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No need to tell ah soon ah. They will just do up the false ceiling with all the wiring, but u'll need to let him know how many lighting points, which switch to control which points. He covering the purchase of lights for u meh? I dun think so leh, his quote means he will do the wiring and installation, lights wise u'll still have to get urself? Unless he say he can buy the T5 lights for u.... But surely, downlights u'll have to buy urself.


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for the lights, best check with Uncle. Mine is not inclusive and I got my own lights. Uncle can get T5 at a cheaper price, but Extreme is $1 cheaper than Uncle's price for T5 :)


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Late update - Day 2 went by without much progress.. Went down to find only the common bathroom completely hacked and the floor tiles for the kitchen are hacked.. Wall tiles for the kitchen are about 1/3 done only.. Still had plenty of hacking to do if you follow what I've posted for day 1.. I called uncle to check on the delay for hacking and found out he actually had to move 2 workers from my site to another site.. Was kindda disappointed, I have no time to check in the morning or afternoon and can only drop by at night to check everyday.. But nonetheless, uncle confirmed all the hacking will be done by the next day(which was yesterday, 21.05.09).. I did not liked what I saw actually, I felt that my tiles are not properly protected, but thought that was normal until I read the T-Blogs of you guys who've engaged Ah Soon.. I'm adamant they cover my whole house with corrugated paper now as I'm not changing my living/dining and bedroom tiles and I'm worried about stains on the white surface.. In fact, one patch of the corrugated paper was not laid properly and already has dirt and sand exposed.. They are still there right now as I type.. -____-

I den found one of my fears came true.. The workers had been using my Air Con, for how long I don't know.. I would not have noticed if I did not turn on the mains.. I got to my place around 7 and it was getting dark, so I thought I'd switch on the mains so that I can turn the lights on, that's when I noticed my MBR's aircon was not switched off.. I called Ah Soon and Joseph immediately to inform them and kept the remote controls for all 3 rooms.. Electricity is not cheap and I don't even know how they're using it.. For all I know they might not even have closed the MBR door, air con was turned to full blast and I'm sure if it was left for long every day, it's gonna burn a big hole in my pocket for my next electricity bill.. Ah Soon said he made it clear to all his workers not to use the aircon and he will ask Joseph to reprimand them for dat tmr.. *Feeling guilty*.. But u guys should understand dat rite?

Day 3 - As per promised by Uncle, the place was finally fully hacked.. Debris from my MBR tiles are still not cleared though, the rest are cleared and fully hacked.. The wall between the service balcony was gone too, as was the concrete cabinet.. Was relieved that uncle kept to his promise as I really hope there will be no delay.. Have some pics, but think I'd just keep it as a reference.. Doesnt make sense to post more pictures on hacked walls and floors...


Anyways, I was quite disheartened after reading aubrey's, familyof4's and smallboy's T-Blogs.. Seems like uncle's really stretched, and his team of workers are stretched too.. Add up to some CMI workers, I'm starting to feel scared... I hope I'd won't have to go thru so many rectifications as I really don't have the time.. I'm sort of a perfectionist and I certainly won't accept shoddy work..

I knew I had to manage the reno at some points of time, but didnt expect that I'd have to put in that much time and effort to micro manage for some issues which some of you guys are doing.. Sigh, I've never regretted though for signing up with uncle, and I agree it is his sincerity and his very chin chye attitude which sweetens the not so sweet things in this project..

Anyways, I forgotten to tell Joseph about wanting to keep the water heaters as they were quite new, and I found out from him dat his workers have already brought them back to m'sia.. He said he had already instructed them to bring it back the day before and that they will return it by yesterday, but still no news heard from Joseph.. In fact the only call he made to me was to ask me about payment...

I really hope HO can be done within 5 weeks.. 4 weeks was the initial target which Ah Soon set, but Joseph told me different story.. He says 4 weeks impossible.. 5 weeks should be more or less done, but to be safe, 6 weeks.. By then it'll be close to July.. Sigh.. If you guys had read my earlier postings, I'm now renting a place at my friend's.. I havent said much about my family issues as I thought it should be kept within my family.. But all I can say, our kids are not by our side right now.. And only when I move in to our new house, will we get to reunite with them.. Those with kids will know how it feels to be seperated from ur child, even for a day.. It's been one month, and most probably gonna be another month.. The family issue den was quite a serious one that it warranted these actions.. Don't say too much liao.. I dunno if I should tell this to Uncle.. I just hope everything can be done chop chop and sui sui.. But to do everything chop chop and sui sui will bring about mistakes and lead to rectifications.. So I'm at my wits end.. DILEMMA!!

All these juggling with reno, family issues and stuffs are dragging me down.. Coordinating of reno is almost everything down to me, so kindda stressful.. But well, I had always been happy go lucky.. Hope tmr(later) will be a better day.. :)

Edited by Metalsubzero

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Sianz, really think that I'd have to apply for some leaves next month just to oversee the works.. Wifey will help too.. But I'm afraid she wouldn't know everything.. Both of us are working and only free at night.. So, taking leaves is the only avenue..


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Thanks mrspiglet and familyof4.. Will clarify with Uncle tomorrow.. I know Extreme's prices are the best around.. But sigh, I have some problems with a lights shop which I don't wanna say much about.. Was kindda pissed off with the sales people and the boss from the shop.. Sigh.. Dunno wanna say or not.. I think I will blog about it when it' settled.. -__-


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Poor Metal. I think you should really tell Joseph that you're currently renting and that it will incur costs... so that they will keep an eye on the HO date.

At least the whole place has been hacked...

Jia you! Don't feel so down ok? *pat pat*


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emphatise with you on the kids part...like what pet say maybe let them know the urgency so they can try to move at your progress at a faster pace....


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jiayou! i know how it feels to see the works going so slow. In fact, it took them thurs-tues to hack my 2 toilets+kitchen. I was also quite unhappy why hacking takes them so long, but once hacking completed, tiling was super fast! I hope its gonna be the same for u too. :)


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i sense the reno that you are facing now. before I pop by PR yesterday, I was like you. So tired and weary to even think about coordinating., but still have to do it.

You can tell Uncle or Boh Geh, he also working very late. Yesterday he met us to collect payment as Uncle was at the eastern part of SG, he met me around 10.30pm and he told Hubby he is going off to woodlands and another place. Gosh..even with 2 PMs, Uncle is still over stretched, so are his guys.


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I den found one of my fears came true.. The workers had been using my Air Con, for how long I don't know.. I would not have noticed if I did not turn on the mains.. I got to my place around 7 and it was getting dark, so I thought I'd switch on the mains so that I can turn the lights on, that's when I noticed my MBR's aircon was not switched off.. I called Ah Soon and Joseph immediately to inform them and kept the remote controls for all 3 rooms.. Electricity is not cheap and I don't even know how they're using it.. For all I know they might not even have closed the MBR door, air con was turned to full blast and I'm sure if it was left for long every day, it's gonna burn a big hole in my pocket for my next electricity bill.. Ah Soon said he made it clear to all his workers not to use the aircon and he will ask Joseph to reprimand them for dat tmr.. *Feeling guilty*.. But u guys should understand dat rite?

Keeping remotes no use one...aircon units have on-button

Wrap up the air-cons with newspapers and masking tapes. Something like what painters will do to cover.

Don't remove until HO :P

Edited by ocheeeng

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littleones: You're welcome.. And thanks for your well wishes.. Will definitely post up pics on progress as the reno goes by.. :)

pinkpetter: Thanks for the pat pat from you pet (Very rhyme.. Hahaha) Yeah, think should tell Joseph.. Will tell him tonight.. I'm actually feeling better today.. Happy go lucky as always.. I figured that since I've already dived in, just take it and carry on and hope for the best lor.. Yeah, whole place hacked, today will be confirming how the tiles are to be laid.. And Joseph says tomorrow can start laying already.. :D

preciousjam: Will tell Uncle and Joseph about it later.. Glad someone empathises with me.. :D Thanks!

mrspiglet: Xie Xie!! Wow, urs even longer, somemore over the weekends.. Hope tiling will be super fast for me too.. But hope that I'd get the good team of tilers.. What are the tiler names ah? Ah How?

familyof4: Yeah, actually my reno just started and there's more to come, but I'm already feeling depressed.. Probably due to the many negative things I've read yesterday about Uncle's workers.. Yah lo, bo pian, die die also must do the coordinating what, or else god knows what will or might happen..

Yeah, uncle really very overstretched, so I dunno whether I should tell him about it.. But den I also think no harm telling them to expedite the reno process, whether they can do it is another problem, but at least let them know what we want..

ocheeeng: Hahaha, yah, I know.. But I took it in the spur of moment.. Hahaha.. Maybe I can heed your advice.. But den hor, I'm still contemplating whether to change my aircon sia.. I'm not worried about them using it, but I'm afraid they will abuse it and bring up the electricity bill..

Anyways, anyone can share how much your electricity bills costs during the duration of your renovations?

Thanks everyone for your nice feedback and words of encouragement.. I'm really glad I'm part of this Ah Soon community in Renotalk and feel very blessed to have you guys there for me.. :)

I think I should stop ranting liao, and look on the brighter side.. To all those whose renovation are still in progress, yet to start, or in progress of rectifications, hang on guys.. I'm sure all of you will make it.. Cheers and good day! :D


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littleones: You're welcome.. And thanks for your well wishes.. Will definitely post up pics on progress as the reno goes by.. :)

pinkpetter: Thanks for the pat pat from you pet (Very rhyme.. Hahaha) Yeah, think should tell Joseph.. Will tell him tonight.. I'm actually feeling better today.. Happy go lucky as always.. I figured that since I've already dived in, just take it and carry on and hope for the best lor.. Yeah, whole place hacked, today will be confirming how the tiles are to be laid.. And Joseph says tomorrow can start laying already.. :D

preciousjam: Will tell Uncle and Joseph about it later.. Glad someone empathises with me.. :D Thanks!

mrspiglet: Xie Xie!! Wow, urs even longer, somemore over the weekends.. Hope tiling will be super fast for me too.. But hope that I'd get the good team of tilers.. What are the tiler names ah? Ah How?

familyof4: Yeah, actually my reno just started and there's more to come, but I'm already feeling depressed.. Probably due to the many negative things I've read yesterday about Uncle's workers.. Yah lo, bo pian, die die also must do the coordinating what, or else god knows what will or might happen..

Yeah, uncle really very overstretched, so I dunno whether I should tell him about it.. But den I also think no harm telling them to expedite the reno process, whether they can do it is another problem, but at least let them know what we want..

ocheeeng: Hahaha, yah, I know.. But I took it in the spur of moment.. Hahaha.. Maybe I can heed your advice.. But den hor, I'm still contemplating whether to change my aircon sia.. I'm not worried about them using it, but I'm afraid they will abuse it and bring up the electricity bill..

Anyways, anyone can share how much your electricity bills costs during the duration of your renovations?

Thanks everyone for your nice feedback and words of encouragement.. I'm really glad I'm part of this Ah Soon community in Renotalk and feel very blessed to have you guys there for me.. :)

I think I should stop ranting liao, and look on the brighter side.. To all those whose renovation are still in progress, yet to start, or in progress of rectifications, hang on guys.. I'm sure all of you will make it.. Cheers and good day! :D

Glad u take it postively....to quote what uncle say:"got problem or feedback must tell me direct. I rather u tell me straight then to hide it n be unhappy."

U may want to speak to uncle...although there no gurantee of solution to everything....but at least something can be done as well.:)


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Anyways, anyone can share how much your electricity bills costs during the duration of your renovations?

IIRC, did not go pass $20. But I only doing painting, false ceiling and carpentry.


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I agree with blue, call uncle at least let him know the current situation about aircon and about the HO. The workers are afraid of him.


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