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Reno @my Simei 4a Resale Flat

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hey fencer ...

have you seen this thread .. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...=14591&st=0

It sometimes makes one feel fortunate to be able to move into the house after renovation. Some guys have been renovating for almost a year. In that particular case, the company shut down and opened up with another name ...


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hey fencer ...

have you seen this thread .. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...=14591&st=0

It sometimes makes one feel fortunate to be able to move into the house after renovation. Some guys have been renovating for almost a year. In that particular case, the company shut down and opened up with another name ...

Is not the AS case? is this case very common in reno industry? wow.. is so easy to close and open company under another name?

That's true though.. should say things could have been better bah.. Ha..


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Yeah. The more i read about all this stories, the more i become more thankful or grateful that my renovation went OK although it was not free from defects and heartache.

It is a strange feeling to feel "thankful" or even "grateful" . It is like thinking - "it could have been worse". Or another example would be if i bought a car and although there are many dents on the exterior, i should be thankful that the car was delivered and the engine can start and the roof doesnt leak ? ;)

Is not the AS case? is this case very common in reno industry? wow.. is so easy to close and open company under another name?

That's true though.. should say things could have been better bah.. Ha..


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Yeah. The more i read about all this stories, the more i become more thankful or grateful that my renovation went OK although it was not free from defects and heartache.

It is a strange feeling to feel "thankful" or even "grateful" . It is like thinking - "it could have been worse". Or another example would be if i bought a car and although there are many dents on the exterior, i should be thankful that the car was delivered and the engine can start and the roof doesnt leak ? ;)

Wonder isit coz there is not enuf "noise" from renovation area that there is no enforcement at the moment, although there are templates provided but wic most do not use or know it existed.. Would enforcement help? I'm sure renovation consultants like ossify would lessen the pains of hse owners though.. but isit enuf? Need renovation enforcers?

Hmm.. car sales... sounds very familiar leh.. wonder hear from where... Ha..

Better then others who are worse then you.. y dun contractors put this in the clause? You have to pay up as long your house is better then majority of the ppl in spore..


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Maybe it's time for RT to create a wiki for the compilation of the information.

It would help the users. Otherwise, they have to sieve hundreds or thousands RT pages.

agree with your suggestion... :good:


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I just wonder if it is common for contractors not to reply for request for quotations ...

Personally, I dont think it is surprising because renovations are quite labour intensive and most sole proprietorships or small companies cannot scale up their resources.

So, in the end, you just need to obtain many requests for renovation work and just "cherry pick" the best one to do - One that has the highest profit margin to make or the most extensive renovation to do.

And also time it such that you are able to jump to the next project so that you can minimize the days where there is no work. It also means that if there is some delays that occurs in one's home renovations, it will affects their project work downstream.

I like it when contractors say they are starting work, it just means shifting materials and stuff into your house without anything else being done. And then they start the following week ...

There are the 3 "C"s in choosing the right contractor :

1. Credibility eg credit and trust worthiness

2. Capacity eg are they so busy that they dont have the manpower to work on extra projects

3. Capability eg their workmanship

No point having a capable contractor but has no credibility or capacity ... ;)

good highlight :good:


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Found the page.. Thanks ossify.. :D

paiseh huh.. Besides installation of aircon (wic i had submitted) and the now windows installation wic need to submit form.. is there anything else need forms to be submitted?

Ohh.. jaskel.. you need give owners abit things to do lah.. Ha.. do all for owner.. ppl would be jealous 1 leh.. like me.. Ha.. :rolleyes:

Hmm.. for my case wic is a mix of encasement windows and sliding windows? windows installer would hv applied online before installation and finished.. i have to submit the form B?

Hi fencer,

i just read thru that need to submit the form to HDB regarding the aircon installation? i currently engage gaincity service but the aircon havent deliver yet......is that mean that i need the submit form to inform HDB for the air-con compressor installation cos it is outside the buidling....i didnt ready thru your previous post cos it is too many...hope u can enlighten me regard this matter. Thx again


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fyi, from HDB regulations:

"If you are carrying out window installation/replacement works, you are required to engage a BCA approved window contractor listed with HDB"

You might also want to take a look at this form:


You will need the following information:


Name & Address of Approved Window Contractor

Office Tel


HDB Registration No

Company Stamp

ACRA Registration No

Name of Trained Window Installer


Certificate No

I guess most people don't bother :)

Hi Bro Ossify,

Did u receive my email cos i cant find it in my sent mail box..pls let me know so i can resend again...i looking for electrican man ....any one can recommend a reliable and good one plus dont charge hire price :help: :help: ....thank you very much....


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Hi ngunadi.. meaning is a new website? or a subsection in RenoTalk Forum so need a good RT blog?

Ideally, RT admin creates new sub section so it becomes www.renotalk.com/wiki ... so it complements wiki.

But if RT admin doesn't do it, it means have to be new website. www.renowiki.com


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That's a good one - " have to pay as long as house is better than the majority of the ppl in singapore" ...hahahaah

Better then others who are worse then you.. y dun contractors put this in the clause? You have to pay up as long your house is better then majority of the ppl in spore..

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Hi fencer,

i just read thru that need to submit the form to HDB regarding the aircon installation? i currently engage gaincity service but the aircon havent deliver yet......is that mean that i need the submit form to inform HDB for the air-con compressor installation cos it is outside the buidling....i didnt ready thru your previous post cos it is too many...hope u can enlighten me regard this matter. Thx again

Hi Pretty99..

Mine is from gain city also... for my case is after installation..

for me, i only asked for 2 time installation when buying.. didn't do anything else leh.. 1st round install the piping etc only.. painting finished.. then another group came and install the fancoil and compressor.. after 2nd installation, the guys passed me a form with the installers name etc.. and i signed and pass to the HDB branch office.. within 14 days if i rem correctly.. :D


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Hi Bro Ossify,

Did u receive my email cos i cant find it in my sent mail box..pls let me know so i can resend again...i looking for electrican man ....any one can recommend a reliable and good one plus dont charge hire price :help: :help: ....thank you very much....

Hi Pretty99, did you recv my pm on the electrican? Before calling the electrician, best you need to have a rough idea what u wanna do.. where's and the number of power points (single or twin socket), telephone points, on/off switches for heater, switches for cooker hood, est position of lights, position of fridge and TV etc..

small changes can be done later (e.g point change position).. but i tink u wan a accurate cost prediction bah.. so best u use your floor plans and mark out 1st.. easier for u to discuss with the electrician later. :D


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I forgot to add the 4th "C" to that "Cost" besides Capacity, Capability, Credibility. ;)


1 R perhaps? Responsibility? although similiar to Credibility? HA.. ;)


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That's a good one - " have to pay as long as house is better than the majority of the ppl in singapore" ...hahahaah

True leh.. summarized theory for sale of cars, other pple hse also like that, my hse also like that.. ;)


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