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Help! I Am Confused!

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Hi all

I am new here and am glad to find this forum.

Over the last few weekends, I have gone to so many electronics shop to find the best deal for washing machine and TV but kept getting conflicting views from different sale staff and friends..... going bonkers soon.

1st I went to harvey.. this guy was helpful. he knew his stuff. he introduced us to Brandt 8kg load. Said this is quite efficient. He said electrolux will wash almost 1.5hours, which I think is excessive. Set.. almost.. to get brandt..

For TV, almost set on Samsung LED cos slimmest and sexy... albeit I know I maybe paying too much for a relatively new technology in the mkt.

then went to Parasilk. This guy helpful too but he introduced us to both Brandt and Bosch. Said Brandt made in dunno where,, but Bosch in Thailand. So almost set on washing machine. Went over to TV section. He said Samsung not very good. Introduced us to Sharp said cheap. blah blah.

then went to Best denki.. Washing machine introduced me to Brandt and electrolux. Tv recommend me to Sony. Said got the best resolution. He even off the bluray CD playing to show me the difference. but so thick..

then went to queensway.. washing machine.. introduced me to Elba...haiz.. TV.. that guy said samsung best.. now confused!

after my long nagging session.. can you help me on this?

1) which washing machine is best? In terms of effieiency and looks best. Is it true that electrolux uses that much energy?

2) which TV is good? Samsung LED or Sony Bravia?


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Hi choppy,

1. I'm using Miele W4446 6kg washer. Got it 10 months ago. Those made-in-Germany Miele models that have the honeycomb drum design are suppose to be very gentle on your garments, very quiet during operation and built to last for a long time using very solid parts. But Miele washers cost much more than other brands (and even more so in Singapore where we pay more for Miele products compared to other countries). And dunno why the free warranty here only covers 1 year, whereas elsewhere like in Europe the free warranty is 3 years or more. So I had to get mine from a retailer that offered extended warranty up to 5(1+4) years.

Before I decided to burn my pocket for a Miele washer, I was undecided between the highest end 6kg front load models (in SG at that time) of Electrolux and Bosch. I think the made-in-Thailand Electrolux model was very quiet and the drum looked gentle too. Also I heard good feedbacks from some friends who had used Electrolux washers for the past 5 to 10 years. As for the made-in-Germany Bosch model, it was full of features and very user-friendly. However, the drum which was raved about by Bosch to be very gentle didn't feel gentle when I ran my fingers across the holes.

Anyway, all European front load washers have much longer normal washing cycles compared to Asian models and top load washers.

2. I'm most likely going to get the Samsung Series 8 46" LED TV. Main reason: the ultra slim design suits my new living room decor perfectly. I'm currently using a CRT TV and I know that a LCD/LED TV can never match the picture quality of a CRT on standard definition or Plasma on black levels and colors. But from reviews like Cnet, the SD picture on this model is quite good. The HD picture (hd movies and gaming) looks very good already in my eyes, although other brands are better. But then it's LED is Edge-Lit and so will suffer from full dimming (blackout) during scenes with very little light sources. Maybe if you can tahan you might want to wait until end of 2009 for the new Samsung Series 9 LED (not the older A950 LED launched in 2008) that is ultra slim, has a separate tuner box and is Back-Lit (supports local-dimming so might not have the blackout issue).

If aesthetics is not important to you, then I think the pricing for current Samsung LED TVs is really too much. If you prefer more natural colours and watch alot of landscape sceneries then Sharp, Panasonic etc. If you prefer more digitally enhanced colours then Samsung, LG, etc. Sony and Philips are somewhere in between.

Samsung LED vs Sony Bravia: if for aesthetics and energy-saving I'll for for Samsung; if for picture quality I'll go for Sony.

I'm a novice at home electrical appliances. Just sharing what I've felt/heard during my research on purchases.

Edited by GaaraOfTheSand

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Sometimes, it's best not to listen to salesmen too much and form your own informed opinion. Especially those working in the big stores, cz they get commission off of sales mah, and the more unscrupulous of them will end up pushing the products which earn them the most commission.

For tv: gaaraofthesand nailed it quite well. go for the features that you need the most. Slimmest TV (space constraints) = hitachi or samsung. Best picture quality = panasonic or pioneer plasmas (too subjective. use your own eyes to decide). Go hardwarezone forums and just take a quick read on the tv subforum (House of Displays) to get a better idea.

For w/m: can't help you much since i ruled out front load right from the start (i find it irritating having to squat and bend down so much to reach my laundry). Best to lock on to one (or a few) models and go online and check out reviews for it! That's what i did before settling on my w/m.


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Thank you both.

I was told indeed by some that places like Harvey and best denki actually have promotors for different brands, albeit teechnically they still belong to the same retail shop. In addition, different brands carry different commission level for some. Hence the differing views from the sales people.

I have heard about Goh Ah bee and heard many good comments abt this shop in terms of pricing. But not sure if this shop will offer impartial views. Nevertheless i will try and post more info when I have.


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Hi choppy,

Do check Mega Discount at Katong Mall out. Look for Veron for washing machine and Tom for TV. For me I would recommend Bosch (the Germany model) for washing machine and Samsung LCD or LED TV.


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Hi choppy,

Do check Mega Discount at Katong Mall out. Look for Veron for washing machine and Tom for TV. For me I would recommend Bosch (the Germany model) for washing machine and Samsung LCD or LED TV.

Out of curiousity, how much does a Bosch 7 / 8kg (germany model) costs in Singapore?? Is it called Logixxx 8?

Btw Gaaraofthesand, where to get Miele washing machine with 5 yrs warranty? Which model + retailer did you get it from and for how much?



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I got my Milele washer last year from Harvey Norman Millenia Walk. Model W4446 at $4525 with extended warranty(1+4) ($4190+$335). You should be able to get it cheaper elsewhere without the extended warranty.

For product information you could visit Miele showroom at Winsland House II, Penang Road or find the Miele promoter at CK Tangs (forgot her name) or find Rina (not others) at Rina Electrical at Shaw Centre. They are nice and knowledgable, especially the lady at CK Tangs.

Edited by GaaraOfTheSand

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Choppy - to prevent confusion and hearing craps from salespeople, the 1st thing you need to do is to decide on a budget. how much are you willing to spend for each item ( washing machine and tv). then base on your budget, you can go do your shopping.

For washing machines, there is front and top load. If possible, get front load cuz its gentler on the cloths (if you have expensive pieces) and water saving. But front load are more expensive than top load machines, but in the long run, its worth it given that you need to wash regularly. Next, in terms of brand, Electrolux washers are reliable. The latest Electrolux models that uses 'time management' (allow you to determine the wash time) is excellent! There are a number of brands out there that pretty much have the same machine but just different prices n brand labels n minor variations. So you just need to decide on your budget n shop base on that.

For tv, again budget. If you can wait, I suggest you wait until the next computer/pc show which I think is going to be either August or Sept. That is the best place and time to get a bargain. No matter what Courts or HN or Best is doing on the papers over the weekend, their deals never beat the deals offered during those IT shows cuz there are tons of freebies (shopping vouchers, etc) given by the manufacturers along with retailer discounts.

For plasma, the clear winner is Pioneer but its ex (they only make newer models that are 50 inch or more). For anything below 50 inch, take Panasonic. For LCD, unless you like and need the slim look of the Samsung LED, otherwise, don't waste your $. It is basically a 'beautified' LCD (with minor tech improvement) that cost significant more. Unless your eyes are very critical, normal people will never see the difference unless all your equipments (like dvd, blu-ray, etc) is also up to specs. Technology for tv is ever changing within 6-12 months range so no point getting the latest.

Sony Bravia is ex cuz of the brand but its old technology. Samsung LCD is respectable enough especially the older high end ones. I believe it should be cheaper now cuz they are heavily promoting the LED series. LG is decent and value for $. Sharp is ex but good for consideration if can afford. Hitachi has a slim LCD model which can be considered as well as their Plasma. Philips LCD is pretty good but not everyone can take the sharpness/clarity of their images.

For tv, just bring along a disc you are familiar with to test the tv. ask the salesperson to set the tv at factory default setting for every brand that you test so that you can really see the 'raw' or original colors of the brand. then again, each shop may use different quality cables or dvds to play, but a factory default setting is pretty much the best option you have in knowing the brand's characteristic.

If you are going to buy from those mass retailers like Harvey, Best or Courts, do your bargaining hard n be prepared to walk away from the deal. Usually if you can bundled your purchase (buying more items), you will have more bargaining leverage. Ask for everything from extensive warranty, accessories, etc. for them to sweeten the deal. There is a recession and the electronic companies are in hard time. Don't lets any sales person sweet talk you. its your hard earn $, you should stretch them for every $ worth! hahaha! :D

hope this helps! good luck!

Edited by Crazyfrites

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Choppy - to prevent confusion and hearing craps from salespeople, the 1st thing you need to do is to decide on a budget. how much are you willing to spend for each item ( washing machine and tv). then base on your budget, you can go do your shopping.

For washing machines, there is front and top load. If possible, get front load cuz its gentler on the cloths (if you have expensive pieces) and water saving. But front load are more expensive than top load machines, but in the long run, its worth it given that you need to wash regularly. Next, in terms of brand, Electrolux washers are reliable. The latest Electrolux models that uses 'time management' (allow you to determine the wash time) is excellent! There are a number of brands out there that pretty much have the same machine but just different prices n brand labels n minor variations. So you just need to decide on your budget n shop base on that.

For tv, again budget. If you can wait, I suggest you wait until the next computer/pc show which I think is going to be either August or Sept. That is the best place and time to get a bargain. No matter what Courts or HN or Best is doing on the papers over the weekend, their deals never beat the deals offered during those IT shows cuz there are tons of freebies (shopping vouchers, etc) given by the manufacturers along with retailer discounts.

For plasma, the clear winner is Pioneer but its ex (they only make newer models that are 50 inch or more). For anything below 50 inch, take Panasonic. For LCD, unless you like and need the slim look of the Samsung LED, otherwise, don't waste your $. It is basically a 'beautified' LCD (with minor tech improvement) that cost significant more. Unless your eyes are very critical, normal people will never see the difference unless all your equipments (like dvd, blu-ray, etc) is also up to specs. Technology for tv is ever changing within 6-12 months range so no point getting the latest.

Sony Bravia is ex cuz of the brand but its old technology. Samsung LCD is respectable enough especially the older high end ones. I believe it should be cheaper now cuz they are heavily promoting the LED series. LG is decent and value for $. Sharp is ex but good for consideration if can afford. Hitachi has a slim LCD model which can be considered as well as their Plasma. Philips LCD is pretty good but not everyone can take the sharpness/clarity of their images.

For tv, just bring along a disc you are familiar with to test the tv. ask the salesperson to set the tv at factory default setting for every brand that you test so that you can really see the 'raw' or original colors of the brand. then again, each shop may use different quality cables or dvds to play, but a factory default setting is pretty much the best option you have in knowing the brand's characteristic.

If you are going to buy from those mass retailers like Harvey, Best or Courts, do your bargaining hard n be prepared to walk away from the deal. Usually if you can bundled your purchase (buying more items), you will have more bargaining leverage. Ask for everything from extensive warranty, accessories, etc. for them to sweeten the deal. There is a recession and the electronic companies are in hard time. Don't lets any sales person sweet talk you. its your hard earn $, you should stretch them for every $ worth! hahaha! :D

hope this helps! good luck!

I agree!! There are really unprofessional sales promoters out there, unfortunately.. However this is the norm nowadays, even overseas. You should really do ur homework first, surf the net for info,decide what are the qualities u want, budget allocation.. etc..

The reality right now is that electrical stores can't have staff well-versed in each products specs and thus, the best way, and cost effective way is to place promoters from different brands across the stores. In a gd way, u can check out promoters from different brands, and see who makes sense. Then do ur homework before deciding. I check out forums on the net. Although most reliable forums are overseas based, I just read them to get more info. For eg; www.moneysavingexpert.com from aus is quite good. www.which.co.uk is an independant review forum base in uk. In sg; this forum, u can read reviews too sporadically. www.singaporebrides.com is gd too. Finally, i do in depth searches on the brands, models etc... when I go best denki, harvey, dealers, I will specifically ask to speak to the promoters of the different brands. I have so far spoken to most brands promoters already, haha! Gd luck..


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I got my Milele washer last year from Harvey Norman Millenia Walk. Model W4446 at $4525 with extended warranty(1+4) ($4190+$335). You should be able to get it cheaper elsewhere without the extended warranty.

For product information you could visit Miele showroom at Winsland House II, Penang Road or find the Miele promoter at CK Tangs (forgot her name) or find Rina (not others) at Rina Electrical at Shaw Centre. They are nice and knowledgable, especially the lady at CK Tangs.

Hi, Gaara, how is the w4446 doing? I love the functions, but the design does not allow it to be stacked on a dryer unfortunately. I got the miele activecare washer plus dryer @ $3888 for a set at ngee ann best denki. Though I love miele, I can't bear to part over $4k for just the washer, so i opt for the activecare series. I believe u must enjoy the quality of ur laundry from the w4446 haha!


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Out of curiousity, how much does a Bosch 7 / 8kg (germany model) costs in Singapore?? Is it called Logixxx 8?

Btw Gaaraofthesand, where to get Miele washing machine with 5 yrs warranty? Which model + retailer did you get it from and for how much?


Wally, Best denki offer the best coverage for extended warranty, 10% for 5 yrs. For eg i bought my miele activecare w1740 plus t7740 condenser package @ $3888 at ngee ann best denki. For the gss, they give away a miele vacuum cleaner, made in germany, no less worth $488. Foe 5 yrs extended warranty, u only need to pay $388. But i chose not to buy extended warranty. If u want to go for extended warranty, comparing the terms and coverage of harvey and best denki, i think best denki offers better. U can check out the comparisons by going to both stores. Cheers.


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Hi, Gaara, how is the w4446 doing? I love the functions, but the design does not allow it to be stacked on a dryer unfortunately. I got the miele activecare washer plus dryer @ $3888 for a set at ngee ann best denki. Though I love miele, I can't bear to part over $4k for just the washer, so i opt for the activecare series. I believe u must enjoy the quality of ur laundry from the w4446 haha!

I use the Miele everyday. So far so good. T-shirts didn't become loose like low-cuts after being washed for many times using the cotton/delicate cycles. My colleagues didn't believe me when I told them I never iron my working shirts and pants nowadays, which was washed using the minimum iron cycle. I usually wash my laundry late at night when my other family members are sleeping but they don't complain because very quiet.

But I've only bought my washer for less than 1 year so haven't stressed it long term enough to validate it's durability. And I can't do comparison with other front-load washers because its my first front-load washer. Previously was using Sanyo top-load washer which accompanied me for more than 16 years and still didn't spoil when I moved house and parted it with tears.

Can still stack the T7744C dryer on top of the W4446 washer, according to Miele showroom people.


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First of all electrolux is from thai and brandt is from eu and

elba is china bosch is that and sum model is gemany. secondly all front loading has built in heater so the eletci will be higher .i am using a ef cheap and good . For lcd and plasma u need to know wat u are looking 4? looks, detail, sharpness or cheap prices ? At the end of the day the tv's that show fine detail picture is NOT wat you will get cause our sg signal 480i and the lcd and plasma u are looking at is 1080 p .to jump from 480 to 1080 is a distance between them . At shoping centers they are using blueray of HD playback but the programS we watch most is tv programs not dvd or HD program .so check out the local program picture before u buy any lcd or plasma .Wat i can say is plasma has more natural pic of tv program and lcd has better dvd an HD playback and led is way too ex and to be true very less ppl will spend high price to be the first batch user for led . and that's my point of view enjoy shoping :)


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after my long nagging session.. can you help me on this?

1) which washing machine is best? In terms of effieiency and looks best. Is it true that electrolux uses that much energy?

2) which TV is good? Samsung LED or Sony Bravia?

1) Washing Machine - Go for Thomas, the best known in the industry for producing washing machine.

2) LED looks nice, sleek and PQ also looks better when side by side with Sony for a CNA program. To look at the comparison, go Best at Taka which they have all sorts of LCD TV side by side showing the same program.

Sony or Samsung are the better brand in the Market now for LCD. Either one will not be wrong. But for LED, only sumsung has the best design at the moment.

Edited by vin002

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samsung 8500 slim slim sexy look , with local dimming is out...........hope will reach SIN soonZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

went to COMEX and see 6000/7000/8000 series all cannot make it, as compare to A950 (no wonder best LCD produce)

but price of 8500 sure rocket high


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