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Looking Forward To Our First Home...

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Thanks pal.. :) When are ya gonna do up ur house? If u want and have time to decide maybe can drop by my place to view the workmanship? Just dat the person supervising my works is Joseph aka "Boh Geh"..

Anyways, anyone who wants to come and don't mind travelling to Sengkang are all welcomed.. Will update the process of our reno here and you all can come and see when it's near completion.. :) Cheers...

Maybe i will also....u seen other ah soon unit before?:)

mine should be early June lor....


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I've only seen one project by Ah Soon before, which was the one at Eunos which finished sometime back.. Ooh, early june.. So I think u'd most probably have to decide soon.. :)

Anyways, here's a update of my purchases.. Basically, almost everything except lights and curtains have been covered, and probably some smaller things like study table and drawers need to scout for it.. Bought all kitchen and toilet neccessities, fridge, washing machine, microwave, tv, home theatre, bed, sofa, dining, ceiling fans.. All done, so now only have to monitor the reno liao... Hehe, I'm also gan jiong like guy77, but den hor, he more power, cuz his curtains already decide liao.. Hahaha, think I will go MGL too, any1 has any idea what's included in the 4 room package? It seems quite cheap.. Hopefully I can save some $$ on curtains..

Anyways, after some "professional" advice from my brother in law, he suggested us to stick with our current Air Con.. Save some money, cuz $ no enough.. Haha... I know I can live with it, just dunno how long it will last, and it looks orbiang.. :( But even if I keep my current pipings I think also gonna set back another 1.3-1.5k just for the system 3 set...


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Good luck for your start tomorrow.. :) oops today I mean.

mmm Shouldn't you settle lights before curtains? :) They need to clean up before you install curtains anyway...


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metal: ya. i find u and me bought all our things roughly ard the same time even before our reno started. keke. congrats on starting reno today. today, right?

MGL got package i din noe leh. But I am changing my curtains to the roller blinds type. More easy to manage I guess. But slightly more expensive then conventional curtains.


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rierie: Urm, I actually changed my chandelier liao.. The original one was in one of the previous pages here.. It costs $300 from Vin House.. Now I'm going for the simple ice cubes design liao.. Will post pics if I can get my hands on it.. :)

metal: ya. i find u and me bought all our things roughly ard the same time even before our reno started. keke. congrats on starting reno today. today, right?

MGL got package i din noe leh. But I am changing my curtains to the roller blinds type. More easy to manage I guess. But slightly more expensive then conventional curtains.

guy77: Ya, got package.. I think it's $500++ or $600++ for 4 room.. But dunno what material and size.. Gotta go ask.. I also thinking of roller or roman blinds but more expensive lor.. I think managing is not a problem.. Roller or not, I'll still throw it into washing machine to wash (If can) Hahaha.. Those normal ones sure can throw in washing machine.. Hahaha..


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Day 1(Hacking and Demolishing)

Ok, went up at night to see the progress, and here are my findings.. :)

Top kitchen cabinet already dismantled.. Wall, windows and the door between service balcony and kitchen still there though.. Hope there aren't too many metal beams around.. Hope most of them can be hacked.. Anyone staying in my area can advise?


Common Toilet wall (Half done) and floor tiles hacked.. Toilet bowl and basin still there though.. I think they still need to use it..


Anyways, me and wifey saw an underwear hanging on the windows between the service balcony and kitchen so we asked Joseph.. He says they will bath before going back one.. U guys also have the same thing going on? I'm now very scared they will use my aircon, do u think they will? I forgot to keep all the remote controls sia.. I think tmr go keep better.. I'm being paranoid, but better safe den sorry.. Any of you guys do this?? LOL..

A mess on the kitchen floor, kitchen floor and wall not hacked yet, service balcony floor hacked..


The sight that greeted me at the main door.. Very little things compared to most of you.. Cuz my kitchen really too small, existing cabinet also top part only, nuthin much to remove, all hack hack hack..


They quick hand quick leg dismantled my water heaters liao.. I forgot to ask them to keep.. Can't find them anywhere now.. My hob is missing too (dat one I don't need) The heater is actually quite new, I think less den half a year, 707 ones.. So if anybody wants them, can ask me, might be selling for a small sum.. It just doesnt suit my taste (the aesthetics), so gotta change it, but a pity to throw it away.. Dunno what they do with it too... BUt Joseph says he'll ask the ppl who demolished it today about them tmr..

Anyways, to keep track, here are the list of things they have done..

1. Common Toilet Door removed

2. Common Toilet floor and wall hacked (Wall half done), fittings all removed, WC and Basin still there

3. Service Balcony floor hacked

4. Kitchen Top (Wooden) Cabinet removed.. Bottom doors removed, but the concrete cabinet still there..

Here's what's left for demolishing..

1. Finish hacking common toilet walls

2. Hack MBR toilet wall and floor

3. Hack the concrete bottom cabinet at kitchen

4. Hack wall and floor for Kitchen

5. Remove WCs, basins etc at both bathrooms

I feel kindda slow for a day's work.. (Dunno slow or fast, cuz I've never seen demolishing works before) Joseph says only 2 workers were here today... Maybe that explains why so slow.. What do you guys think???

I hope they can deploy more ppl for tomorrow man..

Edited by Metalsubzero

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Anyways, need some inputs from you guys on my false ceiling/L Boxes.. Please do read the previous post about my day 1 too and leave some comments if you have some.. Really appreciate any input from u guys.. :) Thanks in Advance!!

I was free tonight, so thought I drew up some false ceiling designs using paint.. Paiseh, not very well drawn.. Lightings are rough estimates.. All are rough sketches and not to scale..

Anyways, white boxes are downlights, white lines are T5 lights, the brown boxes is the partition in front of the door, the rectangular box with 3 black dots is the ice cube dining lights, yellow boxes are spot lights, and the black thing with five "blades" is the ceiling fan.. The grey areas are the false ceiling areas and the darker grey area in the middle is where the beam in the middle of my living/dining is..

Anyways, as my living and dining is seperated by a beam, I can't have a flowing design for the whole ceiling, but instead I need to have 2 designs for each side.. The front side where the U shaped false ceiling and ceiling fan is, is already decided..

Design 1


This was originally proposed by Uncle Soon.. It was quite a nice idea, having a square false ceiling in the middle of the area with T5 lightings in all directions.. But after thinking about it, I realised that by incorporating this design, the pipes and wire boxes(Dunno what u call them) are not covered.. Moreover, my FSM asked me to erect a partition in front of the door, so the partition will eat into the false ceiling area, thus making it look awkward.. My design for the partition is actually just some square logs of wood from ceiling to floor with glass in between each log, so some logs will be on the false ceiling and some on my actual ceiling.. Joseph says lidat looks funny... I think so too..

Design 2


This design is a wild attempt.. It looks very complicated with a Z sort of shaped. Think I gotta drop the idea as I'm unsure how it'll look..

Design 3


An alternative design to the 2nd one.. Only a square portion remains from design 2, to acommodate the partition at the front door..

Design 4


I think will most probably be going with this.. False ceiling with T5 lights on the window and door side.. Normal L boxes for the rest of the sides.. The 2 big downlights are my wife's idea.. I think they look weird.. I actually have an idea in mind(copied from my wife's sister's house, but dunno how to draw it here), but wifey says she doesnt wan a similar ceiling to her sis.. I think this idea good to go if can decide on where the downlights will be for the bigger false ceiling areas..

What do u guys think? Would welcome any suggestions, or new designs if any.. Would prefer non roundish false ceilings.. Thanks guys and gurls.. :D


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hihi metal, me having insomnia so here i am :D

below is my proposed idea only, just another idea for u to consider.

i feel it would be nice to see a flushed false ceiling all the way to the ceiling fan.

n u will realise i aligned all the downlights to be of the same row thru out as well.

for the foyer, i heard its gd fengshui to place a round light n thats the big round black dot u see.

oh i also added one more box for the partition to align with the beam.

in any case, u can still stick to 5 but spaced out evenly also.

well, this is wat i would have done if its my place! :D


Edited by newnyew

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newnyew: Wow, thanks for the reply.. And thanks for taking the time to draw out ur suggestion.. Very nice!!! I'm gonna ask my wife and if she likes it too den we'd ask Joseph need to add money or not, cuz it's such a big piece of false ceiling.. Hahaha..

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Day 1(Hacking and Demolishing)

Ok, went up at night to see the progress, and here are my findings.. :)

Top kitchen cabinet already dismantled.. Wall, windows and the door between service balcony and kitchen still there though.. Hope there aren't too many metal beams around.. Hope most of them can be hacked.. Anyone staying in my area can advise?


Common Toilet wall (Half done) and floor tiles hacked.. Toilet bowl and basin still there though.. I think they still need to use it..


Anyways, me and wifey saw an underwear hanging on the windows between the service balcony and kitchen so we asked Joseph.. He says they will bath before going back one.. U guys also have the same thing going on? I'm now very scared they will use my aircon, do u think they will? I forgot to keep all the remote controls sia.. I think tmr go keep better.. I'm being paranoid, but better safe den sorry.. Any of you guys do this?? LOL..

A mess on the kitchen floor, kitchen floor and wall not hacked yet, service balcony floor hacked..


The sight that greeted me at the main door.. Very little things compared to most of you.. Cuz my kitchen really too small, existing cabinet also top part only, nuthin much to remove, all hack hack hack..


They quick hand quick leg dismantled my water heaters liao.. I forgot to ask them to keep.. Can't find them anywhere now.. My hob is missing too (dat one I don't need) The heater is actually quite new, I think less den half a year, 707 ones.. So if anybody wants them, can ask me, might be selling for a small sum.. It just doesnt suit my taste (the aesthetics), so gotta change it, but a pity to throw it away.. Dunno what they do with it too... BUt Joseph says he'll ask the ppl who demolished it today about them tmr..

Anyways, to keep track, here are the list of things they have done..

1. Common Toilet Door removed

2. Common Toilet floor and wall hacked (Wall half done), fittings all removed, WC and Basin still there

3. Service Balcony floor hacked

4. Kitchen Top (Wooden) Cabinet removed.. Bottom doors removed, but the concrete cabinet still there..

Here's what's left for demolishing..

1. Finish hacking common toilet walls

2. Hack MBR toilet wall and floor

3. Hack the concrete bottom cabinet at kitchen

4. Hack wall and floor for Kitchen

5. Remove WCs, basins etc at both bathrooms

I feel kindda slow for a day's work.. (Dunno slow or fast, cuz I've never seen demolishing works before) Joseph says only 2 workers were here today... Maybe that explains why so slow.. What do you guys think???

I hope they can deploy more ppl for tomorrow man..

The basins and WCs should be removed to allow them to hack the wall tiles. If only 2 workers, they will need about 3 days if they are fast, including haulage.

Your kitchen looks quite solid. They will take a while because they also need to hack your concrete support, etc.

Basically, the hackers will start from floor and up. As yours is a full unit, they will probably be getting a haulage truck standing by on day 3 for the removal of debris.

Also KPO abit, is your flat on the lift landing? If so, it will help to speed up the removal of debris and hauling up of the sand/tiles :)


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Wow, 3 days ah, hopefully today they'll have more manpower over.. Yeah lor, the concrete thingy gonna take some effort to hack off..

Hmm, mine is not full unit.. I'm keeping floor tiles for my Living/Dining and bedrooms..

And yup, my flat is on the lift landing.. :)

Thanks for the input.. :D


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i prefer the layout done by newynew or your design 4....if its possible go for newynew design...as the flow is there, not too much odd corners....it'll look neat and tidy...


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