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Reno @my Simei 4a Resale Flat

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Even I know how to draw or provide 3D drawings, I'm also don't call myself as an ID...and I think most of u have mistaken what is a real ID already. A person who provide a 3D drawings (which we saw a lot in this forum called themselves ID) which they may not be at all.

1st of all...do they have cert. to qualify them as ID?

2nd do they know the material- pros n cons?

3rd they give u A4 size drawing or A3 size drawing with all the material used beside it?

4th they know how to project management on all the sub-cons n not main con?

5th how well they know about the rules and regulations of BCA n HDB?

6th is the design similar with others? Which I'm seem more than 7000 over designs and more than 3/4 of them are similar.

7th how many times are owners told the so called ID what they want to do or the ID told them what they can do?

8th how responsible they are?

A designer never design thing twice. A designer use his/her creativities, knowledge on material and innovate to design an interior or exterior.

Take example....feature wall...don't u think most of it are similar? Square or rect. here add some tinted mirror, laminate, metal strips, etc....all so similar, just change the patterns here and there only...then use 3D rendering drawing...wow look nice...but still...haiz...I'm admit I'm a copycat, cos whatever I done up, it seem no diff. from others design...quite similar. U as a hse owner saw in mag. on what u like and told the contractor what u want + add something here and there...does that make u an ID also? L-box, false ceiling, Cove lighting, u use, I use, everyone use...what so different...

I feel architect are more knowledgable, better design scent and really do up things differently.

Seriously I not against anyone or anybody....this is just my personal point of views....take this as a reading pleasure, no harm to animal or person when I wrote this. :P

Point 8 is so so important.. HA..

That would be a common misconception of the man on the street bah.. There's no restriction or guideline on naming oneself at the moment also.. much like how responsibility the contractor shld be as blueocean had mentioned before.. wonder if i can call myself small time contractor.. Ha..

What you say mirrors my sentiments about "pseudo-ID" around as they are actually general contractors with a retail storefront ...

Very few consumers can afford to hire a designer as the design fees are prohibitive ... ;)

You seem to have a passion for design works ... Have you though of doing some formal education in that area ?

jaskel.. must remain humble/kind to animals while on the way up huh..

got alot of supporters and ppl with good knowledge here.. legal knowledge.. computer knowledge.. Hmm.. what else leh.. Ha...

Edited by fencer

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Actually for those my friends n relative that I've done, all I charge them cost price and they just paid me a coordinating fee(they name the price) or don't pay me if they found my services not good.

my friend also did the same for his friend. But his friend damm shameless, do finish reno then say no $, can pay in instalments? Haii...what can he do..?

the only drawback is that people will take advantage of jaskel's effort and he may one day lose heart in it...i wish you luck jaskel! :)


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my friend also did the same for his friend. But his friend damm shameless, do finish reno then say no $, can pay in instalments? Haii...what can he do..?

the only drawback is that people will take advantage of jaskel's effort and he may one day lose heart in it...i wish you luck jaskel! :)

Just keep a positive mindset will do. One of my friend also the same...do finish reno paid for the cost price only...but while doing, don't know which workers scratch the side of the door, ask me to change..so need to come out own pocket money.. :( all other material such as silicone, wall putty, cleaning...all need to DIY for him for free.

Another incident is the AS victims case so big ho-ha that a lots of concern forumers asked me not to loss heart and also take in more other victims cases.

Presently still helping 2 victims at the moment. 1 of them the kitchen wall tiles crack and hollow (a lot man)....and AS still dare to go collect the balance payment and threaten the owner, until very big that police also came. Another one recently called me that their neighbour below complaint water leakage and the reno is completed last then a yr. Had arranged this afternoon goes up to see how is it.

I earned from this trade , help those in need is what I feel in returning to the society. That's why u don't really see I sell my services in this forum, I only advise to those in doubts.


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More time to clean the floors ? hee hee .... dust will accumulate everyday. No matter how thorough the cleaning is ... the next day will be dirty again ;)

It is so unfortunate that your furniture were dented. I'm glad that they will get a replacement and you spotted the damages during delivery ! What about your electrical stuff ? Will they be delivered soon ? I remembered spending a lot of time setting up the sound and TV system ... so many wires !

bought some.. moved some in.. yest 1st batch delivery (Cellini) just came in.. sigh.. sofa ok.. kopi table and TV console part A is dented.. asked them to take back loh.. they volunteered to leave it there for me to use 1st while getting replacement.. but ask them to take back loh.. at least can clean more of the exposed floor.. Ha..

Although already paid in full beforehand.. at least they never insist that i take the damaged goods..

the movers are very polite also.. 1 indian guy can speak fluent chinese and hokkien.. Ha..


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my friend also did the same for his friend. But his friend damm shameless, do finish reno then say no $, can pay in instalments? Haii...what can he do..?

the only drawback is that people will take advantage of jaskel's effort and he may one day lose heart in it...i wish you luck jaskel! :)

I'm sure there would be such ppl around everywhere lah.. jaskel have to make judgement call loh.. to help or not.. while helping, he needs to protect himself also mah..

Just keep a positive mindset will do. One of my friend also the same...do finish reno paid for the cost price only...but while doing, don't know which workers scratch the side of the door, ask me to change..so need to come out own pocket money.. :( all other material such as silicone, wall putty, cleaning...all need to DIY for him for free.

Another incident is the AS victims case so big ho-ha that a lots of concern forumers asked me not to loss heart and also take in more other victims cases.

Presently still helping 2 victims at the moment. 1 of them the kitchen wall tiles crack and hollow (a lot man)....and AS still dare to go collect the balance payment and threaten the owner, until very big that police also came. Another one recently called me that their neighbour below complaint water leakage and the reno is completed last then a yr. Had arranged this afternoon goes up to see how is it.

I earned from this trade , help those in need is what I feel in returning to the society. That's why u don't really see I sell my services in this forum, I only advise to those in doubts.

bad friend.. Ha.. at least give token of appreciation for the effort made to help..

wonder why AS stil able to demand payment.. so shameless.. should have taken a pic of his face and post online so everyone knows his face..

like blueocean said.. we need more ppl like jaskel..

and also more ppl like blueocean so would offer more legal advice to protect the consumers.. to the man on the streets..

More time to clean the floors ? hee hee .... dust will accumulate everyday. No matter how thorough the cleaning is ... the next day will be dirty again ;)

It is so unfortunate that your furniture were dented. I'm glad that they will get a replacement and you spotted the damages during delivery ! What about your electrical stuff ? Will they be delivered soon ? I remembered spending a lot of time setting up the sound and TV system ... so many wires !

My pl there alot of dust due to building of DBSS and another unit doing hacking loh.. HA.. so got chance sweep as much as possible to reduce the dust.. i do my best to reduce from the start k.. Ha.. prepare to discover more surprises at hm mah..

Yah.. i checked while they were unpacking the stuff out of the boxes..Ha.. lucky this time round, i saw from the start.. electrical stuff.. this sat and sun loh.. Ha..

likely would just set up basic sound system.. Ha.. my colleague has a solid sound sys at home.. kana complained when on all the sys for watching movies.. Ha.. stil thinking HDB got sound sys.. got use or not leh..

Edited by fencer

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A designer never design thing twice. A designer use his/her creativities, knowledge on material and innovate to design an interior or exterior.

Take example....feature wall...don't u think most of it are similar? Square or rect. here add some tinted mirror, laminate, metal strips, etc....all so similar, just change the patterns here and there only...then use 3D rendering drawing...wow look nice...but still...haiz...I'm admit I'm a copycat, cos whatever I done up, it seem no diff. from others design...quite similar. U as a hse owner saw in mag. on what u like and told the contractor what u want + add something here and there...does that make u an ID also? L-box, false ceiling, Cove lighting, u use, I use, everyone use...what so different...

I feel architect are more knowledgable, better design scent and really do up things differently.

Seriously I not against anyone or anybody....this is just my personal point of views....take this as a reading pleasure, no harm to animal or person when I wrote this. :P

There are some reasons why many have similar designs. Firstly, if u choose a design which has been done before, construction will be easier and they can deliver on time - the time factor. A different design will takes more time to construct as carpenters have to put in more effort and more time will be required. Then again, not all carpenters want to do something different all their time.

Secondly, it will cheaper for owners becos carpenters know in exact how to construct since they are likely to be familar with the design as they have constructed countless times.

So, if a carpenter can construct 10 identical tv feature walls and earn $5k in 10 days, would u spend the time to construct one new design of a tv feature wall but earn $4k only? Not all carpenters are waiting to go into uncharted waters.

For my case, the carpenter charged a non-economical price for my tv feature walls cum display shelves and writing desk. Not many will want to pay such a price and the construction takes longer time too.

I agree with Jaskel that architects are the guys to go to.

Edited by Mickey M

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I agree with wat fencer, blueocean and gimz63251073 says! ;) We as homeowners, definitely need more ppl like jaskel in this industry.. :D


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There are some reasons why many have similar designs. Firstly, if u choose a design which has been done before, construction will be easier and they can deliver on time - the time factor. A different design will takes more time to construct as carpenters have to put in more effort and more time will be required. Then again, not all carpenters want to do something different all their time.

Secondly, it will cheaper for owners becos carpenters know in exact how to construct since they are likely to be familar with the design as they have constructed countless times.

So, if a carpenter can construct 10 identical tv feature walls and earn $5k in 10 days, would u spend the time to construct one new design of a tv feature wall but earn $4k only? Not all carpenters are waiting to go into uncharted waters.

For my case, the carpenter charged a non-economical price for my tv feature walls cum display shelves and writing desk. Not many will want to pay such a price and the construction takes longer time too.

I agree with Jaskel that architects are the guys to go to.

True also loh.. repeated work is the best and guranteed to have profit.. also 100% safe..

Likely those who venture out of the more commonly used design is doing it for passion.. or satisfaction of being able to do something different from others. But stil need to match with the owner who knows the risk and takes it..

Go Where No man Has Gone.. Do What No Man Had Done.. Ha...

I agree with wat fencer, blueocean and gimz63251073 says! ;) We as homeowners, definitely need more ppl like jaskel in this industry.. :D

jeffcraze.. you bought a 50in Plasma TV? Your flat is those 5 room corner flat? Or the unit is those with longish living room? But dun tink simei have leh..


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yup, bought the 50" plasma tv due to some reasons.. long long story.. zz

mine only 4 room flat.. but living room can be considered as longish ba.. think can fit the 50" tv and still put the sofa at a comfortable distance away.. :P


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yup, bought the 50" plasma tv due to some reasons.. long long story.. zz

mine only 4 room flat.. but living room can be considered as longish ba.. think can fit the 50" tv and still put the sofa at a comfortable distance away.. :P

Ha.. let me know when your pl is ready leh.. i go see see.. HA.. i suppose be wall-mounting your tv?


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I used a whooping 2 hrs to read the whole T-blog, just cant stop cos i am quite worried for fencer.

anyway, I am glad that things are going to end soon.

Henry is a super popular contractor from the start and of cos if there is any bad comment, it will be a highlight for the day. but diff ppl have diff expectations. so i cant comment much about it too.

Hope all parties involved can settle peacefully!

I believe we need to find not only good contractors/ID but also someone who can meet our expectations. maybe jaskel will be the best choice:)

by the way, i feel that, we are the best designer for our house.



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I am always quite amused when the ID would say ... "err ... got to wait for the carpenter to come and do measurements and see can or cannot do". The true definition of an ID since they provide design work is that they should provide the plans for the carpenter to execute and they should know whether it is feasible or not. Else, i might as well take over and speak directly to the carpenter.

When i did my cabinets, i asked for internal elevation plans for the cabinets. I dont know how one can do space planning if one doesnt have all the internal measurements for all the individual compartment spaces. eg how do i know if it can fit all my audio/video equipment, IT stuff, clothes, TV size ? I guess most would prefer if the clients dont ask for internal elevation plans - cos when the cabinet is build at the end, there are no plans to refer to on what was agreed on in the first place ;)

True also loh.. repeated work is the best and guranteed to have profit.. also 100% safe..

Likely those who venture out of the more commonly used design is doing it for passion.. or satisfaction of being able to do something different from others. But stil need to match with the owner who knows the risk and takes it..


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Ha.. let me know when your pl is ready leh.. i go see see.. HA.. i suppose be wall-mounting your tv?

Yup, will be wall mounted. :D No problem, will invite u over to see when it is completed. ;)


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I used a whooping 2 hrs to read the whole T-blog, just cant stop cos i am quite worried for fencer.

anyway, I am glad that things are going to end soon.

Henry is a super popular contractor from the start and of cos if there is any bad comment, it will be a highlight for the day. but diff ppl have diff expectations. so i cant comment much about it too.

Hope all parties involved can settle peacefully!

I believe we need to find not only good contractors/ID but also someone who can meet our expectations. maybe jaskel will be the best choice:)

by the way, i feel that, we are the best designer for our house.


Thanks for your compliement. But I'm not the best choice, I'm just one of the good choices. I believe that there is always somebody out there that are better than me....so I can always improve myself to reach to the stardard (which I know it will never come cos don't know any person yet, but at least there is a goal, there will be improvement) :D


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I am always quite amused when the ID would say ... "err ... got to wait for the carpenter to come and do measurements and see can or cannot do". The true definition of an ID since they provide design work is that they should provide the plans for the carpenter to execute and they should know whether it is feasible or not. Else, i might as well take over and speak directly to the carpenter.

When i did my cabinets, i asked for internal elevation plans for the cabinets. I dont know how one can do space planning if one doesnt have all the internal measurements for all the individual compartment spaces. eg how do i know if it can fit all my audio/video equipment, IT stuff, clothes, TV size ? I guess most would prefer if the clients dont ask for internal elevation plans - cos when the cabinet is build at the end, there are no plans to refer to on what was agreed on in the first place ;)

The internal elevation plans are u referring to something like this?




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