bepgof 20 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) Well done HDB !, Pohs deserved it. A profession in real eastate claimed he does not aware of the rules? Surely, he was desperate, caught off-guard by the tip-off. Salute to the one who gave tip. Please tip off hdb if u come across such to make mkt for fair competition. Edited March 13, 2010 by bepgof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) the excuse he use, really darm stupid. He claim he does not know that MOP is 3 yrs. He claim he ask HDB, an officer told him 1 yrs MOP. He can rent out the whole unit. If as what he claim. WHY he didn't get HDB approval for whole unit rent out. He and his wife has 1 4rm HDB flat. rent out at $1.9k his dau who staying @ USA, buy a resale HDB @ 2007 and rent out at $900w/o HDB approval and didn't meet MOP his wife 91 yrs old aunt HDB rent out at $1.4k w/o HDB approval He really treat HDB stupid We are stupid to believe that he is NOT AWARE Every mth he has $4200 HDB rental return Edited March 13, 2010 by therat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) For those that has no idea what me and bepgof are talking about. This is the news. Housing agent sublet flats illegally three times Fri, Mar 12, 2010 AsiaOne The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has sent out a warning to flat owners: Do not sublet your flats illegally. In a statement today, it said: 'HDB would like to emphasise the severity of unauthorised subletting. HDB flats are meant for owner occupation.' A housing agent who had three cases of illegally subletting flats without prior approval from the HDB is learning this the hard way. HDB has taken legal action to repossess his flat, and will be doing the same for the other flats he sublet without authorisation. Click here to find out more! In 2007, Mr Poh Boon Kay, a registered real estate agent with five other properties, bought his 4-room Bukit Batok flat at $150,000 without any loans, listing his wife, Mdm Khoo Kim Cheng as occupier. However, in November 2009, HDB discovered that Mr Poh was actually subletting the flat - without HDB's prior approval - to 3 Burmese couples (six adults and one child) at a monthly rent of $1,900. Mr Poh and his family were not residing in the flat. Two weeks later, HDB informed him that unless the unauthorised sub-tenants are evicted, HDB would take compulsory acquisition action. As the subtenants continued to stay in the flat, a Notice of Board's Intention to compulsorily acquire the flat was served on December 23. On the same day, he said the sub-tenants had signed an undertaking that they would vacate the flat by the end of December. Mr Poh appealed the next day, claiming that he rented out the flat to the sub-tenants while they worked out their finances in order to buy the flat from him. When interviewed, he and his wife claimed they did not know that they needed to seek prior approval from HDB before subletting the flat, or that they needed to fulfill the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) of three years before they are eligible to do so. Two other cases of illegal sub-letting HDB subsequently discovered that Mr Poh is related to two more cases of unauthorised sub-letting. In the second case, he acted as the housing agent for his 91-year-old aunt, whose flat was sublet without HDB's approval to Burmese monks at a monthly rent of $1,400 since July last year. They had used it as a meditation centre, with monthly rents paid out to Mr Poh. The third case involved his daughter's Telok Blangah flat which was again sublet without HDB's consent to subtenants for $900 a month. According to a statement released by the HDB, "With these further instances of unauthorised subletting related to Mr. Poh, his claims that he is "unaware" of HDB rules cannot be substantiated. Furthermore, these regulations are publicly available from many sources such as HDB's InfoWeb or service hotline. There is clear evidence that Mr Poh, a housing agent by profession, has been intentionally abusing HDB flats for monetary gains." HDB has now taken legal action to compulsorily acquire Mr Poh's flat. It plans to take the same action towards his aunt's and daughter's flats as well. HDB ramps up enforcement against unauthorised subletting The Housing Board said it would take action in those who commit this infringement, from penalties that ranged from fines of $1,000 to $21,000, to repossession of flat. 56 owners have received these penalties from January 2008 to December 2009. Flat owners who wish to sublet their whole flat must obtain approval from HDB and fulfil the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP). The current MOP for the subletting of flats is as follows: * Flats bought directly from HDB: 5 years * Resale flats purchased with CPF Housing Grant: 5 years * Resale flats purchased without CPF Housing Grant: 3 years They must also comply with HDB's terms and conditions. For instance, the maximum number of subtenants allowed. 1-Room and 2-Room flats are allowed a maximum of four persons, 3-room flats can have 6 persons, while 4-Room and bigger flat types can have 9 persons in total. Residents are encouraged to call HDB's dedicated hotline at 1800-5556370 [Monday to Friday - 8am to 5pm] to report any suspected cases. Edited March 13, 2010 by therat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 房屋经纪行老板及亲戚 三组屋非法出租将被收回 (2010-03-13) 一名拥有5个私人房地产的房屋经纪行老板明知故犯,非法出租名下的组屋。不但如此,他的一名女亲戚以及女儿也同样非法出租组屋,结果行径被建屋发展局拆穿,三个非法出租的组屋单位都将被收回。 从2008年1月至去年12月的两年以来,共有56名屋主因非法出租组屋,面对被罚款或组屋被收回的下场。罚金介于1000元至2万1000元之间,根据出租情况的严重性而定。 建屋局发表文告说,当局非常严厉看待非法出租组屋事件,并会毫不犹豫地对违规者采取严厉行动。该局也以房屋经纪行老板的个案为例,指他明目张胆触犯出租条例。 傅文加(60岁)是房屋经纪行People’s Housing老板,同时也是房屋经纪。他的妻子也是房屋经纪,两人住在东部的半独立式洋房。他们也经营电器批发生意。 傅文加是在 2007年6月购买武吉巴督32街第336座组屋的四房式单位。他当时并没有贷款以15万元买下这单位。事隔两年半,建屋局接获情报,指该组屋非法出租。 调查发现,这组屋还没有符合3年的最低居住年限(Minimum Occupation Period,简称MOP)便出租,由三对缅甸夫妇以1900元的租金租下。 调查也显示,涉及非法出租的还包括傅文加的一名女亲戚。自去年7月起,她便以1400元出租组屋给缅甸和尚,还让他们把组屋作诵经地点。 这女亲戚买下组屋14年,其实可以出租整间组屋,不过她并没有通知当局便擅自出租。而虽然她是组屋屋主,租金却是交给傅文加,因为他是负责该组屋的经纪。 傅文加的女儿也非法出租整间组屋。这个位于直落布兰雅的组屋是以900元出租。由于她是在2008年买下这个小过三房式的单位,因此同样是在未符合MOP的情况下出租。 包括傅文加在内的这三名屋主都没有住在组屋里头,更没有通知建屋局他们要出租整个组屋单位。傅文加的组屋已被收回,在扣除2万5000元罚款后,他获得 12万5000元赔偿。建屋局接下来还将采取法律行动收回另外两个组屋单位,收回的赔偿额目前还未确定。 “组屋不是投机工具” 国家发展部长马宝山本周在国会拨款委员辩论该部门开支预算时重申,组屋是供屋主自居的,不是作为投机工具或用来赚取租金。建屋局将加强取缔行动,减少非法出租情况。 组屋转售价格近年高涨,一些人把矛头指向组屋投机者,指他们买组屋后迅速转手,或是出租组屋赚取租金,以致屋价高涨。 在建屋局条令下,受津贴组屋的MOP是5年,非津贴组屋则是3年。受津贴组屋指的是向建屋局购买的新组屋,或是以公积金购屋津贴购买的转售组屋。 受访虽声称另有隐情 建屋局不接受经纪解释 房屋经纪行老板傅文加受访时声称,出租租屋不是为了牟利,而是另有隐情,不过这样的解释不被建屋局接受。 东窗事发后,傅文加提出上诉,并声称其中一名租户是要买下组屋,只是在过渡期间把房子租下来。 他告诉本报,这名租户原本要以26万元估价买下组屋。如今组屋因非法出租以15万元收回,赔偿与估价差了一大截。 他也声称,当初会买下武吉巴督的单位,是因为岳父岳母生病,妻子想和他们同住。不过,老人家最终不愿搬去组屋住,他便出租组屋,因为他以为MOP是一年。 傅文加夫妇也在接受调查时辩称,他们不知道要征求当局同意才能出租整个单位。两人也声称,他们并不知道要符合MOP后,才可以出租整个组屋。 对此,建屋局在文告中说,三起非法出租个案都和傅文加有关,他无法证明对建屋局条例毫不知情。毕竟,有关这些条例的信息可从不同管道索取。“证据已清楚显示,身为房屋经纪的傅先生为了牟利,故意滥用组屋。” 尽管如此,傅文加还是坚称出租组屋是情有可原。对于女儿及女亲戚非法出租组屋,他都有一套说法。女儿正在美国办理离婚手续,争夺孩子的抚养权,没有工作的她只好出租组屋;80来岁的女亲戚则是行动不便,须住靠近诊所,因此无法住在直落布兰雅的单位。他也对建屋局收回组屋的手法感到不满。他声称,当局发现他出租组屋后,就下令租户要立刻搬走,没有给他解释的机会。 受访的邻居都表示没有看过非法出租组屋的屋主傅文基,只知道房子是由好几个缅甸租客租下,租期长达两年,去年年尾才迁出。 住在傅文加名下组屋隔壁的黄姓邻居(42岁)说,去年年尾,其中一名缅甸房客告诉他,他们收到建屋局来信,要求他们一个月内迁出,只好匆忙找房子搬走。这些房客不太清楚必须迁出的原因,只表示好像是屋主没有办好承租登记。 =========== chinese News paper has more information. That Mr Poh is the owner of the property company People’s Housing He n his wife are both property agent. Has 5 private property. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) Poh couple claim that they don't know need HDB approval to rent out the whole unit. U believe? They claim they don't know need to meet MOP in order to rent out the whole unit. U believe? jail them fine them He is the owner of the property company People’s Housing and does not know HDB rule. I will pay extra precaution if I need to deal with the agent from People's Housing. Edited March 13, 2010 by therat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phantom 1 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 Ppl can still buy and leave vacant till MOP. illegal subletting is one issue. But if HDB's are meant for stay. then subletting at all is the bigger issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoongf 11 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 If owners start to leave it vacant instead of moving back in, then that takes these units off the market, while the evicted tenants must find new accomodation. Flat supply will drop, making the situation worse! HDB shd not allow leaving the flat vacant as an acceptable outcome. Either move in or sell off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phantom 1 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 If owners start to leave it vacant instead of moving back in, then that takes these units off the market, while the evicted tenants must find new accomodation. Flat supply will drop, making the situation worse! HDB shd not allow leaving the flat vacant as an acceptable outcome. Either move in or sell off. I agree with you on this. If HDB flats are meant at all purely for stay and not speculation. I have viewed hdbs that have been left vacant for years recently, which was my point for making the post previously. Frankly my take is private owners should not hold hdb for rental. either you stay in it and rent out your private. or you stay in your private and sell your hdb away. Enforcement of rules will be the issue. but this will free up supply of hdb units into the market easing the situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plastic3 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) disgrace to Agents Edited March 13, 2010 by Plastic3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chronograph 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 He deserved it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 from Licensed ID Name of Company License Type Description AD041-3004194J PEOPLE'S HOUSING House Agent from S/No. Registration No. Entity Name Partial Address Status 1 40438300M PEOPLE'S HOUSING AND COMMISSION AGENCY FOCH ROAD Live n.k.a PEOPLE'S HOUSING from Mr Poh Boon Kay Accredited Ordinary Members . Membership No. A00292 Does anyone know what kind of requirement it need to be Accredited Ordinary Members? IEA has Code of Conduct & Ethics. Does it still active? Or just for doc? Under IEA - Bye-Laws Pg 5 section 3.2.3 stated Every person duly elected as a member of the Institute has a duty to fulfill the following Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Under Accredited Ordinary Member. Number of CPD hrs in 2 calendar years: 24 hrs What is CPD? Let see how IEA going to react Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plastic3 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) Under IEA - Bye-Laws Pg 5 section 3.2.3 stated Every person duly elected as a member of the Institute has a duty to fulfill the following Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Under Accredited Ordinary Member. Number of CPD hrs in 2 calendar years: 24 hrs What is CPD? Let see how IEA going to react Continuing Professional Development (CPD), I believe it is continued training/courses of new laws and rules implemented....have to attend 24hrs... This Agent just blatantly flouted the rules, it is impossible to not know this basic HDB rule... I believe there are crooks in almost every profession, there are lawyers who abscond with their client's money, similarly Doctors who cheat patients...they are highly respected professionals who we are suppose to be able to trust.. Edited March 13, 2010 by Plastic3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
forgotten 1 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) This agent is sibei rich lor. He owns 1 HDB and 5 private properties! Edited March 13, 2010 by forgotten Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plastic3 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2010 (edited) This agent is sibei rich lor. He owns 1 HDB and 5 private properties! Yes, there are many rich Agents....unfortunately i'm not one of them Edited March 13, 2010 by Plastic3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therat 18 Report post Posted March 14, 2010 Continuing Professional Development (CPD), I believe it is continued training/courses of new laws and rules implemented....have to attend 24hrs... This Agent just blatantly flouted the rules, it is impossible to not know this basic HDB rule... I believe there are crooks in almost every profession, there are lawyers who abscond with their client's money, similarly Doctors who cheat patients...they are highly respected professionals who we are suppose to be able to trust.. Thanks for the explanation of the CPD. If he don't give that crap excuse, still not that bad. But give that crap excuse, make ppl more angry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites