in fact my green toilet tile was found at hup kiong defu. i felt so lucky that i insisted going to that branch! but harfary defu branch i dun like....**** dao, the sales people...

Edited by samgalz

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samgalz: ya, I went to the Balestier branches, because I wanted to go check out bathroom fixtures and lights too (in the end, only checked out bathroom fixtures...and realised we are going to be short of monehhh, so looks like we'll be using back a lot of our old furniture, like the fridge and the washing machine) thanks for the compliments on the tiles, but looks like it's back to square one for the kitchen floor because he says that those are not quite heavy-duty enough, so need to re-pick. Stupid girl, never ask if it's a wall tile or floor tile. Guess it's back to Balestier this weekend /sadface

Haha, ya, I'm not too kanchiong about these things... partially because all my kanchiong-ing was done 2 years ago! Hahahahahaha so now the actual thing starting, I'm not so bothered liao... it's a bit of an occupational hazard I think. Things always come in last-minute, have to do things in a rush etc etc.

lilith: thanks! I hope so too...


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Hi Rondy,

Yup noted. But I'll probably have to change that tile, my contractor said it's not very heavy-duty for a floor tile, and might not be suitable. So it's back to the drawing board there...

Jupiter: yup, finally! Must thank you for your contractor recommendation and advice!


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Just a quick update: my reno start date has been shifted back to 30 August. Just as well, as I need more time to pack!

I suppose I could use these two days to get some of that done... on MC for a throat/sinus infection...


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