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Hi All,

I can understand your anger, As I am one of the victim as well.

It has been 5 weeks that he has been working on our project, and several items that has been done so far:

1. kitchen wall

2. a quarter done floor-tiles.

YEP, the two items takes 5 weeks.

We have been [Chasing, Waiting]x 1000 times. and it bring no result.

What worse is: the Floor Workers mentioned that they did not get paid by AS*(Ah Soon).

So Last week, The floor-workers (who did not received the payment from AS* as promised) broke our floor tiles that already Cemented, Laid and some of the Tiles for the bath-rooms !!!

(I have the pictures taken as a prove).


Today, if there is no work as what he promised. I will REPORT & go CASE.

[Who is with me?]

*I feel bad for my Mom, She could not even sleep last night!!!

I hope there is no more victims.


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that's alot of money.....and the workers are not being paid?

What will he do? Pay a bit to the workers, and dun answer the phone... till the worker is fed up and show black faces to the owner... this is what seashell is getting....

without $$$ u think workers will do nicely for u? Agar AGar do and fly off liao lo....


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what is the name of his company and also the company of that applys permit?

but i remember someone mentioned he is doing rectification work for HDB, but yet he is not HDB registered.

CASE will not do anything, at the most blacklist that company. The owner can jolly well closed down and reopen another new company, case will not have any impact of the business.

If small claim, you can lodge again the company, there will be a legal binding as it may eventually proceed to legal if company refuse to comply.

But the prob now is If Ah soon is not a registered company than what action you can take will be very restricted.

Precisely, some HDB registered renovators just sit back and relax, apply license for contractors, sit back and enjoy the $$$ which the contractor paid to the registered renovator.

Without any work done, money is rolling in... good idea?


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We can never allow him to get away scot free with all our hard earned money. For the contracts we have signed, its under a non HDB registered company. But for our renovation, he used a HDB registered company to apply to HDB side for the renovation. I don't even know that the company that applys for the permit, is it his or somebody else ?

Maybe you make use of this and go after the hdb registered company instead of ah soon.


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Seashell I can understand your anger. I'm as furious as you. Apparently I've managed to get the tiler and he told me that the tiling was half done because Ah Soon never paid him a single cent. I'm not surprised after hearing all the things that have been happening.

There must be something that we can do against him. Let's unite and report this to police or CASE or anything.

I have engage the carpenter and other contractors to do the remaining job for my house. No point wasting time... there wun be a solution.

Owners/Victims of ah soon will suffer more once he totally stop all services. Sue him or report case does it help?

All owners/victims untie together also useless, he will keep on collecting money here n there to push here n there...

Once u complain, if it's within his limit he will do something to show you and ease off ur anger, if it's something expensive and within his limit, he will come with 101 reasons, asking you

to help him and pay here and there, and after paying, he MIA... this n that. Enuff is Enuff.... Seashell will go mad at this rate... fini ? Trevor? Matchgirl? Wind78? I still know some owners who doesnt come here

CCk, Redhill, Buffalo St, Tampines 247, Jurong 470? All these owners.. he is holding at least 12 houses now... just imagine, 1 house 10k?


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what is the name of his company and also the company of that applys permit?

but i remember someone mentioned he is doing rectification work for HDB, but yet he is not HDB registered.

CASE will not do anything, at the most blacklist that company. The owner can jolly well closed down and reopen another new company, case will not have any impact of the business.

If small claim, you can lodge again the company, there will be a legal binding as it may eventually proceed to legal if company refuse to comply.

But the prob now is If Ah soon is not a registered company than what action you can take will be very restricted.


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Fastfish, seriously go CASE will not help or improve anything. Maybe reporting to police as a whole will works i guess, since he keeps collecting money w/o any work done

Dont mind me asking, Ah Soon is HDB registered contractor right?

We can never allow him to get away scot free with all our hard earned money. For the contracts we have signed, its under a non HDB registered company. But for our renovation, he used a HDB registered company to apply to HDB side for the renovation. I don't even know that the company that applys for the permit, is it his or somebody else ?


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Hi All,

I think all of you should complaint to CASE and bring in the Media to explose his cheating. Think no use keep on calling him as wat other members has said that he might change hp nos , off hp, giving all excuse..... Seriously 6 months of reno is too ........ Let the Law handle him , compound his passport so that he can't go batam . Guai Guai stay in SG to clear all balance job.

Jus my half cents worth.




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Fastfish, seriously go CASE will not help or improve anything. Maybe reporting to police as a whole will works i guess, since he keeps collecting money w/o any work done

Dont mind me asking, Ah Soon is HDB registered contractor right?

Edited by charemme

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For other houseowners who is currently renovation with ah soon,

u can quote our case to ah soon and if he can come up with all sorts of GREAT REASONS to defend himself, n u choose to believe him, then GOOD LUCK!! we ended up like that because WE TRUST HIM.

i hope no more victims from now on. NO MORE!! UNITL HE HAVE THE MEANS TO HO over ALL THE OUTSTANDING houses, NO FURTHER RECOMMENDATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seashell I can understand your anger. I'm as furious as you. Apparently I've managed to get the tiler and he told me that the tiling was half done because Ah Soon never paid him a single cent. I'm not surprised after hearing all the things that have been happening.

There must be something that we can do against him. Let's unite and report this to police or CASE or anything.


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just one weekend, and situation seems to gotten worse...

Did Ah Soon just totally MIA?


So sad to hear your laminates flooring got flooded...!!!! what the **** did they do to your house??

More to come... ... ...


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just one weekend, and situation seems to gotten worse...

Did Ah Soon just totally MIA?


So sad to hear your parquet flooring got flooded...!!!! what the **** did they do to your house??

Edited by charemme

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we are not rich people who can now decide for my own HO. if i am rich, i won't engage ah soon.

i guess u have the capacity to lose this money...but not for me... i am just a salaried worker

well, glad that u can go ahead with your HO and never need to chase ah soon anymore!

Hi Seashell, i am also a salaried worker. If you keep on thinking this way, there wun be a solution for it... That's why i advise you to choose your own HO date

and stop waiting for ah soon.


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