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My conscience is clear, 人言又何畏. So what is everyone conclusion...to postpone or??? U all can PM here and there but at least PM me let me know...thanks.

Edited by jaskel

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Thank you seashell for adding my name to the list. I have not been visiting the forum very often now due to my new job and also my ongoing renovation which is coming to an end. I wasn't surprisingly shock that this thread is still the hottest thread in RT. I spent about an hour trying to read from where I left off. Again, I am happy that I moved on, and also sorry at the same that there are other more unfortunate owners out there, struggling painfully.

I must clarify, I am not rich. However, at the same time, I feel there are other owners out there who needs this money more than I do. I take it as a part of giving back to the society, giving back to the forumers who once helped me before. Again, thank you for not forgetting about me :)

Seashell: I really admire your tolerance to the amount of stress you are facing. Just remember what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Hang on! Each day, you are getting closer to HO! :good:


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Hi Seashell,

I am curious and will like to seek clarification on a few queries. You may wish to ignore my queries if you are feeling uncomfortable.

1. Have you lodge a formal police report? If yes, when was the lodged date and case number?

2. If no, why didn't you make a formal police report when your losses are great based on the above measly job done?

3. Do you have any transactional record/evidence to prove the amount of money you have paid for? (This will be helpful when you lodged/already lodged the police case)

Having analyzing your past posts, you do not come across to me as a forgiving person or someone who will sits back and waiting for things to happen. I am really keen to know if you have taken up the most appropriate action as proposed/suggested by many forumers - Making a formal police report.

If yes, that rests the case and I believe you have sought the best resolution to settle Uncle Soon's issue between you/your family and him.

In addition, I will like to urge all affected home-owners to seek CASE or nearby Singapore Police Force/Post to make your police record for this event. This is getting out of hand, and the best way to resolve it is through proper channel.

[My personal observation on Seashell (Mr. and Mrs)]:- (Disclaimer: Personal opinions and apologize if it's offending)

If you really lost the reported amount of 18KSGD + Full Amount (assume 20KSGD) = Your total losses is approximately 38kSGD

Based on your blog, past posts and threads - I believe you are very calculative person and indeed an unforgiving character.

a) I am wondering why are you so upset with the 3kSGD when you are very well-aware that this sum of money is being utilized for a good purpose - making a home for JesslynTan family?

b) I am also puzzled that the surplus 3kSGD was originated from another owner (Owner A). Having said that, if you wishes to spilt the 3kSGD fairly among the affected home-owners, you still need to consult the owner A approval and consensus. Have you made any attempt to speak to Owner A and understand the situation? In fact, Owner A should have the discretion to decide if the surplus should return to himself/herself instead going/flowing back to the main account? 3kSGD is a fair deal given the delay Handing Over date to Owner A; and Owner A has absolute right to demand Late H.O. penalty fees from Uncle Soon. Do you or have you ever look/review the whole situation from this perspective?

c) JesslynTan and her family situation comparing to yours - Which is critical? Who needs greater assistance? How much longer you have waited comparing to her? How big is JesslynTan unit? If you make an apple-apple comparison; given the psf to date-of-completion; JesslynTan suffers more.

d) I can feel and see you are feeling sour over the 3KSGD. You can just go on ranting over the 3KSGD. I am advising you to re-channel this energy to deal with the one who owns you a >18kSGD. This is called proper-accounting management.

e) With due respect to you, I am 32 year old and I believe you might be senior than me - Take a step back, and please do take a fair bit of time to lodge a police record instead ranting here in the forum. Why waste bandwidth and time over here when you know that there are nobody but clones (from who I aint sure) coming here making unnecessary comments?

f) One advise and repeated one - Make a police record if you have yet to make one.

Good luck. Year 2010 is coming. Be gracious and compassionate. God Bless.

Thank you.

see, this is what i mean:


time n again, i already emphasis, Transparency.

nothing to add. my conscience is clear. :)

once again, thank you for your compliments of saying me as a Calculative & unforgiving person...even if i am one, it ALL depends on who i am dealing with :)

god bless u too!

Edited by seashell

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Can someone please post his big picture here so that there won't be another prey to fall for this Ah-Soon become Ah-Beng situation?

I read earlier post of Ah Soon and even check out his facebook, so I recommended AS to my friend. Luckily my friend didn't like his design, or I will feel bad.

refer to this thread http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?s=...st&p=492087 .

Real name is Goh Kwi Hock.


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Can someone please post his big picture here so that there won't be another prey to fall for this Ah-Soon become Ah-Beng situation?

I read earlier post of Ah Soon and even check out his facebook, so I recommended AS to my friend. Luckily my friend didn't like his design, or I will feel bad.


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Words for thoughts..

Disagreement between members are common in fact it happens most of the time. However, the language used by certain individuals shows the inferiority of certain arguments, and subsequently deteriorate into name-calling.

If someone has a constructive comment to make, he or she is welcome to do so. Kindly do NOT start insulting and spewing vulgarities.

It is important to be objective, do not add on insinuating remarks juz b'cos XYZ said something which seemed elitist.

Lastly, be mindful that you're hold accountable for the words you've posted on the forum ..thanks JuzChris


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everytime i come to this thread, my heart is always very gloomy and heartaching...

heartaching because everynow n then, new victims seems to appear and the loss is getting bigger n bigger

gloomly because i duno whoever will have bad comments on myself ?

cus if i say AS call me, people will think i am fishy--wat's so special about me that he only attend to me....

actually i have nothing wif him (neither i want to have anything to do with him)

for the past 2weels, i am quite disturbed over people's accusations - even though i have a clear conscience..

人言可畏 -_- :(

having going tru 6months of renovation is already a torture..

n yes, AS is helping me out with the following:

1) painting (paint i bought myself) - AS supply 1 worker to paint for 4 days

2) arrange ceiling work people to do patch up work and I paid for it.

3) remaining electric sockets to be fixed... I paid for it...

4) fix up sanitary works like wc n basins n tap.. (haven't bill me yet - he says at most pay for worker's labour)

i really duno... y AS only attend to me?? i did ask him, he basically says, he is sorry for delaying soooo long and mine left over small minor jobs that he can still squeeze out from his brother's workers... after talking to AS brother, i realize that he had been helping quite a few houseowners (reno started later than me) to do small jobs for the past 2months... so now then is my turn....

since the labours all came to me (no fly aeroplane), i accepted it.. only thing is, the workers working pace is quite slow...

i can't say i am happy ... cus by helping me fix little things only help me lessen my loss a little...at least i need not find subcons to do for me..

folks, if u have small remaining jobs, u can talk to AS to try to work things out...

since he is still answering my calls (at times), if there's anything u wish me to pass message, it is no problem at all, just PM me...

as for those who wish to sue him n etc, jus go ahead n do wat u think is right..afterall it is our hard-earned money...

*according to him* - currently he is working for his elder brother to earn money to repay his debts .. how true i duno...

Who is his brother ? Like many brothers when i read the other threads.


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n i won't be too free these few days as i must move out my ex-house items out from the warehouse tommorrow... the place already rented to someone else with a 2yr contract ... :bangwall:

my house is still in a mess of rubbish n etc... works not totally completed but i still got to move in my things... basically now is my dinner break so i drop by to share with u guys my status now...

for the distribution of money, may i suggest the dateline to be postponed till 15 Jan.. or any other dates that deemed appropriate by all...

Hi, finally ur nightmare is almost over... need any of my help??? Free services.... by please provide meals as a gesture... :)


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n i won't be too free these few days as i must move out my ex-house items out from the warehouse tommorrow... the place already rented to someone else with a 2yr contract ... :bangwall:

my house is still in a mess of rubbish n etc... works not totally completed but i still got to move in my things... basically now is my dinner break so i drop by to share with u guys my status now...

for the distribution of money, may i suggest the dateline to be postponed till 15 Jan.. or any other dates that deemed appropriate by all...

Edited by seashell

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everytime i come to this thread, my heart is always very gloomy and heartaching...

heartaching because everynow n then, new victims seems to appear and the loss is getting bigger n bigger

gloomly because i duno whoever will have bad comments on myself ?

cus if i say AS call me, people will think i am fishy--wat's so special about me that he only attend to me....

actually i have nothing wif him (neither i want to have anything to do with him)

for the past 2weels, i am quite disturbed over people's accusations - even though i have a clear conscience..

人言可畏 -_- :(

having going tru 6months of renovation is already a torture..

n yes, AS is helping me out with the following:

1) painting (paint i bought myself) - AS supply 1 worker to paint for 4 days

2) arrange ceiling work people to do patch up work and I paid for it.

3) remaining electric sockets to be fixed... I paid for it...

4) fix up sanitary works like wc n basins n tap.. (haven't bill me yet - he says at most pay for worker's labour)

i really duno... y AS only attend to me?? i did ask him, he basically says, he is sorry for delaying soooo long and mine left over small minor jobs that he can still squeeze out from his brother's workers... after talking to AS brother, i realize that he had been helping quite a few houseowners (reno started later than me) to do small jobs for the past 2months... so now then is my turn....

since the labours all came to me (no fly aeroplane), i accepted it.. only thing is, the workers working pace is quite slow...

i can't say i am happy ... cus by helping me fix little things only help me lessen my loss a little...at least i need not find subcons to do for me..

folks, if u have small remaining jobs, u can talk to AS to try to work things out...

since he is still answering my calls (at times), if there's anything u wish me to pass message, it is no problem at all, just PM me...

as for those who wish to sue him n etc, jus go ahead n do wat u think is right..afterall it is our hard-earned money...

*according to him* - currently he is working for his elder brother to earn money to repay his debts .. how true i duno...

Edited by seashell

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Dear Seashell, I had not been following RT since my last post few weeks back. Over this 2 days, I starting reading again.

I did not realise that the situation had develop into this. I do notice my name is listed. as an interested party in this particular issue of $2670,

I believe my standing is no longer neutral and my vote will not hold water. Whatever I say now, there are too many variables and points of views.

Thus I shall state here I am voicing out No Comments.

However, pls allow me to pen down I am incline towards your comments "all AS victims have the right to vote". I would perhaps suggests you may wish

to find more of other victims (both in or out of RT if you can) and lets settle it with AS for the bigger pot and solve the root cause of the problem.

For the last 61 days since Nov 1, I only managed to contact AS 2 time, once to sign black n white, the 2nd being the meeting at MacDonald on 17 or 18 Dec,

thereafter, I am totally unable to contact AS, EVEN USING HIS NEW HP NUM and by call from unfamaliar HP.

Guess he doesnt want to link anything with me anymore.

hi jesslyn

i thought the matter had ended but jaskel insists we should advise on a fairer method... i am sorry if i have caused you any unhappiness or inconvenience... i shouldn't had voice out sooo much ... trust me, this is definitely not the outcome i wanted when i voice out to jaskel on transparency... really vvvv sorry :(

i also duno wat go over me that i confronted jaskel on the money...at some stage, i even have the feeling if jaskel is send down by AS... after mentally torture by AS for 6mths of reno... my brains are not too logical, highly suspcious of anything that comes along...

i really sincerely apologize to u !!

:bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall: :bangwall:

Edited by seashell

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Another option is to use the money to engage a lawyer and sue the pants out of him. Does he own a property?

And I would like to suggest that all direct victims communicate via email instead. This forum contains too many postings from unaffected people and these clouds our ability to make good decisions.

To everyone, 2009 has passed and lets all puy an end to this and move on. Happy new year! :)


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To ALL who had help me and my wife in one way or another, MILLION THANKS!

Your gestures had been most heart warming!

There is no words to express my heartfealt gratitude, all I can do is;

Wishing you a FABULOUS YEAR AHEAD!!!



Edited by jesslyntan

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To all victims of AS, 3 days from now, please do decide, since JASKEL wants us to suggest a fairer way

1) to distribute the money equally among all affected houseowners

2) to distribute the money among all affected houseowners in accordance to how much loss incurred (based on percentage)

3) to distribute the money to the one who has the highest loss

4) your own opinion

if no one voice out, we'll take it that the money to be distributed to everyone (in accordance to how much loss incurred).

we will work out a date to meet up & distribute. bring all invoices and receipts.

all AS victims have the right to vote.

Dear Seashell, I had not been following RT since my last post few weeks back. Over this 2 days, I starting reading again.

I did not realise that the situation had develop into this. I do notice my name is listed. as an interested party in this particular issue of $2670,

I believe my standing is no longer neutral and my vote will not hold water. Whatever I say now, there are too many variables and points of views.

Thus I shall state here I am voicing out No Comments.

However, pls allow me to pen down I am incline towards your comments "all AS victims have the right to vote". I would perhaps suggests you may wish

to find more of other victims (both in or out of RT if you can) and lets settle it with AS for the bigger pot and solve the root cause of the problem.

For the last 61 days since Nov 1, I only managed to contact AS 2 time, once to sign black n white, the 2nd being the meeting at MacDonald on 17 or 18 Dec,

thereafter, I am totally unable to contact AS, EVEN USING HIS NEW HP NUM and by call from unfamaliar HP.

Guess he doesnt want to link anything with me anymore.


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