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my hb is so angry with ah soon. he promised to HO on 23nov which i actually noe its impossible. cos my cabinets n tv console r all not done yet.

but then, he said he needs the money alr. so i gave him another 30% of the sum, when its supposed to be 20% onli. he said he doesn haf enough money so wans me to give him more. when two days ago, he wans me to pass him the money, he can wait under my block for half an hour.

now, once he got the money, my house everything stopped. he supposed to send someone to do the last bit of tilings and build my L-box and cornis. but, two days n no one is at my house doing anything le.

So, the golden words are," never pay money more than wat he has done." he will take the money n stop doing ur house reno......=(

trust7780 is right

it does really sound like its a matter of time he run away soon. only seems to be collecting money and not doing anything


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If you wan your carpentry to be up, then pay the carpenter direct. if not, if you see your carpentry like maybe AFTER chinese new year

Trev :D

Uncle, please don't borow money from ah long??? ??? U sms him?


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i suggest u gt Ah Soon out.. have him take out the carpentry items then hor get the carpenter to give u a separate quote lor...

to avoid confusions and any misunderstanding..btw who is yr carpenter?


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Hi Dear Sooners, I was contacted by this guy who claims to be doing the carpentry for my house. But the thing is he said that Ah Soon asked him to settle the money issue directly with me. He said that he have to analyze my house and the items to be done and will give me a quotation based on that. Is it the case for all of you guys?

Because from what I know, the quotation that Ah Soon gave, has already included all the carpentry items. If that's the case, then wouldn't there be a need for another contract to be signed between me and the carpenter? Please kindly advise me. Thanks!

If you wan your carpentry to be up, then pay the carpenter direct. if not, if you see your carpentry like maybe AFTER chinese new year

Trev :D


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I have to disagree with you......

HE IS NOT CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah soon price is not CHEAP at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where are the Ah soon club people???????????

Can someone tell me where is Ah Soon??????????????????????????????


sorry abt the sentence. i should rephrase it to," lower than ID firms."=D


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Hi Dear Sooners, I was contacted by this guy who claims to be doing the carpentry for my house. But the thing is he said that Ah Soon asked him to settle the money issue directly with me. He said that he have to analyze my house and the items to be done and will give me a quotation based on that. Is it the case for all of you guys?

Because from what I know, the quotation that Ah Soon gave, has already included all the carpentry items. If that's the case, then wouldn't there be a need for another contract to be signed between me and the carpenter? Please kindly advise me. Thanks!

hi fastfirefish

from my quote, my carpentry is included as well. n the carpenter is brought to my house by ah soon himself. so he didn mention anything abt the payment to the carpenter. hope this can help..=D


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Hi Dear Sooners, I was contacted by this guy who claims to be doing the carpentry for my house. But the thing is he said that Ah Soon asked him to settle the money issue directly with me. He said that he have to analyze my house and the items to be done and will give me a quotation based on that. Is it the case for all of you guys?

Because from what I know, the quotation that Ah Soon gave, has already included all the carpentry items. If that's the case, then wouldn't there be a need for another contract to be signed between me and the carpenter? Please kindly advise me. Thanks!


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my hb is so angry with ah soon. he promised to HO on 23nov which i actually noe its impossible. cos my cabinets n tv console r all not done yet.

but then, he said he needs the money alr. so i gave him another 30% of the sum, when its supposed to be 20% onli. he said he doesn haf enough money so wans me to give him more. when two days ago, he wans me to pass him the money, he can wait under my block for half an hour.

now, once he got the money, my house everything stopped. he supposed to send someone to do the last bit of tilings and build my L-box and cornis. but, two days n no one is at my house doing anything le.

So, the golden words are," never pay money more than wat he has done." he will take the money n stop doing ur house reno......=(

now, i gave up chasing him. i let my hb do all the chasing cos i will be so stressed tat i dream of my house reno every nite. i jus stay at home n start packing my stuffs for the new house. my hb hack care alr n started moving stuffs down slowly. haix..

today, when my hb step into the house, there is no one at all. can someone who is able to find ah soon, pls ask him to call indus rd's house hb... thanks so much..


I have to disagree with you......

HE IS NOT CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah soon price is not CHEAP at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where are the Ah soon club people???????????

Can someone tell me where is Ah Soon??????????????????????????????


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my hb is so angry with ah soon. he promised to HO on 23nov which i actually noe its impossible. cos my cabinets n tv console r all not done yet.

but then, he said he needs the money alr. so i gave him another 30% of the sum, when its supposed to be 20% onli. he said he doesn haf enough money so wans me to give him more. when two days ago, he wans me to pass him the money, he can wait under my block for half an hour.

now, once he got the money, my house everything stopped. he supposed to send someone to do the last bit of tilings and build my L-box and cornis. but, two days n no one is at my house doing anything le.

So, the golden words are," never pay money more than wat he has done." he will take the money n stop doing ur house reno......=(

now, i gave up chasing him. i let my hb do all the chasing cos i will be so stressed tat i dream of my house reno every nite. i jus stay at home n start packing my stuffs for the new house. my hb hack care alr n started moving stuffs down slowly. haix..

today, when my hb step into the house, there is no one at all. can someone who is able to find ah soon, pls ask him to call indus rd's house hb... thanks so much..



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Hi to all victims of Ah soon... actually i feel is a cheat, try to quote us low and cheap, in the end, mess up everyone's life and everything

It's like spinning our money and when u pay some money to him, definately he will do some small things and drag, roll the money to other ppl house?

Or Batam holiday enjoying his weekend there? Is there a solution? He is always dragging and dragging, endless to it, this is the worst blow to victims who are

poor and suffering under his hand. His so called or so claim HDB project? Is it real? He claim there's a unit in sengkang which is his son's friend, he did the reno for him and the guy didn't pay up, the guy is selling the house in Jan, and he so claim his money stuck there. It's all BULL****.... only use mouth and we listen and listen...i wish he will strike 4D 40k or wadever to finish up all the houses in his hand. There are many owners who sy paid up till 80 or 100% and some even personally lend him money..

PLEASE STOP IT ... Dun regret!

My personal feel is that it's just a matter of time that Ah Soon declared bankrupt or run away with the money. There are so many signs pointing to closure of business. As for exisiting Ah Soon's customers, please team up and arrange to meet up with him asap. Do not DELAY anymore. So many people have paid the money and yet Ah Soon is unable to complete the work... Something is definitely not right...How to cover 10 holes when Ah Soon has only 9 covers???

As for those who want to get quotation from him, my advise is that even if the quote is 80% cheaper than others, it is not a good basis of comparison.


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Latest Update:

Was promised by Uncle that today 21st November 2009, Flooring will be complete and he will sent a worker today to fix my toilet accessories and I will be able to sent in my things today. Called him numerous times before today arrives to ensure that he will make arrangements for all these to happen. Toilet accessories came in today, no sight of the worker, flooring untouched as usual with skirting not done. Called him and confirm that the worker will be here today, he tell me that the worker is on his way, confirm will come. Called again and asked him how long do I have to wait, he said if I want to go out, I can do so, when the worker arrives, he will wait there for me. After I heard that, I knew straight that all these was another of his make up bull crap.

If any kind souls who are able to contact him, please let me know. Thanks. :furious:

Anyone wanna make a report to CASE???


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Latest Update:

Was promised by Uncle that today 21st November 2009, Flooring will be complete and he will sent a worker today to fix my toilet accessories and I will be able to sent in my things today. Called him numerous times before today arrives to ensure that he will make arrangements for all these to happen. Toilet accessories came in today, no sight of the worker, flooring untouched as usual with skirting not done. Called him and confirm that the worker will be here today, he tell me that the worker is on his way, confirm will come. Called again and asked him how long do I have to wait, he said if I want to go out, I can do so, when the worker arrives, he will wait there for me. After I heard that, I knew straight that all these was another of his make up bull crap.

If any kind souls who are able to contact him, please let me know. Thanks. :furious:


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Hi everyone,

Despite all the complaints about not being able to reach Ah Soon etc, would you still hire him for his services if you could go back in time?

Just wondering if Ah Soon should be an option that I'm looking at, but all the non contactable comments are quite worrying.

Thanks in advance!

i did not engage him. but i sincerely pity those who engaged him. but the answer to your question is.........

not in this lifetime


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Hi everyone,

Despite all the complaints about not being able to reach Ah Soon etc, would you still hire him for his services if you could go back in time?

Just wondering if Ah Soon should be an option that I'm looking at, but all the non contactable comments are quite worrying.

Thanks in advance!

To be honest with you, for me its a NO.


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