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okok...free trial over liao......so how?Ivy will charge $10 psf(*whisper to ivy* price ok?dun point out anymore liao hor....) so how storm?it yr call now?:P

pssst.. include ur commission already or not???


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u want full length ah?dimension? cos i only plan to do a 1/2 length mirror....ard $500

Around 8ft tall and around 9ft wide lor. Huge right?

don't charge me for her services lah. "peng you yi chang" loan her to me for free lah?


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Around 8ft tall and around 9ft wide lor. Huge right?

don't charge me for her services lah. "peng you yi chang" loan her to me for free lah?

-_-" i am not a commodity..


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Around 8ft tall and around 9ft wide lor. Huge right?

don't charge me for her services lah. "peng you yi chang" loan her to me for free lah?

cannot la...biz is biz....must be professional la...ok la....last price...give u $9 psf...that aldy "tio lo" price liao....u can check the market...no one offer this kind of pricing liao. :)

I check the pricing for u lor....it really huge...u need 1 pc de?or can break down to 2-3 pc?

Ivy...see...i still insist for u...nv give u away for FOC. :P


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cannot la...biz is biz....must be professional la...ok la....last price...give u $9 psf...that aldy "tio lo" price liao....u can check the market...no one offer this kind of pricing liao. :)

I check the pricing for u lor....it really huge...u need 1 pc de?or can break down to 2-3 pc?

Ivy...see...i still insist for u...nv give u away for FOC. :P

can break down lah. how to fit inside lift lidat? =p. minimal pieces of course. Thanks ah b_d

$1 p75sm can anot? Then you waive your commision lah, i pay direct to ivy. can anot?

Ivy, you take barter trade anot? kopi can? =p


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can break down lah. how to fit inside lift lidat? =p. minimal pieces of course. Thanks ah b_d

$1 p75sm can anot? Then you waive your commision lah, i pay direct to ivy. can anot?

Ivy, you take barter trade anot? kopi can? =p

i checked for u...let u know once got respond.cos i also comparing if uncle or the vendor is cheaper. :)

wah...the price cannot la...we must break even our cost also ma...like that how to earn?wah...u want to go direct....how can la...:P


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BD, wana chk hor...have u seen the mirrors? cos i know some vendors they do cheap but after a while there'll be black lines appearing. it has to do with the mercury...someone told me the technical term, but i forgot. and as time passes, the black lines will get more obvious and will spread...


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BD, wana chk hor...have u seen the mirrors? cos i know some vendors they do cheap but after a while there'll be black lines appearing. it has to do with the mercury...someone told me the technical term, but i forgot. and as time passes, the black lines will get more obvious and will spread...



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BD, wana chk hor...have u seen the mirrors? cos i know some vendors they do cheap but after a while there'll be black lines appearing. it has to do with the mercury...someone told me the technical term, but i forgot. and as time passes, the black lines will get more obvious and will spread...

me dunno yet....bt thanks for the advice. It a vendor for PD buddy...which they have use it for 2 years liao...seem fine ley?bt i will chack also


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now i know..i only worth a cup of kopi -_-" if it's a cup of kopi, it better be blue mountain kopi and not the kopitiam kopi-si...

Pls talk to my manager pertaining to the quotation.


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now i know..i only worth a cup of kopi -_-" if it's a cup of kopi, it better be blue mountain kopi and not the kopitiam kopi-si...

Pls talk to my manager pertaining to the quotation.

Know u know yr value in storm eyes......."priceless"...at such time then u see how good am ia rite...insist that u worth some $$ lor. :P


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original price for that full-height mirror on the wall was $1320 after discount leh!! I do now i really peng liaoz =p

Wow, no joke siah .. $1,320.

Never mind lah, work and slowly save... always good to have other things to 'zhng' house with after main reno.

At least something to look forward to. :)

I take this principle from zhng-ing cars. Ahahahaa. :P


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STORM!! I agree with Adrian completely! I love the layout of the study, the shelves and how they fit together with the wardrobe... fantastic!!! SO ENVIOUS!!


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STORM!! I agree with Adrian completely! I love the layout of the study, the shelves and how they fit together with the wardrobe... fantastic!!! SO ENVIOUS!!

huh. really ah. thanks leh pet =)

But then i realise that the shelf protrude alil' too out and also abit too low. Cannot put desktop at the corner of the table le. Lucky me and wifey belong to the laptop bunch =p

Eh, question ah, everybody doing reno with uncle, your solid surface is from bellus one ah? Can get other brand? cz i find the bellus colours alittle bit dull leh. Hopefully wont need to jack up price.


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