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Retrospectrum Meets Modernisation!

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another testimony to uncle's work and service. he was supposed to meet me but cant make it since its late. i called him, he said he will be here at ten. then i told him, uncle, its ten! he went silent for a while then said, oh ok ok!!! sorry i cant make it today. no big deal since all that was done was ok, all that wasnt ok will be okay.

i got some pics to show u guys but have to do it tmr. quite tired out today. earlier i went over to my house to crack my head over the color of my house. he paint later better. i want to think of more colours!

yes i am waterloo, si ma lu, si beh lor, xiao po, sio poh etc yar da yar da!


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To be fair, Uncle is a very nice man, so is Jason.

It is more of their workload and also the quality of some of the workers that sometimes causing heartache/frustrations.

So, it is a matter of whether you can take it or not.

Audrey, do you know who is your carpenter?

Growler, i have seen two groups of painters - 3 malay guys and the other group is 2 chinese.

I prefer the Chinese guys, he is quite careful and very accomodating when i asked him to touch up here and there.


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hi apples, heard jason was at holland before 2pm today, is it your place?

my carpenter is called ah mei (its a guy) but i dont know if he is the one that everyone's being talking about, ah wei?

i fully agree with that line. the electrician today (shall name him Mr BS) made me so mad earlier when he told me to buy my own switches. when i told uncle just now, he immediately said they're lazy. can u imagine? bugis to little india still lazy. not like woodlands yishun or what. -_-

i like this guy called ah heng, he's chinese and quite skinny and introduced himself as a painter. i find him very nice and courteous!


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hi apples, heard jason was at holland before 2pm today, is it your place?

my carpenter is called ah mei (its a guy) but i dont know if he is the one that everyone's being talking about, ah wei?

i fully agree with that line. the electrician today (shall name him Mr BS) made me so mad earlier when he told me to buy my own switches. when i told uncle just now, he immediately said they're lazy. can u imagine? bugis to little india still lazy. not like woodlands yishun or what. -_-

i like this guy called ah heng, he's chinese and quite skinny and introduced himself as a painter. i find him very nice and courteous!

Yup, Jason was at my place in the morning becos he came to fix my 'block' kitchen sink .. which he promised a few days back but dilly dally till the hand-over day :) But he left around 11+ leh, with the painter. Maybe he went somewhere else before he go to your place lor

I wonder if my wardrobe carpenter is the same as yours 'cos I didn't catch his name.

As for the switch saga, Ah Soon only uses MK as he gets them in bulk (i think).

When we initially wanted another brand, Ah Soon said that we can buy our own and he can install for us.

So it is a good thing that they are agreeable to buy the legrand switches and install it for you :)

Do try to be around when the electrician is installing stuff. Make sure you tests everything too


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seriously i dont mind buying! i just want to change all my light switches. they are currently using back the old ones which they took it down during tiling. its dusty with all the tiny bits of dirt inside, makes it hard for me to turn on the light. i really dont mind buying, i asked about it before, i believe it wont exceed $50 for all i need, just some replacements. i told uncle but i think now he wants to tear it all down. i told him dont need! i buy it for him, just provide the labour will do. but he said its okay he will do it. i feel so embarrassed esp when he is not charging me for that. :(


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hey, it is ok. whatever is done is done, don't be upset okie?

if ah soon says he will do it, just accept it lah .. maybe you can buy him some gift for him later :)

i hope you are not offended okie? i was just sharing about our discussion with ah soon about the switches


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WoW! was just away for 1 night and aubrey's thread was so eventful!

First off, congrats Aubrey! u got ur switch problem settled!! :good: I'm sure when u shift back into your house after reno and each time u look at the switches, u'll feel great abt it!

Next, I'm so happy for Uncle that he has got so many gd clients ard, so many that appreciates what he does for us despite all the hiccups in the reno. We complain, we whine, but at the end of the day, we have to know what is the ultimate importance to us. To spend loads of $ to get an ID to 'manage' the project or to save the $ which can be put to better use elsewhere?

ID also get contractors to do the job at the end of the day, what is the diff from engaging the contractor ourselves and cut the unnecessary cost of a middleman?

FYI, the diff from uncle's quote and the cheapest ID quote was a 5digit diff for me too, despite only doing 2 toilets and kitchen. I dun mind even taking 1mths' leave to oversee the reno and save the 5digit, i dun even earn a 5-digit mthly pay!


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HI ALL! Just want to give quick and easy update! :)

Will you all be interested to come over to my place for a get together after my reno is done with uncle ah soon! date to be firm up, perhaps maybe early june. can you guys give an indication of when you all will be free? (hahaha a present and post meet up with the man himself, maybe u guys can chase whatever you need to! i will ask jason and try to ask elder goh to come too)

uncle will be buying things like otak and satay. my mom and i will try to cook if we can, dependent on crowd turn out. Do RSVP with my in my tblog, my PM folder will be full!

anyways, today i will come home to update as my auntie is here and tonight im bringing them out to the cai qin concert as belated surprise gift to my mom for her bday. :]

hoping to hear from y'all soon!


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HI ALL! Just want to give quick and easy update! :)

Will you all be interested to come over to my place for a get together after my reno is done with uncle ah soon! date to be firm up, perhaps maybe early june. can you guys give an indication of when you all will be free? (hahaha a present and post meet up with the man himself, maybe u guys can chase whatever you need to! i will ask jason and try to ask elder goh to come too)

uncle will be buying things like otak and satay. my mom and i will try to cook if we can, dependent on crowd turn out. Do RSVP with my in my tblog, my PM folder will be full!

anyways, today i will come home to update as my auntie is here and tonight im bringing them out to the cai qin concert as belated surprise gift to my mom for her bday. :]

hoping to hear from y'all soon!

Haha ... are you sure all of them will turn up? I think they will fly your aeroplane :P The only day that Uncle soon and gang won't fly any aeroplanes is on his birthday when the takes a whole day of leave ....


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hahahha then we'll all take turns to call him there and then!!! :P

Uncle will say .... "不要再追我了。。。我会打给你。。。 你这样追,我很难做工!搞不好,我不敢接你的电话。。。" ahahahah


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