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Air-con Group Buy

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Hi Tim,

Can i get a quote for Panasonic & Mitsubishi inverter sys4.

I have 4 bedroom. But my house is 22years old house( not enough Amps )

Is it ok for sys4?

And I don't have power point. Nothing for Aircon install.

I also want to know if odd the pipe how much it is?

Pls send me quote.



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Hi Tim,

I'm looking for a System 4 (3+1) Inverter R410 aircon system.

Could you please recommend/quote me a few options for my 5 room HDB flat.

Went GC yesterday and was told that:

... better to get a FCU with around 18-22k Btu for the living room

... use 0.5" Armaflex class 1 insulation, copper pipes

BTW, what's the difference between Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries... which is better?

Thank you


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Hi Tim,

Can u pm me the quote for 5room? I'm looking at inverter system 3. 3 Aircon units.

Brand : mitsubishi

And any other brand for me to consider u may also add in..

U may email me at belbell@yahoo.com or pm me. Thx

Any other cost such as installation and upgrade of piping pls include! Thanks v much!


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Hi, I'm looking for a system 3 aircon to be installed in my 4rm HDB flat. Appreciate if you can recommend a brand that is power saving as well as reliable.

For installation, how many kind of installation are there? Apologies as this is my first time buying air con. Thanks.


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Hi ,

could you quote me sys 3 with installation for the following in a 2&3&4 room condominium.

1)Panasonic - CS-C9NKZW x3 (CU-3C20KKZ)

2)Multi split sys 3.

any other recommendation?

Thank you very much!


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Hi there,

I am looking for System 4 + 1 x 24 BTU unit for my EA.

Prefer more ticks brand either Mitsubitshi or Daikin / Toshiba.

Let me know how much?

Installation in mid Dec 2012


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Hi Tim,

Was wondering what is the different between Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi Heavy duty air con? And which one is bette. I know someone had ask this question before.

Can you quote for the following:

1) Mitsubishi star mex system 3

2) Mitsubishi heavy duty system 3

Inverter with installation.

1/2" aroma flex insulation

Thank you


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Please quote me on the following:

Mitsubishi electric inverter sys 4

Please include:

- 2 times installation

- 0.5" armaflex

- G23 copper

- 16mm water pipe

- warranty?

- stainless steel bracket

Need it by friday.



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Hi Tim

Can pm me the promotion for system 3 inverter and non-inverter?

I would like to compare the prices between the diff brands.


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