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Reno @my Simei 4a Resale Flat

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Every homeowner especially first-time homeowners would of course want to call their home "Mi Casa" at the end of the day. Sure, we have our expectations as to how it all should turn out...with our creativity and imaginations running wild before, during and even after the renovation's over.

But my question is how do you really gauge your own expectation really? How do you express your expectation in words as accurately as it can be in order to be fully understood by another? Isn't this subjective then?

Would the end result meet your expectation even when all items stated in the finalized and signed quotation have been fulfilled and delivered?

Yes, there would surely be defects here and there prior to handover. What I see as a defect might not matter to another. What if my ID tells me that he doesn't see it as a defect and it's all perfect to him/her. To me, the question that matters is...how tolerable would it be? i.e. would that hairline crack get bigger in the near future? would it be as bad as those hairline cracks, but nothing you can do about that I see on most HDB walls everywhere? if it's not gonna cause any injuries or a major catastrophe in my home in the future, would it really matter when I don't even notice it most of the time? Now I might begin to wonder if my guests would use a ladder to climb up and stare at that hairline crack I have on the wall. :unsure:

Now, what happens if that expectation changes over time i.e. "Oh I've originally wanted to place my fridge on the left, but now I want it on the right. So could you please tear down my partition wall and build it again?" :huh:

I don't think fencer's wrong to share his story. Neither is it wrong to share the pros and cons or even the good and bad throughout the course of the renovation. But the nagging question at the back of my mind is if it's really true, really justified or critically matter...IF I'm in fencer's shoes. Again...the outcome and what would transpire in my own t-blog would perhaps paint a totally different picture altogether.

Do bear in mind, we've only heard one side of the story to make any intelligent judgement. Just my two cents worth.


Yes, the crack would be a problem if it is not sloved. I have seen it with my own eye that the cracks on the wall tiles would be "lengthened" if it is not solved in another HDB flat. By then, the contractor would surely said it is not his fault.

To be fair to everyone, a forum should be a place where pros & cons are provided & not only contained good comments about any contractor. Somemore, there are photos to show the evidence and not just only with words. One should see with one's eyes and not think they only heard one-sided of the story. Any intelligent people would see the truth and not sided with anyone cos they have good relationships with this person or his "fans". No offence to anyone.

A coin has 2 sides and a person too. You might not see the bad side of a person if he wants to hide it. Time would prove everything.

If you have encounters that you cannot get the contractor when you needed his help, he is always not free to meet you, you can only suit his timing to meet, he called to cancel appointments at last min even though the appt is fixed almost the day before, you need to take leave to settle things on your own, you are there to supervise more than he does, to the later half, he appeared cos he wants to collect payments or some "negative" & truthful comments are made on the forum, then you might have different thoughts. Sorry if I sound offensive.

Edited by MayLove

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Maylove u want to sponsor Fencer the lawyer fee?

Fencer, going to the extend of using legal channel to get $$ back is quite serious already.

Is there anything that you could have missed out during the whole course of the reno? I'm sure you did a lot of research and also visit some of his work

before engaing him. Is there any miscom?

Why dont u all sit down and talk over a cup of tea?

Well, I can offer whatever help I can rendered. Like introducing a lawyer, etc. Wouldn't you?

In the first place, he is the one who started the legal issue. I think we shouldn't give in to threats, if not, the person would think he can "get away" without settling all the hanging issues.

well, provided "the busy man" has time to meet & dun cancel at the very last min.

I always advised people to settle things peacefully but not in the case when people dun do their work properly. Remember all the possible "outcomes" that one has to live with. Cracked tiles, leaking window, overflowing water in one of the toilet.

Edited by MayLove

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To put it fairly, actually fencer is not a fussy owner already. All he want is just to redo the window only in the 1st place not to mention about the crack of the wall tile or the hairline cracks beside the door frames, the scratches of the kitchen cabinet doors or the slow drainage of the water, he willing to DIY or accept the fact...but its just that suddenly Herny wanted to go thru legal way to get the balance payment make him feel (which I think)......being a man also got ego meh, kanna threaten with a lawyer letter...

I've met up with fencer, I had saw all the defects, I've also talked to fencer. Henry & I are of the same trade, its not nice for me to comment on him. But I do hope Henry is able to sit down, talk to the owner and solve the issues peacefully rather than both parties goes into legal suit. I also do hope that other forumers don't mistaken on fencer of being unreasonable or too fussy cos I've seem a bigger pics than u all.

It takes two hands to clap, but if one of them is not willing to, things will just get too ugly. Bro Simon pls help to talk to Henry about it, u have been always helpful to a lot of forumers which I knew of. All its need to do is both parties talk nicely, solve the issues, close the case...everyone will be happy. A win-win situation for both.

Edited by jaskel

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To put it fairly, actually fencer is not a fussy owner already. All he want is just to redo the window only in the 1st place not to mention about the crack of the wall tile or the hairline cracks beside the door frames, the scratches of the kitchen cabinet doors or the slow drainage of the water, he willing to DIY or accept the fact...but its just that suddenly Herny wanted to go thru legal way to get the balance payment make him feel (which I think)......being a man also got ego meh, kanna threaten with a lawyer letter...

I've met up with fencer, I had saw all the defects, I've also talked to fencer. Henry & I are of the same trade, its not nice for me to comment on him. But I do hope Henry is able to sit down, talk to the owner and solve the issues peacefully rather than both parties goes into legal suit. I also do hope that other forumers don't mistaken on fencer of being unreasonable or too fussy cos I've seem a bigger pics than u all.

It takes two hands to clap, but if one of them is not willing to, things will just get too ugly. Bro Simon pls help to talk to Henry about it, u have been always helpful to a lot of forumers which I knew of. All its need to do is both parties talk nicely, solve the issues, close the case...everyone will be happy. A win-win situation for both.

I have seen so many cases, none of the case can closed satisfactory, none of them, so there is no exception to this case.

Sorry that I say that but we are all kaisu singaporean.


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Yes, the crack would be a problem if it is not sloved. I have seen it with my own eye that the cracks on the wall tiles would be "lengthened" if it is not solved in another HDB flat. By then, the contractor would surely said it is not his fault.

To be fair to everyone, a forum should be a place where pros & cons are provided & not only contained good comments about any contractor. Somemore, there are photos to show the evidence and not just only with words. One should see with one's eyes and not think they only heard one-sided of the story. Any intelligent people would see the truth and not sided with anyone cos they have good relationships with this person or his "fans". No offence to anyone.

A coin has 2 sides and a person too. You might not see the bad side of a person if he wants to hide it. Time would prove everything.

If you have encounters that you cannot get the contractor when you needed his help, he is always not free to meet you, you can only suit his timing to meet, he called to cancel appointments at last min even though the appt is fixed almost the day before, you need to take leave to settle things on your own, you are there to supervise more than he does, to the later half, he appeared cos he wants to collect payments or some "negative" & truthful comments are made on the forum, then you might have different thoughts. Sorry if I sound offensive.

Thanks May Love

Well, i'm not expecting 100% sui sui renovation.. but think of the money and time i had put in.. if any1 of u were to buy my flat, either u see or i told u that the master bedroom window frame would accumulate water, and possible leak coz of the way the grill is mounted onto the frame, crack til in toilet and saw the piping was crooked (at the joint area).. would u buy from me at the full price i asked for? Assuming it was like over 5 years later wic the condition would likely be worsen.

Well, I can offer whatever help I can rendered. Like introducing a lawyer, etc. Wouldn't you?

In the first place, he is the one who started the legal issue. I think we shouldn't give in to threats, if not, the person would think he can "get away" without settling all the hanging issues.

well, provided "the busy man" has time to meet & dun cancel at the very last min.

I always advised people to settle things peacefully but not in the case when people dun do their work properly. Remember all the possible "outcomes" that one has to live with. Cracked tiles, leaking window, overflowing water in one of the toilet.

Ha.. Thanks MayLove.. the lawyer part is already covered.. "i got a serious of backup plans oledi in case things turn ugly"..

Well.. tonite i b going down to the hse with my bro-in-law to take pics to be attached with the letter of demand. I of coz i be taking morn lve to to go Post office to post the registered mail as well.

Seriously can't tink of why i nd to do all these.. anyway.. not that i wan to.. if it has to be done.. it has to be done..

well said, scenium :)



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To put it fairly, actually fencer is not a fussy owner already. All he want is just to redo the window only in the 1st place not to mention about the crack of the wall tile or the hairline cracks beside the door frames, the scratches of the kitchen cabinet doors or the slow drainage of the water, he willing to DIY or accept the fact...but its just that suddenly Herny wanted to go thru legal way to get the balance payment make him feel (which I think)......being a man also got ego meh, kanna threaten with a lawyer letter...

I've met up with fencer, I had saw all the defects, I've also talked to fencer. Henry & I are of the same trade, its not nice for me to comment on him. But I do hope Henry is able to sit down, talk to the owner and solve the issues peacefully rather than both parties goes into legal suit. I also do hope that other forumers don't mistaken on fencer of being unreasonable or too fussy cos I've seem a bigger pics than u all.

It takes two hands to clap, but if one of them is not willing to, things will just get too ugly. Bro Simon pls help to talk to Henry about it, u have been always helpful to a lot of forumers which I knew of. All its need to do is both parties talk nicely, solve the issues, close the case...everyone will be happy. A win-win situation for both.

Understand that fencer had agreed with the hairline crack tile (which is on top of the wall at 1 corner behind a piping) however did he really forgive and forget. At 1 point he already accepted the fact when meet up with Henry on the spot but another hand he is still pretty unhappy again.

For the window issue , I think henry already schedule the boss of the window sub-con to go and see and make a final judgment to remove the entire window or is it really normal and building structure that make it that way. However Fencer disagreed with it , and he want it "NOW" at 9pm. If u are the boss of the window company will u accept this request ?

Fencer did mention that he had previously spoke to the supervisor earlier and they also had done a water test (pouring water to see if it overflow) but the water didn't . Supervisor already told fencer it's like that , but fencer doesn't accept so it correct procedure to talk to the boss isn't it ? So now of cos he need to meet up with the Big boss to settle the whole incident right. Understand that thing shouldn't drag and drag till 3 months ( bro fencer keep mention the window shouldn't drag for 3 months) But from the fist post of this T-blog till now , It seem like it's not even 2month period , might I know when is this 3 month coming from ? Even if the window is installed for 3 month , when the defect spotted did henry drag for 3 month to attend to it ? Did he try to rectify by all mean just that fencer didn't accepted?

Y the legal way ? Perhaps it's after their conversation that lead to the ugly part

8.03pm (Me) - "If the window guy do not call me and a decision is not reached by 9pm tonite to replace the window and grill, you can ask him to forget abt calling to coming down to the hse. 2morow onwards, i will seek others to replace both window and grill."

(Henry) - "Thet off duty"

(me) - "That is non of my concern"

(Henry) - "Now is 807pm"

(me) - "Stil hv 1 hr."

(Henry) - "Lawerlater letter will claim againt you by next week..."

I believe henry willing to sit down and talk nicely (it doesn't do him good when thing turn out this way). Even in 1 post , fencer point out that henry call him in a very nice tone, but when 1 make ridicules expectation to see the PIC within 1 hr when everyone already knock off I think Henry already feel there is no nego pt anymore


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To put it fairly, actually fencer is not a fussy owner already. All he want is just to redo the window only in the 1st place not to mention about the crack of the wall tile or the hairline cracks beside the door frames, the scratches of the kitchen cabinet doors or the slow drainage of the water, he willing to DIY or accept the fact...but its just that suddenly Herny wanted to go thru legal way to get the balance payment make him feel (which I think)......being a man also got ego meh, kanna threaten with a lawyer letter...

I've met up with fencer, I had saw all the defects, I've also talked to fencer. Henry & I are of the same trade, its not nice for me to comment on him. But I do hope Henry is able to sit down, talk to the owner and solve the issues peacefully rather than both parties goes into legal suit. I also do hope that other forumers don't mistaken on fencer of being unreasonable or too fussy cos I've seem a bigger pics than u all.

It takes two hands to clap, but if one of them is not willing to, things will just get too ugly. Bro Simon pls help to talk to Henry about it, u have been always helpful to a lot of forumers which I knew of. All its need to do is both parties talk nicely, solve the issues, close the case...everyone will be happy. A win-win situation for both.

Just for info.. i'm more of a hands on person.. i enjoy fixing things.. since i learn more, and knowledge is useful to you and any1 who needs it.. and of coz destroyed some things on the way.. Ha.. but not much lah.. Hmm.. mayb to some, it gives more sense of belonging since you personally "fixed it".. I pefer not to ask for help if i can do it myself.. but not if threatened...

To make it clear, I just want the window frame+grill replaced (with the grill mounted to the wall instead) and of coz frame is leveled (BCS standard at least or better), broken tile changed and piping redo. I can get another contractor to bill me on these and the $$ would be deducted from the last payment. The rest would be returned to Henry... Good?

All these need to be done in 14 days (19 May 2010 to 2 June 2010).. wic my letter of demand will states any way.. and would countdown starts 2morow morning. I will be spending $$ to send a registered mail+express post.. Yes.. is additional $$ again and waste of my haf day lve.. Anything beyond 14 days, i will bill him the details of the cost, no respond, i will go to Small Claims Tribunal straight..

Any1 can offer to inform Henry? I be asking a 3rd party to be present as a witness from now on. I don't tink i wan to talk to him on the phone anymore since he getting rude and threatened me with legal action through email. Either sms or email wic i can show as proof or meet up with a 3rd party.

If he does not retract his email wic threaten me before 6pm tonite, i will send the letter of demand straight 2morow.

He can come meet me at the hse with my bro-in-law and my now-wife :D at 7.30pm at the voide deck.


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I have seen so many cases, none of the case can closed satisfactory, none of them, so there is no exception to this case.

Sorry that I say that but we are all kaisu singaporean.

We all are mah.. coz we are singaporeans.. is a trend.. Ha..


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Yes, the crack would be a problem if it is not sloved. I have seen it with my own eye that the cracks on the wall tiles would be "lengthened" if it is not solved in another HDB flat. By then, the contractor would surely said it is not his fault.

To be fair to everyone, a forum should be a place where pros & cons are provided & not only contained good comments about any contractor. Somemore, there are photos to show the evidence and not just only with words. One should see with one's eyes and not think they only heard one-sided of the story. Any intelligent people would see the truth and not sided with anyone cos they have good relationships with this person or his "fans". No offence to anyone.

A coin has 2 sides and a person too. You might not see the bad side of a person if he wants to hide it. Time would prove everything.

Hi Maylove , don't worry I'm not offended. I fully agreed with U . Both good and bad comment should be truthful reported at the forum so that pp can have a clear picture.

People shouldn't just read on the good comment of Henry to engage him. They should meet up , talk to him and see if they are comfortable with him or not. Nobody is hiding anything here. When he do bad workmanship (painting for my case) it should be report truthfully too. Same go for fencer case.

Time will prove everything , if Henner club can survive so long , when Henry being a contractor for 10+++ yrs there must be a reason. When so many of us can adopted the "U steady with him , He will steady with u" mentality there must be a reason.

Perhaps I should just let everyone know that the Henner club is not for the Perfectionist . We will not get 100% renovation cover (maybe only 99.5% very depend on yr tolerant level). However with a saving of a few thousands of dollar , you got to decided yourself if you want to engage a contractor (and supervises some stuff ) or just get an ID.

Best regards



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Understand that fencer had agreed with the hairline crack tile (which is on top of the wall at 1 corner behind a piping) however did he really forgive and forget. At 1 point he already accepted the fact when meet up with Henry on the spot but another hand he is still pretty unhappy again.

For the window issue , I think henry already schedule the boss of the window sub-con to go and see and make a final judgment to remove the entire window or is it really normal and building structure that make it that way. However Fencer disagreed with it , and he want it "NOW" at 9pm. If u are the boss of the window company will u accept this request ?

Fencer did mention that he had previously spoke to the supervisor earlier and they also had done a water test (pouring water to see if it overflow) but the water didn't . Supervisor already told fencer it's like that , but fencer doesn't accept so it correct procedure to talk to the boss isn't it ? So now of cos he need to meet up with the Big boss to settle the whole incident right. Understand that thing shouldn't drag and drag till 3 months ( bro fencer keep mention the window shouldn't drag for 3 months) But from the fist post of this T-blog till now , It seem like it's not even 2month period , might I know when is this 3 month coming from ? Even if the window is installed for 3 month , when the defect spotted did henry drag for 3 month to attend to it ? Did he try to rectify by all mean just that fencer didn't accepted?

Y the legal way ? Perhaps it's after their conversation that lead to the ugly part

I believe henry willing to sit down and talk nicely (it doesn't do him good when thing turn out this way). Even in 1 post , fencer point out that henry call him in a very nice tone, but when 1 make ridicules expectation to see the PIC within 1 hr when everyone already knock off I think Henry already feel there is no nego pt anymore

i already mentioned i was in reservist while the reno started.. And it started on 3rd March 2010..

Not to be rude but I do not know what Henry had told you. I did not say it overflow..

i'm saying the water is trapped in the centre and the centre is tilted towards the inside of the hse.. The water need to rise to a certain level to be drained out. so more holes made in the window frame is going to make the water flow upwards right? i have asked for a new opinions and the frame is suppose to be to levelled. If you say the whole wall is tilted back, i got nothing to say.. And fyi, i said i wan to speak to the big boss at 6+.. wic until 8 there is no call at all.. and by that time is said they are off already.. Can i ask, did Henry make an effort to contact the boss to say i wan to expedite the issue?

I said also the silicion on the rivet would crack over time so insist on replacing the grill as well. Note.. i asked a few opinion.. and all say y mount to the window..

The visit by big boss is on 25 May 2010 and is to see how it can be rectified.. so if i allow it, means 1week+ is wasted again and if he insist is "like that 1" or just drill more holes, does it solve the problem? If mosquito is to breed, can i say the contractor said is a norm?

For the crack, at no point in time did i say is ok not to replace it. Did Henry told u i said ok?

Did Henry tell u i called him on sat abt the leak and he came only by when? The leak continued for sat, sun, mon, tue and finally wed was fixed.. would 2 leak be serious enuf to just come over to see and hv measure to prevent water from reaching my dressing table etc? coz it's got warranty so is ok? That is henry's committment wic i saw..

Can i know at any point of time, did Henry ask me for money before the friday call and i die die dun wan pay up? or came to ensure if all the rectification is complete before making such demand? His point in the tele-conversation is that it is my duty to tell him if his painter had painted finished.. He did not even come over to see how it is or isit being done.

What's PIC? if you're talking abt the big boss.. the 9am is to hv a verdict on the window.. not meet him.. and i told Henry also to ask him to call me so i can explain and arrange with him.. Is henry who gv alot of excuses and die die dun wan me to talk to him..


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I always find it amusing that contractors will always have excuses for many things eg "not nice", "this way nicer", "your wall is slanted and therefore like that" ;)

Anyway, just to be sure everyone is on the right page.

The "gold standard" for testing window water tightness involves:

Water intenstity : 300mm/hr

Wind pressure : 240 Pa

Nozzle inclination: 90 degrees

Distance of nozzle from wall: 200mm

Sample size: 2m length of window joint

Spray duration: 10 mins

This is the BCA standard and that is used for CONQUAS assessment. Builders are assessed on that and incentives, disincentives are awarded which will affect them when they tender for public works. If the contractors use other ways to test, it is incorrect - that's why, sometimes when it rains, depending on the window direction, you may or may not have leaks.

Unfortunately, consumers like us with such small works offen suffer from sub-standard work ...

We should not confuse "expectations" or "kia-su" with "standards". To be objective, we only need to compare the workmanship that has been performed to the national standards (ie CONQUAS). It is either pass or fail - no in between.

Standards exist in interior constructions and these standards also take into account minor variations (or what they call as fault tolerance) and if they do not pass the standards, the consumers should not accept ! We should not mistake "bad workmanship" as something acceptable ....

Talking about standards, how many consumers ever vet that their electricians are licenced EMA or even have a trade certificate ? ;) Most of the time, consumers always "cross their fingers" and hope nothing goes wrong with electrical work.


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Hi all,

It is unfortunate that the happy intent to renovate ended up with both parties being adversarial to each other. I think it is inevitable that we sometimes have friction with one another in the course of our work and if we can assume that all are reasonable people, I would like to propose the following:

1. Fencer and Henry speak through a rep (can be a forumer that knows both parties and are willing to help) about the defects and each other side of the story purely from the basis of resolving the impasses rather than assigning blame. Each party giving way to one another is important eg. instead of insisting on 10% payment after solving the defects, Fencer could pay 5% upfront and pay final 5% when the works are completed.

2. The rep gets back to the Fencer and Henry and conveyed what is needed to be done. eg. cut a small hole to drain out water in the alum window frame, etc..

If both parties accept the solution, we have a closure and everyone moves on. There will be no need to spend money to hire lawyers and attend court hearings when the issues could be resolved out of court. Whoever is right is immaterial because both parties lose and lose tremendously when the case is battled in court.

If what I suggest don't make sense, feel free to ignore it.


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I always find it amusing that contractors will always have excuses for many things eg "not nice", "this way nicer", "your wall is slanted and therefore like that" ;)

Anyway, just to be sure everyone is on the right page.

The "gold standard" for testing window water tightness involves:

Water intenstity : 300mm/hr

Wind pressure : 240 Pa

Nozzle inclination: 90 degrees

Distance of nozzle from wall: 200mm

Sample size: 2m length of window joint

Spray duration: 10 mins

This is the BCA standard and that is used for CONQUAS assessment. Builders are assessed on that and incentives, disincentives are awarded which will affect them when they tender for public works. If the contractors use other ways to test, it is incorrect - that's why, sometimes when it rains, depending on the window direction, you may or may not have leaks.

Unfortunately, consumers like us with such small works offen suffer from sub-standard work ...

We should not confuse "expectations" or "kia-su" with "standards". To be objective, we only need to compare the workmanship that has been performed to the national standards (ie CONQUAS). It is either pass or fail - no in between.

Standards exist in interior constructions and these standards also take into account minor variations (or what they call as fault tolerance) and if they do not pass the standards, the consumers should not accept ! We should not mistake "bad workmanship" as something acceptable ....

Talking about standards, how many consumers ever vet that their electricians are licenced EMA or even have a trade certificate ? ;) Most of the time, consumers always "cross their fingers" and hope nothing goes wrong with electrical work.

Hmm.. i also didn't find out abt the certification of the electrician.. so "Cross"my fingers".. Ha..

Comsumers are ignorant on these issues, but that is why there are jobs for contractors and IDs. They are the 1s who are suppose to be better or well versed in such things. If we consumers have the same knowledge, know wic sub-cons to use and how things are done, would there be a need for contractor or ID?

But good to learn when information is provided.. :D

Thanks blueocean..


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i already mentioned i was in reservist while the reno started.. And it started on 3rd March 2010..

Not to be rude but I do not know what Henry had told you. I did not say it overflow..

i'm saying the water is trapped in the centre and the centre is tilted towards the inside of the hse.. The water need to rise to a certain level to be drained out. so more holes made in the window frame is going to make the water flow upwards right? i have asked for a new opinions and the frame is suppose to be to levelled. If you say the whole wall is tilted back, i got nothing to say.. And fyi, i said i wan to speak to the big boss at 6+.. wic until 8 there is no call at all.. and by that time is said they are off already.. Can i ask, did Henry make an effort to contact the boss to say i wan to expedite the issue?

I said also the silicion on the rivet would crack over time so insist on replacing the grill as well. Note.. i asked a few opinion.. and all say y mount to the window..

The visit by big boss is on 25 May 2010 and is to see how it can be rectified.. so if i allow it, means 1week+ is wasted again and if he insist is "like that 1" or just drill more holes, does it solve the problem? If mosquito is to breed, can i say the contractor said is a norm?

For the crack, at no point in time did i say is ok not to replace it. Did Henry told u i said ok?

Did Henry tell u i called him on sat abt the leak and he came only by when? The leak continued for sat, sun, mon, tue and finally wed was fixed.. would 2 leak be serious enuf to just come over to see and hv measure to prevent water from reaching my dressing table etc? coz it's got warranty so is ok? That is henry's committment wic i saw..

Can i know at any point of time, did Henry ask me for money before the friday call and i die die dun wan pay up? or came to ensure if all the rectification is complete before making such demand? His point in the tele-conversation is that it is my duty to tell him if his painter had painted finished.. He did not even come over to see how it is or isit being done.

What's PIC? if you're talking abt the big boss.. the 9am is to hv a verdict on the window.. not meet him.. and i told Henry also to ask him to call me so i can explain and arrange with him.. Is henry who gv alot of excuses and die die dun wan me to talk to him..

Bro fencer, after following your t-blog for sometime, I do notice one thing that surprises me time and time again. You always seem to write having the impression that Henry does not inspect regularly enough or whenever you feel he should or that he even doesn't know what's going on in your house? I'm not really sure how it actually came about to this, but as far as my reno go (70% done so far)...I have never felt this way even once.

Henry always update me on what's going on in my house and vice versa I update him as often on what I do observe or see whenever I'm there. I ask tons of questions...curious questions about what's going on now, what's gonna happen tomorrow or the next few days after. I came up with my own renovation schedule, compares with what Henry has, discuss over it and see what suits best for both parties. I always ask alot of blur questions about reno-related stuff and always have I got an answer that gives me peace of mind at the end of the day.

I call Henry every single day. 3-4 times on average daily whenever there are things to be done on that particular day. I go through with him on what's gonna happen, how it's gonna be done and what results would I be expecting. All these are always done in a very friendly way and never to demand just because I'm a paying customer.

Now, I do see that things have started to turn ugly. Lots of emotions at play here especially for fencer since it concerns his home. I don't know 'bout you, bro...but for me...what matters most is that I have a home that I'm happy with and to live in. There will be imperfections here and there with my own home but I do have other great things to boast about at the end of the day. I wouldn't want to have someone hounding on me either or have ill feelings thereafter. Don't see the point, if I'm gonna remember this moment in my life when I move in to my first very own home to be a good one to say the least.

Just my thoughts on the whole issue.


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