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So far no updates from you, how are things?

For us, it's moving smoothly. ETA is less than 14 days :D

ya hongwen37...how's reno coming to?


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ya hongwen37...how's reno coming to?

Haa.. Ok.. Let me update a bit on what i have bought... Photos of house maybe tonight i will upload...

Last last Sunday, Darren (ID) brought us to buy the toilet stuff and the lights... I knew that he will be earning commission from the sales but i dontmind if it is a little expensive. But the price was like 30 - 40% higher.. So, in the end, after selecting everything (for 2 hour plus), we decided not to get any toilet stuff from the shop he brought us... As for the lights, we only bought one Master Bedroom light from them... Darren agreed that 30% more is too high...

So, in the end, we went to get all the rest of our lightings from Lightings.com.sg... The difference in pricing in price is about $447 for about the same kind of lights.. I agreed that prices differ alot for different types and designs of lights.. But, i am just comparing mostly the downlights and those same kind of ceiling lights, and the difference is so huge...

As for the Toilet stuff, we got most of out things from GR Link Marketing... In fact, only the Rain shower we got it from Hoe Kee where they have offer for this not bad looking rain shower @ $360... Moreover, there is no nice rain shower that we like from GR Link... In the end, for everything that we got from Hoe Kee + GR Link, we managed to save $720 for everything that we want...

We also bought our bed frame and mattress from Zenith at Sungei Kadut... Sort of... We saw a platform bed frame that we like and the guy said he can give us the bed frame + mattress at $2680... But we dont like any of the mattress over there and the guy said he can bring in the mattress that we like.. So, we are still looking around for mattress... Probably King Koil or Dunlopillo....

So, we are happy that we got most our things already.. We are left with sofa, coffee table, dining table and chairs, hob, one basin (which we need to know from the ID what size to get), study table, bookshelf and the small little things...

Am intending to get the Induction Hob from Bellari...


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Start of Reno

Aircon Wrapped


Anatomy of HDB Wall


First time looking at the internal of a HDB flat wall... I was surprised that they actually fill up the walls with styrofoam-like material.. to save money maybe?

Testing on Walls for Hacking Approval


Apparently, the ID and HDB officer has to drill few holes in the wall to determine if the wall is hackable... I was wondering, what if it is not hackable after drilling? Then, ID has to plaster back the hole?

Widening of Kitchen Entrance


Hmm.. Not wide enough...


That's better!!!


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Start of Reno

The Big Master Bedroom



Storeroom hacked to combined 2 rooms into a BIG Master Bedroom with a Walk-in Wardrobe and extended vanity area.

Aircon to be Relocated


This aircon was at the storeroom wall. Since we hacked away the storeroom walls, it will be relocated to the top of the Master Bedroom door.

Extended Vanity Area


We wanted to accomodate a shower screen and a suspended vanity cabinet, and our Master Toilet is too small. The SOLUTION: To extend the vanity area out into the Master Bedroom... This area will be tiled too and frosted glass panels surrounding it to make the Master Toilet bigger...

Hacked Aircon Trunking


I dont't really like how they manhandled my aircon which is to be relocated...

Edited by hongwen37

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Start of Reno

Hacked Aircon Trunking


I dont't really like how they treated my aircon which is too be located...

wah, ya lor. later the aircon spoil how ah? then who is doing the relocating? Plush? They certified to relocate aircon?


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wah, ya lor. later the aircon spoil how ah? then who is doing the relocating? Plush? They certified to relocate aircon?

Oh.. I asked for a few quotes from different Aircon guys, including the Aircon contact that Plush has... In the end i engaged my mum's friend who charges the cheapest at $200 to relocate one aircon (It is a bit ex because they have to redo the trunking everything)...


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wah u must be using dslr right? your pics....... :dribble: very sharp! wat lenses are you using btw?

Yah.. I using my D90 with Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens... I wish i had a ultra wide angle lens to take interior photos...


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Start of Reno

Master Toilet


Common Toilet


The spots of "holes" on the walls of the toilets are so that the tiles will sticked to the walls.

The Water Outlet for the Aircon


This water outlet in one of the toilets, small as it seems, is in fact very important! My friend, during his reno, thought "how come there is a hole in the tiles". So, he questioned his contractors. The contractors also blur blur and sealed up the "hole".. In the end, his whole Walk-in Wardrobe (WIW) flooded because water from the aircon cannot escape and leak from the trunking into his WIW. He has to take off the entire WIW, redo the aircon trunking, redo the laminate flooring and build back the WIW. Worse, he already moved into the house.



Finally, a view from the lift lobby of my house in the day...040.jpg


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Yah.. I using my D90 with Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens... I wish i had a ultra wide angle lens to take interior photos...

very nice! how much does the tamron cost btw?


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very nice! how much does the tamron cost btw?

Haa.. you should go Clubsnap and find out the answer there.. Mine is the non-VC (Vibration Compensation) version which cost me $620 at Alan Photo... The Vibration Compensation ones cost around $900+...

Edited by hongwen37

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Tiling & Windows Completed

I want to clarify that this happened like 2 -3 weeks ago.. but just manage to have time to upload the photos.. Basically, tiling and windows are done then. Of course, right now, more things are done and i will slowly update...

Master Toilet


Master Toilet Tiling


For the Master Toilet tiles, we initially decided on the glossy tiles. But, wife decided that the matt ones look nicer so we swapped with the Common Toilet tiles.. So, yah.. It's matt tiles for Master Toilet in the end..

Crizto Toilet Bowl


I think this is a good buy @ only $200 from GR Link Marketing. They are having offer for this design of single piece bowl... All other single piece toilet bowls cost at least $300+. So, we bought 2, one for Master Toilet, the other for Common Toilet.

Rain Shower (Front View)


This is a good buy too @ $360 from Hoe Kee, also having promotion then for this model. It comes with the rain shower, handheld shower and a mixer...

Rain Shower (Side View)


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Tiling & Windows Completed

Common Toilet

The only problem with the Common Toilet is there is no space to put a basin. Sigh... That's why we havent buy any basin yet. Still waiting for ID to discuss with us where to put the basin and the size of the basin to purchase...

Common Toilet Tiles


As mentioned in the previous post, the Common Toilet tiles will be glossy instead of the the matt ones... This side of the wall are the white tiles.


This side belongs to the black tiles...


Crizto Toilet Bowl


Normal Shower Head


We only install a simple shower head because we believe we wont take shower here that often. It is more for guests, i guess, so dont have to be very nice...

Edited by hongwen37

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