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P3nguins - Route Back Home (no, Not South Pole But Up North..cck To Be Specific)

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your previous owner is kinda the "open" space kinda person hor? no doors no nothing to cover up that empty piece of space? alas, that beam in the MBR is really blocking. hmm. i have stayed in some hotel in australia b4, they also have this kinda situation the beam in the middle. they just put a very high class looking painting in front of the beam, then put a little spotlight on top of it. as for the empty space, put the frosted glass door with sliding tracks. it will look very nice indeed

Haha... in a way i guess; no fuss no hassle...

That's what we were thinking of too - dress up the pillar with a nice big flat screen TV but not all good things are meant to happen...as in the world of Fengshui... that pillar has to disappear - *poof*

Actually all these Fengshui considerations are giving us, and our budget, a real stretch.... not that we regret seeing a Master, but wasn't expecting this much restrictions.... and you know how these things are, once you hear them, you can't simply ignore them... *drops head*.. not literally, though it feels that way sometimes :P


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my FSM just did a simple check on whether the house is suitable for my family.

then, when it is confirmed, he just make a simple recommendation on where to put the furniture and the colours to be used.

Nothing much, and I dun ask how to increase wealth, health and so on.

I just have the notion that less is asked, the less money spent. the more you asked, the more you need to do. and if u dun do it, you will feel so uncomfortable.


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oOo.. lucky you :P

Our FSM happened to be a close friend of the family, hence he was quite thorough with his advices which we appreciate it heaps! :D but now we'll have to bear with the costs that came along with it :P


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Hi folks, been a while since there's been any update :P

For those who're curious, we've pretty much narrowed our choices to a few IDs. Reason for picking and ID instead of a contractor (like the ever so popular Ah Soon; thanks Pinkpetter and PinkBerry for recommending your contractor and ID) is because we're totally clueless to how we wanna do up our ice berg, but are adventurous to consider anything an ID can throw at us.... as long as we can afford it of cos :D

Quotations are quite similar in terms of price range, so the factors we are keeping a look out for are the 'feel and connection' with the IDs, the design and theme, and the workmanship / quality

The 2 IDs that stood out are Sarah from XX, & Ray from XX.

I shall hold back the temptation to comment on some less-than-glamorous dealings by some of the IDs we've been to, simply by giving them the benefit of the doubt that it was a one time incident and/or injustice done to the company 'cos of a black sheep :P

Although... i do have them to thank, 'cos w/o them as comparison, it would not have helped us realize the 'value' of the IDs we've shortlisted...... ok, i'm just being sore and bitchy about the experience... :P

Sarah from XX is an extremely cute, sweet and bubbly gal; bless her sincerity and effort to put in her best effort in coming up with all the various designs and patience in explaining to us her proposed concept, all this despite her young age (she looks like she's in her early 20s but don't quote me on that :P)

Ray from XX is confident, accommodative, and experienced. Likewise, he's been patient, meeting us on several occasions to take time in explaining to us his concept and working around the 'restrictions' as a result of us engaging a FSM.

From our very first meeting they have both been most proactive and sensitive to our needs and comments on the concept, taking care and patience in hearing our concerns, and addressing them the best they could. We feel reassured working with them both and are confident that should we engage either of them, they will deliver what they promise.

Her ideas are unique and personalized, with a slight hint of conservatism with much potential (what do i know...i scored a D for my arts during Sec Sch).

His ideas are bold and adventurous; 'experimental'

The ideas generated by them both are worlds apart, yet captures our heart equally (not to mention our bank accounts).

No major concerns on their workmanship; price tag wise bit of a competition and the same goes for the 'finishes' of the carpentry and other misc items.

Been scrutinizing their quotations, and comparing every single item listed on the contract. Significant differences between the contracts; each has its own pros and cons (can't expect to have our cake and eat it now can we... ;) )

:bangwall: decisions decisions.....

In case ya wondering.... yes.... the price tag for the reno of our ice berg (basically an overhaul of the entire home; will list down what we're doing once we've confirmed on which ID to engage) is >45k


We'll leave it at that for now... :D


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Hi folks, hope the week's been kind to you so far.... 'cos it sure hasn't been to us as we've been banging our head 2 little odd-pear shaped heads together on which ID to use

....but it's been decided, and we've pretty much set our frosty little hearts with Ray from 2Form, 'cos his enthusiasm and ideas won us over

..not to mention the initial 'diva' impression he gave when we first met him..will never forget his words in his bright stripped green toe socks and funky-nerdy specs.... -.-

"Do not give me a budget; i do not like to be restricted by it, let me work my best, and from there we'll see how it goes"...

Who on earth says that to a young couple, dressed in Red Bull / Singha Beer singlets from Bangkok, who looked completely clueless as to what was going on and had no more than S$50, combined, in their wallets, and only 10 minutes into the conversation???

but.. being the 'fan qian' couple that we are... that attracted us in a twisted sort of way (well, my WTB will protest out loud that it's I who was attracted by that) :P , and so far it's looking pretty good...we've paid the deposit just yesterday and anxiously awaiting his 3D drawings of our igloo.. *fins crossed* it should be ready sometime next week...

saw another couple with their little girl who seemed to be finalizing their decision at 2Form too... are you guys here? if you are, drop us a message eh hehe...

Now the challenge is how are we gonna break the news to the sweet bubbly Sara that we've decided to engage Ray... hate having to play the bad-a**penguin...

Any suggestions ...or better yet,any volunteers :P

Edited by p3nguins

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wow! "Do not give me a budget; i do not like to be restricted by it..." then the sky's the limit?? :unsure:

Looking forward to ur 3D pics too!!


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wah looking forward to your pics too, from your ID! 45k budget wow cool, havent include furniture and accessories, shower and toilet stuff, hoob and hob, lightings etc etc leh. then u taking a bank loan rite?


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wow! "Do not give me a budget; i do not like to be restricted by it..." then the sky's the limit?? :unsure:

Looking forward to ur 3D pics too!!

Haha, apparently so... maybe not the sky, just the Singapore flyer :P

wah looking forward to your pics too, from your ID! 45k budget wow cool, havent include furniture and accessories, shower and toilet stuff, hoob and hob, lightings etc etc leh. then u taking a bank loan rite?

Sighz.. don't remind me, im in a constant state of denial. For the reno, we're taking 'family loan' hehe, so that means for our AD, ROM etc we're both on our own...


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still got ROM and AD ah? Then gotta really pull the strings tight! The way i see the $$ flows out of the bank account, its scary!

Gd that u have 'family loan' to fall back on for reno!


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still got ROM and AD ah? Then gotta really pull the strings tight! The way i see the $$ flows out of the bank account, its scary!

Gd that u have 'family loan' to fall back on for reno!

Yes!~! I know what you mean... initially there were a couple of zeros in the account statement, then slowly 1 cheque here, 1 cheque there, before you know it half the zeros are gone~ Sobzz....

Nothing too flashy for the ROM though, something simple but cosy for the family.. we're waiting for the ROM package from the cafe

Quite thankful our parents are supportive, but only after much assurance to them that the workmanship can be trusted, and price is reasonable for the amount of work that we'll be doing. Initially they were quite skeptical, but they were convinced after Ray brought them to one of the units that he was currently working on.. *sings; Shi Shang Zi Yo MaMa Hao....* :D


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Yes!~! I know what you mean... initially there were a couple of zeros in the account statement, then slowly 1 cheque here, 1 cheque there, before you know it half the zeros are gone~ Sobzz....

Nothing too flashy for the ROM though, something simple but cosy for the family.. we're waiting for the ROM package from the cafe

Quite thankful our parents are supportive, but only after much assurance to them that the workmanship can be trusted, and price is reasonable for the amount of work that we'll be doing. Initially they were quite skeptical, but they were convinced after Ray brought them to one of the units that he was currently working on.. *sings; Shi Shang Zi Yo MaMa Hao....* :D

Yes its scary right?? I'm combining the ROM and AD together and skipping the banquet all together with a western menu buffet instead. I dread catwalking in n out of ballroom! I like cosy weddings too!

Hehe! i also need to sing the same song leh, i took a partial reno loan from mama as well! saves me all the trouble of admin fees n cheque fees, but i still insist on paying her interest, thou lower lah :P

MrsPiglet, you got a unit in tampines? Which part? Im currently staying in Tamp hehe

Yupz! 2 units in fact. :) Staying w mum at Tampines (blk 200+) for 20yrs and the one that just newly renovated is my nuptial house (blk 300+) 15 mins walk away. Y u shifting so far? Hubby stays in west ah?


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Yes its scary right?? I'm combining the ROM and AD together and skipping the banquet all together with a western menu buffet instead. I dread catwalking in n out of ballroom! I like cosy weddings too!

Hehe! i also need to sing the same song leh, i took a partial reno loan from mama as well! saves me all the trouble of admin fees n cheque fees, but i still insist on paying her interest, thou lower lah :P

Yupz! 2 units in fact. :) Staying w mum at Tampines (blk 200+) for 20yrs and the one that just newly renovated is my nuptial house (blk 300+) 15 mins walk away. Y u shifting so far? Hubby stays in west ah?

It's the speech that's gonna give me butterflies in my tummy... thank goodness for mummy's love (& lower interest rate :P )

Actually I'm the hubby haha, and I'm living in Tamp. Gona shift to Cck 'cos that's where my in-laws are staying... suits our arrangement 'cos once my mom retires, moves in with us, we'll have both families within walking distance (3 blocks away only) of each other and will be able to look out for one and other, especially after the kids are born :D


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