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Feng Shui Tips

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My room has whole stretch of wardrobe full of full height glass. On another wall a 37" TV. All facing my bed. I sleep about 6 to 7 hours everyday and wake up fresh.

I hope you don't mistaken. I'm just puzzled and curious when I read about this and hope you'll explain more why is it so? Or maybe share which book you read from or course/master you learnt from. If you don't intend to share, it's alright. No obligation, its respected. (But don't tell me again 'believe it or not')


Hahahaha, But i still have the same reply, you can dont believe it. If you feel well and good with mirrors facing you, good for you.

there are more then a 100 schools of feng shui out there, everyone has their own theory. I dont want to start a never ending debate.


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Yes Sir. You are right...

I'm just trying to help you substantiate the point. :)











Hi Swift, thanks for your help.

Sometimes when people dont believe in certain things they can choose to walk away, other prefer to pick a fight.

I refuse to fight, not because i am weak. It is just that I am lazy, there are more important things to do. hahaha.

What I can do is, if no one believes me i will stop giving tips.

if you guys prefer chim chim but good feng shui website and books i will PM u the site, but then you wont understand what it is about.

A doctor can tell you wants wrong with your body and give u medicine or injections or recommend u get sugery.

It will take years for you to have the experience like a doctor and to understand what happen to your body.

But if the doctor give you simple tips like eat more vege and fruits and less fatty and sugary stuffs you will understand.

A doctor talk at a level of you level of understanding does not means , he is at your level of understanding.


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Jus back track and does another read up again on this thread. Think most of us cant afford to hire FSM to follow us thru all house hunting/site surveying before deciding one. Therefore, I wonder how does one choose a house with FS that suits him/her (base one ones ba zi??). ??

It seem a myth then when some FSM recommend "certain direction/certain part of sg" base on one ba zi without actual "internal and external" site FS auditing?

Here is the procedure for classic xuan kong feng shui audit in order or piority. If you look at this, you will see that BAZI is quite low on the list.

There are more important things to check. There are also more advance things as well like which storey and Pai Long (angle to road junction)

Check facing angle

Check energy chart

External environment

Main door, window and balcony’s energy

Toilet and kitchen’s location

Current walk path design

Good energy duration of the house

Energies of individual rooms

Energy of kitchen

Member’s birth data

Linking of pathway

Aircon/ bed/study locations, colours and elements of each room

With so many things to look out for, its really difficult to give tips on how to choose a good house.

At least choose one that the toilet and kitchen is not at the centre of the house.

Also if possible find one that have water and then mountain elements infront and behind your house. (water = river, roads etc. mountain = taller buildings)

e.g. you see roads, then building infront and behind.

Some house need water in front mountain behind,

some need mountain behind water in front,

some needs both water and mountain in front

while some needs both water and mountain behind.

If you have road and building infront and behing, we can at least have a choice to activate or de-activate it later when you consult a classical xuan kong feng shui master.

even this advise is still very general, the different shapes of roads and building results in different effects too....it is still better to invest one time in a good feng shui master. and not everyone is expensive. shop around first.


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Here is the procedure for classic xuan kong feng shui audit in order or piority. If you look at this, you will see that BAZI is quite low on the list.

There are more important things to check. There are also more advance things as well like which storey and Pai Long (angle to road junction)

Check facing angle

Check energy chart

External environment

Main door, window and balcony’s energy

Toilet and kitchen’s location

Current walk path design

Good energy duration of the house

Energies of individual rooms

Energy of kitchen

Member’s birth data

Linking of pathway

Aircon/ bed/study locations, colours and elements of each room

With so many things to look out for, its really difficult to give tips on how to choose a good house.

At least choose one that the toilet and kitchen is not at the centre of the house.

Also if possible find one that have water and then mountain elements infront and behind your house. (water = river, roads etc. mountain = taller buildings)

e.g. you see roads, then building infront and behind.

Some house need water in front mountain behind,

some need mountain behind water in front,

some needs both water and mountain in front

while some needs both water and mountain behind.

If you have road and building infront and behing, we can at least have a choice to activate or de-activate it later when you consult a classical xuan kong feng shui master.

even this advise is still very general, the different shapes of roads and building results in different effects too....it is still better to invest one time in a good feng shui master. and not everyone is expensive. shop around first.

GPP thanks for ur prompt replies..

Seem like its getting to b more interesting than expected. Guess its for me to hit book store for some elementary FS books. Keep ur tips coming GPP~!


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Someone PM me to ask me a question about mirrors.

It is best not to have any mirrors in the house, but then again, it is not pratical, if possible use the ones that can be hidden in wardrobes.

Mirrors reflects energy. it reflects good or bad energy at the opposite end, depending on the month, every month energies changes.

It make the space have unpure energies.

If you have mirrors infront of your bed, most likely you and your spouse argue often. this one has been found to be consistant.

sometimes even tv have reflection, its good to cover it when not in use if it face your bed.




第一,正對大門的牆上不適合掛鏡子。正對大門的鏡子,會使家中 ‘氣虛’,以致家運難以提昇。(請參考 大門內的玄機 中玄關的注意事項。)

第二,臥室裡不宜有鏡子。尤其是希望能生兒子的夫妻,鏡子很可能會使希望落空。(請參考 臥室之其他 中 ‘臥室五不宜’ 的第一不宜。)

第三,廚房裡不宜放鏡子。可能造成水火失衡,帶來許多禍事。(請參考 勿讓廚房招災惹禍 中的 ‘問題四’。)

第四,廁所裡不可以當門立鏡。會使得廁所的穢氣在家中橫流,以致招小人,惹是非,煩惱多多。(請參考 廁所是必要之惡。)


首選之地,應該是有家庭聚寶盆之稱的 飯廳。在這裡放鏡子能夠增強聚寶的能力,增加家庭的財富,是最能讓鏡子發揮‘魔力’的地方。不過也有一點忌禁,需要注意。(請參考 聚財的飯廳佈置法 裡面討論 ‘鏡子的效用’ 的一段。)


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第一,正對大門的牆上不適合掛鏡子。正對大門的鏡子,會使家中 ‘氣虛’,以致家運難以提昇。(請參考 大門內的玄機 中玄關的注意事項。)

第二,臥室裡不宜有鏡子。尤其是希望能生兒子的夫妻,鏡子很可能會使希望落空。(請參考 臥室之其他 中 ‘臥室五不宜’ 的第一不宜。)

第三,廚房裡不宜放鏡子。可能造成水火失衡,帶來許多禍事。(請參考 勿讓廚房招災惹禍 中的 ‘問題四’。)

第四,廁所裡不可以當門立鏡。會使得廁所的穢氣在家中橫流,以致招小人,惹是非,煩惱多多。(請參考 廁所是必要之惡。)


首選之地,應該是有家庭聚寶盆之稱的 飯廳。在這裡放鏡子能夠增強聚寶的能力,增加家庭的財富,是最能讓鏡子發揮‘魔力’的地方。不過也有一點忌禁,需要注意。(請參考 聚財的飯廳佈置法 裡面討論 ‘鏡子的效用’ 的一段。)

:) maybe i should write in chinese too, sounds more fengshuiiiiii

Edited by GrandPaPa

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Water feature

Many people think that having water feature or aquarium will bring wealth into the house, that is only half true (half false).

Where to put water feature is very important, if that sector is a bad sector it will actually activate disharmony, illness, scandal and other bad things.

But if you put it at the right place it will bring wealth. It is better to seek professional advice before you decide where to place the water feature.

But then again... there are so many lousy Feng shui master out there...maybe its better not to seek their advice...haha

Some things to take note,

1) Keep the water clean!! Dirty water dont bring wealth and dirty water if place at bad sector will multiple more bad things!!

2)The size of the feature must be propotional to your house or room. Feng Shui is about balance, if the balance is upset, doesnt matter if you put it at the right place.

3) Loud water flowing/gushing sound is unfavorable to family cohesion, do not think that water sound means good for wealth.

4) You will also need to know if that area needs Yin or Yang water. If that area need moving water, placing a tank with one fighting fish does not help.

5) Of all places, DO NOT put water feature in North sector this year until 4 FEB 2010, illness and all bad things will be activated, if you dont belive, you can always put it there and share your experience here. haha













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Shoe Cabinet

Many people like to leave their shoes and slipper outside the house or inside the house exposed and not hidden. especially near the door.

the door is an important qi opening, it it is untidy, dirty or smelly. it will bring in bad qi. when good month good energy comes to your door, it will be minus away by your smelly and untidy shoes and slippers. if bad energy comes it will be mulitplied.

Keep your shoes and slipper hidden preferably in a shoe cabinet. make sure it dont stink!!


 上街穿的鞋,沾染了金、木、水、火、土五行的气,通常比较杂乱,故只适宜放于经常出入的大门附近。如果把鞋子四处乱放,外 面“不好的气”将会随鞋子进入屋内,直接影响屋中人的运程。所以,家居最好添置一个鞋柜,将鞋子全部放进柜内,不好的磁场便无法随便释放出来。






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Bells and wind chimes

I realise some people like to put metallic bells and wind chimes at the door, so that when people open the door they will know. especially for shops.

you will need to be very careful of metallic bells and chimes. sounds from them are strong metal elements. although it is very effective in weakening bad energies like 5 yellow that causes bad and negative things to happen. It may affect your wealth if put wrongly.

first of all from now till 2023 the wealth elements from flying stars are 8,9,1 which is earth, fire and water.

if you understand how elements react to each other,

metal attacks earth 8 (weaken 8)

fire 9 attacks metal ( 9 becomes weaker)

metal produce water 1 ( 1 become stronger)

if your door is capturing wealth star 8 and 9, having a metallic bell in front will weaken your wealth !!!

However if you house is having wealth star 1 then it might be good to have.

If after putting the bell and realising your business become worse, the best thing is to take it down.

Please let me know if you like the tips, then I will write more. :D









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Hi RIC and thanks for the add ons infos in mandarin.. :)

Sigh... maybe must write in chinese then people will believe me....haha

what i have shared is the basics of the basics of feng shui, have not gone into the complex stuffs yet.

if you engage a fengshui master and he does not tell you this, either its so basic he forgot to mention or he dont know....

Edited by GrandPaPa

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第四,廁所裡不可以當門立鏡。會使得廁所的穢氣在家中橫流,以致招小人,惹是非,煩惱多多。(請參考 廁所是必要之惡。)

Hi, can anyone enlighten me what '廁所裡不可以當門立鏡' means? very much appreciated :)


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Hi, can anyone enlighten me what '廁所裡不可以當門立鏡' means? very much appreciated :)

Means mirror cannot face toilet door.


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