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cant drill the ventilation fan at the sides due to da BLUM mechanism... instead, got myself a usb fan, plugged it into my xbox too circulate the air inside the console. it helps to lessen da heat...

yup, da sub is huge. wifey HATES it... but she eventually realise y i got it after watchin "war of the world". good tv enhances ur visual aspects. good speakers enhances ur hearing aspects. but a good sub will make u "feel" the movie... its somethin speakers or tv will never able to do.

underneath the console?

:D will b getting the spl800, guess should b gd enough..


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underneath the console?

:D will b getting the spl800, guess should b gd enough..

Underneath pretty impossible due to da fact theres no drill dat can fit in to make da holes.

Velo sub r good. Cant go wrg wif dat one. Also gd WAF. I actually got da cht8q, but itchy hands n upgrade to svs.


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Its part of my id quotation. Its a cushion w/ leather covers. Same goes to my MB settee n dining sofa, but diff texture. I suggest u get those shop dat do upholstery stuffs. More varieties n shld be cheaper. Gif them da size n they will do it. Price-wise, not too sure. Hope this helps..


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hi Frezhman,

Very impressive on u granite top kitchen. Does the granite top being polished after installation on kitchen cabinet? If yes, does the price include u ID quotation?

Is u granite backsplash quoted in together with granite top or separate item?

Need find find out this info b4 reno start. Hope u can share with me u experience.


Cheers :)

Edited by matpower

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Never saw how or when they install da granite top, but by da time its installed, oredi polished. Its cost is by per feet. Dat price incl polish & backsplash. For IDs who quote separately, they juz wanna suck ur $$$ dry.


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I think its crestar. It cost ard $220 w/ lights. I used it b4 from my parent place for 3 years, & so far no complaints. I usually switch on 2 out of 3 lights @ night cuz its more than enuff to light up da room. Bought it from lightings.com.sg but they no longer sellin it cuz they sell below the req dealer price. But other shop definitely sellin it, but maybe ard $250-$280 range.


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I think its crestar. It cost ard $220 w/ lights. I used it b4 from my parent place for 3 years, & so far no complaints. I usually switch on 2 out of 3 lights @ night cuz its more than enuff to light up da room. Bought it from lightings.com.sg but they no longer sellin it cuz they sell below the req dealer price. But other shop definitely sellin it, but maybe ard $250-$280 range.

i went to crestar webby but cant find yr fan with the lights. do u ve the model no.?


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Ok, its crestar airvac series. U can google it. Da pics dun show wif lights, i think. Lights are ard $30-$40, if im not mistaken. Regulators ard $25, but u can get cheaper in jb. Personally, i hate regulators cuz when u in da bed, u need to walk to the switch to turn off da lights, instead of juz pullng da strings. Pretty annoyin. My 2cents worth...


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Its part of my id quotation. Its a cushion w/ leather covers. Same goes to my MB settee n dining sofa, but diff texture. I suggest u get those shop dat do upholstery stuffs. More varieties n shld be cheaper. Gif them da size n they will do it. Price-wise, not too sure. Hope this helps..

Thanks bro...


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Never saw how or when they install da granite top, but by da time its installed, oredi polished. Its cost is by per feet. Dat price incl polish & backsplash. For IDs who quote separately, they juz wanna suck ur $$$ dry.

Thanks Bro, BTW, do u hv electrician contact for u reno? Can PM me the electrical wiring quote and contact?




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Electrical charges, dun bother to take mine. Pretty ex @ $1.8k. Definitely can get cheaper elsewhere. Shld check out da forum for recommended electricians. Mine is together wif my ID, so i find it troublesome to find a cheaper one. Prepare to save max ard $1.5k for elect, to be on da safe side.


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