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hi guys & gals

dunno abt clearance sale. jus happen to hear on news and see yahoo news that carrefour selling off their stores in singapore, malaysia & thailand.

went up look look see see yesterday evening. carpenters were there and they were installing the cabinets in kitchen. pretty messy everywhere so did not manage to take pic.

had my first unhappiness yesterday. seems like the carpenter workers (one young chap, to be precise) are not very careful with my stuff. :angry: I happen to arrive when the workers are moving the other carpentry work into the house. The young chap very "lun zhun" and keep bumping the cabinet into my lights!! the other worker keep scolding him. that still ok since no damage done. WORSE THING HAPPEN was he was taking 2 drawers into my study room. the other worker was still asking him to be careful and he "happily" went to bang the drawers into my new veneer door :~ It made a chip in my lovely new door!!! :furious:

hubby, knowing my temper, ask me to keep quiet first and jus reflect back to Edmund. If he din stop me, I might be scolding the worker liao. :P

Took pic of the chip and send to Edmund. He replied almost immediately that he will settle for me. we shall see how....


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The young chap very "lun zhun" and keep bumping the cabinet into my lights!! the other worker keep scolding him. that still ok since no damage done. WORSE THING HAPPEN was he was taking 2 drawers into my study room. the other worker was still asking him to be careful and he "happily" went to bang the drawers into my new veneer door :~ It made a chip in my lovely new door!!! :furious:

hubby, knowing my temper, ask me to keep quiet first and jus reflect back to Edmund. If he din stop me, I might be scolding the worker liao. :P

wat??? too much laaa!!! u nv unleash ur fury on him. tsk tsk. hope Edmund helps u to resolve it properly, better ask them, if got choice, not to get that worker to do ur house liao.

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hi guys & gals

dunno abt clearance sale. jus happen to hear on news and see yahoo news that carrefour selling off their stores in singapore, malaysia & thailand.

went up look look see see yesterday evening. carpenters were there and they were installing the cabinets in kitchen. pretty messy everywhere so did not manage to take pic.

had my first unhappiness yesterday. seems like the carpenter workers (one young chap, to be precise) are not very careful with my stuff. :angry: I happen to arrive when the workers are moving the other carpentry work into the house. The young chap very "lun zhun" and keep bumping the cabinet into my lights!! the other worker keep scolding him. that still ok since no damage done. WORSE THING HAPPEN was he was taking 2 drawers into my study room. the other worker was still asking him to be careful and he "happily" went to bang the drawers into my new veneer door :~ It made a chip in my lovely new door!!! :furious:

hubby, knowing my temper, ask me to keep quiet first and jus reflect back to Edmund. If he din stop me, I might be scolding the worker liao. :P

Took pic of the chip and send to Edmund. He replied almost immediately that he will settle for me. we shall see how....

i lend you my two dogs you close door let the dogs out.

Kuan men fang gou!! :D

my dogs will probably lick him till he drop nia


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wat??? too much laaa!!! u nv unleash ur fury on him. tsk tsk. hope Edmund helps u to resolve it properly, better ask them, if got choice, not to get that worker to do ur house liao.

I almost did! the moment it happen, i spin around and went over check the damage. hubby say my face immediately black like anything. I almost wanted to scold but hubby say let Edmund handle, if we scold onsite, god knows what they will further do to my house. so ok lor, i diam diam....but face still black so hubby quickly ask me go home. :P

i lend you my two dogs you close door let the dogs out.

Kuan men fang gou!! :D

my dogs will probably lick him till he drop nia

i shall keep that in mind. see what edmund do first since he say he will settle.

News announce Carrefour Singapore n M'sia to remain..

That's good news. cannot imagine without carrefour, one of my fav grocery place.


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I almost did! the moment it happen, i spin around and went over check the damage. hubby say my face immediately black like anything. I almost wanted to scold but hubby say let Edmund handle, if we scold onsite, god knows what they will further do to my house. so ok lor, i diam diam....but face still black so hubby quickly ask me go home. :P
haha, seems like our hubbys both the same same one, they like gundam and they both know how to curb the wifey's temper. :P sometimes he also tell me relax relax, i go settle. hahaha. but i can understand la, anyone's face will turn black :furious: if they see that kinda damage!!

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haha, seems like our hubbys both the same same one, they like gundam and they both know how to curb the wifey's temper. :P sometimes he also tell me relax relax, i go settle. hahaha. but i can understand la, anyone's face will turn black :furious: if they see that kinda damage!!

haha...not all the time he can curb my temper. sometimes he will siam so as not to kana on him as well. :P

ya lah, esp when the damage could hv been avoided if he had been careful.


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some pics that were sent by my contractor....



my kitchen sliding door which is yet to be up...


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some pics that were sent by my contractor....



my kitchen sliding door which is yet to be up...

what is the circular grey round stuff on the door?? so interesting!

So envious of your kitchen cabinet space!


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what is the circular grey round stuff on the door?? so interesting!

So envious of your kitchen cabinet space!

Its a hole


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i went Daiso yesterday and found the bento section, really a lot of cute cute stuff!! bought quite some items back home. haha, my hubby's jaw dropped :jawdrop: when i asked him, "so what sauce bottle u want to put in ur future bento? toy car or animals?" wahahahahahaha :sport-smiley-004: thanks for the tip on buying bento stuff there!

Edited by pinktini

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what is the circular grey round stuff on the door?? so interesting!

So envious of your kitchen cabinet space!

it is the design for the sliding door. will hv glass covering the holes. the grey stuff is the shadow, cos of lightings..hehe sorry ah... Design suggested by Edmund which we think quite nice cos i wan to be able to look into the living room while in kitchen but dun wan full glass.

neo, be nice......... :no:

Edited by samgalz

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i went Daiso yesterday and found the bento section, really a lot of cute cute stuff!! bought quite some items back home. haha, my hubby's jaw dropped :jawdrop: when i asked him, "so what sauce bottle u want to put in ur future bento? toy car or animals?" wahahahahahaha :sport-smiley-004: thanks for the tip on buying bento stuff there!

i think ur hubby will start to hate me. :lol:

Edited by samgalz

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