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Actually why don't you do that? Say that you will charge for every extra day they stay there... according to your loan amount. :P

Edited by pinkpetter

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wwow!.. thanks everyone, i needed some advises along the way, ya., thatz why i was so shocked, so after sERRIOUs consideration, i told my agent NEGATive, i cant afford to take any risks nw..esp i have such tight timeline, having the house done up by june is good as its school hols, dun hv to rush home to teaach my kid,hahah... and i dun wan delays and complications in july, so near to kao ying, so...hv to be alittle mean..

but, anyhows, thanks to all for your rooting! nw i am eagerly waiting for my quotation from uncle, hope all is well..:) only thing he told me is,,, "dun pin too high hopes on hacking and combining both toilets".. sad.. resigned to small toilets..where i can hardly move..hahah...


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mmm whoa so you have a timeline.. so better not give in to the extension request. Your agent has to get this done for you by hook or by crook then, now that you have conveyed your wishes. :)

We're also anxiously waiting for your "results" from Uncle Soon haha.


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so happy to see yet another forumer coming to amk! welcome! i sometimes wish we should come together and form some sort of "new residents of amk" club....coz i do not personally know anyone who stays here.

anyway, all the best with your choice of contractor, i think you are on the right track!


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Hihi... welcome to AMK. Me going to be AMKian as well... probably some time in May.

For your situation regarding the late shifting out, once they hand over the keys on the 13th means that HDB will not bother about what happens in the house already. If they refuse to shift out or damage anything, it has to be a police case. In the meantime, you are already the house owner, you continue servicing the loan. Definately not recommended.

Options available:

1) Ask HDB to delay the 2nd appointment to 16th May if you are willing to wait.

2) Maintain 13th May. Seller has to let buyer inspect the flat 1 more time (prior to completion). You can use that chance to ask contractor to do the measurements.


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The best solution is to charge them rental for the additional 3 days. Based on 3 rm whole hse monthly rentalof approx $1500, you can collect another $150 from them provided that they dun't purposely damage items that cost more than $150 when u shift in on the 16th. U get my point? Don't barge! Ask the agent to do his work as he is getting his commission. Always use the housing law and your buyer rights to your advantage.


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thots after quotations :dunno:

met up with Uncle Ah Soon last nite for the first quotation, and it came up to 27K, haiz. We were hopping to do it below 20k for a 3rm..thou. In the end, we had to cut certain items on the spot, and i soon realised that it got further and further from my dream place. To cut cost, had to settle for the normal L-Box, instead of cove lite or someting for both living/dining/MBR, cant have wallpapers and mirrors as it will jerk up the quotes. As minutes past, it drifted further and further away from what i initially planned.

still struggling with the disappointments, but i guess in life we cant have the best of both worlds. in the end, we reduced it to 22K. now i have to re-adjust and re-design the place accordingly. kind uncle suggested ways to cut costs, but my heart sank deeper and deeper.. :help:

any ideas wat color we have for the panel of wall behind the tv console? inital idea was black/white.. but along the way now, have to change, since cant have wallpaper for that panel, have to think of nice bright colors to spruce up the black/white furniture we bought. (i love the black/white/green concept by klipp-klapp) or those modern retro look.



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27k was before discount, was drafted on a fullscape in chinese :P after his initial discount, was 24k +, we had to try narrow down the scope to match 20k at least, so a lot hv to be compromise.


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Uncle can best give u ideas. If u meet jason, he can also have some ideas for u in...

Hope uncle can try and do some "magics" to match ur dream house :)


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thanks family of 4 :)

one question to ask all of you on your opinions of open concept kitchens... how bad does it smell for the sofas, and the whole house,? toying with the idea, but dare not to take the risk... but visualize that its better for my super active kids and nieces and nephews who will definitely be bunking over my place during holidays.. (my orginal idea was to partition the dining/living with the glass door) to make the super small house look bigger, but had a horrible experience when i saw my cousin running THRU the GLASS DOOR when he was too urgent when he was a kid)..


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my 2cts worth...

if u cook frequently, it is not so advisable. Cos the fumes and smell will make ur furnitures "sticky" after a while.

as for glass doors, i also like, with kids, i just have to stick some stickers or nice decals so that they are aware that there is "danger" in front of them.


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my 2cts worth...

if u cook frequently, it is not so advisable. Cos the fumes and smell will make ur furnitures "sticky" after a while.

as for glass doors, i also like, with kids, i just have to stick some stickers or nice decals so that they are aware that there is "danger" in front of them.

ya. i am also intending to source for nice decals for my glass door separating the living and dining area.


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one qn to ask all uncle soon's customers :)

did you go one shop to select your tiles? or a couple? honestly..i din quite find those tiles like at sin lek.. (esp the mosasic ones) they have very limited selections...

wandering if we should go for black matt tiles for kitchen area while keeping white kitchen..


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