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honestly i felt to ask for refund is quite hard... cus the item is done just got to do rectification... i think u give him one last chance to make up for it... what u think? i heard him telling me ur house renovation is very nice.. so can share with me besides this, is there any other thing not done well? so that i can keep a look out on my hosue? thanks :)

thanks once again for the help and advised. If you refer to few pages back, i did give feedback to you on ah soon the pro and con, lolz. Anyway, below is the pointers :-

1) capentry work design - make sure the color and design are accordingly to yr request. My basin was shifted nearer to the right instead of left becos of the capentry design. As right on top of it is a cabinet which you may hit onto the corner of the top cabinet edges. I didnt complain as i take it is as oversight on my part.

2) If you replacing all the doors to veneer door type, make sure u that they provides u the SOLID door instead of hollow one. Coz the price wont be much difference of less than $40 or so. But yet, they didnt offer me to get SOLID veneer door.

3) If u doing laminate wood, their offer will be either Power dekor or Ace flooring. As for Power dekor they will wanna charge u 7 percent GST, they claim that it is the laminate company asking for it, another stoopid reason. End up i choose Ace flooring instead, both are from China made and installer are the guys from Power Dekor staffs. In my opinion, dont choose Ace flooring, i do have some wood shrunk after installation, again i closed my eyes!!!!

4) the shower screen, if you wan more than standard height of 1.8 meter, u better sounds it out, if not they will claim that u didnt inform them.

5) Electrical point, nego for a lump sum instead of breakdown of individual job done, tis will save u quite abit. U got to determine how many electrical points for yr unit before nego with them for the lump sum charges.

My project was not handle by ah soon instead by one of is his hometeam whom already left him.

If you wish to view my place, do let me know ya. Here is my blog, do feel free to ask me for any queries.



Edited by blackcar

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honestly i felt to ask for refund is quite hard... cus the item is done just got to do rectification... i think u give him one last chance to make up for it... what u think? i heard him telling me ur house renovation is very nice.. so can share with me besides this, is there any other thing not done well? so that i can keep a look out on my hosue? thanks :)


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when i reach there (i was late), he already left my house. i call him, he also never answer my call. so i sms him in chinese about ur case, he immediately call me back and ask me about it. seems like he forgotten about u!

my opinoin is, make sure your vanity is not affected in anyway, if it is, ask him to replace one for u. cus he delayed it... most importantly, he must fix the items for u... no doubt u really went tru this much to get it done...

if there is anything u need my help, let me know!


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hi black

no problem....

it looks like at his mercy... but at least he still complete the job (from what i see he does other forumer's flat)..i agree with u, if he can't handle, dun take the job!

i shall see what he says later! (provided i dun see aeroplane!)

hi bro, he just called me, tis Sat he will come to do the work!!! I m really tired as he refused to paid me back the $500.


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hi black

no problem....

it looks like at his mercy... but at least he still complete the job (from what i see he does other forumer's flat)..i agree with u, if he can't handle, dun take the job!

i shall see what he says later! (provided i dun see aeroplane!)


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hi black

when he doesn't answer call nor call back to say, he can't make it.. this really sucks big time! make us feel like an idiot waiting for his call!

if ur problem is water leaking into the vanity, get him to change the whole thing! if it was me, i would do that. i am meeting him at 12 later (fingers crossed).. i will insisit him to call u!

Hey thanks man, the leaking is mild though not as in life and death. As i have put a small pail below to collect the droplet of water. Anyway, tell him to give me the $500 cash cheque will do. As i m no longer interested to wait for their guy to come over and rectify my problem. U ask him where his farking ethical behaviour has gone too??? If the rate that he is going, i m sure he will be history!!! If he cannot eat the big pie of cake, let other ppl do it!!!

Anyway, come to think of it, are we under his mercy after sign up with him as a customer???


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hi black

when he doesn't answer call nor call back to say, he can't make it.. this really sucks big time! make us feel like an idiot waiting for his call!

if ur problem is water leaking into the vanity, get him to change the whole thing! if it was me, i would do that. i am meeting him at 12 later (fingers crossed).. i will insisit him to call u!


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hi black..

i hear ur frustrations! me too .. even in the midst of renovation.. i already kena fly aeroplane many times.. also my house has alot of modification so alot more co-ordination work to do.

i heard he got 10 over project on hand, i think he is really overloaded... n also, poor time management...!! imagine when he meet us, his phone will never stop ringing!!

yeah u shouldn't have paid him the last payment, u are very nice person... but i dun think ah soon take u for granted.... ur house is at what area? i can help to send him a chinese sms to respond to u? normally he respond to my chinese sms...

dun angry, things can be solved.. no matter what! he told me before, business from internet he scared to offend also...

I guess we had been "protecting" him too much. Is time to let go our frustration!!! As i mentioned many times, we pay reasonable price not cheap!!! So i do expect some sort of customer level of service rite? If you cant make it, do answered my call and not ignored. When he needed money for payment, i never had fly him aeroplane at all, infact i pay him CASH cheque instead as he requested. I know i m in risk, i m doing it bcos I do trust him.

Poor time and manpower management i do understand long time ago. But rectification of work also fly aerolpane? This is ridiculous isnt it? If yr basin leakings into yr vanity cabinet, how do you feel and got to endure for months for them to take their farking own sweet time to rectify? WTF. Will you trust a contractor whom fly u aeroplane after the completion of yr work and never returns? This is called fly by nite contractors, is a no no!!!

U tell him i m from bukit batok!!! Ask him to pay back the $500 and thats settle my problem!!! If he is not happy, he knows my hp, coz i m the one being calling him more than 10 times yesterday!!!!

Edited by blackcar

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Oh i See.. so there are 2 bedok units under him. Yes, I am staying at Blk 5XX.

hi juz, how is ur progress? mine is doing tiling work.... he is asking me to arrange aircon man to meet him.. but i am so worry he fly people aeroplane...!! ***headache***


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hi black..

i hear ur frustrations! me too .. even in the midst of renovation.. i already kena fly aeroplane many times.. also my house has alot of modification so alot more co-ordination work to do.

i heard he got 10 over project on hand, i think he is really overloaded... n also, poor time management...!! imagine when he meet us, his phone will never stop ringing!!

yeah u shouldn't have paid him the last payment, u are very nice person... but i dun think ah soon take u for granted.... ur house is at what area? i can help to send him a chinese sms to respond to u? normally he respond to my chinese sms...

dun angry, things can be solved.. no matter what! he told me before, business from internet he scared to offend also...


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Totally disappointed by Ah soon, kena fly aeroplane not once but four times. Twice by his hometeam and by him. Where got justice!!! Despite we swear by him, this kind of standard i think is not acceptable. After the renovation, asking them to come and rectify some jobs, out of four they completed only one job. It's been more than a month and i m kind enough to allow him to delay again and again. Despite calling him, but no call back at all, i wasted FOUR full saturday waiting at home for them to come but yet kena fly aeroplane.

To those owner still under going renovation, please dont make the balance full payment like me. During the last payment, i told ah soon abt the rectification needs to be done, he promise and agreed that he will arrange for the work to be done. For the balance payment, he ask me to hold $500 as a balance but i trusted him, i pay him in full instead and this is how he repay me? WTF!!!!

So the million dollar question is here, down the road will he even bothered to come to do the rectification after completion of the renovation? In order, to make him come back to do the work, i suggest existing ah soon customer, please hold at least $1000 for two months or so before making full payment.

Now, i m pursuing to ah soon return me the $500, so that i can arrange my own contractor to do the job and dont have to waste my time waiting!!! Do you guys thinks is fair???

Edited by blackcar

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juz : i also in bedok.. think we are the only 2 in bedok under him.. haha... me at blk 7XX, if i m not wrong, u at blk 5XX?

Oh i See.. so there are 2 bedok units under him. Yes, I am staying at Blk 5XX.


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