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Toa Payoh Blk 79 Kakis

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Another option is to buy those Ikea shelves that can customize length/depth and ask contractor to fix up FOC? Also maybe can check the Ikea quality/prices and see if contractor's quote for the shelves will match that.

Hi Mapleleaf,

Recess area in BR2/ BR3 - I agree w Carelinwen 2check out Ikea shelves. Also check out its low (height) cabinets. I browsed thru Ikea mag & saw various shelves & cabinets (those w wheels enable u 2pull out for sweeping/dusting purposes).

I'm also interested to do up/utilise the recess areas. Only know frm my curtain measuremts their widths are 1.2m & 1.8m respectively. Must go there 2get exact dimensions. Do tell us what u intend 2do eventually : )


at my unit..... haiz.... so unlucky man :dunno:

anyone also have this unlucky situation? Now all my kitchen carpentry is halted...... :furious:

Oh dear! This is unfortunate.. I oso use gas so I can understand.

While u may be frustrated tat kitchen carpentry work is halted, better to be save than sorry! It could jeopardise ur entire hse not jus ur kitchen. Tk Care, Drac!

I also got the letter of undertaking after i complained to HDB. Your neighbour also needs to sign the letter of undertaking for those units which are opposite each other.

Still mulling whether to sign or not. Feel abit unfair to make us responsible for the maintenance. One of the conditions is that by signing the letter, we are indemnifying HDB from all costs, damages incurred. when happens if someone damages it on purpose.

I thought anything outside the flat will be the responsibility of the town council?

Also it is stated there is a warranty for the roller blinds. Any idea how long is the warranty period?

Hi Shivan & Wilreds2,

I can understand both ur dilemma in pondering whether to sign/not, thereby indemnifying HDB of all damages.

Lyk Wildreds, I oso tot any such fixtures & fittings like lifts, railings, lights etc outside our flats (ie. publicly acessed area) would fall under the jusrisdiction of HDB/ Town Council & as such, subsequent maintenance & replacement in the event of damage/theft remain their reponsibility.

Edited by Hana79

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you detected it yourself or city gas pple?

luckily detected early

The gas ppl detected it while installing the extension pipes for my kitchen.

Haiz.... :dunno:

Oh dear! This is unfortunate.. I oso use gas so I can understand.

While u may be frustrated tat kitchen carpentry work is halted, better to be save than sorry! It could jeopardise ur entire hse not jus ur kitchen. Tk Care, Drac!

Hi Shivan & Wilreds2,

Thanks Hana79! :D

Not only kitchen cabinet, but shoe cabinet and feature wall also affected. Now just wait ah....


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Anyone receiving strong sunlight into their unit? I will be installing solar film for my window. 99% blocking the uv and also will prevent discoloration of the curtain, flooring and furniture. Will be installing it on sat, can drop by to see if interested.

Hi Coco

Mine also affected by sunlight. May I know how much you paid for the solar film? Any contact?


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Hey carelinwen & shivan,

Just to share my feedback. This afternoon sun is very strong and I felt less heat in my rooms now after installing the film. When I touch the window, it is really hot. So the film did help :)

Hi amanda,

will pm you the contact. you can drop by my place to experience it if you want.


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at my unit..... haiz.... so unlucky man :dunno:

anyone also have this unlucky situation? Now all my kitchen carpentry is halted...... :furious:

The gas ppl detected it while installing the extension pipes for my kitchen.

Haiz.... :dunno:

Thanks Hana79! :D

Not only kitchen cabinet, but shoe cabinet and feature wall also affected. Now just wait ah....

- y carpentry halted?

- shdn't e gas pipe b xtended long time ago?

- dun tel mi u had jus xtended ur gas pipe jus b4 carpentry gona install or is installin? :huh:

- e possible scenerio i can think of is false ceiling at foyer affected, not carpentry. :P

- once tiling complete, carpentry can take measurement liao.

- wen taking carpentry measurement on-site, cooking hob & hood, oven, kitchen sink position, elect pts, gas & water piping gota take in2 consideration.

- preferably, gas & water piping, electrical wiring shd b xtended & laid b4 carpentry measurement.

- market norm is 2wks 2 fabricate carpentry in factory. (depends on amount & complexity of carpentry)

- carpentry installation 2-3 days. (depends on amount & complexity of carpentry)

- once bottom kitchen cabinet is up, then take worktop measurement on-site.

- another few days - 1wk for kitchen worktop (solid surface / granite etc) fabrication & installation.

- after top & bottom cabinets & kitchen worktop r installed, then take glass / stainless steel backing measurement.

- another few days - 1wk for backing fabrication & installation.

Gossip of e day, read at ur own discretion

Below is extracted frm earlier post with modification, e timeline for reno a typical hdb New Standard Flat, fyi

- design consultation.

- design proposal.

- design & reno agreement/contract.

- 1st payment, 5-10% of reno contract upon signing of contract.

- reno permit application (needs apply permit if got hacking. b4 permit is approved, no hacking works is allowed.

-- If hack b4 permit being approved & found out by hdb, ID reno licence WILL BE SUSPENDED & FINED.

-- If accidentally hack or tampered a Structural Column or Beam, then ID reno licence WILL BE REVOKED + reinstate e hack areas 2 its original state & fined.

-- Other structures which canot b hacked r rc stiffener, rc lintol, precast/prefabricated wall.

- 2nd payment, abt 40% of reno contract b4 commencement of works.

- 'specialist' (electrician, plumber & aircon-men) will go 2 site & discuss with ID & 'U' on e best posible layout.

-- Once dis 3 items r finalized base on e proposed design, proceed reno.

-- Once dis 3 items r finalized but gota amend design, then amend e design. Overall design gota blends in.

- if no hacking, proceed reno. If got hacking, gota makegood affected areas after laid e wall & floor tiles then proceed reno.

- elect works (no concealing of wiring in structural members, max. digging is 40mm depth in2 wall & not whole stretch of wall).

- plumbing works (no shifting of original floor trap, discharge pipes. Except extension of pipes 2 original discharge pts). Either ID physically there or marked b4hand.

- air-con works (no concealing of trunking in false ceiling & L-box, esp water pipes).

- ceiling works (effective headroom frm finished floor lev to underside of false ceiling is min. 2400mm). Basically, raised platform shd b only 100mm high. False ceiling / L-box shd b 100-150mm in depth. Hanging & pendant lights, hdb cant control its length.

- masonry works (tile + cement = max 50mm thick. Internal wall only can use hollow block wall, gypsum board partition. NO brick wall).

-- toilet wall & floor tiles can b hacked only 3 yrs later, after Flat completion date.

-- kitchen floor & wall tiles can b hacked.

- gas pipe extension by Citygas. Norm is call 2day, appt 3days later. By rite, ID shd make e necessary arrangement according 2 e reno schedule.

-- either he is there during citygas guys r xtending e pipes or he do marking b4hand.

-- after e gaspipes is xtended, they wil test e pressure in e pipe, this is wen any gas leakage can b detected. e gas supply is then temp. cut-off.

-- after or near handover, arrange 4 connection of cooker hob & gas supply activation, this wen e gas meter is fixed & ur bill starts 2 tick.

-- xtension of gas pipe, activation of gas supply is charge in2 tenant's SP Services bill, not included in reno contract.

-- olso no unauthozise dismantling of gas pipe. Fined $5000 if found so.

-- Citygas tel = 1800 555 1661.

- if using cylinder or LPG type of gas, then no need xtend pipe. Need 2 hav a compartment in e kitchen lower cabinet 2 hse e cylinder.

- carpentry measurement (2 wks to fabricate in factory, shorter time if lesser carpentry).

- 3rd payment, abt 40% of reno contract + additional items.

- during e 2wks carpentry fabrication period, proceed with other items.

- paint works.

- installation of accessories. (lightings, bathroom accesorries, window grilles etc)

- clearing & washing works.

- 3rd payment can b payable here olso, depends on e ID co.'s practice.

- installation of carpentry.

- defects checklist (if any. Some ID co do hav).

- rectification works.

- handover.

- final payment abt 5-10% of reno contract.

- warranty cert (if any).

- feedback form (if any).


Edited by jaCKY777

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the usual informative jacky =)

have u start your reno?

- havnt lei. u got lobang?

- 2 wks liao, hdb havnt finish rectify my defects.

- mainly is wall with crack lines.

- e most serious is watermark in one of e bedrm ceiling. It stretches frm 1 end 2 e other, divide e rm in2 half.



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Hi Babymaro,

Nice meeting u and ur hubby yesterday. Tks for the hospitality and cute doggie u have. Cya ard more often in future. :D

Below is extracted frm earlier post with modification, e timeline for reno a typical hdb New Standard Flat, fyi

- design consultation.

- design proposal.

- design & reno agreement/contract.

- 1st payment, 5-10% of reno contract upon signing of contract.

- reno permit application (needs apply permit if got hacking. b4 permit is approved, no hacking works is allowed.

-- If hack b4 permit being approved & found out by hdb, ID reno licence WILL BE SUSPENDED & FINED.

-- If accidentally hack or tampered a Structural Column or Beam, then ID reno licence WILL BE REVOKED + reinstate e hack areas 2 its original state & fined.

-- Other structures which canot b hacked r rc stiffener, rc lintol, precast/prefabricated wall.

- 2nd payment, abt 40% of reno contract b4 commencement of works.

- 'specialist' (electrician, plumber & aircon-men) will go 2 site & discuss with ID & 'U' on e best posible layout.

-- Once dis 3 items r finalized base on e proposed design, proceed reno.

-- Once dis 3 items r finalized but gota amend design, then amend e design. Overall design gota blends in.

- if no hacking, proceed reno. If got hacking, gota makegood affected areas after laid e wall & floor tiles then proceed reno.

- elect works (no concealing of wiring in structural members, max. digging is 40mm depth in2 wall & not whole stretch of wall).

- plumbing works (no shifting of original floor trap, discharge pipes. Except extension of pipes 2 original discharge pts). Either ID physically there or marked b4hand.

- air-con works (no concealing of trunking in false ceiling & L-box, esp water pipes).

- ceiling works (effective headroom frm finished floor lev to underside of false ceiling is min. 2400mm). Basically, raised platform shd b only 100mm high. False ceiling / L-box shd b 100-150mm in depth. Hanging & pendant lights, hdb cant control its length.

- masonry works (tile + cement = max 50mm thick. Internal wall only can use hollow block wall, gypsum board partition. NO brick wall).

-- toilet wall & floor tiles can b hacked only 3 yrs later, after Flat completion date.

-- kitchen floor & wall tiles can b hacked.

- gas pipe extension by Citygas. Norm is call 2day, appt 3days later. By rite, ID shd make e necessary arrangement according 2 e reno schedule.

-- either he is there during citygas guys r xtending e pipes or he do marking b4hand.

-- after e gaspipes is xtended, they wil test e pressure in e pipe, this is wen any gas leakage can b detected. e gas supply is then temp. cut-off.

-- after or near handover, arrange 4 connection of cooker hob & gas supply activation, this wen e gas meter is fixed & ur bill starts 2 tick.

-- xtension of gas pipe, activation of gas supply is charge in2 tenant's SP Services bill, not included in reno contract.

-- olso no unauthozise dismantling of gas pipe. Fined $5000 if found so.

-- Citygas tel = 1800 555 1661.

- if using cylinder or LPG type of gas, then no need xtend pipe. Need 2 hav a compartment in e kitchen lower cabinet 2 hse e cylinder.

- carpentry measurement (2 wks to fabricate in factory, shorter time if lesser carpentry).

- 3rd payment, abt 40% of reno contract + additional items.

- during e 2wks carpentry fabrication period, proceed with other items.

- paint works.

- installation of accessories. (lightings, bathroom accesorries, window grilles etc)

- clearing & washing works.

- 3rd payment can b payable here olso, depends on e ID co.'s practice.

- installation of carpentry.

- defects checklist (if any. Some ID co do hav).

- rectification works.

- handover.

- final payment abt 5-10% of reno contract.

- warranty cert (if any).

- feedback form (if any).


Gd pc of info for newbies like me. Kudos to u man. :bow:

Edited by Vlanze

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I, as well as some other neighbours, changed our hinges at $10 per hinge. It is different from the normal hinge coz there are welding involved. To me, I feel it does help. When I saw the uncle wacking the hinges, I was really shocked. 3 knocks with the hammer and 1 hinges come falling off. :dunno:

No point waste so much on reno to save up 90bucks to regret later... :unsure:

HI , do you have the contact number of the person who did the hinges ?


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The funny thing of life....

My apartment totally no sun. No sun shine into bedroom, living room, kitchen or anywhere.....

Room is cool most of the time.....

But laundry needs some sun to rid certain smell and bacteria too. I am totally missing out on this part of it.


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Same with ours. Quite cool all day long. Which block are you in?

The funny thing of life....

My apartment totally no sun. No sun shine into bedroom, living room, kitchen or anywhere.....

Room is cool most of the time.....

But laundry needs some sun to rid certain smell and bacteria too. I am totally missing out on this part of it.


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For the shelving, in the inital quotation he indicated i think is $80 per piece. May i check is your carpentry works finished? I think the problem lies with the laminate. if your carpentry work have not finished, you can negotiate with your ID to use the same laminate for your other cupboards or cabinets and as him to give it to you FOC

I understand from my ID, if you need just a small piece, they also need to buy one big piece of laminate and that may be the reason why your ID charged such a i would consider unreasonable amt for just 1 piece of wood.

Then again, you may want to take a look at the "wooden plank" that I have and see if it is the same as what you requested for. I will be at home this evening and tomorrow morning.

Thanks howlupjac, carelinwen, yel, Hana79 and all for your inputs. I have yet to decide whether to go ahead. I really love yel's shelves. May go to yel's contractor. heh heh. I can only remember my ID asking me if it is the thick sort (the one in his own office) that I need. Aiyo. I dun need the thick sort at $280 lah. Simple wood will suffice coz I will not be putting a stone on it. Will clarify with him again.

Edited by Mapleleaf

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The funny thing of life....

My apartment totally no sun. No sun shine into bedroom, living room, kitchen or anywhere.....

Room is cool most of the time.....

But laundry needs some sun to rid certain smell and bacteria too. I am totally missing out on this part of it.

invest in a dryer?cutygas has promo.


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The funny thing of life....

My apartment totally no sun. No sun shine into bedroom, living room, kitchen or anywhere.....

Room is cool most of the time.....

But laundry needs some sun to rid certain smell and bacteria too. I am totally missing out on this part of it.

Same same.

I bought a 2-in-1 w/m. Use the dryer when there is absolutely no Sun. Clothes come out crisp and dry. However, I understand 2-in-1 are not very lasting. Will let you know if this is true in due time. =P


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Did thought of a dryer before but end up not buying cos i still prefer good old sun.

My clothes can dry fast too due to the strong wind but just missing out good old sun to give it's anti bacteria shine.

My block is 79D facing central. Btw to help our neighbours save some money, do open your windows for about 30min before sleeping if you wanna use your air con to cool your room. These few nights of wind are really cold and can lower your room temp substantially thus lowering your air con to run at higher power. I measure with windows slightly open, room temp at around 10plus is 27degrees..


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