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Blue & Pink Love Nest

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wahhh i super happy and my relative did convey ur message to me via MSN already and also uncle returned my call and say ah wei promise carpentry works will complete by today YEAH!!!!

Uncle know lah, he ever come my mil's place and he was shocked at the clutter we created cos our 40"TV and home theatre set plus some boxes were all stacked right in the living room.

wahh u so bad, make uncle cry. later i must offer him tissue paper. He says he'll arrive at my place around 1+pm. hopehe stick to the time if not i'll come back office late. Later kanna fire then eat grass liao.

see!!!i so good to u rite?still say me lor....i act till u so ke lian...until uncle break down and tear his hair apart lor.....if not later u take photo of Uncle after the hair tearing moment......

Aiyo...how come yr house so clutter la...really poor thing lor....u should have just give me yr 40"Tv and also Home theatre set, so that u got more room for yourself ma....tsk tsk..... :notti:

eat grass?wont de la...i am already your manager liao...u eat grass mean i eat grass?wont de la...at least got rierie willing to pay to see u lor...not so bad la..:P


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see!!!i so good to u rite?still say me lor....i act till u so ke lian...until uncle break down and tear his hair apart lor.....if not later u take photo of Uncle after the hair tearing moment......

Aiyo...how come yr house so clutter la...really poor thing lor....u should have just give me yr 40"Tv and also Home theatre set, so that u got more room for yourself ma....tsk tsk..... :notti:

eat grass?wont de la...i am already your manager liao...u eat grass mean i eat grass?wont de la...at least got rierie willing to pay to see u lor...not so bad la..:P

ehh i ask you to help remind uncle, nv ask u to cause uncle to have mental breakdown. tsk tsk tsk. "chek ark" ahhh u

ok ok lah ok lah for the sake of my much awaited handover, thank you YOU veli veli big. so nice of u hor?? willing to house my TV hor??? no need no need if i need i put in my relative's EM better. She got a lot of space!!! hahahahha

u this manager also nv do work one. rierie already dun want to see me anymore liao i think. :(


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ehh i ask you to help remind uncle, nv ask u to cause uncle to have mental breakdown. tsk tsk tsk. "chek ark" ahhh u

ok ok lah ok lah for the sake of my much awaited handover, thank you YOU veli veli big. so nice of u hor?? willing to house my TV hor??? no need no need if i need i put in my relative's EM better. She got a lot of space!!! hahahahha

u this manager also nv do work one. rierie already dun want to see me anymore liao i think. :(

wah!!now u say i "chek ark' when i help u?who asked me to say until very "cham" in previous posting de lor?I just add abit here n there(just abit mah. :P) so that Uncle will act on it fast ma. U see lor...Uncle tear his hair until become botak liao lor....rember must take pic hor...:P

No need to thanks me la. always that helpful de.U ah...dun always go n bother yr relative can?Not paisey meh?This kind of TV n HTS thingy, small case...PD n I can help de. :P My house maynot be as big, but still can house lor...:P

Know people dont want to see u, u blame me lor?U point fingers at me again?U must give some freebies to atrract people de ma...still say i nv do my part.tsk tsk.

To riere- y u change yr mind so fast de?How come dun want to see Ivy now?U hor...cannot happy happy say want to see, then happy happy say dont see de lor...:P


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erm...how come my ears feeling itchy huh? :notti:

too long never clean????:P

hey...u take the TV okie....leave the HTS to me hor. I already ask yr relative to send it to yr place liao...see...i get a new TV for your kids room liao lor...some more 40" de lor...:P


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Suppose to meet Uncle at 10am, however, he is late again(what new right? :P)....Making our 3rd payment as the tiling are done liao. have spotted a few areas which need some rework, uncle mentioned he will get it done for me asap.Have told Uncle to be around my place on Sat when the aircon guy is here. Uncle mentioned that the plumber will be in theses few days,once the plastering is done,false celling will be up and hopefully can paint by this week.:D

Here are some messy picture of my place as requested by some RT forumer I*Y(isit obvious? :P)

Floor tiling in study room.same goes for my living and all other rooms.


Store room(reinstate as the previous owner knock it down)


MBR toilet new opening


More to come


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wow!!!progress is good,sean!

Remember to do all the piping and trunking before the false ceiling,

Guy77 one was done the other way.

Thus in order to seal the pipe there is a little box up at the edge of the living hall.

remember to take the picture of the balcony! :P

hehehe...thanks thansk..:)

U mean the piping and trunking of?

I will take picture to show u de...now everything is in a mess at my place...wahahaha.:P


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good progress! I must go do ear candling liao! haha...

i dun need so many tvs leh...i hv 3 at home liao :P

wah!!..dun tell yr hubby i give u the excuse to spend $$ hor...:P

Then we exchange....u keep the HTS, i keep the TV?Ok?:P


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if u notice well enough,the gas pipe at the living hall lor,its quite low but its seal up in the ceiling but there is a drop point near the storeroom wall,its being box up.

air con trunking must be run before ceiling and carpentry.

i will think the aircon should be done before the celing.btw...we not doing whole false celing...just partial for cove lighting.:) N for aircon trunking wise, not having it in our living room(cos living room too long).The trunking in the room is more or less fix liao also...:)

As for the gas pipe hor...i dun see any gas pipe in my living room ley?my gas pipe is straight to my kitchen de....there no pipe in my living room at all ley...so that y i am abit confuse here..:)


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死人BD你害我!!! I nearly kanna internal injuries when I saw uncle stepping out of his van lor!!! I wanna burst out laughing, cannot. So rude mah and he'll probably think I am mad. Heng he was busy yakking away on his phone and I purposely tailed behind him so that I can laugh and laugh behind his back without him knowing. nv take pic cos forget to bring camera :x

and your "reminder" is power的lor. Not only did uncle call me and went up to my unit to reassure me he'll get it done these few days. Ah wei also called to apologise for the delay lor. Next time we all know who can be ah long runner already!


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ehhh i tell u take picture is for your own good. So that you will have before and after pictures in case some funny people challenge u and insist u are a fake home owner and accuse u of being ah soon's god son or dunno some other kind of relatives.


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死人BD你害我!!! I nearly kanna internal injuries when I saw uncle stepping out of his van lor!!! I wanna burst out laughing, cannot. So rude mah and he'll probably think I am mad. Heng he was busy yakking away on his phone and I purposely tailed behind him so that I can laugh and laugh behind his back without him knowing. nv take pic cos forget to bring camera :x

and your "reminder" is power的lor. Not only did uncle call me and went up to my unit to reassure me he'll get it done these few days. Ah wei also called to apologise for the delay lor. Next time we all know who can be ah long runner already!

hehehehe...now u know why i say it was a "hair pulling" moment for him liao?i told u le...i make sure he went tearing his hair lor....never disappoint u de lor...wahahahahahahahaha:P

of cos lor....i nag n nag n nag n nag at him de lor..(PD know my nagging power de lor)...n i will say till emotional until he faster take action de lor...:P I am yr manager lor...how can disappoint u lor!!! :notti:

Disclaimer: If anyone join this thread 1/2 way, please kindly note that I DONT GET ANY FREEBIES TO HELP "SOONER" TO CHASE UNCLE OR GET ANY COMMISSION FROM UNCLE SOON HOR!!!


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ehhh i tell u take picture is for your own good. So that you will have before and after pictures in case some funny people challenge u and insist u are a fake home owner and accuse u of being ah soon's god son or dunno some other kind of relatives.

true also...but my hair also short short...cos just now we "pull hair" together lor(for your case)....so maybe pple may mistaken me as his godson ley...hmm....i think i need to keep some beard liao.... :rolleyes:

Edited by blue_diamond

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