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Ready, Steady, Go! (pasir Ris Ea)

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Its a crizto 1 piece bowl.


a typical basin.


leave you folks with a shot of my 'sea' view LOL.. thats what it was advertise , b4 we view it. :P

till next week then..



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Hi tigertgr

Any update pics for your home reno ? Which air-con brand u intend to install & from which company ?

Supp... sorry for the late post. Its a really busy week for us... :D i am just abt to up load some pics for week 4.. nothing much.. but plastering.. its pretty well done imo.

For the Air con.. i went will HONG TAR. The sales lady (Katrine (sp?)) was very patient and pretty knowledgeable. Even the crew (2 man team) that she send to do our trunking impressed us. They are punctual (the fact that on the 1st day, they are suppose to come at 11.30. But at 10.30 we received a call from katrine and informed us that they are being held up at another site..and will arrive at 12.30, Which promptly they did), very effective and efficient. Once they arrived.. they started to go thur with us.. where be our blowers be , solving our trunking routes etc. Thur out the process they are very patient with us and listening to ours air con needs. And their advice helps us heaps too.

We have 6 blowers and 2 compressor that need to be routed. And within 30mins the routes are all planned and agreed ... and immediately they went to work. By 5ish they have already setup the 2nd compressor mounting and routed all trunking with 50% of coolant cabling done. Which they say they will be back the following day to finish up. This (2 day trunking installation and 1 day blowers/compressors installation) was already told to us by Katrine during the sales phase.

I will post up some pics and also a short review on Impress 21. :)

Edited by tigertgr

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lol.. the funny thing is that after the morale crushing viewing from simei.. pasir ris area seems more sane cov to us.. i have 1 case in simei.. the agent told me b4 i even go view the flat... i quote " sorry to say this.. if you are offering anything less than 50k.. i think the owner would not want to let you view" lololol.. me and wifey had a good laugh at that.. And to put it out there...we settle this place for 25k COV. What attached us to put in a bid is the fact its all squarish . corner unit , high floor and lastly its have a big living/dinner area (after you knock off the original study room) . we tot why not put in a bid , if its ours it will be ours.. of cos the owners are asking for a much higher COV then.. we were surpised they meet our bid to be honest..

Frankly i wouldnt be surprise... as i believe that this owner had started marketing this unit since july 09 ... and till sept he have not sold it.. And ye! the funny thing is the "seaview" advert .. in my mind i was kinda expecting though proper seaview kinda thing.. but... u gotta really stand in the CENTER of the living room to see the sea.. lol.. Well.. things we learn during house hunting i guess.. :P

hi welcome to pasir ris... blk 580 nice area with nice park :) you know, i have stayed in this part of pasir ris for the past 5 years and have just visited the park last Sat!!! :D


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Main entrance flooring leveled and tiled.


Our floor tiles is glossy black with some gold flakes (will try to get a close shot when its cleaned up)


LOL.. pretty messy front area.. :P

thats abt it for week 2 ...

I love the white tiles of your kitchen and common toilet.. nice!!!


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Hi all ... sorry for the late update. Only plastering was done. Its was a pretty well done imo here are some of the pics...


our living room, Shot from our dinning area.


Our Dinning side wall..


Living room area. This is where our feature wall will be.


Our MBR, new toilet entrance with old entrance filled and plastered


A close up shot of the various edges of the plastering.


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I love the white tiles of your kitchen and common toilet.. nice!!!

Hi there joleena.. :) thank you for your compliments .. Most of the tiles and laminates are simple, we are going for the simple , enduring look.

yea.. one of the reason we chose pasir ris was the parks and seaside area. :)


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This following set of photos are suppose to be for week 5 .. but since i got it now..might as well..

These happen on monday. The installer from HONG TAR (Air con) came and started the 2 day installation phase ( purely trunking and routing with installation of compressor and blowers at another date). if you read a earlier post i wrote a short review on the experience with Hong Tar. So far so good. :D


Our daughter's room. LOL she is so going to hate us when she grows up.. cos we routed most of the trunking thur her room :P


Her Wall, with the most trunking.


Her wall again.. from another angle, Which will be where our 2nd compressor be mounted too.


Our MBR, unavoidable trunking..


Our MBR, the window, our 1st compressor will be mounted.


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Our MBR , The original Air con ledge/Bracket from HDB


Our MBR again.. this is the only trunking that we cant reroute to another wall.. and sadly it will be above our bed..


Our MBR again. This is the drainage pipe which will be hidding behind the wardrobe, it leads into our MBR toilet


This will be our blower for study area.


The trunking going to our parents room. The farthest from the compressors.


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Hi all.. the wet phase of our reno have came and gone. We would say that the works done so far is up to our standards. Due to our working timings. The only time was on sat and sun to check how the reno have been progressing.. as you can see. Henry's time management is pretty spot on. He is responsive throughout and answers to our questions promptly. Pretty much on auto. Without needing us breathing down his neck.

MAYBE the only bad point( if we need to be really fussy) was his tilers did not take more care when dismantling our room doors and old fixtures. They stack it all up in the center of the living room without making sure more floor backing was laid. Causing some tearing of the single layer of backing.. with some of the fixture was touching the new tiles. We did notice there "MIGHT" be come scratches on SOME tiles. BUT! after voicing to Henry, he assured us that once he clean up the whole area. Any tiles we are unhappy with will be replaced. We are pretty happy abt it.. (will update on this as it happens)

Also, just on monday (5/4/2010), we went thru phase 2 planning with Henry's team of carpenter/electrician. Although its was really tiring, but it was worth it. I must say, from the interaction with his team. One would come to the conclusion that they have been working closely together for some time. The carpenter will make sure the electrician know where how his is going to construct the various cabinets and where any weird corners are so that the electrician will know just how to pull the lines thur.. and likewise the electrician will inform the carpenter if he needs any more space from in the cabinets if he is going to install switches and faceplates (a upon my request for the amount of switches needed).

The carpenter was very patient throughout. And gives us good advice whenever we are stump for ideas.

Overall, the experience with IMPRESS21 is a very good one for us. We will update more as things progress... :D


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On a personal note...

we are bursting with pride when our little one decide to come to our live earlier by 4 days.. LOL.. we planned for the 8 of April but NOooo.. she thinks that its funny for us to come on Easter Sunday! :P

and a pic of her, share the joy with us! :P our lives is so going to be different!


Our little precious..


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On a personal note...

we are bursting with pride when our little one decide to come to our live earlier by 4 days.. LOL.. we planned for the 8 of April but NOooo.. she thinks that its funny for us to come on Easter Sunday! :P

and a pic of her, share the joy with us! :P our lives is so going to be different!


Our little precious..

:D Cute girl you have still waiting for mine to happen.. hehehehehe


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