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Rules & Regulations For Your Maids

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Hi all...

I have recently draft out some rules & regulations for my maid and lots of my friends have requested from me as well.

Thought I might as well share with you guys as some of you may not know how to translate the rules in Indon. I hope this will help better communicate

with the maids. Translation is below


1 - Tidak di benarkan memiliki talipon bimbit ( handphone )

2 - Kuku harus sentiasa pendek and tiada warna

3 - Di larangkan keluar tampa iizn

4 -Tidak boleh mamakai bahan solek

5- Jika memakai cincin telinga , harus yang sederhana

6 - Tidak boleh menonton telivision tampah izin

7 - Tidak boleh menguna radio tampah izin

8 - Tidak di benarkan membawa tamu di rumah

9 -Tidak boleh tidur , langkah , pijak , duduk di sofa + ranjang

10 - Rambut harus di potong pendek setiap 6 bulan and tiada warna

11 - Semua kerja rumah harus lengkap sebelum kamu tidur

12 - Tidak dibenarkan memukul , tampar atau penyalahgunaan anak Ibu

13 - Kamu akan di hantar balik jikalau ada teman laki , mencuri , bohong atau berjudi

14 - Jika mahu hubungi di Indonesia , 1 bulan sekali - 15 minuits - Call card harus di bayar sendiri

15 - Jika kamu mahu pulang sebelum kontrak selesai , kamu harus membayar tiket kamu sendiri

16 - Kamu harus kompensasi uang jumlah SGD $100 jikalau kamu mahu pulang sebelum kontrak selesai

17 - Beri tahu jika kamu keprihatinan , bingung atau ada masalah

Saya , ___________________________________memahami ketentuan kondisi dan setuju untuk mematuhi

aturan yang telan tertulis di atas.

__________________________ __________________________

Name & Tandatangan FDW Name & Tandatangan majikan

English Translation

House Rules

1 You are not allowed to own a HP

2 Fingernails must be kept short & no nail polish

3 Not allowed to leave the house w/o permission

4 No using of make up

5 Simple ear ring can be worned

6 No watching TV w/o pemission

7 No listening to radio w/o pemission

8 No guest is allowed in the house

9 No sleeping , walking , stepping or sitting on the bed & sofa

10 Hair will be cut short every 6 mths and no hair dye

11 All chores must be completed before you go to sleep

12 You are not allowed to hit , slap or abuse my kid

13 You will be sent home if you hav a BF , steal , lie or gamble

14 If u wish to call home , 1 mth / once - 15 min - Call card pay yourself

15 If u wish to go home b4 ur contract ends , you pay ur own airfare

16 You must compensate me SGD$100 if u wish to leave b4 ur contract ends

17 Talk to me if you are confused ,or are having problems

I , ___________________ understand the terms & condition and agree to abide

to the rules stated above

____________________ _________________

Name & signature - FDW Name & signature - Employer

Of coz you don't have to follow all the rules stated. This is just an example. If you need any translation in Indon , let me know.

I'll try and help :D


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1 You are not allowed to own a HP

2 ---- & no nail polish

4 No using of make up

5 Simple ear ring can be worned

7 No listening to radio w/o pemission

10 Hair will be cut short every 6 mths and ----

14 If u wish to call home , 1 mth / once - 15 min - Call card pay yourself

17 Talk to me if you are confused ,or are having problems

Other rules ok, but those above are human right abuse leh.. i would not proudly pass these rules to others.


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You guys need to bear in mind that this is ONLY an example of rules which some of my friends or neighbours need help translating.

And though Malay & Indon language sounds similiar , the meaning may not be the same.

Frankly speaking , wld you allowed your maid to dye her hair, wear make up and talk to her HP with god knows who ?

Some of my colleagues are facing this problem, and the maid wld sneak outta the hse when she recieves a phone call.

Hence the rules depends on the situation you are in.

Of coz anyone with enough common sense would know how to treat another human being.

It's a matter of how they choose to treat their maids.


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