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Bon07 & Ling02's Dream Home

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Nice place with nice condition and nice pricing!

When can go to your place and play Winning 11 together? :D

Anyway, is there no existing air conditioning? If have then wait till spoil then change lor...your budget can readjust le mah...dun have then no choice...but I heard cutting the false ceiling shld not be a prob to fix back nicely one lah...your ID muz be good lor...


yeah, many of wifey's relatvies said why dun we change the aircon. But i dun wanna change since its good and as you said, used until spoil then change loh. save some money. My ID gave me assurance that they cut the false ceiling open, it will look as good as new after they patch up the hole.

play winning 11...i think earliest must wait till mid august...no time to play now


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i suggest u check with the installer. Cos for my mom's with false ceiling they were able to do it and rectify the initial fault by that dishonest aircon seller...the piping is very lousy and starts leaking after less than 3 months upon installation and 2 years later, the whole compressor died.

I think they should have a way to deal with this if it is possible. No harm checking out ya...it may save u some trouble too ;)


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i suggest u check with the installer. Cos for my mom's with false ceiling they were able to do it and rectify the initial fault by that dishonest aircon seller...the piping is very lousy and starts leaking after less than 3 months upon installation and 2 years later, the whole compressor died.

I think they should have a way to deal with this if it is possible. No harm checking out ya...it may save u some trouble too ;)

yeah.okies...i decided not to think abt it anymore and let the aircon pros go up and take a look. hehe..thanks for the advice :)

looking at wallpaper now to find a code...


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no no... change new aircon but reuse your current aircon trunkings lor. :) Just take out the units, flush the trunkings and connect the new air con units to the old trunking..

It's a risk but it's possible.

Flush = pour some chemical through to clean out the trunkings...


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no no... change new aircon but reuse your current aircon trunkings lor. :) Just take out the units, flush the trunkings and connect the new air con units to the old trunking..

It's a risk but it's possible.

Flush = pour some chemical through to clean out the trunkings...

icic...hehe...gonna leave it as it is for the time being....and let the aircon guys take a look first....


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yeah, many of wifey's relatvies said why dun we change the aircon. But i dun wanna change since its good and as you said, used until spoil then change loh. save some money. My ID gave me assurance that they cut the false ceiling open, it will look as good as new after they patch up the hole.

play winning 11...i think earliest must wait till mid august...no time to play now

Onz! I wait! Maybe ur house warming then play haha....

Kidding lah...

Guess you have decided to change the air conditioning afterall...hope everything goes smoothly for you!



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Master Bedroom - Current toilet door (lourve design) to be replace with glass swing door; and full ht closet which the wifey dun like cos of the wood colour, so gonna stain to darker colour too.



Master bathroom - Ugly pipes => to box or not to box???



Master bathroom - to change to black galaxy vanity top with suspending cabinet and mirror from wall to shower screen with light shining out above and below mirror


bro u managed to stain yr wood colour to dark colour for yr wardrobe???? how's the effect and u got it re-paint or re-spray???

im thinkin of doing that to my all my doors. and lastly how much???



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Onz! I wait! Maybe ur house warming then play haha....

Kidding lah...

Guess you have decided to change the air conditioning afterall...hope everything goes smoothly for you!


nope...not changing the air-con...just letting the aircon guys see what can be done to the aircon pipes in the common bathroom before the hacking and laying of tiles....:)


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bro u managed to stain yr wood colour to dark colour for yr wardrobe???? how's the effect and u got it re-paint or re-spray???

im thinkin of doing that to my all my doors. and lastly how much???


haven stain, cos i haven even gotten the keys!!!

anyway, u can buy the paint for staining in DIY stores. One small can ranges from $25 to $45. I read the instructions and it looks pretty easy, so u can do it urself if u wanna... :)


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Hi all, what do u think of the following quote? Reasonable? :unsure:

A Demolition Works

1 Labour to dismantle existing shoes cabinet & divider at foyer area 150

2 Labour to dismantle existing kitchen cabinet 200

3 Labour to dismantle existing wardrobe at master bedroom 140

4 Labour to dismantle existing storage cabinet at master bedroom area -

5 Labour to dismantle existing toilet bowl, vanity and bath accessories at 2 bedrooms 105

6 Labour to hack off existing wall and floor tiles at master bedroom 425

7 Labour to hack off existing wall and floor tiles at common bedroom 280

8 Labour to dismantle existing doors at 2 bedrooms ???

9 Labour to clear debris off site ???

Sub-total 1,300

B Foyer and Shelter Area

1 To design and install (est L6.5ft) full ht shoe cabinet with backing using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing 2,110

2 To design and instal (est L4.5ft) ful ht box-up using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing c/w tic-tac door at shelter area 900


C Living Hall Area

1 To design and install (est L9ft) TV console w/ drawer unit using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing 1,260

2 To design and install (est L9ft) full ht feature wall using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing at console area 1,800

3 To supply grinding and varnish existing platform parquet flooring 100


D Kitchen Area

1 To construct 50mm height concrete kitchen cabinet base, washing machine base c/w tiles finishes 180

2 To design and install (est L3ft) full ht kitchen storage cabinet using solid-ply laminate finishing with Blum Hinges 4,880

3 To design and install (est L19.5ft) bottom kitchen cabinet using solid-ply laminate finishing with Blum Hinges

4 To design and install (est L13ft) top kitchen cabinet using solid-ply laminate finishing with Blum Hinges

* ABS door trimming for all door edges

* Internal polygon finishing

* Blum drawer runner system- 1set

* Sand blasted glass door at dish drainer area

* Stainless steel dish drainer

* Installation (only) for hood,hob

5 To supply and install (est L13ft) tempered colored glass backing in between top & bottom cabinet area 700

6 To supply and install (est L19.5ft) solid black galaxy granite top 2,250

7 To supply and box up existing sewerage piping using solid-ply laminate finishing ???

8 To install 1 no. of kitcehn sink and tap c/w drainage system 120

9 To install 1 no. of washing machine tap c/w mini-valve, in/outlet drainage system 80

10 Kitchen stainless steel piping 250


E Common Bathroom

1 To supply and overlay ceramic/homogeneous floor tiles (non-slip) 420

2 To supply and overlay ceramic/homogeneous wall tiles 1,350

3 To supply and apply waterproofing using prepack 3-1 ultra hard quick seal membrane at wet area

4 To construct 50mm height shower kerb FOC

5 To install 1 no.of sit toilet bowl 110

6 To install 1 no. of wash basin 80

7 To install 1 no. of mixer tap c/w shower set 50

8 To install 1 no of sprayjet c/w mini valve 40

9 To install 2 sets of toilet accessories FOC

10 To install 1 no. of central heater c/w heater wire 80

11 To lay 1 no. of hot water pipe at the shower area 290

12 To install PD door 300


F Master Bedroom

1 To supply and install (est L8ft) full ht false wall divider using plaster board partition finishing at walk-in wardrobe area 380

2 To design and install (est L14ft) full ht walk-in wardrobe w/o doors using coloured PVC 2,930

3 To design and install (est L2ft) low ht storage cabinet using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing at walk-in area

4 To supply and install (est L3ft) full ht sliding door using top-hung track mechanism with mirror 880

5 Labor & material to install mirror at walk-in-wardrobe area.(700x2100)mm 250

6 To supply and install 1 nos. of (est L3ft) full ht tinted mirror at left bed side area 380

7 To design and install (est L5ft) half ht headboard using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing w/ light box and sand blasted glass panel 480

8 To supply and lay selected wall paper design as bedhead feature wall finishing (KIV) -

9 To design and install 1 no. of queen size bed frame using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing 950

10 To supply and lay full ht selected wall paper design as feature wall finishing (KIV) -

11 To design and install (est L3.5ft) full ht storage cabinet using solid-ply laminate/veneer finishing -

12 To supply grinding and varnish existing parquet flooring 260


G Master Bathroom

1 To supply and apply waterproofing using prepack 3-1 ultra hard quick seal membrane at wet area -

2 To supply and overlay ceramic/homogeneous floor tiles (non-slip) 470

3 To supply and overlay ceramic/homogeneous wall tiles 1,500

4 To construct partial concrete wall using 63mm hollow block at shower area 200

5 To supply and install 1set of 10mm thick tempered glass shower enclosure with stainless steel handle 520

6 To design and install (est L3ft) vanity bottom cabinet using solid-ply laminate finishing 650

7 To supply and install (est L5.5ft) plywood mirror backing with light pelment

8 To supply and install (est L3ft) black galaxy Granite top 320

9 To supply and install 1 no. of 10mm thick tempered frosted casement glass door with stainless steel handle 550

10 To install 1 no.of sit toilet bowl 110

11 To install 1 no. of wash basin 80

12 To install 1 no. of mixer tap c/w shower set 130

13 To install 1 no of sprayjet c/w mini valve 40

14 To install 2 sets of toilet accessories FOC

15 To construct 50mm height shower kerb FOC

16 To lay 1 no. of hot water pipe at the shower area 290


H Bedroom 2

1 To supply grinding and varnish existing parquet flooring 260

2 To supply and install bedroom veneer skin door c/w standard locket 570


I Bedroom 3

1 To supply grinding and varnish existing parquet flooring 260

2 To supply and install bedroom veneer skin door c/w standard locket 570


J Painting and ceiling works

1 To supply and paint whole unit wall, ceiling,pipe and door frame using ICI/Nippon emulstion paint with 6 colors 1,500

2 To design and install false ceiling at master bedroom and walk-in area 580


K Miscellaneous works

1 Labour to provide haulage/uploading and downloading sand and cement 650

2 To supply and lay protection sheet at working area FOC

3 Labour to provide chemical and general washing upon completion FOC

4 HDB permit and document handling fees FOC

5 Labor & material to plaster whole house using plastering compound. ???


Grand Total 34,410

Edited by Bon07

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took a quick glance, Item B and C looks grossly over price.

alamak...grossly ah???....this is so sian...do u think I can trouble u to extrapolate an amount based on the length of my tv console or feature?

thanks .... :(


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alamak...grossly ah???....this is so sian...do u think I can trouble u to extrapolate an amount based on the length of my tv console or feature?

thanks .... :(

mine is contractor price leh, so it will not be a fair comparison. I do have some ID's quote before but all dunno throw where le :x let me go and see whether i can dig them out and give u a rough idea of what is a more reasonable quote.

before that u see, ur shoe cabinet and the box up cost u like more than $2k??? my god. my contractor price for a 4ft full height shoe cabinet is $700. which is about $175 per foot fun. Say if it is ID maybe they charge $200-$220, for 6.5ft is at most $1500. not sure how other forummers think. but in my view the calculation should be around there.

there's another forummer who use blum and i think the runner ID quoted $200+ per set but blum charges contractor at contractor rate so contractor charge her around $90+ for 1 runner can save $100.

Engaging contractor will be more cost effective in a way cos u need not pay for ID salary and ID firm's profit and they usually outsource to various sub contractors who will also need to make a profit. However the biggest problem with engaging contractor is u as home owner gotta play project manager and be your own ID.


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