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All of us made decisions based on our own reasons. There will be times when the decisions we made are wrong and thus we pay the price for the wrong decisions made. As can be seen from the threads, these owners are keeping each other informed and probably trying to find some support from others who are currently using Uncle Soon's service. There will be people who feels sorry knowing that they are going through these hard times, and of course there will be people who thinks that they deserved it since they were already fore-warned by others. If you feel that they deserved it, there is no need to gloat over their predicament and post sarcastic threads, you can always don't read the threads. Let's all be reasonable adults and show kindness to those who are suffering. My heart goes out to those who are currently suffering under Uncle Soon's hands. All be strong and hopefully Uncle Soon will wake up his ideas and start to take some actions instead.

Thanks MM :)

I believe that when we make mistakes, we need to learn from our errors. That is how we grow.


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I feel sad for all ah soon supporters...seriously i am also included...i m jus low profile....ah soon really wasting alot of my time...

Edited by JuzChris

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All of us made decisions based on our own reasons. There will be times when the decisions we made are wrong and thus we pay the price for the wrong decisions made. As can be seen from the threads, these owners are keeping each other informed and probably trying to find some support from others who are currently using Uncle Soon's service. There will be people who feels sorry knowing that they are going through these hard times, and of course there will be people who thinks that they deserved it since they were already fore-warned by others. If you feel that they deserved it, there is no need to gloat over their predicament and post sarcastic threads, you can always don't read the threads. Let's all be reasonable adults and show kindness to those who are suffering. My heart goes out to those who are currently suffering under Uncle Soon's hands. All be strong and hopefully Uncle Soon will wake up his ideas and start to take some actions instead.


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we are already doing that.

it is a path we have chosen, but as i have explained to our low IQ idiot from chao yang (AKA renotok), we could not predict that he would drag our reno til 5 or 6 months. Ivy's reno is only 3 months, that i think most of us can except, but NOT more than 4 or 5 or even 6 months.

Even if he is "an uncle in his 50s with not much education, dun even know english" it does not mean that he cant give us good things. That is pure biase and poor logic. I can give you many examples of contractors in their 50s with the above mentioned criteria who can complete their job in time and deliver quality work.


i really feel for those victims whos under uncle soon's mercy,any delays will cost great inconveniences especially those who are scheduled to hand over their flat by stipulated time frame causing not only monetary losses but major headaches on existing furniture relocation.

Therefore as a responsible contractor/ID firm i think its only fair to either reject projects that they cant handle/complete within client's timeline or at least work out a mutual agreement on the estimated handover date which is acceptable by client's requirements.

For us,we actually nearly had our contractor state in black n white on estimated date of completion-(1 month) until their boss step in to explain that they dont state date of completion to cover their S in case of freak incidents like workers sick,natural disaster(its nt even 2012 :bangwall: )...we did engage their service as we knew we can count on them,having warned them before hand of dire consequences(compensate our rental/delivery+whatever expenses incurred due to their incompetent) if they cant meet our dateline.

Edited by kiven78

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we are already doing that.

it is a path we have chosen, but as i have explained to our low IQ idiot from chao yang (AKA renotok), we could not predict that he would drag our reno til 5 or 6 months. Ivy's reno is only 3 months, that i think most of us can except, but NOT more than 4 or 5 or even 6 months.

Even if he is "an uncle in his 50s with not much education, dun even know english" it does not mean that he cant give us good things. That is pure biase and poor logic. I can give you many examples of contractors in their 50s with the above mentioned criteria who can complete their job in time and deliver quality work.
























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it sad for everybody whose reno work is delay by many months.... i cannot imagine what u all must be feeling right now.

i pray that uncle will clear the backlogs he has so that u all can celebrate a peaceful year end.

and last but not least.... SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI......


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why cry over spill milk? sorry if sound mean. i understand it is not easy to go tru all these but this is a path that you guys have choosen.. he is an uncle in his 50s with not much education, dun even know english, what kind of good things can you expect from him?

if you do your maths, you will know IDs will earn you by $10's 20's or even 30's thousand of dollars. ah soon? at the rate he is charging, i guess, a few thousands only..

ultimately, if ah soon doesn't respond and continue to delay, use your savings to do the remaining job - seek refund tru legal channels..

truth hurts.

Agree that we shld move on instead.....and use the 10K saving to finish up the work.

But again, cover backside:) make sure the effort to get the contractor to finish the work are recorded.

In case brought to court (unlikely), there are proof that the contractor failed to deliver.

Very encouraging to see many sensible ppl coming into this thread.

Rather then just JiaYou without constructive ideas :unsure:


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why cry over spill milk? sorry if sound mean. i understand it is not easy to go tru all these but this is a path that you guys have choosen.. he is an uncle in his 50s with not much education, dun even know english, what kind of good things can you expect from him?

if you do your maths, you will know IDs will earn you by $10's 20's or even 30's thousand of dollars. ah soon? at the rate he is charging, i guess, a few thousands only..

ultimately, if ah soon doesn't respond and continue to delay, use your savings to do the remaining job - seek refund tru legal channels..

Edited by rock

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Hi All,

I have read this rather interesting thread about the so called superstar AH Soon but now turn out to be a nostar AH Soon.

I am very experience in this line and use to be a contractor once before. I know how is like being a contractor and what are the problem that comes by being a contractor.

As you know being a contractor will also have some risk of engaging sub contactor that is not reponsible and not delivery the item on time or worst off never deliver at all.

Similarly house owner will encounter contractor that is not responsible and never deliver on time but still deliver or worst of all will be the contractor run away and MIA forever.

Some people has strike lottery with a saving of $10k but with some and lot of delay but still deliver.Some people spend extra $10k more without any delay.From the above statement it only shows that whether which path you want to be in.No point complainting and point fingers over something that all of them knows.

To be fair on the contractor and houseowner we must know that there is no free thing is this world. The free thing comes with a price to pay.

Seashell statement i agree totally.

For those people that being delay use your 10k saving to patch up whatever that is not done. As a contractor before i believe you will still have some left over.

At least you dont strike top prize but you still get consolation prize or break even.


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not too sure what happended to this used to be superstar ah soon?!?

i am sure he did have a good record before?

i duno why you guys are so upset of the delay since already somehow u already know he will delay as old timers like IVY had already highlighted sooooo many times?

on another end, why not just think, if ah soon delay HO, it means no more savings lor... since u all keep saying save $10K hor, if ah soon delay the minor items or remaining items, just use the $10k SAVINGs to go down the remaining things lor... cus this money wouldn't have been saved if not u found uncle right? i jus feel u guys dun need to be toooo upset, just move on... right?

Hi all,

I believe the victims can raise the concern to the Sin Ming Daily. Jesslyn's pictures will be very pictorial and illustrative to describe the woes of the victims.

I seriously urge everyone to unite and confront Uncle Soon. I believe he is probably in Malaysia and batam for his weekly dosage of freedom and happiness now.

Good luck to all.


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not too sure what happended to this used to be superstar ah soon?!?

i am sure he did have a good record before?

i duno why you guys are so upset of the delay since already somehow u already know he will delay as old timers like IVY had already highlighted sooooo many times?

on another end, why not just think, if ah soon delay HO, it means no more savings lor... since u all keep saying save $10K hor, if ah soon delay the minor items or remaining items, just use the $10k SAVINGs to go down the remaining things lor... cus this money wouldn't have been saved if not u found uncle right? i jus feel u guys dun need to be toooo upset, just move on... right?


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i got contact of ah soon used to be partner, also doing rectification works for HDB.. no delay in HO issue !! no harm getting a quote from him too!! pm me if u want his contact!!


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Just like wat u spot on....if his workers is at one unit, the other unit will not get the work done.

But again, work can be separated into different stage....it depend on how the work being scheduled.

Since he cannot control or coordinate with his contractors and we have so many ppl here having their reno at different stage.....ever consider taking over the coordination?

Just 2cents thought....Shall not speak further.

If Jiayu is wat u need.... JIAYU

hi mr & mrs goh


ty for kind suggestion, have already taken over coordinating my reno process,

Had to quite literally - early in the reno process as progress was at snail's pace,

but 'tiling work already completed ' has been hard to rectify & might more likely prove to be future expensive headaches.


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spot on !

Just like wat u spot on....if his workers is at one unit, the other unit will not get the work done.

But again, work can be separated into different stage....it depend on how the work being scheduled.

Since he cannot control or coordinate with his contractors and we have so many ppl here having their reno at different stage.....ever consider taking over the coordination?

Just 2cents thought....Shall not speak further.

If Jiayu is wat u need.... JIAYU


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Stop feeling sorry for yourself & stop letting Ah Soon get his way!



hey! user101,

i'm not feelin sorry for myself ! i am hounding ah soon!


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