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To Jaskel

Once we have worked out how to distribute the money among ourselves, are you going to pass the money to us?

By the way, some victims had asked me this question:

Does AS victims do have the right to decide on how to spilt the money.

And, if in the end, even if the amount do gets very small, but we still wanna spilt, is it up to us?

cus if u cannot let us handle the distribution ourselves, then there is no point for us to tell u a fairer way. no point wasting our time to meet up n etc...

Please kindly advise.

Edited by seashell

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hi guys, hope you wouldn't mind if i just step in to give some suggestions. (Pls don't say i'm busybody, just hope to see a peaceful resolution). Perhaps Jaskel and seashell (and anyone else interested) can just meet up and discuss instead of posting their views here in the forum? It is easy to have misunderstanding when both sides are just relying on this thread to explain such a complicated situation.

To Jaskel: It will be easier for you to show Seashell your bills/receipts face-to-face. I am sure you understand that after such a horrible experience with Ah Soon, it is difficult for her to trust people merely based on words. I can't speak for others, but personally i feel that you are a great guy to offer to help out. It is unfortunate that the situation has become sticky. So don't be too dishearted over this. Cheers to you. :drunk:

To Seashell: We totally understand that it is just a matter of principle to you. But is there really a need to use a stick on jaskel instead of the guy who have done you the most harm - Ah Soon? Sure, there might have been a better way for Jaskel to handle the money, but we are all human and there is no perfect solution to everything, right? I hope that once Jaskel has shown you his receipts, you will be satisfied that he is really not using this opportunity to earn money from you guys. Just focus on moving into your new house and banish all these unhappy thoughts. Then when everyone is settled down, go after the big bad wolf together. :fire:

To anyone who wants to blast me: I fully acknowledge that i do not know the full facts nor everything that has happened. This is just my personal suggestion as i really hope to see everyone working together to solve the bad situation instead of questioning each other. Hope to see the sunshine after the rain. :jammin:

Hi Coldflamez,

Thanks for your support, to me is, if she don't believe it, even showing proof also can said it was changed. The best is, she can go ask the house owners (AS victims) that I've done.


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TO all AS victims, i have set up an email, let's all correspond tru this email and arrange a meetup... be it distribute money or actions we wanna take against Ah soon...

email: asvictims@yahoo.com.sg

pls indicate,

1) ur nick in renotalk

2) ur add

3) ur contact number


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Dear Trevor

[P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!]

My purpose for the illustration is to show the low value of peanuts being used or paid instead of Singapore Dollar. If peanuts are being paid which is low in value, do you think anyone will fight to claim for a share? You assume that,

Human Being Paid in Peanuts=Elephant

Human being Eats peanuts=Elephant???

I din know you need me to explain the underlying reason behind the illustration so clearly to you :o If you need me to adjust my intelligent level to suit yours, I will be Happy to do it :D

I rest my case.


P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!]

If you have rested your case, why do you "P/S" and make comment?? Pls mean what you said :unsure: I hope you will Really rest your case this time

what trevor means, your illustration is not appropriate in this case. wat i mean not appropriate is, u are like comparing apple to an animal...

you sounded very personal... not very kind comments tou... u sound like insulting people's intelligence... but fact is, you used a wrong analogly...!

in the first place, would anyone work for being paid in peanuts? if yes,

i wouldn't mind paying peanuts to a contractor for my work tou...hahah...


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Dear Trust7780,

i am sure there are ALWAYS someone willing to risk their lives for merely S$1. Of cos there are ALWAYS someone who earns 4k and will value $10 as their lives.

clearly, there are people who will wan the 2.67k and think that they will get about 0.5k or 1k!

but after knowing seashell and being friends with her these few months, if she really wanted that 500-1000, seriously, she has so many chances to do so, but clearly she did not. I jus wan to know if you have any dealings with jaskel or to begin with, do you KNOW jaskel and have seen him physically?

let me answer for you: NO!

Do you want to know or not to know? If your question is to know my answer, why do you answer for me?? Your question is so confusing?? Pls be precise on what you asked :unsure:

you have based your trust on what is written here (no wonder your name's TRUST).

I rest my case.


P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!

Dear Trevor

[P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!]

My purpose for the illustration is to show the low value of peanuts being used or paid instead of Singapore Dollar. If peanuts are being paid which is low in value, do you think anyone will fight to claim for a share? You assume that,

Human Being Paid in Peanuts=Elephant

Human being Eats peanuts=Elephant???

I din know you need me to explain the underlying reason behind the illustration so clearly to you :o If you need me to adjust my intelligent level to suit yours, I will be Happy to do it :D

I rest my case.


P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!]

If you have rested your case, why do you "P/S" and make comment?? Pls mean what you said :unsure: I hope you will Really rest your case this time

Edited by Trust7780

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Personally my comment is trust a house owner than a contractor.Cos house owner don't gain anything from this ordeal but the contractor has everything to gain from it.Basically this can be a plot house owner.For all you know jaskel ah soon both same they are basically working for a big boss up there.Just that house owner don't picture it.I have to say sorry to contractor for making the above statement but I just can't stand the twisting and turning of words from all those dishonest contractor who is out to make money regardless of anything.No one in the world will be out of sudden came out of no where to savage the situation if is not a plot.Just my my two cent worth.House owner go and think and track back all the thread you will know what I mean.

Do u know why everytime you posted something, I will replied to it? You're accounted for what you had written....And btw Adnim or mods, don't delete the posts like the previous time. Regarding on this forumer's defamatory, I will send an email or letter to u.

Ocean1975, u think that even using a nick in this forum, nobody will know who u are, where u stay, etc.... :D Even this is a forum doesn't mean that's you can anyhow write and defame anyone.

Edited by jaskel

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Hi i am back jaskel you basical are turning your words round and round.Every house owner would have seen how you turn your words around.If I were you I won't want to persue those money again.You are basically slaping yourself with those contradicting words.As a contractor you fail by miscalculating on your costing while doing redhill house which is the basic essential that every contractor have when profit is concern.As a contractor myself I felt disgrace to hear that from you(miscalculating).

Don't understand you at all, especially this sentences,

As a contractor you fail by miscalculating on your costing while doing redhill house which is the basic essential that every contractor have when profit is concern.As a contractor myself I felt disgrace to hear that from you(miscalculating).

...and you're back...so does that mean, u have been banned before?


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**so what if really someone is updating him? anyway AS already knew it there is a profit when u take over the job...

but really, so what if AS knows about it? what difference does it make? if u really want to save the trouble, u can don't mention anything at all... why in the end u still mention? i am confused, things are contradicting...

If AS knows about, I don't know what he going to do, but he is very aggressive from what I see. Told me he will beat the YCK owner who came splash paint on his door, if I took up the job, he not going to responsible for it, etc. So if he know about it, how will I know what he going to do on me and the hse owner, both of us so small size

To whoever aka 'the ghost', who has been updating ah soon on what's been posted online...

Regarding 'Told me he will beat the YCK owner who came splash paint on his door,''

Please kindly tell ah soon :

1) I did not vandalise his door.

Stop the wicked slandering. Stop making malicious false claims

Why did he not lodge police report? Afraid to make police report?


Did AS conjure up yet another tale?

Ha! AS wants to play 'Victim' instead of vicious viper

If paint was ever splashed on his door (loan-shark signature style), most likely culprits; loan-sharks, other creditors, unpaid sub-contractors/ vendors, lovers spurned etc?

2) If ah soon has any proof, please go lodge a police report; I am waiting for both police & him to contact me.... & beat me up :o

Edited by fini

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As a contractor myself I will strongly advise everyone to use your very very big eyes to judge yourself what is right and what is wrong.The ah soon saga has clearly taught everyone that we need to be careful and cautious while choosing a contractor.If you have the time and really plenty of time by all means get your own cotractor and start coordinating to do up you dream home.Renovation has been very competitve as people are going direct but without experience and knowledge most house owner will face problem with those direct contractor.Most of them won't get contractor price cause is one time business from houseowner whereelse from us contractor I give them regular business of course our price is better,attractive and loyality.So houseowner choose your contractor carefully and get a reputable one of course it cost a little more but got better assurance.

Edited by Ocean1975

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hi guys, hope you wouldn't mind if i just step in to give some suggestions. (Pls don't say i'm busybody, just hope to see a peaceful resolution). Perhaps Jaskel and seashell (and anyone else interested) can just meet up and discuss instead of posting their views here in the forum? It is easy to have misunderstanding when both sides are just relying on this thread to explain such a complicated situation.

To Jaskel: It will be easier for you to show Seashell your bills/receipts face-to-face. I am sure you understand that after such a horrible experience with Ah Soon, it is difficult for her to trust people merely based on words. I can't speak for others, but personally i feel that you are a great guy to offer to help out. It is unfortunate that the situation has become sticky. So don't be too dishearted over this. Cheers to you. :drunk:

To Seashell: We totally understand that it is just a matter of principle to you. But is there really a need to use a stick on jaskel instead of the guy who have done you the most harm - Ah Soon? Sure, there might have been a better way for Jaskel to handle the money, but we are all human and there is no perfect solution to everything, right? I hope that once Jaskel has shown you his receipts, you will be satisfied that he is really not using this opportunity to earn money from you guys. Just focus on moving into your new house and banish all these unhappy thoughts. Then when everyone is settled down, go after the big bad wolf together. :fire:

To anyone who wants to blast me: I fully acknowledge that i do not know the full facts nor everything that has happened. This is just my personal suggestion as i really hope to see everyone working together to solve the bad situation instead of questioning each other. Hope to see the sunshine after the rain. :jammin:


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Jaskel came into this thread saying he don't earn a single commission..

>>Yes and up till date, still in losses.


U want proof, I can saw you the proof.

2) When Jaskel renovated one of the redhill flat, he knew it from the beginning there is a profit of $3k. No mention to us.

>>There is maybe a profit and maybe not....so how to mention it? If in the end become losses, then are the rest of victims willing to pay me? No right.. cos for all my losses I don't even want to mention it at all in the first place.

**can't imagine someone could do it with losses ... charity? sorry but it really doesn't sound logical... if u are doing it for a business, u can then claim u r making losses.. if u are doing as a friend to help, u wun mention it as a loss... so what is what? as a contractor, price at fingertips, make or loss, sure know...isn't it.. if u really make a loss, u got proof? bills/ receipts or watever? well i dun think it is fair for u to make a loss, seriously...

First of all, I know none of the victims, so can't consider friend at all right? Secondly, I don't charge the victims on coordinating fees, make up prices, transportation fees, etc....so not doing business right? As a contractor, some prices are at fingertips, some are not. There why some items mark up high so that it won't be a loss. I do have proof/bills/receipts. But its my mistake that I told the hse owner this price already and was billed at a higher price, so I take it as my losses.

3) He decided to give to Jesslyn as he feels she is in a very bad situation.

>>Wrong, wrong, wrong. Not because she is in a very bad situation that why I decided to give to Jesslyn.


Jesslyn was the only hse that I can use at the point of time cos AS know that I'm doing for her hse also.

just that i don't understand why no mention there is a profit in the first place? what is there to hide...?

>>To save the owner and me less troubles/problems from AS as there is someone always updating to him on what inside this thread.

**so what if really someone is updating him? anyway AS already knew it there is a profit when u take over the job...

but really, so what if AS knows about it? what difference does it make? if u really want to save the trouble, u can don't mention anything at all... why in the end u still mention? i am confused, things are contradicting...

If AS knows about, I don't know what he going to do, but he is very aggressive from what I see. Told me he will beat the YCK owner who came splash paint on his door, if I took up the job, he not going to responsible for it, etc. So if he know about it, how will I know what he going to do on me and the hse owner, both of us so small size. When I mention about it is the time to account with him and closed the case and need to answer to u all that there is this amount of money. I had already said, who am I to hold this amount of money, and even if I can hold it, how long will it be? Why can't I just settle it fast and carry on with my other works?

Edited by jaskel

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Only half fact, half personal point of view.

it is the same for you i guess.

Yes, it is the same for me.

Because some of u all think its not fair to use the money on jesslyn that's why I want you all to think of a fairer way to distribute the amount. As whatever written here can easily go into lawsuit, I don't want the hse owner or me to be facing this problems in the future, so a lot of things can't be written here.

there will definitely be a lawsuit, however, the ONLY person who will kanna is AS, NOT you!

this is Singapore, we the average people may not think 150 is a lot of money, but to sue someone for no legal reason by engaging a lawyer for a large sum of $, is rather beyond us!

I think you also need to see it from our point of view too and since this saga has been so subjective, there are probably many sides of the coin.

Sorry but lawsuit does not come by you all, someone else. I can't written it here.

Edited by jaskel

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