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Mickey M

Somewhere Over The Rainbow In Jurong West~~

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Hi Everyone!

Finally, after reading renotalk for almost 2 years (using my wifey login), we are going to renovate our own place! As we were busy planning for our wedding in 2008, we decided to renovate the place after our wedding in 2008. But... as we all know, the economic crisis came (haven't left yet). As such, we decided to renovate this house when the economy recovers or shown signs of recovery. So now, the time seems right (we think).

Key -Received in Nov 2007

We have engaged Loyd from D Home for our renovation.

Partly I decided to write this T-Blog as I think only 1 reno mate (the country home in Jurong West) wrote about Loyd. I hope to give him more ''presence' in renotalk. Hopefully he won't disappoint us.

So far, the relationship we have with him is very good - no hiccup yet at least. And he is nice. His designs and ideas are plenty. But his charges is not on the lower end (especially when compared to * Interior!). On a personal note, my wife prefers him as he did not give us a cookie-cutter design (I think) and take note of our needs. So he was choosen.

As in any t-Blog, I will also try to highlight all the good or bad points of him during the renovation process. I hope my t-Blog can be a reference to fellow reno mates who are interested in engaging him.

My Floorplan


Current Layout (subject to minor changes)


Hacking starts on Mon! Hopefully my neighbours who have been staying in the block for the past 2 yrs won't complain about the noise. Will post more in the coming days/weeks.

Thanks for looking at my T-Blog. :)

Edited by Mickey M

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ur living room looks like the ad from heineken from a year or so ago...

where they turn around on the sofa to see tv and watch the actual soccer match!!



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A lot of hacking, does the approval from hdb takes very long? :unsure:

Hihi Panjang,

No. Loyd (ID) applied for permit on last Mon. We got approval by Wed. So I consider this as fast ba. ^^.


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i wonder how much is the quotation... :unsure:

Hihi Rondy,

Hmm, I wonder whether IDs mind us sharing the quotation or not. Ha. Anyway, quotation is well above 50k. The initial design style which Loyd shared with us will probably cost more. The current one is already above our initial budget but we love it! But budget wise, might not be able to do all the little enhancements at one go, probably a progressive renovation in the near future.


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ur living room looks like the ad from heineken from a year or so ago...

where they turn around on the sofa to see tv and watch the actual soccer match!!


Hihi Amrasenelya,

For the design, sofa has to customise for sure. But for the sofa to turn like that means more $$$$$ damage! Ha.


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wow! very unique. did you come up with this design?

Hihi Giraffe,

No la. My ID came out with the design. The initial idea was to create a long walkway with a castle theme. One reason for such a design is because the storeroom is the middle of the living area I believe. The theme for the design is not decided yet. Castle theme is expensive I believe. Maybe not doing. See how. Renovation is really a headache, especially when u have no idea what u want other than the needs for the space. And my wife and I are folks who worry alot! So always worry this and worry that.


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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Really wow at your layout. Doing an amphitheater in your living room?

Hihi Nekorin,

No. To bring out the amphitheater feel, I think I will need to do a sliding door to separate the 2 space. The initial idea to Loyd was to have a sliding door to separate the 2 space. But a curve sliding door will again increase the renovation cost. Most likely not doing this for now. Anyway, amphitheater not in the radar. My wifey and I have no clear idea what we want actually. Lol. Gd point is Loyd listens and understand what we need in each individual space and the layout fulfill our expectations. ^^.


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Power !!!! can't wait for yr finish product ..... Rem to post more pic. If got 3d drawing can post too.

ops .... too excited abt yr layout until forget to welcome u ... ha

welcome to renotalk


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Hi Mickey .. welcome .. really interesting concept on the living room .. can just imagine if the sofa and tv can rotate around with suround sound systems .. hahahaha

Hihi Sugardaddy,

Yes, I totally understand that! But then again, my wifey and I are not really tv ppl. Actually, we are not very clear how the area will turn out to be. But we told Loyd our requirements for the area. Currently waiting for the 3d designs.


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