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Mickey M

Somewhere Over The Rainbow In Jurong West~~

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wow thank YOU for sharing your pics Mickey.. :) those are lovely shots! you can always look back upon those memories every now and then.. im so excited for the day to come yet afraid for it to be over.. haha..

we wont be decorating the venue in pink and black, even the table cloth also not taking red, cus i also scared to blend into the surrounding.. :P ahh yes... we are actually enjoying it but could have been better if both wedding and reno didnt happen together, but not a choice we could make as the flat came into the picture much later..

hehe, if ure talking about carpentry, i guess they would have already started work in the factory, so once they bring them in, it'd be super fast! :D i hope my carpentry can come in this week too!

actual day itself is a very busy day. hopefully u have enough ppl to help out or a wedding planner to see to everything. :) do enjoy every single moment of it, cos it will be over before u know it. i really think wedding cum reno is very very taxing. so do take gd care of urself during this period. :)

hopefully my carpentry will come in soon. do upload pics when urs are constructed k. hee. :)


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Micky,your place almost done up already right?!

Any open house? :D

my place almost done up already? no la, i think only 40% done the most. the mini living room, feature wall, etc still haven't finalise. toilet accesories also not fully installed yet. even kitchen will be 90% installed first in my opinion. cos Loyd told us the last 10% is to enhance the asethetic wise, if we don't want to do also can. so my place confirm not 'almost done up'.

today bz day at work.


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dun b mis-heartened bro. let them take their time, if they'll do a shoddy job :P

mine also slowly, its e 3rd week n only tiling completed to kitchen, yard n 2 toilets. this week will b most electrical works follow by painting of 1st coat.

next week will be installation of lights.


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dun b mis-heartened bro. let them take their time, if they'll do a shoddy job :P

mine also slowly, its e 3rd week n only tiling completed to kitchen, yard n 2 toilets. this week will b most electrical works follow by painting of 1st coat.

next week will be installation of lights.

Batman!!!! Mickey mouse saying hi!!! heehee. no la, not dishearten at all. cos not fully ID's fault or what. we had alot of discussions (on the finer details of reno) with ID for the past wk. that why there is a delay to the reno. :) i believe u are progressing much better than me. hehe.


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wow!your ear so sharp!cant said bad tins about u lei!so fast response de!

Today my company like barter trade!everyone selling their electronics cheap cheap!hahahaha

then gd mah can buy if you happens to need it hahahaha :D


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wow!your ear so sharp!cant said bad tins about u lei!so fast response de!

Today my company like barter trade!everyone selling their electronics cheap cheap!hahahaha

any 50 inch tv going for less than $1k or not? hee.


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wa u very paisi ah!!!! i say ur house nice nice like penthouse wor!!! :~

lol. my one is a hdb le. ceiling not high le..

new new, to me, your new house is so nice. personally, i like ur home very much becos it reflect the character of the owners. home should be like urs, have many little things to differentiate one home from another. the problem is many have the same type of feature walls or designs. not much personal touchs usually.

and i love bright colors lor!!! ur house has rainbow colors lor. :P.

*hint*maybe i will be doing a rainbow feature work. hehe.


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ya la, i was praising ur photography skills ma. can take a hdb n make it look like penthouse :notti:

hor u die, u say all that sure kena bombard by RT people! quick delete! hahah....

rainbow also lei? eh i always wanted to ask u lei. u n wifey how young huh?


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ya la, i was praising ur photography skills ma. can take a hdb n make it look like penthouse :notti:

hor u die, u say all that sure kena bombard by RT people! quick delete! hahah....

rainbow also lei? eh i always wanted to ask u lei. u n wifey how young huh?

actually i fail then. i want to make my photograph to look like castle/palace. lol.

no la, u might have misunderstood me la. human touchs like a small decal here and there, a particular soft toy in a small corner, or a sticker in the baby room, etc. all these minor things add up and reflect on the characters of the owners. personally, i feel home is where one is most at ease and a place where it truly reflect one inner self. no matter what theme u go for or even without a theme, it doesn't matter. a real home is not determine by what brand of tv, designer sofa, etc. rather, it is what the owners do to their own place which in one glance, visitors who know the owners can tell that this home is really him/her. it is like when u go searching for a particular friend's apartment, the moment u look into the flat, ah ha, u can tell instantly i found the place. u can have the same design or feature wall, but how do u do it to differentiate it from others and at the same time, reflect a piece of urself is what i believe everyone should be striving for. when i read t-blogs, i like owners who think out of the box and DIY small little things, how to come out with own idea to conceal wires, etc. i like that. at the same time, there are many who just accept whatever ID propose, usually just by looking at 3d drawings and just go ahead with it. more often than not, i think we must ask ourselves why we like this or not. sometimes it is not easy to say it in words instantly but i deep down, everyone need to search for that reason. and from there, i believe the design can get better and better by modifying bit by bit so that every single details are what u like. complaints usually arise when the real thing don't look FEEL like 3d drawings. to me, it is not so much of the 3d drawings but more of the owners realising this is not what I want after looking at the real thing.

i typed alot again. in real life, i am also a lo so person. lol. to summarise, i believe everyone need to inject some personal touchs into their own home so that u can really call it "my home".

i cannot tell u how old my wifey is la. u know woman age is a BIG secret. then u tell me how old u are and i tell u how old my wifey is. lol. okie la, i tell u my age. i am less than 365 days to the BIG 3. like that the hint very clear rite. muahhaha.


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