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Toa Payoh Blk 79 Kakis

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Gossip : this morning got people jump from 12th floor garden between blk 79d & 79e. Police and covered body was still there at 8plus.

Maybe tonite must buy wanbao ?

- which exact loc?

- wana avoid walking over e spot lei.


veri difficult.If wanna jump, 12, 13, ....40 any one can also jump.How to prevent? :(

- agreed.

- any highrise building in SG is a nice platform 2 make a 'big decision' 2 take e 'big leap'.


Since they dare proclaim themselves as FIRST WORLD GAHMEN and FIRST DIVISION MINISTERS, drawing SUPER FIRST WORLD SALARIES, I expect nothing less than FIRST WORLD PERFORMANCE from them. Anything short of that is an embarrassment to the country and it's people.

The TC should be using the surplus of money to upgrade the estate or out of goodwill, as rebates to the owners. Can you imagine the surplus collected from all the fees? Why do they need so much money? The TC is not a private company by the way. All their surpluses are tax payer's money.

The thing is that they are not transparent with their accounts to the public. Just like the gahmen. How then do we know how much was lost or gained from these "investments"?

It is time Sinkies wake up from their PAP-induced dreamland and realise the cold hard truth.

- due 2 e current global crisis, many MNC or pte ltd or small co r retrenching or folding-up its business.

- i wonder silipore civil service superscale 'employee' wil kana retrench anot?


Is this a proclaimation or a vision of an individual?

- i think its a individual vision b4 realisation bah.

- mayb i'l shal vote wen e time arises.


Edited by jaCKY777

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Is this a proclaimation or a vision of an individual?

This is how I feel and I believe many Sinkies feel the same way as well. Just that they prefer to keep it to themselves or amongst coffee shop gossip. For fear of being "heard" and "arrested" at 3 am and for being anti-PAP. Reminds me of Operation Cold Store way back when the Emperor was singing a different tune.

Many are beginning to wake up and see the true colours of the gahmen in these trying times. Even those who were once on their side. For Sinkieland, it's always a case of wait and see what other countries are doing before jumping on the bandwagon, at times too little too late.

Imagine if Sinkieland had someone like Obama... my guess is that he'll be shot down and made a bankrupt even before he could contest in the political scene. That's Meritocracy and Democracy for you! Feels more like Nepotism to me though.

God bless the soul of the man/woman who jumped today. May he/she rest in peace.

- which exact loc?

- wana avoid walking over e spot lei.

- due 2 e current global crisis, many MNC or pte ltd or small co r retrenching or folding-up its business.

- i wonder silipore civil service superscale 'employee' wil kana retrench anot?


The loading/unloading area between 79E and 79D, the rubbish dump area. Not sure if he/she jumped from the 12th level sky garden or lower.

You think those Superscale Employees will kena retrench?? Not in this lifetime! Not even when they screw up and make stupid mistakes. For them, always got reasons and excuses. It's an honest mistake! Let's move on! More good years!


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Hi Alister, as much as I understnd the irony of others on misbehaved children, I totally understand the state we parents ve to go through wth our own. Basically, ask around any parents wth kids, no matter how obedient a child could be, they would crossed a point of time which would put parents in a dilemma.

As I could see, ur kids r very young and thats a time where thy love to explore and be naughty. I would try my best to help u in this kind of situation, especially those hyperactive ones.

Hyperactive kids tend to indulged in their own world of fun but thy r not totally oblivious of whts happening arnd them.

1)Punishment as caning is a must but limit it to 3times a day. Howevr its advisable to cane them on their hands rather than their bottoms as its the most delicate part of a child.(we wouldnt want thm to suffer any internal injuries in future) Give a stern warning that a stroke would be given evrytm they misbehaved followed by an explanation why they were punished. Children nowadays r unlike those of our times. U can cane them countless times only to find them repeating it again. Let them be afraid of u out of respect n knowledge not jst because being feared of caning. Some would rebel on a later stage. Never beat them wth our bare hands coz a child tends to take it personal that way.

2)Try to limit their Tv programmes. The flashes thy get frm watching TV would hyped them further. Spend time wth them reading, singing or evn doing silly thngs like dancing or cracking jokes wth thm. make thm do hands on activities, thy love playing water espcially so fill a tub wth toys n thy would v hours of fun.

3) Be firm but loving to a child. Set limits n be consistent. Try to find their gd points and gave praises. Let them felt their positive behaviour rather than d negative ones. Encourage their strong points constantly. Respond to any positive behaviour however small. Thy would felt appreciated n gradually u would see their change of behaviour.

4)A child grows wth the environment thy r in. We tend to scream n shout and thats how thy tend to follow us. Ignore thm whn u really felt ur anger gets to d brim. Try controlling our emotions first before we control them. Always remember that we as parents r in control of them not d otherwise.

5)Put on soothing music in d house. It doesnt only calm dwn a child but the parents s well.

I knew it sounds easy but we have to try our best to help our child coz only parents knew n undrstand their child thn anyone else. As much as we need support, they need it frm us too. It would take time and a great deal of patience but rest assured any child could change. Trust ur child n urself. Gd luck!

Hi Pojo

Thanks for sharing.

I was told to hit the buttock instead of the hand. The reason is because the child needs the hand to draw, write and eat etc. By hitting the hand too hard, it might cause injury.

For the rest, they are good points which I will try to bear in mind.


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Oh man....Meepok, not going into politics is a waste of true talent... Everytime a post about sinkieland or the emperor or grandfather starts, will sure see ya start to blow again.

Hehe.... anyway after this lets move on with our lives again... dun waste saliva or strength to even think about it.... its a waste of your own time.

Nothing will change, nothing will be different, everything will be forgotten, lives will be lost, bankruptcy will be on the rise, jobs will be lost, salary will be stagnant, sinkapolians will be sinking, standard of living will be at peak, FT will be infesting. Many more things will happen, but one things for sure when that day has arrived the people of sinkieland will rejoice with tears and happiness (if you know what i mean) :notti:

So until then, lets just wait patiently till it has arrived....



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Oh man....Meepok, not going into politics is a waste of true talent... Everytime a post about sinkieland or the emperor or grandfather starts, will sure see ya start to blow again.

Hehe.... anyway after this lets move on with our lives again... dun waste saliva or strength to even think about it.... its a waste of your own time.

Nothing will change, nothing will be different, everything will be forgotten, lives will be lost, bankruptcy will be on the rise, jobs will be lost, salary will be stagnant, sinkapolians will be sinking, standard of living will be at peak, FT will be infesting. Many more things will happen, but one things for sure when that day has arrived the people of sinkieland will rejoice with tears and happiness (if you know what i mean) :notti:

So until then, lets just wait patiently till it has arrived....


Can't help it lah bro... just gets on my nerve to see our country go from 3rd world to 1st and back to 3rd again at the hands of our morally corrupt gahmen! LOL

Yeah I know what you mean... my champagne is chilled and ready to pop! Can't wait for karma to come and kick them in their posterior!

By the way, heard from my mum who in turn read from Wan Bao about the suicide case this morning. It's a Chinese man 60+ years of age. Dressed in grey. Reckoned to have jumped from the 12th level sky garden facing North. The police found a slipper/sandal on the sky garden at the location where he leapt. He was not a resident. One of the morning cleaners went to the storeroom next to the rubbish dump to get their cleaning equipment. When he/she came out, there was a body lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Let's hope he's not one of those who lost his life-savings from the recent Lehman minibonds fiasco. Rest in peace.


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hi people, i just went viewing at one of the few empty units out by HDB's recent ballot.

i happened to see something eerie, one unit (which apparently should be empty since its in the list) has 5 oranges placed outside the doorsteps with a "witered" rose at the metal gate....

anyone has any idea why is it so?


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hi people, i just went viewing at one of the few empty units out by HDB's recent ballot.

i happened to see something eerie, one unit (which apparently should be empty since its in the list) has 5 oranges placed outside the doorsteps with a "witered" rose at the metal gate....

anyone has any idea why is it so?

Maybe its a plot to let ppl believe that the unit is haunted and refrain you from buying so that the person wanted to buy can get that unit? Hehehe... just a thought.... :notti:


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Read this in the New Paper Sunday. Quite useful tips!


Savings, with a 'pinch of salt'

TIGHTENING your belt for the rough times ahead? Don't dismiss these useful tips from our grandparents' time as old-fashioned.

By Maureen Koh

03 November 2008

TIGHTENING your belt for the rough times ahead? Don't dismiss these useful tips from our grandparents' time as old-fashioned.

The New Paper on Sunday picks three items off the kitchen rack and tries out some of the best tips around.

'Go green' with salt, vinegar and baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). They don't cost much and are environmentally friendly.


A little vinegar added to the rinse water removes water spots in your glasses and makes them sparkle.

Having friends over and they smoke? Fill some party bowls with vinegar and it gets rid of the cigarette smoke. You can make the bowls look pretty by adding some coloured stones in them.

To remove waterline marks, pour two cups of white vinegar in the toilet bowl and leave it overnight.

Coffee stains in your cup or thermos bottle? Mix a quarter vinegar to three-quarters warm water, cover and shake to clean.

To add sparkle to clean windows or mirrors, mix a cup of vinegar to a litre of water.

Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray liberally over the window or mirror. Dry with crumpled newspapers for a streak-free window or mirror.

Use a damp sponge soaked in white vinegar to wash the shower screen, then rinse. It removes all the soap scum and gives the screens a great shine.


A dash of salt adds flavour to your coffee, tea or hot chocolate.

Wipe greasy pans or pots with a paper towel and salt before washing.

If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg, let it sit for awhile, then use a dustpan. The egg comes right up without the mess.

Remove coffee stains from aluminium coffee pots or porcelain coffee cups by rubbing a little salt on the stain.

Soak toothbrushes in salt water before using them - they last longer.

To heal the ulcer in your mouth, gargle some mildly salted water. Works great as a mouthwash too. (Do not do this if you suffer from high blood pressure.)

Dab salt on wine-stained fabric and leave for about 30 minutes before rinsing it in cold water.

Clean your greens in salt water to remove dirt residual easily.

Pour salt, followed by scalding hot water, down your kitchen drains every week to keep drains fresh and unclogged.

Use salt and lemon juice to remove mildew from your home.

To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a paper bag and add the flowers. Shake vigorously as the salt will absorb all the dust and dirt and leave your artificial flowers looking like new.


Too stressed or exhausted? Add a cup of baking soda to your bath. It'll help to calm you down and soothe your nerves.

Run out of toothpaste? Moisten your toothbrush and put baking powder on it to clean your teeth and freshen your breath.

Use a cloth placed in warm water and several tablespoons of baking powder for the final round of your kitchen cleaning. Everything will smell fresher.

Baking soda is a good deodoriser. If your carpet smells stale, sprinkle baking soda all over and leave for about 30 minutes before vacuuming.

Put baking soda in a salt shaker and keep near your shoes. Before putting the shoes away, freshen them by sprinkling baking soda in them. This is especially effective for sneakers and running shoes.


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hi people, i just went viewing at one of the few empty units out by HDB's recent ballot.

i happened to see something eerie, one unit (which apparently should be empty since its in the list) has 5 oranges placed outside the doorsteps with a "witered" rose at the metal gate....

anyone has any idea why is it so?

i just got my queue number... thinking of getting the flat at blk 79 too.. u mean the empty flat is open for viewing??? would like to check out the 75sqm flat...


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i just got my queue number... thinking of getting the flat at blk 79 too.. u mean the empty flat is open for viewing??? would like to check out the 75sqm flat...

If I am not wrong there is no more showroom at blk 79. But 75sqm is really small and cosy enough for a family of 3 at the most. The rooms are small and enough for only a bed and a small wardrobe. Get the 90sqm if you looking at a family of 4 to 5.

Just my opinion :notti:


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If I am not wrong there is no more showroom at blk 79. But 75sqm is really small and cosy enough for a family of 3 at the most. The rooms are small and enough for only a bed and a small wardrobe. Get the 90sqm if you looking at a family of 4 to 5.

Just my opinion :notti:

yeah agree. and the masterbed room for this 75sqm is very very small too. no place for decent size wardrobe


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If I am not wrong there is no more showroom at blk 79. But 75sqm is really small and cosy enough for a family of 3 at the most. The rooms are small and enough for only a bed and a small wardrobe. Get the 90sqm if you looking at a family of 4 to 5.

Just my opinion :notti:

yeah agree. and the masterbed room for this 75sqm is very very small too. no place for decent size wardrobe

but if not 75sqm the 90sqm only left 5 or 6 units.. my queue number 100+ don't think can get the 90sqm one... really wan to stay near parents in tpy... sigh...


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but if not 75sqm the 90sqm only left 5 or 6 units.. my queue number 100+ don't think can get the 90sqm one... really wan to stay near parents in tpy... sigh...

Hi there, u better watch out for the ethnic quota requirements for every estate if you are chinese. That may kill off your chances of getting the units u want. We almost couldnt get a unit here cos of this the other time. In the end have to settle for the puny 75sqm unit. Haha. Gd thing is it is so small that it's ez to clean. :)

100+ in queue no. is not very optimistic. Not trying to pour cold water hor. Just pray hard dude...u r at least better than my colleague who got 2000+ for this rd :good:

Edited by Vlanze

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Hi there, u better watch out for the ethnic quota requirements for every estate if you are chinese. That may kill off your chances of getting the units u want. We almost couldnt get a unit here cos of this the other time. In the end have to settle for the puny 75sqm unit. Haha. Gd thing is it is so small that it's ez to clean. :)

100+ in queue no. is not very optimistic. Not trying to pour cold water hor. Just pray hard dude...u r at least better than my colleague who got 2000+ for this rd :good:

yup i'm chinese but i've checked already all the 11 flats available are applicable for chinese. :) but then only 11............

any pros and cons about living in such a small home? have to spend more on custom made wardrobes or fittings so that you can fit more things in it?


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yup i'm chinese but i've checked already all the 11 flats available are applicable for chinese. :) but then only 11............

any pros and cons about living in such a small home? have to spend more on custom made wardrobes or fittings so that you can fit more things in it?

no need to custom made wardrobes. you can buy ready-made furnitures. all mine is ready-made. me staying in 75m2 too.


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