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Recommendations For Cancer Patient

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My colleagues and I are planning to help another colleague whose parents and herself were inflicted with cancer in sucession within the last 3 years. Both parents just passed away last month and her disease has returned as well. She is single and was living with her parents. Now she lives with her maid.

We are very sad for her, but there is nothing else we can do for her besides pray- perhaps also get a fengshui or other related expert to view her home for her.

Please kindly give your sincere recommendations on someone who will be able to help our colleague in improving her health and bring in some luck and happiness for her in the meantime.




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Hi Lene,

Nice to hear that there is such a good person like you.

When i first read the title, i thought there is a wrong posting. Cancer --> Fengsui? Hard to build a link here. I believe even a good fengsui master would point to a doctor.

I know only a bit about fs, so i believe i am not really in the position to tell you that fengsui will heal a person. There are many talks about trusted fs masters here, if you do go through this forum carefully, i believe you can see some names that get mentioned from time to time.

Believers in FS will say that FS has certain effects on people's life. I have read some cases here, so maybe it is really true that fs can help.

I believe you can pm some guys who say that they have a list of good fs masters and work from there.

My experiences in FS is only a month old and so i do not think that i can point you to another direction.

Once you get a FS master, what follows will be house audits and subsequenlty there may be some renovations that need to be conducted. This involves times and money. Can your friend take this? If the fs master says that the house that she is living in now is bad for her and suggests her to leave that place, she wil have to locate a new place and this involves maybe renting or getting a new place that involves house search and then subsequently renovation again. Then now the question is again the same, is she willing to do all these?

Now she is living all by herself things will be simpler. Unless like many ppl who want to do reno but couldnt due to objections from family members. She needs to think about this, because this involves time and money.


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My colleagues and I are planning to help another colleague whose parents and herself were inflicted with cancer in sucession within the last 3 years. Both parents just passed away last month and her disease has returned as well. She is single and was living with her parents. Now she lives with her maid.

We are very sad for her, but there is nothing else we can do for her besides pray- perhaps also get a fengshui or other related expert to view her home for her.

Please kindly give your sincere recommendations on someone who will be able to help our colleague in improving her health and bring in some luck and happiness for her in the meantime.



Have to point out some facts:

1. that fsms in present's community, serve as "management consultant" for buiness, and "personal advisor" for individual personal. It is much like the "advisory panel" to the President. One "should have" a long-term relationship and therefore mutual trust built, with a particcular fsm so he could really understand in depth one's problems, needs and "give" sincere, appropriate advises.

2. Are you ready in term of time/financial/other resources before consulting a fsm?, as WHATs Springflower has pointed out, the question comes: are you ready & willing to put in these resources for your colleaue, if fsm demands.

3. Whether results could be achieved is another question.

In my personal opinion:

- health always refer to doctor

- Luck & happinese - No one on earth can "provide" one happinese, hapinese has to be "obtained" through a series of tests with hardworks put in(Action & behaviour, cause & effects....). Luck?? Sorry, I'm a commoner, don't know how to "alter this & that" so to "alter" luck. Buy, there is a saying: "happy goes luck"

Human tends to "work/look up for" future, and "blind" to what is in front: One is wise he who knows to cherish WHAT he has NOW. Let nature takes its course, cherish the present. I'll pray for her too.

Edited by bepgof

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Have to point out some facts:

1. that fsms in present's community, serve as "management consultant" for buiness, and "personal advisor" for individual personal. It is much like the "advisory panel" to the President. One "should have" a long-term relationship and therefore mutual trust built, with a particcular fsm so he could really understand in depth one's problems, needs and "give" sincere, appropriate advises.

2. Are you ready in term of time/financial/other resources before consulting a fsm?, as WHATs Springflower has pointed out, the question comes: are you ready & willing to put in these resources for your colleaue, if fsm demands.

3. Whether results could be achieved is another question.

In my personal opinion:

- health always refer to doctor

- Luck & happinese - No one on earth can "provide" one happinese, hapinese has to be "obtained" through a series of tests with hardworks put in(Action & behaviour, cause & effects....). Luck?? Sorry, I'm a commoner, don't know how to "alter this & that" so to "alter" luck. Buy, there is a saying: "happy goes luck"

Human tends to "work/look up for" future, and "blind" to what is in front: One is wise he who knows to cherish WHAT he has NOW. Let nature takes its course, cherish the present. I'll pray for her too.


thanks for the replies- yes she is seeing the doctor already and has a treatment options/plan laid out. But we are in healthcare line so we know what to 'expect' in the medical field in terms of side effects/quality of life/life expectancy. However as her colleague/friends we feel like we want to do more for her to improve her chances, and psychologically it may be even a good thing to have this thing done.

We are not looking to the extent of renovations, in fact, just a consultancy on whether there is anything wrong with the house or simple tips on how to improve it for now without any renovations, maybe furniture rearrangement or adding somethnig or throwing something out. We will pay the consultant as a gesture for her. (she doesnt know about our plans)

I saw some names in the other thread but they are for general house ones. If there arent any specifically familiar with diagnosing health problems then we will approach the names recommended in the other thread.

thanks again



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thanks for the replies- yes she is seeing the doctor already and has a treatment options/plan laid out. But we are in healthcare line so we know what to 'expect' in the medical field in terms of side effects/quality of life/life expectancy. However as her colleague/friends we feel like we want to do more for her to improve her chances, and psychologically it may be even a good thing to have this thing done.

We are not looking to the extent of renovations, in fact, just a consultancy on whether there is anything wrong with the house or simple tips on how to improve it for now without any renovations, maybe furniture rearrangement or adding somethnig or throwing something out. We will pay the consultant as a gesture for her. (she doesnt know about our plans)

I saw some names in the other thread but they are for general house ones. If there arent any specifically familiar with diagnosing health problems then we will approach the names recommended in the other thread.

thanks again


Suggest to go to Mr. Chang, http://www.fengshuiyinyang.com/home

After reading from web, seemed quite classical.

Edited by bepgof

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I would like to add on what has been contributed here:

For what Bepgof has said:

1. Kind of agree with Bepgof’s statement that FSM serves as management consultant or personal advisor – He/She tells what you can do for whatever problems you have. And when it comes to long term relationship, I agree as well. One reason is that when you get a fsm, you will need to follow his instructions, ie, tilt your door and place your bed facing N for instance. There could be many things that you need to follow. My understanding is that fs works in holistic manner. If he asks you do 10 things but you only get 8 or 9 things done, you perhaps will not reap the results, or you may reap it, but it will be slow. Then you get frustrated and seek for another fsm and follow another guy’s advices, which is a no – no cos when it comes to fs, my understanding is that you don’t implement 50% of each. Things will not work. Here , when we talk about this, it means also that we really need to get someone who are really very trained and experienced in this area, someone you trust. Mind you, there are many con-men out there.

2. I agree with what Bepgof has said, the result is not really guarantted. There are positive and not so positive cases I have come across. I cant explain these. Much like medicine, you need to believe in it so that you will religiously follow doctor’s instructions.

For what Jene has said:

1. FS is not about doing things for phychologically reason. FS is a science.

2. If you are not looking at reno, then perhaps you may not even have to go for fs. Sorry for being so blunt. I read many cases where ppl need to do quite some changes to their house, be that existing one, or if the FSM says that this house is bad for them and that they need to move out, to make that place really good for the said person, chances are that there will be reno as well. By simply adding or throwing away something will not help and this is not FS.

3. To get FS consultation, you need your friend’s bazi. So without her understanding, you cant do anything. I am afraid that it could only be a waste of money if you guys pay the money and she just being the listener. It is like for me paying someone to go for a concert who don’t appreciate arts. If you sincerely want something positive for her and think that FS will help, everyone will have to be in the same boat, especially your friend, she needs to be believe in it.

4. If you just want to pay some money to your friend to have some preliminary ideas about FS, specially for her case, it can be bazi reading. Good or bad, your friend will have to be able to take it.

Life is a bed of roses for some, but for many, life is not an easy road. I wish your friend well as well.


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My colleagues and I are planning to help another colleague whose parents and herself were inflicted with cancer in sucession within the last 3 years. Both parents just passed away last month and her disease has returned as well. She is single and was living with her parents. Now she lives with her maid.

We are very sad for her, but there is nothing else we can do for her besides pray- perhaps also get a fengshui or other related expert to view her home for her.

Please kindly give your sincere recommendations on someone who will be able to help our colleague in improving her health and bring in some luck and happiness for her in the meantime.



Seek treatment first please! FS can be done concurrently if funds allow. With good FS, any treatment will work better.

I seriously suggest Gerson Therapy Cancer treatment, i have witnessed so many cancer patients who have undergone this and look healthier and more radiant than anyone of us. This is based on juice and vegetable diet which can be adminstered at home. Very back to basics and affordable. Don't worry this is not MLM:

The Gerson Therapy Cancer treatment :


The Singapore clinic which provides Gerson treatment :


All the best.


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Lene, before auditing, explain to fsm:

- yr friend's situation...

- yr intentions and constraints

- fsm will know, to what extend, to alter the "chi" for her.

- Remember, "chi" is rather dynamics and will change over time without one's notice. What I mean is, most ppl got the wrong concept that fs audit is a "one-time" operation. In fact, it needs constant "re-audit" the ambience, especially in the beginning, need more "re-audit". Tell this to fsm for building the trust.

Cancer to cells' structure is partly generic and partly "external" influence. Hope the "chi" can cheer her up & reduce the rate of change.

Don't spend any resources on Bazi analysis/Palm reading/face reading...etc, knowing one's future is always a "burden", not a blessing.

Edited by bepgof

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hi lene, i believe in both fs & treatment for your friend. my mum was a cancer patient. she was diagnoised last stg of lung cancer in 2004 & doc say she only left 6-8 mths of lifespan. she seek tmc treatment while going for her regular chemo @ ncc. she "extended" her lifespan for 4 yrs since the 1st diagnose. hence i believe in building up body resistence with tmc while going for chemo treatment.

as for fs, i managed to find a gd fsm after encountered a not-so-gd one. she advised me on reducing the effect of bad luck & enhancing gd luck thru placement of fs items & facing gd directions. no need major reno. it works & helped to save my rocky marriage back then. hence, i believe in fs.

my sis engaged my fsm to see my mum's place & the latter frankly told us that she can only help to make my mum feel better thru changing sleeping direction & placement of certain fs items meant for health. but will not be able to make her recover totally from cancer as the cancerous cells are already in the body. inevitably, my mum passed away few mths later as the cancerous cells have spreaded to many parts of the body le.

lene, do encourage your friend to continue her treatment as patients like them sometimes feel like giving up half way thru. sincerely hope that with treatments, she can delay the growth of cancerous cells & complete those things that she always wanted to. :)


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Hi lene,

Not sure how bad is your friend house internal setting but if she go for fengshui configuration, it may only help just a bit only.

1 thing for sure, Fengshui definitely cannot cure cancer

Her cancer if any would be the work of her karma debtors now seeking due from her, as such whatever she do in physical term will not help.

No one know what she had done in her past numerous life. So take for example, if I am the victim, and she was the one who have killed me directly or indirectly, I who have died will bear grudge against this person and once I enter 地狱 I will lodge a complaint to 閻羅王 and depending on the case, I would be issued with a warrant to seek revenge against this person.

So once I have this warrant, whatever I do, no one can stop me, not even Buddha or Bodhisattva. However if this person is willingly to do something for the victim, there is still a glimpse of hope.

All of you may think this is a make up stories, but the fact is, 地狱 and heaven are both in existence, whether you believe it or not.

What religious does she believe in ?

Is she prepare to commit relentless effort, time and patience to reduce her karma debt ?

Medical can only help so much, next in line will be to seek help from Buddha or Bodhisattva.

It your friend call, the ball is in her court.


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Hi lene,

Not sure how bad is your friend house internal setting but if she go for fengshui configuration, it may only help just a bit only.

1 thing for sure, Fengshui definitely cannot cure cancer

Her cancer if any would be the work of her karma debtors now seeking due from her, as such whatever she do in physical term will not help.

No one know what she had done in her past numerous life. So take for example, if I am the victim, and she was the one who have killed me directly or indirectly, I who have died will bear grudge against this person and once I enter 地狱 I will lodge a complaint to 閻羅王 and depending on the case, I would be issued with a warrant to seek revenge against this person.

So once I have this warrant, whatever I do, no one can stop me, not even Buddha or Bodhisattva. However if this person is willingly to do something for the victim, there is still a glimpse of hope.

All of you may think this is a make up stories, but the fact is, 地狱 and heaven are both in existence, whether you believe it or not.

What religious does she believe in ?

Is she prepare to commit relentless effort, time and patience to reduce her karma debt ?

Medical can only help so much, next in line will be to seek help from Buddha or Bodhisattva.

It your friend call, the ball is in her court.

totally agree....i didn't want to bring up the issue of karmic debtors in my earlier post as there are few believers in this. but it's real, very real.


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To Lene:

sad to hear about this. I believe can help a little only but don't think it can be cure. I ever heard from my relative who engage my FS master that certain major illness can be cure by just using FS. Real Fs is part of chinese five arts "wu xing" or stuff like that is quite relate to chinese sensei. Actually she can visit my master, Master Irene Toh from classic fengshui mastery to see her reading on life first. She may have some suggestion. Hope everything will be ok.


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totally agree....i didn't want to bring up the issue of karmic debtors in my earlier post as there are few believers in this. but it's real, very real.

is it true? I believe in the past but now I am skeptical already. Why I say that? My wife is a very kind and considerate person but she always got bully and backstab at work. My ex HOD is nice but got backstab and force to leave company. My nice ex colleagues are good and helpful yet all things are thrown at them.

My new HOD is a backstabber Xiao Ren who don't know anything but flying high. I saw managers who backstab ppl promote every 1-2 years. Colleagues who are very selfish and "Lau kan" doing well and getting appreicated for their effort.

Pls share your experience.


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is it true? I believe in the past but now I am skeptical already. Why I say that? My wife is a very kind and considerate person but she always got bully and backstab at work. My ex HOD is nice but got backstab and force to leave company. My nice ex colleagues are good and helpful yet all things are thrown at them.

My new HOD is a backstabber Xiao Ren who don't know anything but flying high. I saw managers who backstab ppl promote every 1-2 years. Colleagues who are very selfish and "Lau kan" doing well and getting appreicated for their effort.

Pls share your experience.

It is 100% true !

The one who got bully in this life are the result of what you have done to this person in the past.

Remember one thing: Every cause has its effect. Nothing that happen in this world is by chance or luck ! To me, there is no such thing call “luck” it is the result of what I have done in my previous life and so in this life I am harvesting it, it that simple.

So for this life, I am planting my seed for my next life, so if I happen to be reborn again as human, then at least next life I do not have to work so hard again

Retribution happens to everyone. What I do now which is not visible to human, you think I can get away with it, no way, it will haunt me back one day and when that day come I will regret doing it, because behind us there are “someone” taking note of everything we do whether good, bad or neutral.

That is why a person died and he goes to **** and in the first Hall, if he deny doing any bad or evil things, a magical mirror will replay a video for what he had done, so you think you can escape punishment, fat hope ?

Accept whatever that is happening to you now, don’t get even with it, because if you do so, you are creating more sin for yourself. We already have uncountable sin to clear, so rule of thumb, do more good deeds, you will know when you clear all your sins.

There are ways to reduce karma debtors, but you have to do this consistently, are you prepare to do it till you ROD ?


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