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Toa Payoh Blk 79 Kakis

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Wah yours is much worse than mine. They only scratch my left back car door. 8|

Hi Shivan,

Vlanze car also got scratched. They left a very deep scratch on the bonnet. He had already reported to the police. The authority should do something about it, before it came out on the newspaper again.



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Look like we need another 2 FULL PAGES of news on THE NEW PAPER again. Since we make news before. We can also complain during 1st March gathering.

I seriously doubt anything will be done even if we make the headlines again.

Judging from the post made by she_888 and her postings on STOMP, we have yet to see any measures taken by the authorities apart from the usual patrol which is temporary.

Maybe we should form our own vigilante group and if we spot the vandal, hammer the living daylight out of him....haha...... :dancingqueen:


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I seriously doubt anything will be done even if we make the headlines again.

Judging from the post made by she_888 and her postings on STOMP, we have yet to see any measures taken by the authorities apart from the usual patrol which is temporary.

Maybe we should form our own vigilante group and if we spot the vandal, hammer the living daylight out of him....haha...... :dancingqueen:

Hahaha... and cane his backside until it look like the scratches he made on the cars! :dancingqueen:

But seriously... If we ever happen to see the vandal committing his act, or suspect someone doing it, whether we are part of the vigilante group or not, we have to stop him and call the police immediately.

Shivan & Vlanze, please share where you guys parked your cars when it happened? And could you remember which day was it? I usually prefer to park it near the central staircase but now that Soudezne's car kena around that area... I'm very scared to park there already. :jawdrop:

Maybe can ask the wash car indian guy if he had seen any suspicious person over the past few days.


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Shivan & Vlanze, please share where you guys parked your cars when it happened? And could you remember which day was it? I usually prefer to park it near the central staircase but now that Soudezne's car kena around that area... I'm very scared to park there already. :jawdrop:

I actually didn't know my car got scratched until I went out for lunch with my colleagues and they commented about the scratch. Because the scratch was on the other side of the car and I dun have the habit of checking the car in the morning before I drive off so I dun know which day and where was it scratched... :dunno:


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Hi Guys...

sorry to hear all the **** that is happening to yr cars.

It's seems like our block have a lot of problems.

just wonder have the other problems been solved le mah?

I know of the motorbike issue at the central, but that's actually beyond our block so not really our block problem la.

any other outstanding issue to take note of?

I'm a new owner of 1 of the unit. but haven't move in yet. still looking for contractor. so hope to get an idea of how bad the situation is.

Thanks ppl.

Edited by CCS79

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Hi Guys...

sorry to hear all the **** that is happening to yr cars.

It's seems like our block have a lot of problems.

just wonder have the other problems been solved le mah?

I know of the motorbike issue at the central, but that's actually beyond our block so not really our block problem la.

any other outstanding issue to take note of?

I'm a new owner of 1 of the unit. but haven't move in yet. still looking for contractor. so hope to get an idea of how bad the situation is.

Thanks ppl.

Dear CCS79,

Welcome to our community. Regarding your comment "I know of the motorbike issue at the central, but that's actually beyond our block so not really our block problem la.", I beg to defer.

It's indirectly our block's problem as many residents like myself (BLk 79C to 79E) who don't drive, will need to commute to and from the MRT station using that route.

As such, these illegally parked motorbikes directly poses a danger to us and deny us the right to walk safely on a PEDESTRIAN pavement.

Well, maybe after you have settled down and start using that stretch of pavement, you will think on par with us. :yamseng:


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Dear CCS79,

Welcome to our community. Regarding your comment "I know of the motorbike issue at the central, but that's actually beyond our block so not really our block problem la.", I beg to defer.

It's indirectly our block's problem as many residents like myself (BLk 79C to 79E) who don't drive, will need to commute to and from the MRT station using that route.

As such, these illegally parked motorbikes directly poses a danger to us and deny us the right to walk safely on a PEDESTRIAN pavement.

Well, maybe after you have settled down and start using that stretch of pavement, you will think on par with us. :yamseng:

ya I understand what u mean... just mean that it's a little bit away from our blocks..

I will also be using the walk way.. so I will face that too : P

just thinking of more immediate issues ba..

anyway just to check.. anyone from here got your place done up by 1 of the ID opp our blocks?

In particular Substance?

lets see if anyone comments from fellow 79ers about them.

they are offering me a very good deal.. but I have seen a lot of bad review abt them in here..

so any immediate ppl to share yr experience with them? pls share ok?


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ya I understand what u mean... just mean that it's a little bit away from our blocks..

I will also be using the walk way.. so I will face that too : P

just thinking of more immediate issues ba..

anyway just to check.. anyone from here got your place done up by 1 of the ID opp our blocks?

In particular Substance?

lets see if anyone comments from fellow 79ers about them.

they are offering me a very good deal.. but I have seen a lot of bad review abt them in here..

so any immediate ppl to share yr experience with them? pls share ok?

Wah, long time didn't log in and a lot of postings since. Regarding the IDs from across the street, suggest that you shop around more. If you have already have an idea of what you want, I can pass you my contractor who did a pretty good job for me. I found him a steady guy with lots of experience in the industry. No major screwups and delivered more less on time.

The illegal parking at Blk 177 is bad and has been going on for a while. I saw a motorbike from Pizza Hut delivery make a right turn at the pedestrian crossing in front of 79D, cut across the road into the exit of the blk 79 driveway, driving along the pavement to 79C. If only I had taken a video clip with the mobile phone...


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Our beloved Gahmen bleeding the peasants dry again to fill up the billion-dollar hole caused by the "great investment foresight" of someone's daughter-in-law!

Pay for goods over MRT fare gate and get fined $2,000

By Vivien Chan

February 26, 2009

YOU put something up for sale on an auction website. You arrange to meet the buyer at an MRT station.

For convenience, you pass the item over the fare gate to the buyer, and he passes you the money.

Do you know that you can be fined up to $2,000 for doing that?

The New Paper found out that under SMRT regulations, it is an offence to conduct a business transaction over a fare gate.

Earlier this month, Rediffusion deejay Gan Yeok Thiam wrote about this issue in the forum page of a newspaper.

On 18 Jan this year, the 43-year-old was waiting for a friend at the Tampines MRT station when he saw a middle-aged man pass some pastries over the fare gate to some people on the other side.

'The man was carrying a basket with some Chinese New Year pastries inside,' Mr Gan told to The New Paper.

'Some people were buying the pastries from him, and they had planned to meet there.'

Mr Gan said the man was inside the paid area of the MRT station, while the buyers were on the other side.

He saw the man hand over a box of pastries to a buyer who then paid him.

At this point, two SMRT employees approached the man. Mr Gan said he overheard them telling the man that he was not allowed to sell items over the fare gate.

So the man tapped his ez-link card and went out into the station's unpaid area.

There, he continued his dealing with his buyers.

Again, another two SMRT employees approached him, Mr Gan claimed.

'They looked like they were going to chase him away, so he quickly finished what he was doing and went back into the (paid area of the) MRT station.'

Curious, Mr Gan approached the man to find out more. The man told him he had done transactions over the fare gate before, but that was the first time he had been warned by SMRT staff.

When contacted, an SMRT spokesman confirmed it is indeed against their regulations to conduct business transactions over the fare gate.

The spokesman said the maximum penalty for such an offence is a $2,000 fine.

When asked if transactions are allowed if both parties are in the paid area, or the unpaid area, a spokesman for the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said: 'Other factors such as the effect of business or trade on passenger flow, safety and security considerations are taken into consideration.'

So far, no one has been fined as most commuters heed the advice given by the SMRT staff.

Is this necessary?

So why is there a need for such a rule?

The LTA spokesman said: 'The purpose of the rapid transit system is to transport passengers.

'Hence, the regulation discourages the carrying of goods or articles for the purpose of trade or business, unless the article or good is taken by a person through the fare gate.'

But Mr Gan feels the rule is too stringent.

'It's not as if the man was soliciting for buyers at the station,' he pointed out.

'We're living in difficult times now. Shouldn't we be more compassionate towards people who are just trying hard to make a simple living?'

Do commuters know about the rule?

Of the 16 whom The New Paper spoke to, 11 did not know about the rule, while 12 of the 16 were not bothered about it.

But Mr Ragendran, 26, an operations leader, supported the rule, saying that it's reasonable, as 'it will inconvenience others if such transactions are carried out'.

So, now it is 7 per cent. Do you want the GST to go up to 8.5 per cent to run a completely free bus and train system?” - Transport Minister Raymond Lim, 22nd Dec 2008, ST


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Where did you park your car when your car was being scratched? I park it at deck 3B by the central staircase. I'm wondering if this fellow was going down the staircase and conveniently start performing his acts...

You don't say!... the staircase leads to the 8th storey roof garden... maybe some drunken idiot/s wanted to be Van Gogh and tried his skills on those cars nearest to the stairs???

That makes cutting off his/their left ear even more deserving if I ever catch him/them in action!

Haven't seen drunkards on the 8th storey sky garden but have seen this particular group of "dark complexioned" men gathering at the 12th storey sky garden for drinking sessions a few times late at night.

Smoking and drinking Jack Daniels while sitting on the benches, some with their upper body exposed, revealing many a few "ang kongs". All this in full view of the CCTV. Maybe they don't care? fearless? got S.S. backing? grandfather's sky garden??

And after their party? Empty beer cans, cigarette stubs, empty whisky bottles are strewn all around & on the table & benches. There was once I even saw vomit at one corner!

Edited by meepok

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I seriously doubt anything will be done even if we make the headlines again.

Judging from the post made by she_888 and her postings on STOMP, we have yet to see any measures taken by the authorities apart from the usual patrol which is temporary.

Maybe we should form our own vigilante group and if we spot the vandal, hammer the living daylight out of him....haha...... :dancingqueen:

It's time us peasants to start doing things for ourselves & families... before the whole nation sinks even deeper!

Let's learn from our greatly revered wise old man... pass me a knuckle duster and I'll wait for them in the cul-de-sac!

Recruit all those "inmates" pissed off with the gahmen from IMH... better for them to punch or torch some "real" criminals than to roast an innocent Higher Mortal from The Elite Golden Period Club!

Maybe they may even catch that limping terrorist who escaped exactly 1 year ago???


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That's the all problem with our overpaid civil service and "privatized" HDB.

Uptill today, the problem of motorbikes parking illegally at BLK 177 still persist and remains unsolved. Now, seems like more bikes are parking there. Now, we have to content with vandalism at our MSCP. WTF are these people doing?????? :furious:

I really can't understand why our public housing planners can't think like their Hong Kong counterparts. Public housing in HK has got gated access and even CCTV.

Our MSCP is so dark and isolated from public view. What's wrong with all these overpaid slackers?

Now, we tax payers have to bear the cost for their negligence. Unprotected and unsafe MSCP leading to opportunities for vandals to pray on and leading to damages and unnecessary cost for residents with cars.

I really hope the retrenchment-axe fall on these incompetent fools..... slackers like them don't deserve sympathy and their jobs. HDB should outsource their planners and managers to the private sector.

I think we should outsource the entire gahmen to Ikea!

They'd probably do a much better job in terms of "nurturing the soul" of Sinkieland!

On another note...

Grassroots people take note... the ground is now a pressure cooker... Sinkieland is only waiting for a trigger to set many a peasants on fire... the people are unhappy... filtering and giving only the good feedback to your bosses all these years have caused them to lose touch with ground sentiments completely (note the recent incidents of Higher Mortals proclaiming to be of purer bred and showing off their elite status with nary a thought for the people in these trying times).

You have inadvertly put them on a pedestal too high to sense what the common people are going thru and are feeling right now.

It is time to stop screening residents when your boss goes around house visits during the GE. Time to stop telling half-truths and sugar coating every word. Times are indeed changing. The coming months will only reveal more layoffs and bad news... your bosses need to know what the common people are going thru'.

Half-hearted "jobs credit" idea "borrowed" from Obama will no longer cut it then.

“You’re getting a bargain for the ministers you get… I worked half as much and earn(ed) five times more when I was in the private sector.” - Manpower Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen, 9 September 2003, CNA

Edited by meepok

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Grassroots people take note...


You have inadvertly put them on a pedestal too high to sense what the common people are going thru and are feeling right now.


It is time to stop screening residents when your boss goes around house visits during the GE. Time to stop telling half-truths and sugar coating every word. Times are indeed changing. The coming months will only reveal more layoffs and bad news... your bosses need to know what the common people are going thru'.

Half-hearted "jobs credit" idea" borrowed" from Obama will no longer cut it then.


- 101% agreed with ur pts, esp e above highlighted words.

- current available assistance by Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) ->

1) Professional Skills Programme (PSP) for Professionals, Managers, Executives, Technicians (PMETs);

2) Jobs placement Programmes ...;

3) Skills Upgrading Programmes ...;

4) Job Re-creation Programme ...;

5) Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience (SPUR).

- base on my observation, there r still 4 other grps of Singapore Citizens who r being left out.

- basically, they cant make use of e programmes which r inplaced. 2b exact, it wil indirectly make their 'lives' even worse.

- those who fall in2 dis 4 other grps wil experience it 1st hand. Not e 'high-flyers' who sit comfortably.

- e assistance/programmes by e gahment ought 2b improved in order not 2 leave anybody behind in e present bad economy crisis.


Edited by jaCKY777

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