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The Pinnacle @ Duxton - S2

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Daughter's Pull-Out Bed

Due to the size of her room, we decided to purchase a single bed for our daughter (she used to sleep in her own Queen sized bed). However, she oftens have sleepovers so we needed to purchase an extra mattress of get a pull-out bed. We also need as much storage as possible for all her toys! We finally found what we wanted. A Pull-out bed with extra storage :)

View Before from the front


View After (cos of the difference in the height of the mattress, there is a "step")




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The next pictures will be that of the Open Concept Kitchen :)

My experience so far... Dennis is a someone we feel very comfortable with and we didn't need to be constantly "on the ball" with him. Initially, I mentioned that he is always late by 15 to 20 mins for our meeting. But since mentioning it to him, he actaully made an effort to be on time and was even there earlier for the rest of all our of meetings :yamseng: So kudos to him for making the extra effort :thumbs up:

My reno is not exactly problem free, we did have a few issues, that I mentioned previously like the Curtains (not Dennis fault), the Grouting on the floor was pink intsead of white & the ugly grey piping in the master bathroom.

Curtains was resolved, though not 100% to my satisfaction (just 88% satisfied), but they did try their best & I appreciate their effort. The grouting issue was solved after I asked BSS the colour of the grouting they used for their living room floors. Once I got the information, Dennis promptly get it done & the difference is renmarkable :thumbs up:

Finally the grey pipe on the bathroom. Hubby hates the look of it & told Dennis. Dennis, as usual, said "No problem, let me think about it". Then Dennis got hold of our airdon guy, Edwin & together with my hubby discuss the the issue to death! The good news is that they grey pipe is GONE!!! Not a sinlge pipe/trucking can be see. My place feels like a condo :)

Edwin really came through for us with regards to the aircon trucking & piping. Neighbours who came to our place are shocked to see that there is absolutely no sign of pipes or trucking (BTW, I do not have any false ceiling except in the bathrooms).

Dennis really came through for us with so many other things, from the concept of the place, the way things are done, the bidet spray, the rain shower, the shower screen, the wardrobe, etc... Too much to say :dancingqueen:

Our electrician bill was also very reasonable, taking into consideration the hacking that I did to move all 5 ceiling fans so that it is in the centre of the room, the doubling up of lights so there are no "holes" in my cove lighting. The numerous changes we made for the location of the switches, etc.

Anyway, they say, a picture says a thousand words so will let my pictures be the judge of Dennis & his guys hard work :)

Edited by fftw

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Hi, would it be possible to pass me Dennis' contact? Want to renovate my new flat too. Thank you!

Hi eling2008, can you send me a message so I can reply you?


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Hi eling2008, can you send me a message so I can reply you?

hi fftw love ur toilet reno! can pm me ur id and aircon contacts? pm u liao :)


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Shoe Cabinets

Finally have time to take photos to post on the last leg of my reno journey. For the benefit of those who do not stay at Pinnacle@Duxton, the "area" where there circuit box is located is actually concealed behind wooden doors, like the picture below.


However, we got Dennis to convert it to a shoe cabinet! This is how it looks like with the doors close.


This is how it looks like with the doors open :)


As you can see, its mostly my shoes & some of my hubby's shoes. So... we created more cabinets under the window for our daughter's shoes, some of my hubby's shoes & also odds & ends.


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Open Concept White Kitchen

Since the Pinnacle@Duxton is really tiny as compared to the 1600 sq ft we are renting previously. we decided to knock down the wall to our extremely small kitchen to create a bigger space. We also decided not to have a dining table & incorporate a six seater dining table into our Kitchen in order to NOT to clutter the house. We both hate clutter & I am a nazi when it comes to clutter so everything must be hidden behind close doors.

This is the view of our open concept kitchen as you enter the home...


There are altogether 6 chairs especially designed by our friend who is a furniture designer in Bali. Since we hate clutter & there is only four of us in the house, only four chairs are "display", the other two chairs are in my hubby's office.


Another view of our Kitchen cum Dining area.


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I love the kitchen area ... so nice. :)

Btw, I heard from my FSM, it's not good to have shoe cabinet higher than the persons staying inside. And since the shoes cabinet is full height ? hmm ..


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My Awesome (as far as I am concern ;) ) Concealed Kitchen

In order to achieve a neat & clean look, all my electrical appliances are hidden behind the cabinets. Only my fridge, hood & hob is exposed. Many of you may be asking why I do not wish to get a concealed fridge. Well, the answer is simple... We are unable to find a 6 door fridge that is concealed. And we are delighted with this fridge made in Japan :)



Open Sesame



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Our kitchen is still works-in-progress. Though all my drawers are Blum, I have yet to go purchase the interior sorting trays yet! So I am really embarrass to show pictures of my countertop with the knives exposed, though the knives cost us close to $1K :wacko:



Hod & Hood

We didn't want a stainless steel backing as its goona be tough to clean without causing minor scratches (as advised by Dennis). We also wanted to have a writing platform. I often write notes of reminders on the glass backing for my maid so she can remember stuff.


Another View


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The Smallest Dishwasher You Can FIND :lol:

Ever since I saw my MIL mini dishwasher in Australia, it became my crusade to find a similar version. This is much more practical than a normal size dishwasher for our small kitchen & also a neat freak like me. I finally managed to find one that fits nicely under our deep single bowl Rubine sink :)



Open Sesame



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Problem Solved... Well Kinda...

Remember this picture whereby I have my very own Japanese Railway Line in my back yard?!?





They kinda salvage the situation by painting it white! The good news is that everything in that yard is WHITE! So it goes with well... practically everything :D From my dryer to my washing machine to my 4 laundry bins!



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OpenNet - Major Headache

To tell you the truth, I hate Openet. My home has ABSOLUTELY NO EXPOSED piping or cabling or anything of that sort. The issue with Opennet is that they only made their presence felt after I completed my reno & the problem was that I do not have any false ceiling :bangwall: !! SO how? Well, no choice... A picture tells a thousand words...

Thru the door


along the beam


into the shoe cabinet


Think ours is the shortest & easiest job they did so far...

Edited by fftw

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